Narooma Rotary Beacon 14 October 2021

Andrew’s Thoughts

Well, I think we can say that, at last, we will have a better week!! As NSW has reached the 70% vaccination rates, we’re starting to see the end of the tunnel, and hopefully an eventual return to normality by December. We had an unscheduled Board Meeting on Wednesday to consider the implications, the Golfie reopening and our Club getting back to business. This was followed by an excellent Zoom meeting on Thursday.

Our first dinner meeting will be this Thursday 14th October. I urge you all to come so that we can see “our smiling faces” again! Going forward we shall be presenting Taliya Smith with her State Emergency Award on the 21st October probably Zooming into Sydney, and we have Dr Michael Holland speaking to us on 25th November.

As agreed last week, Ange presented a beautiful bunch of flowers, a box of chocolates and a nice bottle of wine to Iris Domeier and Frank Eden. Our thoughts are with them both.

We recommence our Business Breakfasts on 18th November with Jenn Black of Merivale as the guest speaker. We shall finally launch the Prostate Cancer Support Group on Tuesday 7th December, and it is hoped our Federal MP Kristy McBain will be there.

We plan to have the Markets back on 28th November featuring the Summer Safety Expo. Chris is currently ascertaining the new ‘Rules and Regs’ for the market from Service NSW.

Special thanks  to Mike Young and Julie Hartley for all they are doing with the Prostate Cancer Support Group, to Susanna Chung and Bob Aston for taking on the website going forward, and to Julie Hartley for volunteering to lead the Duck Race team. Your efforts are greatly appreciated by us all.

So, it will be great to be back. See you all hopefully on Thursday and it really is “onwards and upwards mes amis”!


Back to Narooma Golf Club for this Thursday’s dinner meeting. Remember you must be able to show evidence you are double vaccinated before you will be admitted to the Golf Club. Please ensure you let John Rungen know if you are coming or not. It’s 6 for 6.30pm.

The Week that Was

More on ‘Lift the Lid’ Day

Last Sunday (10th) was World Mental Health Day, when Australian Rotary Health (ARH) ‘Lifts the Lid’ on mental illness with ‘Hat Day’ to support research into the causes and treatment, remove the stigma and generate public support and awareness. 

Our Club will have its own Hat Day at Narooma Golf Club on Thursday 28 October, still within Mental Health Month. The Board encourages members to invite family and friends to the night and to wear a hat.  All proceeds raised on the night will go straight into ARH’s Mental Health Research.

Here’s one programme that has benefitted from ARH funding. Innovative research by Professor Eoin Killackey from the University of Melbourne tested an intervention examining work and educational outcomes for young people after an episode of psychosis. Since then, there are now close to 50 workers practicing the intervention in youth mental health settings around Australia.

“There are now many many young people with mental ill health who have been reconnected with their education and employment, who otherwise would not have been,” Professor Killackey said. “I’m thankful to Australian Rotary Health for investing in novel ideas in mental health research, for giving my work that crucial early support.”

ARH is one of the largest independent funders of mental health research within Australia. Every year 1 in 5 people experience mental illness and one in three young people have had an episode of mental illness by the time they are 25 years old.

Far South NSW Business Awards

Congratulations to all finalists and winners in this year’s Far South NSW Business Awards announced recently. Awardees from our immediate area were:

  • The Dromedary Hotel at Central Tilba won the Excellence in Small Business Award. Congratulations to Susan Gray and Jeremy Corfield and their team.
  • Keira Marchini of Narooma’s Montague Café was a finalist in the Employer of Choice category. You may remember that Keira nominated Raam Pemberton, one of her employees, for a Pride of Workmanship Award in May. As Narooma Chamber President Dr Jenny Munro put it, Keira not only provides excellent coffee but is also highly regarded by her employees.

From Moruya Rotary

Our District 9705 Environment Team is progressing steadily, and word will soon be spreading to encourage all clubs in our District to support the Environment. This is timely with news last month from RI President-Elect Jennifer Jones pledging US $97m in grant funding for Rotarians’ Environmental and anti-poverty projects next year.

Moruya’s recent zoom meeting with council last Thursday regarding Homeless hygiene was positive. Representatives from St Vinnies, the Salvation Army and Southern Care were also present. Council has researched the extent of the issue and has asked what level of support these groups can offer. Considering that hot showers are available in our neighbouring shires we are hoping that council will fill the gaps when they next meet.

On a Lighter Note on travel

NEXT WEEK Thursday 21 October

A dinner meeting at Narooma Golf Club when we will finally present Taliya Smith with her State Emergency Award.