Narooma Rotary Beacon 9th August 2018

Rod’s Ramble

‘Fun, Fellowship and Family’

Eurobodalla Shire Mayor Cr Liz Innes, Narooma Rotary Past President Bob Aston and President Rod Walker and Member for Bega Andrew Constance reflect on Narooma Rotary’s 60 years of service to the community.

Hi everyone

Nearly 100 people attended our 60th Anniversary and Changeover on Saturday night including special guests NSW Transport Minister and Member for Bega Andrew Constance, Eurobodalla Shire Mayor Cr Liz Innes and our District Governor Margaret Hassall. All feedback has been very positive. It was great to see so many different people from across our community joining us to celebrate 60 years of Narooma Rotary Club, including our fellow Rotarians from Moruya, Bega and Batemans Bay.

Bob ‘Techman’ Aston has put the presentations by former presidents Jack Ings, Ian Tomlinson and Peter Bull up on YouTube. The link is or just search for Narooma Rotary.

Thanks to everyone who helped feed the Kidney Kar Rally on Sunday; 151 people enjoyed soup and a rissole or steak sandwich and some slice. We grossed $2,400. It ended up being a longer day than anticipated due to two accidents with the stragglers not arriving until 3.00pm. As usual Narooma Rotarians rose to the challenge.

The Board has approved an initial $1,000 donation to the 2018 Drought Relief Fund to support drought-affected farming families. The Fund, launched last week, is a partnership between Rotary Australia, the National Farmers Federation and Channel 9. The Board also approved a $300 donation to Meals on Wheels.

Tickets in the Whale Watching Raffle are selling fast at the two IGAs and at the Plaza. At this pace we will be sold out by the end of the month. If you are having trouble selling tickets, please let me know.

This Thursday: 

Laurelle will chair the meeting because I will be away. If you have something you would like to discuss at Club Assembly, please try and let Laurelle know in advance. Our speaker will be Charmaine who will talk about her recent work in Timor Leste.

Yours in Rotary, Rod

Out and About

Our 60th celebrations and Changeover

District 9710 Governor Margaret Hassall, NSW Minster for Transport and Member for Bega Andrew Constance and President Rod Walker.

What a great night on Saturday! The auditorium looked terrific as we celebrated 60 years of Narooma Rotary in grand style and the vibe was really wonderful. The central mats, made by Sandra for each table from some of the many banners we have been given over the years, set off each table. Congratulations came from Mayor Liz and Andrew, while our District Governor Margaret Hassall read out a congratulatory message from Rotary International President Barry Rassin.

Outgoing President Bob Aston awarded Sandra Doyle with Rotarian of the Year.

Highlights included messages of congratulations from three past Rotary Presidents unable to attend – Jack Ings, Ian Thomlinson and Peter Bull – followed by a PowerPoint review of Narooma Rotary’s 60 years’ of service (U tube link . Both Mayor Liz and Andrew were particularly impressed by the Club’s past construction projects including the building of Narooma Sport & Leisure Centre. Andrew suggested we might like to consider a new Narooma Bridge as a future project, a suggestion quickly declined by President Rod.

We also incorporated our official changeover into the evening’s proceedings with immediate Past President Bob awarding Sandra Doyle with the Rotarian of the Year Award, and naming Frank Eden and John Doyle as Paul Harris Fellows.

Our Busking Festival winner Yasmine Russell came all the way from Wollongong to entertain us during the evening.

Kidney Kar Rally stops for a Rotary lunch

Helping feed the Kidney Kar Rally: Sandra Doyle, left, Ang Ulrichsen, Iris Domeier, Chris O’Brien Lynn Hastings and Laurelle Pacey

After the gala 60th celebration, many Rotarians fronted up next day to provide lunch for about 150 people from 45 cars as they passed through Narooma on the 30th annual Kidney Kar Rally. Several Rotarians had also found time to make soup (some very tasty combinations!) which we served to some very appreciative participants along with steak or rissole sandwiches with the works.

Spokesperson Marie Paine said the nine-day 4,000 km rally from Goulburn to Queanbeyan via Ballarat raises funds to support Kidney Australia’s Kidney Kids Camps. These camps allow kids with kidney disease to enjoy camps and activities while still receiving the necessary medical care via the mobile dialysis bus.

Cooking up a storm at the Kidney Kar Rally were John Rungen, left, John Doyle, Bob Aston and Frank Eden.

The Rally route travels through many towns and villages as well as uses a number of tracks through National Parks and State Forests. Each car has to raise its own sponsorship. Narooma local Heather Snell was among the participants.

More on Rotary drought donations

Further to what President Rod has said about our initial donation to the recently launched Drought Relief Fund, a partnership between Rotary Australia, the National Farmers Federation (NFF) and Channel 9… As a registered charitable organisation, Rotary Australia will collect and administer  donations which will be tax deductible.

The NFF, the farmers’ peak body, will direct funding to the relief organisations best placed to make an impact for farmers on the ground. It has undertaken to ensure 100% of funds collected are applied to the large gambit of needs currently being experienced by farmers, including fodder and water shortages, help with everyday living expenses and access to health and financial support services.

Whale Watching Raffle, Rotary Races and Muddy Puddles

John Rungen, left and President Rod Walker sell some tickets to Narooma local Joan Lynch.

Money raised through this year’s Whale Watching Raffle will go as our contribution to the combined fundraising by the combined Rotary Clubs of the Eurobodalla and the Christmas Races at Moruya in December. Muddy Puddles will be this year’s recipient of these efforts by Rotary and Moruya Jockey Club. Representatives from Muddy Puddles addressed Moruya Rotary last week, so a few facts taken from the Moruya bulletin include:

  • It’s a not for profit organisation established in 2014 by a group of parents of disabled children who were travelling great distances to find support services.
  • Been difficult establishing the body
  • It is a Registered Provider with NDIS of disability services for children in Eurobodalla.
  • It’s run by CEO Cate McMath and a staff of part time helpers with the support of a group of volunteers.
  • The clientele are divided into groups aged 0 to 6 and 7 to teenage. The average number of children under treatment is around 80 to 90 per month.
  • The present premises in the Industrial Estate are inadequate and a new a new therapy centre is being constructed, opening 19 October.

President Rod’s Trivia Quiz

The trivia quiz returns due to popular demand. Sandra Doyle was our winner last time. First in with the correct answer will assume her title as Rotary Quiz Master.

  1. Who was the legendary Benedictine monk who invented champagne?
  2. Name the largest freshwater lake in the world?
  3. Where would you find the Sea of Tranquility?
  4. What is someone who shoes horses called?
  5. What item of clothing was named after its Scottish inventor?

More photos from Saturday night

Narooma Rotary’s 2018-2019 Board: Laurelle Pacey, front left, President Rod Walker, John Rungen; Bob Aston, back left, Lynn Hastings, Ang Ulrichsen, John Doyle
Denise Rungen, Narooma Rotarians Michael O’Connor and John Rungen at Narooma Rotary’s 60th celebrations on Saturday night.
Having cut the cake, past presidents of Narooma Rotary joined in the singing of ‘Happy Birthday’ to the Club. Shown are Brice Grimmond, left, Ang Ulrichsen, current President Rod Walker, Marilyn Gibson, Norm Hoyer, Georgina Staley, Bob Antill, Laurelle Pacey and Bob Aston.
Narooma Rotarian Charmaine White and Jock and Jenny Munro at Narooma Rotary’s 60th celebrations on Saturday night.