Narooma Rotary Beacon 7 December 2023

Lynn’s Lines

At the Fly from Everest screening last Thursday, Narooma VP David McInnes, David’s aunt former Australian Ambassador to Nepal (1994-1996) Annmaree O’Keeffe, and paragliders Ken Hutt and Marcus Loane.

Last Thursday we had a wonderful inspiring movie night watching Fly from Everest and hearing from Ken Hutt and Marcus Loane who starred in the film and also joined us on the night. We also got to meet David’s aunt Annmaree O’Keeffe, a previous ambassador to Nepal. We raised $546 on the night which the Board topped up to a $1,000 donation (the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will match that 2:1 with another $2,000). Thank you to Gero Mitchell, Chris O’Brien and others who organised the drinks and nibbles, and David and Rachel for the raffle. A good team effort.

The Board met last Friday. We are having a Van cleaning morning on Tuesday 19 December at9:30am. If anyone can help, please join us. More hands less work.  

The Board also voted to donate $500 to Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children (ROMAC) that provides surgical treatment in Australia and New Zealand for children from developing countries from our Pacific region for life giving and/or dignity restoring surgery not accessible to them in their home country. Another decision made by the Board was to hold off selling the CAERH raffle tickets until we have sold the Duck tickets; it’s a matter of having people available to sell tickets.

David McInnes and I will be attending the Public School and High School presentations this Friday. On our Christmas dinner at Bodalla Pub on Thursday 14 December – Chris O’Brien asks for names and money for our Christmas dinner at Bodalla pub (on Thursday 14 December) by this Thursday 7th December. Names to her please and pay online to the same account you pay your membership fees. (Adults $65.00, children 12 and under $30.00.) There will be a collection tin for OzHarvest for cash donations at the event. Many people in Narooma are doing it very tough this Christmas.

December is shaping up to be a very busy month…


Wednesday 6 December 6.30pm; Prostate Cancer Support Group meets at Golf Club

Thursday 7 December 6 for 6.30pm: Dinner Meeting for our AGM

The Week that Was

Fly from Everest polio fundraiser

VP David McInnes, Marcus Loane, Ken Hutt and President Lynn Hastings

What a great night last Thursday at the Kinema. The film Fly from Everest featured south coast adventurer and Berry Rotarian Ken Hutt and his dream to paraglide from Everest and raise awareness and funds to continue the global fight to eliminate polio. It was so good that Ken and fellow paraglider Marcus Loane attended the screening and answered many questions about their Everest adventures in 2022 and 2023. Film director was Joe Carter.

Rachel and David McInnes did a great job organising the raffle…

We raised $546 on the night (Tickets sales $301, raffle $145 organised by David and Rachel McInnes, donations $100) which the Board topped it up to $1,000.

Ken is immensely proud of his team members’ efforts and that they have raised $400,000 for the cause and received publicity and support from around the world. He said their main aim was to get the polio message out there and they achieved that.

…while Chris O’Brien and Gero excelled organising the catering.

To put the success of the campaign into perspective, when Rotary and its partners launched the Global Polio Eradication Initiative more than 30 years ago, polio paralyzed 1,000 children every day. Since then, cases due to wild poliovirus have declined by more than 99.9%, with wild poliovirus remaining endemic today in only two countries – Afghanistan and Pakistan. Disruptions to routine vaccination programmes around the world put this progress at risk. Rotary and its partners are trying to sustain this progress and continue to reach every child with the polio vaccine. Without full funding and political commitment, this paralyzing disease could return to polio-free countries, putting children everywhere at risk.”

From Ange in Nepal, dated Monday

At the closing ceremony of teacher training in Maidi last Friday.
Narooma Rotary’s ‘ambassador in Nepal’ Ange Ulrichsen

Landed back in Katmandu Sunday evening after a week teacher training in the remote village Maidi in Dhading Province. About 40 Primary and Secondary teachers from all over Dhading Province attended at the High School in Maidi. They were all so grateful for teaching pronunciation, songs, rhymes, grammar, sentence construction etc. On the last day we issued them with heaps of resources brought from Australia, including reading books, charts, stationary, flash cards. Some teachers travelled three to five hours to Maidi for the Teacher training. Wonderful closing ceremony on Friday afternoon, but waited 2 hrs for the Dhading Mayor, the VIP, to arrive. Many speeches and certificates issued to teachers and our team. Mary Brell is especially held in high esteem. Some teachers missed their bus to get home and had to walk up to three hours (!) to get to home to family. They travelled each day and were always so happy.

