Narooma Rotary Beacon 6 April 2023

Ange’s Thoughts

With soon to be Narooma Rotarians Greg Heath and Ana Koen at last Sunday’s Market

Lady Luck smiled on us again for last Sunday’s market. After heavy rain the day before, we were thrilled to see sunshine on Sunday. I can’t believe how lucky we have been with the weather every market for months; fingers crossed for future markets.

Thanks to everyone who helped make it a success. With several people away, it was all hands on deck which our Club does so well with banners, signs and setup. We had Françoise Cleret, Dave Swilks, Wayne Redman, John Rungen and Greg Heath on the BBQ. The van crew was Gero Mitchell, Ana Koen, Annemarie Narraway and myself. Great to have our newcomers on board. Big thank you of course to Chris O’Brien who manages the market so well. Mike Young reports at the gate from stallholders $885.00, the van $619.05, and the wishing well $66.00, making $1,570.05 in takings.

On BBQ duty at the Market – Wayne Redman, Françoise Cleret and Dave Swilks

On Thursday we had the reconvened AGM to review and accept our Club’s reviewed Financial Report and Audit for 2021/22. This matter had been delayed and it was urgent that we satisfy the requirements for the Department of Fair Trading. Thanks to our treasurer Mike Young and ‘reviewer’ Wal Sheehan that’s now been completed.

The annual RYDA programme (Rotary Youth Driver Awareness) for all Eurobodalla Year 11 students takes place at Moruya Racecourse thus Monday and Tuesday. RYDA Is the leading and only national road safety and education program available to youth. It provides students with Learners and P Plates with important skills and strategies to stay safe on the roads. Narooma High students will attend on Tuesday. Nicole Keith and I will help direct Narooma students to the various sessions. Our Club will pay for the Symons bus service to transport the students and teacher Dion Cafe. Unfortunately this year NHS has only 47 students attending due to a clash with a biology excursion on the same day.

Then later in the week on Easter Saturday, John Rungen and Laurelle Pacey will help with the bucket collection at the gate for the Rotary Race Day which is a major Eurobodalla Rotary fundraiser event at Moruya racecourse. This year proceeds will go to CAERH (Carers Accommodation Eurobodalla Regional Hospital). Narooma Golf Club is also sponsoring a race this year.


Tuesday 4 April: President Ange Ulrichsen and Nicole Keith escort Narooma High Year 11 students at the Rotary Youth Driver Awareness programme at Moruya Racecourse.

Wednesday 5 April: 6.30pm Prostate Cancer Support Group at Narooma Golf Club

Thursday 6 April: 4.15pm Board Meeting in Golf Club. No club meeting.

Easter Saturday 8 April: John Rungen and Laurelle Pacey will help out at the Eurobodalla Rotary Fundraiser in conjunction withMoruya Jockey Club.

This year funds raised will go towards the CAERH (Carers’ Accommodation) for the new Level 4 Eurobodalla Regional Hospital. 

Out and About

Rotary Business Breakfast 20 April

Guest speakers at our next Business Breakfast are Cath Peachey and Carrie Taylor of Narooma Rocks. They will speak about this year’s Narooma Oyster Festival (5-7 May), just two weeks later. The Breakfast is at Narooma Surf Club 7am sharp.

Last year’s Oyster Festival was the biggest yet, attracting over 10,000 people over two days, 76% being from outside the 2546 postcode. It injected an estimated $1.4 million into the local economy in a traditionally quiet time of the year. Cath and Carrie will talk about this year’s Festival, including the featured chefs and musicians. They will also talk about the ongoing challenges of staging this world-class event which is now regarded as one of the world’s most iconic oyster celebrations and one of Australia’s most unique food festivals.  The Festival is delivered by the not-for-profit Narooma Rocks.

Please email Laurelle ( if coming by Monday 17 April.  Should you want breakfast, it’s $10.

RI Convention in Melbourne next month

The huge Rotary International Convention will be in Australia 27-31 May. Thousands of Rotary members and Rotaractors from across the world will flock to Melbourne, including some from Moruya.

The extraordinary convention will feature notable speakers, energising breakout sessions, and ample opportunities to brainstorm ideas for Doing Good in the World. Convention features include Keynote speaker the Nobel Peace laureate from Liberia Leymah Gbowee, Climate activist Nakeeyat Dramani Sam of Ghana, Breakout sessions on leadership, membership, service and projects, the environment, public image, and more.

NEXT Thursday 13 April

Dinner Meeting – Club Assembly at Narooma Golf Club 6 for 6.30pm