Narooma Rotary Beacon 1st November 2018

Rod’s Ramble

Hello, Rod’s Ramble comes from the Nation’s capital today. I am in Canberra for a week working. Hopefully Laurelle will be in the chair for this week’s meeting. Welcome back Laurelle, look forward to hearing about you travels soon. I understand Angie is also back tonight, welcome home Angie. 

Over the weekend I attended my high school 50th year reunion along with our own Peter Bull and friend John Brown. Yes, we went to the same high school Sydney Boys High and finished year 12 in the same year 1968. It was great to catch up with friends not seen for 50 years and not recognised thank heavens for name badges. Lots of tall stories were told and teachers bagged. I also found out that Peter Bull started his career as a larrikin 50+ years ago.

Sunday’s market had a good vibe at least while I was there until 10.30. The volunteering expo was going well with lots of exhibitors and interest from market goers. Thanks to Chris for wrangling all the exhibitors and Charmaine for organising the volunteer event. We will do a debrief with the exhibitors and decide if we might make it an annual event.

As I said at the meeting we are still searching for a President for 2018-19. The AGM is only 6 weeks away and the President Elect should be in place before then. Why – so that the incoming President can have some influence over who is on their Board. Not sure what happens if we don’t get someone, probably means our 60th year is our last year.

At this week’s meeting the recently formed membership committee is going to lead a discussion on their deliberations to date. I what to encourage everyone to participate.

Have a great week.

President Rod with guest speakers, Ronda and Donna and Frank

Renewable Energy Expo – Some feedback 

Hi Frank,

I just wanted  to thank you for all of your support and help with the Expo last Saturday.  I suspect that without you we would not have had such a success with 10 exhibitors plus the Tesla – and then approx. 250 through the door.  While the numbers do not match those that you have had for the past two years – I was extremely pleased and consider the Expo a success.

I have had positive feedback from some of the exhibitors and believe that most if not all will participate next year in Narooma.

Thanks to the Narooma Club for allowing us to run the Expo in Moruya this years and if there is anything that we can do to assist the Narooma Club next year then please let me know.  Thanks again  

Phil Armstrong

Market Takings 

Markets: Gate – $1125; Van – $669; Wishing Well – $246.30


Last Weeks Attendance:  12 Members, 1 Visiting Rotarian, 2 Club Guests, 10 Guests