Mary Brell has contributed amazingly to this RAWCS project for many years. The dollars raised this year financed many water tanks for the villagers and over 200 packets of seeds. The Nepali are so poor but rich beyond words in graciousness and faith. 

On Monday, our RAWCS team of 20 met the Australian Ambassador Felicity Volk. Mary arranges this meeting each year to promote and advises the Australian Government of the extraordinary work Rotary does in Nepal. (Ken and Marcus also met Ambassador Volk during their time in Nepal.)

Out and About

News from Tertiary Scholar Raichel

Our Rotary Tertiary Scholar (2022) Raichel Brodie has again excelled in her studies for a Bachelor of Psychology at ANU. This semester she achieved three high distinctions and one distinction. 

We hope to hear from our other two scholars in the next week or so.Stamps pleaseChris O’Brien asks everyone to save their stamps for her. They need to have a 1cm border around them. They are sent to a charity which raises money for the needy.

Bega’s Domestic and Family Violence Campaign

Unfortunately due to the rain and flooded roads Bega Rotary’s stand for the Domestic and Family Violence Campaign at the South Coast Producers’ Markets was called off last Friday. It was mutually agreed by Rotary and the Women’s Resource Centre that the stand would not go ahead. However, last Friday afternoon three Bega Rotarians set up a display at the Tathra Pub for a couple of hours. While it was reasonably quiet they had a few encouraging and supportive comments which made it worthwhile. Even a little bit of publicity helps the cause. Bega Rotary reports that while their day of action on December 1st was a washout, they now have some good signage that can be used at any time and place.


It’s our Christmas party at Bodalla Pub. Numbers and payments by this Thursday 7th please.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 30 November 2023

Lynn’s Lines

Last week our outbound Exchange Student Lachie Penglase and members were able to draw on the experiences of several former Youth Exchangees – Dr Fiona Koyvojs, left, Susanna Chung, Vicki Abott (nee Creighton) and Sally Hearder.

A big week. Thank you to David and Rachel McInnes for representing our Club at the joint meeting with Bateman Bay and Moruya Clubs. David was quite inspired by guest speaker Walter Boch of Bankstown Rotary. Through raffles he organised over the years and the Community Chest he established, millions of dollars have been channelled into community projects in Australia and overseas. Walter’s talk was great motivation for the Shire’s fundraising efforts for Carers’ Accommodation for the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital (CAERH). It was in the Philippines, through RAWCS, that Walter met Shirl and John Hayes of Moruya Rotary.

Last Thursday, our dinner meeting was all about the ‘Exchange experience which included many and varied experiences, all of which were life changing including the strong connections they established. They also gave some insight into the importance of hosting. Many thanks Susanna for organising such a great night.

Senior Constable Bronwyn Burns and a colleague dropped by the Market on Sunday, as did Marie Annand of St Vincent De Paul and Sue Fahey of the Salvation Army. A supply of pamphlets would possibly have been of benefit.

Last Sunday (26th) was our November market and we ‘lucked out’ with perfect weather in among a lot of wet or overcast days ones. We started selling Duck Race tickets at the market and are off to a great start. Our first attempt at a stall to raise awareness of Domestic and Family Violence was sadly lacking in support. We have one of our Squares working again! Thanks again Susanna. Thanks everyone, members and friends who helped out on the day; wonderful effort.

This Thursday we’re looking forward to our Polio Movie fundraising night with Fly from Everest Paraglider Ken Hutt joining us on the night. Drinks and nibbles from 6.30-7pm and raffle on the night. All proceeds go to the End Polio Now campaign.


Thursday 30 November: Fly from Everest at the Kinema

Climbing the world’s highest mountain and then paragliding down is not everyone’s dream, but such a dream drove Berry adventurer and Rotarian Ken Hutt.

Ken Hutt will join us at the Kinema this Thursday for the screening of his film ‘Fly from Everest’.

Ken will join us at the Kinema for the screening of his film Fly from Everest. The film is our fundraiser for the global ‘End Polio Now’ campaign; 6.30 for nibbles with 7pm screening. All tickets $20. Please book through the Kinema 4476 2352. Dress-ups encouraged but please leave paragliders at home.

