Narooma Rotary Beacon 15 April 2021

Ange’s Chat

Yoga teacher Tara Moore showed us some simple but enjoyable stretches and yoga exercises

We welcomed a number of guests last Thursday, many of whom were there to hear from our guest speaker Tara Moore. One guest was Immediate Past President Daryl Breust from the Rotary Club of Coolamon; this was his third visit to our Club.

Tara Moore, well-known local yoga teacher, told us “movement equals life”. She spoke about the importance of knowing your own body, being aware of your breathing which gives clarity and calmness, and drinking lots of water.

Lynn Hastings thanked our guest speaker Tara Moore for a stimulating presentation

She had most of us doing some simple stretches and yoga exercises to help us keep nimble and moving, standing up, shoes off, being aware of our posture. For example, slouching compresses the upper torso and limits oxygen in our lungs which can lead to fatigue; a simple remedy is to stand tall and breathe deeply. She showed that chairs are useful for twisting the body to the right and left which energises inner organs. All in all everyone enjoyed a wonderful evening of simple yoga exercises.

Many thanks to Julie Bradley for agreeing to help mark out our markets. Bob will contact her about ‘buddying up’.

Our District 9705 Area 6 Governor Adam de Totth of Canberra arranged for local presidents to meet at Batemans Bay on Sat 10 April. Batemans Bay is regarded as a halfway point for Area 6 which stretches from Gerringong to Pambula.

Presidents Leonie Corrin-Smith of Milton Ulladulla RC and Christine Watson of Batemans Bay RC and I had a lovely lunch followed by a constructive open chat with Adam about issues of concern in our respective clubs. Mutual topics of concern included membership, attendance, and the cost of membership, particularly in trying to attract a younger generation to whom our costs seem prohibitive.

Adam was totally receptive and offered possible solutions such as corporate membership to make business people’s costs affordable by charging such expenses to their Company; thus also enabling a tax benefit.                                                                                      President Ange

THIS WEEK: Thursday 15 April

Our first Business Breakfast is at The Inlet this Thursday at 7am sharp. Guest speaker will be Narooma Oyster Festival chair Cath Peachey who will outline the Festival’s benefits to the region and how local businesses can capitalise on the event’s success. The response from local businesses so far has exceeded expectations. Members are welcome, but need to book with Mike Young by Tuesday at the absolute latest. Members pay for breakfast.

The Week that Was

International Toast to Timor Leste

Last week we acknowledged the Rotary Clubs of Dili & Dili Lafaek whose members will be fairly focussed on the aftermath of the recent flood disaster in Timor-leste. Recent flooding there has damaged infrastructure and many people have lost their homes. RAWCS says quick action in collaboration with the local Rotary Clubs and the Timor-leste Government will assist in getting life back to normal. RAWCS is accepting donations towards this aim.

Narooma Yr 11 go to Bega RYDA

Narooma High has taken up Bega Rotary’s invitation for their Year 11 students to join their Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) programme on Friday 7 May at the Frog’s Hollow Kart Track, south of Bega. Our Board last week approved payment of the bus for Narooma students to Bega.

Bega Rotary has asked us for two Narooma Rotarians to help out on the day. Can anyone help please on Friday 7 May?

Narrandera and Narooma are Sisters

Andrew gave us the good news at the Board meeting that Narrandera Rotary Club wants to link up with us. This initiative encouraged by District will bring much needed interaction between Rotary clubs located inland and along the Coast. Interestingly our visiting Rotarian’s Coolamon Club was sponsored by the Narrandera Club.

Our President Elect Andrew Lawson with visiting Immediate Past President RC Coolamon

Join the three Clubs’ celebration

Narooma, Batemans Bay and Moruya Rotary Clubs will celebrate the Centenary of Rotary in Australia and New Zealand on Saturday 22 May at Moruya Golf Club (6 for 6.30 start). It will be a fun night, 1920s ‘dress ups’ encouraged, with music, dancing and minimal speeches. Music will be by the fabulous Stitch who won our last Busking Festival. Tickets are now available from our treasurer Lynn and I hope we get a good showing from our Club.  Cost is $35 head (two courses, not including drinks). It’s 6 for a 6.30 start. Cost is $35pp (two courses, plus bonus wine on the table).

We’re hoping for a great rollup of Narooma Rotarians, partners and friends. Please have names and payment to Lynn by 7 May.

Out and About

Moruya Rotarians breakfast at Jockey Club

Moruya Rotarians had a barbecue breakfast meeting at Moruya Jockey Club last Tuesday. Rotarians manned the barbecue serving up bacon and egg rolls accompanied by freshly brewed coffee. They were joined by the Presidents and Managers of both the Jockey and Golf Clubs. Their guest speakers were two of Moruya’s leading trainers Lin Morrison and Natalie Jarvis who gave members an insight into the racing industry.

Pambula Rotarians go to Eden

Each month Pambula Rotary tries to connect with local businesses for a vocational visit and to check out a new venue for dinner. In March Pambula Rotarians visited the Sapphire Surprise Anglican Op Shop in Eden for a behind the scenes tour with their very own Janet Brandon who volunteers each week at the shop.
They then went on to the Golden Ocean Bar & Restaurant, still in Eden, for a great meal and opportunity to connect and chat.


A dinner meeting at Narooma Golf Club. At this stage no guest speaker, so we can just enjoy good fellowship.