Narooma Rotary Beacon 18 March 2021

Ange’s Chat    

Watch that space! Narooma Men’s Shed Vice President Wal Sheehan, left, and Rick Hain show where the new sander will go, while President Bernie Perrett receives the cheque from President Ange and Wood Shed Manager Dick Nagle looks on. The sander is from Rick who offered it to the Men’s Shed at a discounted rate.

Our Board last week agreed that we would donate $1,300 to Narooma Men’s Shed for a much needed 600 mm wide Sander  for their wonderful new facility. This is from funds raised from our Australia Day Duck Race. So on Friday, I presented the cheque to Men’s Shed President Bernie Perrett and Project Manager Wal Sheehan. Their gratitude receiving this gift was wonderful to see. We have been invited to join them for a vocational visit at a date to be arranged in the near future.

Great to see Tony Butcher, centre, at last week’s meeting.

Great to see Tony Butcher again last week. We also had two guests, BP Petrol station owner Sanjay Panseriya and his manager Akash ‘Sky’ Sharma. Sanjay is a member of the Rotary Club of Granville and comes here regularly. Both young men were a delight to talk to and are keen to help us at the markets. They also showed interest in possibly becoming members.

Our guests last week were visiting Rotarian Sanjay Panseriya and Akash ‘Sky’ Sharma, seen here with President Ange Ulrichsen and Chris O’Brien

THIS WEEK – no meeting

Please note there is no meeting at the Golf Club this Thursday (18 March). It was scheduled as a breakfast meeting but they will now not start until April.

The Week that Was

More from the Board meeting

It seems that Rotary clubs at a district and shire level don’t seem interested in listing defibrillators in their areas, so our Board is looking at listing all those in our area Bodalla to Cobargo and Bermagui, not only those installed by our Club. Secretary Rod is looking at registration options.

Reports from PE Andrew Lawson were held over to the next meeting.

Planning Business Breakfasts

Our Business Breakfast planning sub-committee chaired by Andrew Lawson has been meeting weekly to put plans together for the venue, speakers and businesses to invite. This is an exciting new initiative designed to tap into the many business people in town interested in our community’s future. With Andrew in Canberra this week, Mike travelling and Chris in Brisbane, they hope to meet this week via Zoom.

Easter Rotary Race Day

As has been reported in an earlier Beacon, after many years the combined Rotary Race Day has been moved from Christmas to Easter Saturday. David Ashford from the Bay Club reports that two Rotarians have gained sponsorship for the six races on 3 April. Sponsors are:

  1. Soldiers Club Batemans Bay                    
  2. Bay Coast Cleaning                                   
  3. Monarch Hotel, Moruya                             
  4. Insurance Advisernet Aust                        
  5. Elders Real Estate, Batemans Bay
  6. John Holland Group

Sponsor packages cost  $1,100 (including GST) and give them the naming rights to a race, a trophy presented by the sponsor, advertising in the race book and on race posters, plus exposure locally and nationally on the TAB race coverage.

Proceeds will go the community projects for the three Clubs

Out and About

RI President on global polio campaign

In a Covid-19 world, Rotary International President Holger Knaack takes stock of the global polio situation in this special interview. You can find it at


Our guest speaker will be Dr Andrew Elek who will talk about what Australia needs to do to recover from the recession caused by Covid 19, drawing on ideas advanced by his friend Ross Garnaut. It promises to be an interesting night so please invite partners and friends.

Andrew is ‘a largely retired economist’ who has worked extensively in  development economics in South Asia and the South Pacific, and as a Senior Economist with the World Bank. During his time with the Australian Government, he played a central role in establishing the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation  (APEC) forum in 1989.

Since 1994, Andrew has been a self-employed economic policy  researcher and part-time consultant  to governments of the Asia Pacific region.

He is also a Board member of Muddy Puddles (which provides services to children with disabilities) and of Moruya Rotary, and a tutor at Batemans Bay U3A.

On a lighter matter

I had my patience tested. I’m negative.

If you’re sitting in a public place and a stranger takes the seat next to you, just stare straight ahead and say, “Did you bring the money?”