Last year 62 year-old Ken Hutt hoped to become the oldest man to achieve that feat, but illness on Everest thwarted him. His other major aim was to raise awareness and funds to continue the global fight to eliminate the paralyzing disease polio. He returned in July this year with fellow paraglider Marcus Loane and legally flew from Lobuche Peak near Everest to complete filming for this movie by Joe Carter.

They received publicity and support from around the world. “Our main aim was to get the polio message out there that and we achieved that,” he said. Ken is immensely proud of his team’s efforts; they also raised $300,000 for the cause with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Friday 1 December 5.15pm:

Board meeting at Narooma Golf Club.

The Week that Was

Exchange night last Thursday

Last Thursday was a top night and a timely forerunner to Lachie Penglase’s exchange to Japan, hosted by the Rotary Club of Ogaki in Nagoya. Speakers were Vicki Abbott (Narooma Rotary’s first exchange student), Dr Fiona Kotvojs, Meredith Macpherson, Susanna Chung plus Sally Hearder (the E- Rotarian who will be helping out with hosting our inbound student next year) spoke about their experiences on Rotary Exchanges.

Vickie Abbott (nee Creighton) as Narooma Rotary’s first Exchange Student, went to Westfield in New York State in 1971. She told us stories about going on trips with Rotarians, her first experience of snow, and how she was able to graduate in the USA in full cap and gown regalia. She said her exchange made a huge difference to her life and opened her eyes to new possibilities she felt she would not have seen without the Exchange experience.

Dr Fiona Kotvojs talked about her experiences as an exchange student in South Africa in the early 80s which was a very troubled time there. She had four host families including an Afrikaans and an Indian family. Fiona talked about how living in South Africa reinforced to her the importance of equality and helped shape her career options. 

Meredith Macpherson (nee Watt) had some pertinent advice to give to those currently in the programme. She felt the things she learned, including how to talk to an audience, have stood her in good stead in all aspects of her life especially her working life. Her time as an exchange student in Berkeley, California also included a unique opportunity to attend some university classes. Not the norm!

Susanne Chung spent her exchange year in Wharton, Texas in 2000. She related stories of her different host families and what life was like in American high schools (almost like the movies but not quite). Some highlights included meeting and shadowing a television reporter who imparted words of wisdom about career choices, and attending country music shows to support her host brother who was an aspiring country singer. She also ‘modeled’ her exchange Jacket with all of the badges from her time in Texas.

Sally Hearder spoke mostly about her experience hosting exchange students and the benefits to her kids. When traveling over the years, her kids have looked up various exchange students they had hosted.

Lachie Penglase brought members up to date on where he was in the Exchange process. He has had contact with his hosting club and his first host family to be. He went up this weekend to Canberra for the final District training. He leaves Canberra for Japan on 20 January. 

From Ange with RAWCS in Nepal

Today (Sunday) 19 of us arrived here by bus from the city of Pokhara. Drove 130 km which took 9 hours!!! Road works (what’s new), congestion etc. We enjoyed a wonderful formal welcome tonight by the Rotary Club Dhading Besi which has 32 members. Their major projects are feeding and clothing 300 school kids and renal dialysis but machines are very expensive. We’re now enjoying drinks & dinner.

We’re off to the village of Maidi in central Nepal tomorrow for a week of teacher training, painting classrooms, mental health, optometry and checking for cataracts.  The Nepalese people are delightful and so community minded.  Cheers Ange (proud to be a Rotarian!)

Out and About

Bookings please for Christmas

This year we will have our Christmas dinner in the Function Room of Bodalla Pub on Thursday 14 December 6.00pm for 6.30pm. It will be a 3-course meal with some wine provided. The cost is $65.00 per person; half price for children. Could all members please email Chris indicating whether you will or will not be attending and, if attending, how many people you will bring. No payment is required at this stage and there is no obligation. It is just to get a rough idea of numbers.

CAERH art union tickets

Julie Hartley has picked up tickets for the Club to sell in the CAERH Art Union with the prize an MG electric car. The car is registered with South Coast Autos who have been provided the car ‘on loan’ until the Art Union is drawn (once all 3,000 tickets are sold). Tickets cost $50. We now have tickets… the Board on Friday will decide when we should start selling them.

