Narooma Rotary Beacon 19 March 2020

Bob’s Buzz

Georgie Staley and Dave O’Brien of Georgie’s Fine Jewellery.

Hello Everyone

We had a great start to last Thursday’s meeting with a tour of the workshop at Georgie’s Fine Jewellery. Georgie and Dave showed us the many processes used to make a piece of jewellery.

We were amazed to learn that they use finely crafted tools, presses, laser welders, microscopes, high tech computer design programs and 3D printers. Georgie and Dave have invested heavily to ensure that the far south coast has the best available jewellery. And of course, they employ award winning jewellers to make it all happen.

Georgie explains to our members what’s involved in crafting a fine piece of jewellery.

We were delighted to welcome Fred and Pam Falk to our vocational tour and the meeting that followed. Fred, the District Chair of ShelterBox, presented the Club with a certificate recognising our commitment to ShelterBox.  He also updated us on his quest to collect old or unused hospital equipment for distribution to those in need.

This Thursday we are off to Cobargo with the evening meal for BlazeAid so no formal meeting at the Golf Club.

All members are aware of the devastating hold Covid-19 is having across the world. I don’t think any of us would have thought that cities and countries would be locked down, sporting and cultural events cancelled, and international flights all but stopped. However, this is the world we now live in. Let’s hope the virus is quickly controlled and we can get back on with our lives.

Our job as Rotarians is to help those in need, so please do not hesitate to help others who may be more adversely impacted by Covid-19 than us. Please ensure that you read the email sent to all members by RI President, Mark Maloney and RI President Elect, Holger Knaack.

Advice from PDG Peter Kaye, Chair Zone Insurance and Protection Committee is that Rotary markets and events should be suspended. Based on this advice and advice from the Board, I have decided to cancel our markets set down for this Sunday. A determination about the April markets will be made at a later time.


There is no meeting at the Golf Club this week. Our Rotary team will be providing dinner for the BlazeAid team based at Cobargo. The team (either preparing salads, getting supplies or serving out) consists of Bob Aston, Sandra Doyle, Rolf Gimmel, John Rungen, Ange Ulrichsen, Lynn Hastings and possibly Rod Walker. You do us proud.

The Week that Was

Busking Championships cancelled

Our Busking Championships committee decided on Monday to cancel the 2020 event to avoid the possible spread of COVID-19.

Committee chair Di Riley said it was sad such a decision was necessary. In the media release, she noted how much the organisers appreciated the support of the event’s loyal sponsors and buskers, and that any funds already paid would be refunded.

“Everyone was looking forward to it to help in the recovery from the summer’s bushfire emergency, but our main concern has to be public safety,” she said. “Our committee looks forward to a bigger and more vibrant event in 2021.”

The 2020 Narooma Busking Championships was being organised by Narooma Rotarians with the assistance of a number of community volunteers.

On ShelterBox

During Fred Falk’s visit last week, we heard that 33% of ShelterBox Australia money comes from D9710 and the three adjoining Districts, possibly largely influenced by Fred’s hard work on behalf of ShelterBox.

Out and About

Moruya cancels meetings while Bay continues

Moruya Rotary Club has cancelled meetings until further notice, while Batemans Bay Rotary Club continues.

The Batemans Bay bulletin this week reports: “The future is uncertain meetings will continue as planned until we are advised to do otherwise.. If you are feeling at all unwell do not come along to meetings. If there is a change to the situation and meetings are cancelled you will be advised by email.”

RYDA postponed

The respective school systems have banned all student excursions due to the coronavirus pandemic. Therefore RYDA will not go ahead at Moruya on 30/31 March 2020 as planned.

Eurobodalla RYDA Organiser Neil Simpson said if the situation improves after winter he will look for another date September/ October and see if they can get it up and running for this year.

BlazeAid Moruya

Several Moruya Rotarians are active in this volunteer organisation which is likely to be ongoing for many months. Phil Armstrong is part of the Management Team and others are involved in the fencing teams and administration tasks including catering. Depending on the day’s program, up to ten fencing teams may go out.

Currently, the program is concentrating on securing the boundary fences of the affected properties. Teams work under the guidance of an experienced team leader to strip damaged fencing out and replace it with a system agreed to by the farmer concerned,.


Tim Burke is our scheduled speaker to talk about ‘Never Judge a Book without a cover’. It promises to be a fascinating talk about his accidental step into the health care industry and how he operates a business within it, complete with some great stories and examples of the amazing work produced by some of his clients.

At this stage we are scheduled to meet in the Golf Club’s Board Room. A decision about whether or not to proceed with this meeting will be made at the weekend.

On a lighter note…