Narooma Rotary Beacon 6 June 2024

Lynn’s Lines

President Lynn Hastings

Another week has flown by. It was good to have a bit of a rest after the ‘busyness’ of the previous two weekends. 

Some of us got together on Saturday for a fairly informal planning meeting for the coming 2024-2025 year chaired by PE Julie Hartley (2024-2025). It was very good to go over our usual activities and ask whether we should make any changes and, if so, what or how etc. Everyone gave feedback; we looked at various dates and we made a rough calendar of events which we can adjust as the year progresses and dates firm up. (Anyone can already find our events listed for the next two months on our website under Events). It was a really positive meeting with great suggestions for promoting our club in the future.

This week I chair my last board meeting as President. The agenda will include disbursements of funds.


This Wednesday 5 June: The normal Prostate Cancer Support Group meeting on the first Wednesday in the month is postponed until Wednesday 19 June to hear special guest speaker urologist Dr Dr Chi Can Huynh from The Male Clinic.


5.15pm: BOARD MEETING at Narooma Golf Club

NO DINNER MEETING being the first Thursday in the month.

The Week that Was

Narooma Changeover

Plans are firming up for our Changeover on Thursday 27th June 6 for 6.30pm. This is our night of nights to celebrate our Club’s many achievements over the preceding 12 months and how PE Julie sees the year ahead. Please put this date in your diary. It is a partner’s night. John is sending out invitations to you this week.

Moruya’s Changeover is Tuesday 25th, Batemans Bay’s 18th July at the Soldiers Club at the Bay, and Bega’s Changeover plus 70th anniversary Thursday 20th June at Bega Country Club. Everyone is welcome.

Out and About

We are ‘People of Action’

An example of the possible look of the new marketing campaign that could be posted on our Facebook page. “The recent Narooma Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride was organised by Narooma Rotary. It connected south coast bike riders to create awareness of and raise funds for prostate cancer and men’s mental health showing Narooma Rotarians are People of Action.

Rotary International’s dynamic marketing campaign promotes Rotarians as ‘People of Action’. We know Rotarians share a passion for taking action to improve communities and the world, but many people don’t know that. RI encourages all Clubs to adopt this as a consistent message in all branding in the way we talk about and present ourselves.

The campaign’s message is that together we envision a world where people take action to create lasting change. We need to tell our story in ways that help people everywhere understand what Rotary does, how we are people of action, and why our work matters. The aim is to appeal to potential members who want to make a difference in their communities, those interested in Rotary’s causes, and those wanting to establish relationships with other like-minded people.

Most clubs would also probably add, while at the same time having fun doing so.

From Batemans Bay Rotary

The Bay Club last Thursday discussed various issues affecting their Club particularly the cost of Rotary and how this affects current members and hampers acquiring new ones. The cost included attending Rotary meetings on top of Club dues. The Bay’ newsletter notes Club dues are made up of the Rotary International Fee $120, Rotary Down Under subscription $48, and District 9705 Levy (Insurance, public image material, district meetings, website, accounting software, office supplies etc) $130. The Bay’s dues are $300.

The Board and members agreed on ways to reduce the annual dues but details were not published. Many Clubs would be interested in this.

From Moruya Rotary

Former Area Governor Vere Gray and husband Gary, both keen members of Moruya Club in recent years (previously Batemans Bay) have moved to Port Macquarie. Vere was Moruya Club secretary for the current year. They will make a brief return visit over the long June weekend.  Vere has also been the Rotary lead in our district for the recycling and education Global Grant project in the old city of Intramuros in Manila; she will maintain her membership of Moruya Rotary until that project is completed.

The current District Newsletter

Our Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride features in the latest edition.  

Also in the District newsletter, DG Andrea Grosvenor reports on the RI Convention in Singapore including her visit to the House of Friendship where PP Shirl Cornish of Moruya Rotary “was promoting her brilliant project ‘Sexual Health Education through Pictures’ which she has delivered to thousands of young people in Kenya, Timor Leste, The Philippines, Papua New Guinea and beyond”.


Club Assembly 6 for 6.30pm at Narooma Golf Club.