From Batemans Bay Rotary

The Bay Club supports the St Cecilia Youth Music Scholarships awarded at the St Cecilia Annual Concert at Batehaven. This marks the 27th year of Scholarships. The Club donates the First Prize in the Senior Contemporary Section. Bay Rotarian John Haslem presented a prize in memory of his lovely wife Caryl and the Bay’s Youth and Vocational Director Alan Russell was Master of Ceremonies.


Wednesday 6 December 6.30pm: Narooma Prostate Support Group at Narooma Golf Club

Thursday 7 December: Dinner Meeting and AGM

Narooma Rotary Beacon 23 November 2023

Lynn’s Lines

Annemarie Narraway, MC David McInnes, Karen McLellan, Teaghan Abbott, Jo Major and Tash Clutterbuck

This week’s business breakfast was a huge success. With five different businesses talking about the upcoming season’s challenges and various solutions. Great discussions on numerous issues by many attendees.

This Thursday is our dinner meeting with former and our future exchange student. Should be an interesting evening, I’m looking forward to it.

This Sunday is our market day, with lots of terrific gift ideas for those hard to buy for people on your lists!  Also Rotary and NSW Police will have a stall for raising awareness of Domestic and Family Violence and encouraging Respectful Relationships. This Rotary campaign is across Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands and runs November-December.


Thursday – Dinner Meeting 23 November: Please invite family and friends to hear our five speakers on their experiences on Rotary youth exchanges. This will be a great night. This is a forerunner to Lachie Penglase’s exchange to Japan hosted by the Rotary Club of Ogaki in Nagoya. They are Vicki Abbott (Narooma Rotary’s first exchange student), Dr Fiona Kotvojs, Meredith Macpherson and Susanna Chung plus Sally Hearder (the E- Rotarian who will be helping out with hosting our inbound student next year). Please book in with John by Tuesday 1pm and let him know numbers.

Sunday – Narooma Market 26 November

All hands on deck please. This is our last market before Christmas (where did the year go!). A roster will be passed around at Thursday’s meeting.

On our Club’s efforts with the Domestic Violence Action President Lynn has been working hard to have a stall at this market with NSW Police and other local groups

The Week that Was

Our Business Networking Breakfast on Thursday was a great success with a panel of five inspiring local business people. David McInnes was MC. We had 22 people. They spoke about their businesses, the coming tourism season, its challenges and how they might meet them. As expected, lots of questions and not enough time.

Teaghan Abbott of Easts Holiday Park said the increased cost of living was resulting in some cancellations . They have a steady number of staff. Normally they see an increase in theft over the season, especially of alcohol. They are very excited about the mountain bike track and what that will mean for year-round tourism.

Tash Clutterbuck of Oyster Farmer’s Daughter has established a destination venue with a good vibe. Ideally she said they would open seven days a week but they just don’t have the staff.. Also supply issues particularly with oysters being a natural product. Orders week to week, ingredients have short shelf life and she doesn’t have large cool room storage. Can’t foresee supply chain e.g. last year the potato shortage had a huge impact. Trade out of season is a major challenge; delighted with anticipated impact mountain bike track will have on business through the year. Looking at developing the business – have a DA in. Love to work with other local businesses.

Karen McLellan of Oakleigh Farm Cottages shares similar expectations of mountain bike track. Have five cottages at Mystery Bay they rent out. When they took over management, there was a big offseason with low occupancy. Achieved 100% occupancy in two years. Now back up to 75-80% after Covid and fires. They made a strategic decision not to employ staff, have one casual when needed. Encourage people to stay longer and don’t turn over too many cottages in one day. They don’t do sales. Pricing is difficult but it works. They aim for customer experience – ensure they know what cafes and restaurants are open throughout the week to avoid complaints ‘nothing open on a Monday’. She works at the Job Shop at Council helping people find employment – 77 new jobs created last week.  

Tilba Chamber of Commerce President Jo Major of Tilba Sweet Spot took over the business in the middle of Covid.  Has great staff. Major issue is getting stock – 300 jars of lollies many ‘old school’ and a lot of English manufacturers have closed down over the last few years. One of Tilba’s challenges is buses, sometimes three in a day all wanting to eat at the same time.

