Narooma Rotary Beacon 13 April 2023

Ange’s Thoughts

A round-up of what was quite an active week for our Club is included below; many thanks to all who contributed their time and energy. In this week’s column, I would like to mention two things.

The first is how very proud our Club is of Narooma High’s Robotics Team the RoboRebels who will be winging their way to the World Championships in Houston Texas this week with the support of our community, including this Club. The Board last week decided to donate $500 towards their fundraising quest. We have watched this programme develop over the years, thanks to the dedication of their teachers and the commitment of students. We wish them well.

With Moruya Rotary President Shirl Cornish-Hayes and John Hayes at our last Film Night to raise money for the Polio Campaign.

The other is to share the sad news that John Hayes, husband of Moruya President Shirley died in his sleep last Friday. They were a dynamic duo. John and Shirl were great supporters of our Club and always enjoyed sharing time with us, the last time was for Pride of Workmanship Awards a few weeks ago. Our thoughts are with Shirl and their families as well as our friends at Moruya Rotary.


Dinner Meeting – Club Assembly at Narooma Golf Club 6 for 6.30pm.

The Week that Was

RYDA on Tuesday last week

President Ange Ulrichsen and Julie Hartley accompanied 52 Narooma High Year 11 students at the Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) programme at Moruya Racecourse.  Our Club also pays for the bus. The students were supported by their teacher Dion Café. Nicole Keith had been looking forward to it, but unfortunately hurt her knee and ended up on crutches. Many thanks to Julie Hartley for jumping in at the last minute

Ange reports RYDA Eurobodalla is now in its 14th yr. Hats off to Neil Simpson of Batemans Bay Rotary who has coordinated this important programme each year. She said she has enjoyed helping guide the students to various modules over many years with many other volunteers. “Each time I benefit personally,” she said. “Speed and stopping is a key example – always a sobering reminder.”

Julie Hartley and President Ange with Batemans Bay Leading Snr Constable Travis Turner, left, and Sergeant Angus Duncombe with unmarked Police car.

Julie was really impressed with the RYDA programme, describing it as “a great initiative”. “Not having been to RYDA before, I found it most informative,” she said. “The Year 11 students from the three high schools that attended that day were a delight to meet.  I was very impressed with the comprehensive information given to the students. The topics covered were very relevant to young vulnerable drivers; some topics were quite confronting but this is real life and these students are out in the real world when driving.” 

RYDA features highly engaging practical demonstrations, real-life narratives, videos, quizzes and role play. It includes top instructors totally committed to the programme. Coaching tips included – know yourself, risk awareness, self-control, speaking up, and thinking social.

Julie says anyone who has the opportunity to volunteer with this program will not be disappointed.  

PCSG on Wednesday night

The Prostate Cancer Support Group (PCSG) met at the Golfie on Wednesday. While there was only a small attendance, it was worthwhile to those who attended.  Julie Hartley said being a support group, all topics are covered and not necessarily just those to do with prostate cancer!! 

Rotary Easter Races

On Easter Saturday, John Rungen and Laurelle Pacey helped out at the Rotary Easter Charity Day at Moruya Races. They took over from Bay Rotarians collecting donations as people arrived at the races. The wonderful Rotary Race Day coordinator David Ashford of Batemans Bay said the buckets collected $834.85 plus a quarter and three dimes along with a car wash token (!). Bay and Moruya Rotarians work particularly hard on this day; Moruya in the canteen and the Bay including organising race sponsors which this year included Narooma Golf Club, all under David’s watchful eye. We have yet to hear how much was made on the day all up; Moruya Jockey Club usually also makes a hefty donation. This year’s charity is the Carers’ Accommodation at the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital.

Out and About

We support RoboRebels’ world challenge

Narooma High’s robotics team, the RoboRebels, has qualified to attend the World Championships for the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competition (FRC) to be held in Houston in Texas over the next two weeks. This is an extraordinary achievement. Qualification came after competing successfully in the South Pacific Regional FIRST Robotics Competition in Wollongong in March. Since news of their qualification, the team has been seeking financial support to help them all get to Houston.

The team has worked after school twice a week and every Sunday since January to design, build and program their 2023 competition robot. For this competition, the team focussed on coding the robot to achieve a specific task: to balance itself on a see saw bridge.

RoboRebels FRC team 2023 is five students, 16 to 18, with a passion for science and technology who are completely engaged in robotics and with their eyes on the future of this field. Team members have run holiday robotics camps to raise funds, attended local community technology events and for the last two years have run a Science Day Expo at Narooma High School to showcase emerging technologies and provide hands on science-based opportunities for local Primary School students.

The first RoboRebels team was formed in 2015 following the successful receipt of a grant from Google, FIRST, Macquarie University and Ford. The team was formed with a view to inspire students to grow a love of science and technology.

Check your Bowels

It’s that time of year again. The annual Rotary BowelCare Programme which Narooma Rotary has always supported is now underway with kits available for purchase until 31 May. This programme is available for everyone regardless of age, whereas the free National Bowel Cancer Screening Program is only provided to those aged 50-74.

Australia has the world’s highest incidence of bowel cancer with 1 in 12 men and women diagnosed with bowel cancer by the age 85; it is Australia’s second biggest cancer killer. This one simple and cheap test you do at home could save your life.

There are two ways you can purchase your kit this year. Through the online store at, or by phoning the BowelCare office Tuesday to Thursday 9.00 am – 3.00 pm (02) 4341 6695. The cost is $27.50 inclusive of postage and fees, pathology testing and notification of the result to yourself and your nominated doctor.  Please note that if you order more than one kit they may be sent individually. 

BowelCare Australia is a division of CancerCare Australia Limited, ABN 35 154 219 057 (CAL).  


April Business Networking Breakfast

Guest speakers at our next Rotary Business Networking Breakfast on Thursday 20 April are CATH PEACHEY and CARRIE TAYLOR of Narooma Rocks. They will talk about this year’s Narooma Oyster Festival (5-7 May) which is onjust two weeks later. The Breakfast is at Narooma Surf Club 7am sharp.

Last year’s Festival was the biggest yet, attracting over 10,000 people over two days, 76% being from outside the 2546 postcode. It injected an estimated $1.4 million into the local economy in a traditionally quiet time of the year. Cath and Carrie will talk about features of this year’s Festival, the ongoing challenges of staging this world-class event now regarded as one of the world’s most iconic oyster celebrations and one of Australia’s most unique food festivals.  The Festival is delivered by the not-for-profit Narooma Rocks.

Please email if coming by Monday 17th April.  Breakfast is $10. Hope to see you then.