Narooma Rotary Beacon 4 May 2017

Short Words

Maths is not one of my strong points! Basic maths I’m OK but that’s it!  Thanks to Bob Aston last Thursday nights’ “Fun with Maths” presentation it was a fun, challenging and entertaining.

Last Saturday I attended the District Assembly with Bob Aston, Rod and Sandra. Unfortunately, I was unable to go to the dinner or Sunday sessions (Bob will have more on that). I was able to be there for the session on “Form 3” on Saturday afternoon.

“Form 3” is very controversial and it appears that all Clubs present at the session had similar doubts to those

expressed by our members. DG Steve Hill took all the criticism on board and hopefully this will result in big changes and hopefully this American form might disappear for the good of all. More to come.

One speaker from Berry told of his Club’s success with three projects each year. Very informative but also had us thinking about our Club and major projects each year. Monthly Markets, Duck Race, Busking Festival and Renewable Expo all carry us in good stead combined with Race day with Batemans Bay and Moruya.

With the resignation of Mark Wallace as DGE, it has been decided that Steve Hill (the current DG) will continue for another year as there is not much time left until the changeover and RI rules mean that a replacement Governor must have attended an RI Assembly.  It was good to see Steve put his hand up to continue, all at the assembly were very appreciative of Steve’s willingness to volunteer for another year.

Michael just be fore he headed off on the track last week

On the Busking Festival, Sandra’s team is powering ahead. I was able to catch up with the printing of the banners last week.  They look terrific. Well done to all involved.

In Monday’s Sydney Morning Herald, there is an article about the eradication of Polio, (Rotary is mentioned briefly). It’s a good article, click here to read it.

Michael is now well into his walk on the Bibbulmun Track, if you want to keep up to date follow him on Facebook, he posts whenever he can. This is truly and inspiring individual effort, our thoughts are with him.

This Thursday night we have a Board meeting after the general meeting, at which I will give an update on the Assembly and other things.

Have a great week

Bob Ant.


The Week that Was.

President Bob has provided us with a good summary of last week’s meeting and the District Assembly. A few other points of interest.

There were 23 present at last week’s meeting it was great to see Enid Holmes (at Colin) along with Gordon Bentley and his son Scott. The 3-minute talk was given by Charmaine, as it was ANZAC week, she told a moving story of a family member who fought and died in WWI, winning a VC for his heroic efforts. The VC is now on display at the War Memorial in Canberra.

As Bob, has indicated Bob Aston was the guest speaker – presenting on ‘Maths is Fun’, congratulations to Charmaine who topped the class with her answers and to Sandra for her persistence in solving the river crossing problem and for having a go at the year 9 sample NAPLAN test.

Raffle winners were, Rod Walker (biscuits), Bob Aston (chocolates), Merinda Antill and Laurelle Pacey (wine).

Bob Aston also read a short text from Michael O’Connor about the start of his epic walk.

Last weekend’s District was informative and interesting. It was great to have Rotary International President Elect,

Sandra with RIPE Ian and his wife Juliette

Ian Riseley. Ian spoke about his theme for the year – Rotary Making a Difference’. He stressed the fact that the real Rotary is the local Club and its members, doing good locally as well internationally. He spoke about the importance of continuing our work to end eradicate polio, Ian said that it would be great if as the President of RI he could announce that the job had been done.

Ian also indicated that he wanted us to record our donations to charitable causes as well as our volunteer hours, so that Rotary can get a better sense of the work we do. This will allow Rotary to better highlight the excellent work of the organisation.

Ian also stated that as a small step to improve our world he wanted Club’s to plant at least one tree for every member (A task I am sure that we can achieve). Ian also implored us to have fun and enjoy Rotary (He told us that when he was a Club President he had an official joke teller! – just the job for Peter Bull I am sure).

Other presentations included Terry Davis talking about Australian Rotary Health, Dot Hennessey on the NSW Emergency Services Awards, Neil Simpson (Batemans Bay Rotary) on RYDA, Andrew Best from RI Parramatta on using the My Rotary Website and Rotary administration, John Britton on Youth Exchange and Natalie Jupe and Nathan Watkins on social media.

As Sandra doesn’t like to drive at night one of my duties on Saturday night was to drive Sandra from our motel to the Assembly Dinner in her car. As I drove along I couldn’t work out why everyone was flashing their lights at me – the simple answer, I didn’t bother turn on the lights of the car (also I couldn’t work out why I was having difficulty seeing the road!). As we were driving along I decided to adjust the rear vision mirror (It is one that incorporates a reversing camera screen as well as a mirror) – it fell off! With a bit of effort, I managed to get it back on only to realise as we were leaving the dinner that I had put it on upside down – just try backing out of a car park using a reversing camera when the image is upside down.

I will make no comment about Sandra’s directions from the motel to the venue on Sunday morning other than to say the scenic route was interesting.

This Week

Club Assembly followed by a Board Meeting

Need Urgently for 2017/18 Rotary Year

A vibrant club needs a committed Bulletin Editor to keep members informed and up to date on all matters Rotary.  A volunteer is urgently needed for this task, if you are interested please let Bob Aston know, bribes and rewards will be offered to attract the best candidate.