Narooma Rotary Beacon 6 December 2018

The Week that was

It was wonderful to have Narooma Golf Club’s Event Manager Julie Bradley join us for dinner last week and to receive a Certificate for the Golf Club. This expressed our appreciation for working closely with us to ensure our meetings run smoothly each week. Julie is our ‘go to’ person for our meetings.

President Rod presents a certificate of appreciation to Narooma Golf Club, received by the Club’s Event Manager Julie Bradley

It was all ‘go’ last Thursday at the Golf Club for Narooma High’s Year 10 formal. The students looked fabulous and so grown up, including Julie’s daughter. Julie left us early to join in the festivities upstairs.

Rod had a busy night seeking our input on various matters, including recruiting the 2019-2020 Board. However, we still lack a President for the next year…

Our International Toast last week was to the Rotary Club of the Orkneys which meets at Kirkwall for lunch.

Narooma Rotary Tertiary Scholarship

As members are aware, the Club offers a Tertiary Scholarship to a student from Narooma High to attend university or other tertiary study after they have completed the HSC. The scholarship is valued at $9000.00 over three years. It is funded from a bequest made to the Club many years ago; from time to time the scholarship is also supplemented with funds from our Charity Account.  Proceeds from the 2019 Australia Day Duck Race will go to the Scholarship Fund.

This year, seven students from Narooma High have applied for the Scholarship; each applicant submitted a written application, a CV and a copy of their last school report and their school reference. Students will be interviewed for the Scholarship on 15 December; the winner will be announced at Narooma’s Australia Day celebration.

Eurobodalla Rotary Christmas Race Day

A big thank you to Michael O’Connor who has been busy selling raffle tickets to support the major beneficiary of the Christmas Race Day, Muddy Puddles. He has been selling them in front of IGA and at the last markets. Michael with the help of Murphy sold 27 books raising over $920.00 to help Muddy Puddles – a great effort.  Michael of course attributes his success to Murphy’s salesmanship.

Another sign, on a lighter (but serious) note…

This is a translation of a French church notice, courtesy 
(via Lee) of the Moruya Rotary newsletter  …

When you enter this church it may be possible thatyou hear ‘the call of God’. However, it is unlikely that He will call you onyour mobile. Thank you for turning off your phones. If you want to talk to God,enter, choose a quiet place and talk to Him. If you want to see Him, send Him a text while driving.