Narooma Rotary Beacon 19 May 2022

The Week that Was

Receiving Narooma Rotary 2022 Pride of Workmanship Awards are Teagan Nicholson (Dalmeny Long Day Care), front left, Kasey Jones (Dromedary Hotel),Chrissy Lansley (Tilba Dairy), Michelle Harding (Narooma Ice Creamery Café), Kristy Buchan (Bodalla Pub), Tracey Cooper (IRT Dalmeny), Rotary Vice President Ange Ulrichsen; Rotarian Laurelle Pacey, back left, Layton Moore (Narooma Fishing & Dive Centre), Adrian Mahony (Narooma Ice Creamery Café), and Rodney Flopp (representing Jim Sharpe Estia Health).      

Ten employees nominated by their employers were celebrated at our annual Pride of Workmanship Awards dinner on Thursday.

Narooma Ice Creamery Cafe Manager Adrian Mahony receives his certificate from MC David McInnes

Our Awards MC Rotarian David McInnes said “it’s a really uplifting evening”. “It gives employers the opportunity to publicly recognise that they appreciate key staff members for what they contribute to their workplace, and it tells employees they’re valued. A great strength of these awards is it’s not a competition. Our community is the better for that. A common thread in the citations this year is happiness and smiles which make us all feel welcome.”

Tilba Dairy’s Erica Dibden with nominee Chrissy Lansley and VP Ange Ulrichsen.

Narooma Rotary Vice President Ange Ulrichsen presented awards to Kristy Buchan (Bodalla Pub), Teagan Nicholson (Dalmeny Long Day Child Care Centre), Kasey Jones (Dromedary Hotel), Jim Sharpe (Estia Health), Tracey Cooper (IRT Dalmeny), Layton Moore (Narooma Fishing & Dive Centre), Gayle Allison (Narooma High School), Adrian Mahony (Narooma Ice Creamery Café), Michelle Harding (Narooma Ice Creamer Café) and Chrissy Lansley (Tilba Dairy).    Jim Sharpe and Gayle Allison were unable to attend.            

Awards organiser Laurelle Pacey said Narooma Rotarians are really proud of this programme and its support from local businesses. “I’m always quite moved by the citations we receive about nominees; some are quite emotional,” she said. “It makes these Awards all the more worthwhile.”


Our Rotary Business Breakfast at the Surf Club this Thursday (7am sharp) features Narooma Rocks Chair Cath Peachey who will talk about the success of this year’s Narooma Oyster Festival. She will be joined towards the end of her talk by River of Art Festival Chair Leanne Joyce to talk about the challenges ahead facing both these flagship events. Bookings with Andrew essential by COB Monday. Cost $10.

Out and About

From Moruya Rotary

Moruya President Chris Manahan reports this week that their ball at the Moruya Golf Club on Saturday was a great success. Three clubs made it happen – Moruya Rotary, the Moruya Jockey Club and the Golf Club. Cameron’s Hardware was the major sponsor.  The big attraction for the dance floor was the Duntroon Rock and Jazz band. Proceeds from the night go to the Moruya Remembers Committee which is working to restore Defence installations at Moruya Airport with the hope of a museum in one of the Heritage-listed bunkers on site.

NYSF applications open 24 May

The National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) is a not-for-profit organisation that encourages young people in their passion for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

The flagship programme is a 10-day residential in January 2023 for students entering year 12; it offers an exceptional opportunity to learn about career and study pathways, have hands-on experiences and access to some of the world’s leading scientists in fields such as Astrophysics, Aeronautics and Medical Research. 

Rotary is the Founding Partner of the NYSF, and every year Rotarians continue to support the programme. Students no longer have to be endorsed or sponsored by a Rotary Club to apply to NYSF and District selections are online. Applications open on 24 May. Students currently in year 11 can register their interest now on the NYSF website: .  There is a cost, but scholarships are also available.


We welcome our Area Governor Adam De Totth. Please bring partners and friends and please make sure you book with John Rungen.