Narooma Rotary Beacon 9 September 2021

Andrew’s Thoughts

Well, not surprisingly it’s been a quiet week. I did manage to meet Mike and Julie in Wooli’s car park to hand over the Whalewatching Raffle tickets and monies, suitably masked and socially distanced!

We have an important Board meeting on Wednesday where we shall have to make some tough decisions. But we are where we are and have to accept reality. Restrictions will be eased at 70% / 80% vaccinated, the sooner the better when we can return to some sort of normality. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for November and December!

Still with fingers firmly crossed, and hopefully on a happier note, I would love you all to come to Wandella for an open lunch on Sunday 9 January. Bring spouses or lovers, spouses and lovers, family, children, dogs and importantly, healthy appetites! A few of the upper echelons of the area’s CWA will hopefully join us too.

We have a Zoom on Thursday which I urge you all to join, as we shall be reporting back on our Board meeting.

Keep your chins up, and onward and upwards mes amis!!


This Wednesday 4pm:  Board Zoom Meeting 

This Thursday 4pm: Club Zoom meeting. Please note the earlier times.

Out and About

From Moruya Rotary

Our friends at Moruya have been busy during lockdown reorganising  their operations of Moruya Jockey Club kiosk (their main fundraiser), ready for when races and crowds are back post lockdown.

Update on RYLA 2022

The D9705 RYLA Committee is working towards holding RYLA in January 2022, Covid-19 willing, the venue and format still to be determined it but will be Canberra.

The Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) is an impressive programme that aims to empower Australia’s young emerging leaders. It’s a week-long programme where young people can meet life changing people, be enthralled by inspiring stories and develop skills through challenges and activities designed to put their leadership into practice, in a supportive and encouraging environment.

Applicants must be nominated, interviewed, and financially supported by District Rotary Clubs.

Our District still does not have exact costs for the week but every Club who sponsors a RYLA 2022 candidate will receive a $300 discount per candidate.  The RYLA committee wishes to extend our sincere thanks to the District Board for their belief in the value of RYLA and for their invaluable financial assistance.

On a lighter note

Read about an amazing lady in Meadowbank, Auckland who posted jokes or sayings in her local park throughout their lockdown for the enjoyment of her local community, a fresh batch every morning.  Here are a few…

Virtual meetings are basically séances… “There’s somebody who wants to join us… Are you there… We can’t hear you…. Can you hear us?”

What’s the best way to keep milk fresh? Leave it in the cow.

I had a fun childhood. My Dad used to push me down the hill in old tyres. They were Goodyears.

NEXT WEEK Thursday 16 September

Was to have been a breakfast meeting but not even a Zoom meeting!

Stay safe and hopefully sane… apparently we’re almost on the other side…