Jo mentioned a number of programmes that are now coming into play as a result of Tilba’s Strategic Plan (inspired by Narooma’s) and bushfire and Covid grants obtained by the Chamber e.g. theatre and fashion parade.

Our very own Annemarie Narraway of Narooma Audiology is on the Narooma Chamber committee. She said the Chamber wants input on how they can support local businesses better. They have Carols by Candlelight at Club Narooma, are encouraging people to shop locally,  and reintroducing  local Business Awards.

That was our last Business Breakfast until after the busy season, resuming Thursday 15th February.

Ange in Nepal

Ange Ulrichesen with the Nepal Friendship Project under Project Leader Mary Brell of Orange

Meanwhile, Ange Ulrichsen has arrived in Nepal and will be mainly based in the village of Maidi in central Nepal for three weeks to assist with the Nepal Friendship Project under Project Leader Mary Brell of Orange. This ongoing RAWCS project will include continuing teacher training to villagers plus assistance in agriculture and health issues. The group includes a number of students from Wellington High which raised $20,000 for the project. Looking forward to hearing all about it on Ange’s return.

Out and AboutReport from CAERH AGMJulie Hartley represented our Club at the AGM of the Carers’ Accommodation or Eurobodalla Regional Hospital Inc. (CAERH). She reports that all committee positions were filled with Cr Rod Pollock was re-elected President.   The highlight of the morning was seeing the MG electric car which is the prize in the CAERH Art Union. Moruya Rotarian Col Jay was responsible for arranging the car and the tickets will be available from this week. The car is registered with South Coast Autos who have been very supportive in providing the car “on loan” until the Art Union has been drawn. Tickets cost $50. All three Clubs will have tickets to sell; Julie hopes to pick up our tickets later this week. 

Bega Rotary is supporting the ‘Bega Valley Says NO to Domestic and Family Violence’ Campaign of awareness on Friday the 1st December.

Next THURSDAY 30th November

Fly from Everest at the Kinema

Climbing the world’s highest mountain and then paragliding down is not everyone’s dream, but such a dream drove Berry adventurer and Rotarian Ken Hutt.

Ken will join us at the Kinema for the screening of his film Fly from Everest. The film is our fundraiser for the global ‘End Polio Now’ campaign; 6.30 for nibbles with 7pm screening. All tickets $20. Please book through the Kinema 4476 2352. Dress-ups encouraged but please leave paragliders at home.

Last year 62 year-old Ken Hutt hoped to become the oldest man to achieve that feat, but illness on Everest thwarted him. His other major aim was to raise awareness and funds to continue the global fight to eliminate the paralyzing disease polio. He returned in July this year with fellow paraglider Marcus Loane and legally flew from Lobuche Peak near Everest to complete filming for this movie by Joe Carter.

They received publicity and support from around the world. “Our main aim was to get the polio message out there that and we achieved that,” he said. Ken is immensely proud of his team’s efforts; they also raised $300,000 for the cause with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 16 November 2023

Lynn’s Lines

One of our Club’s great strengths is our members – friendly, energetic, enthusiastic and committed , as shown here by Julie, David and Ange in the food van at a recent Market

Last weekend I came down with Covid, so did not do much for the first four days when it hit me. Started feeling better on Thursday but still tested positive until Sunday. I therefore had to stay away for our Club Assembly which Laurelle ran marvellously from all reports. Covered everything. On Friday I sent in the Club’s consensus for the regionalisation questionnaire. It was also reported the food and venue at Club Narooma were also a good backup to have when needed, like last Thursday. Nomination forms for the 2024/25 Board were also circulated at the Assembly; please get them back to John at least a week before the AGM in December.

Our Treasurer is sending out payments to the two schools for their Awards Presentations coming up soon. Each year we give funds for the High School’s Narooma Rotary Club Citizenship Award and the two dux prizes at Narooma Public School, where a Cub representative presents the awards on the Club’s behalf. At the High School we also present the Jack and Joy Ings Art Prize on behalf of the Ings family. The Club administers a Trust fund for the family for this award.

Applications for our 2024 Narooma Rotary Tertiary Scholarship are beginning to come in to David.

Ange has headed to Sydney for her Nepal trip with heavy bags full of goodies, some from Katungul. She flies out Wednesday morning. What amazing experiences she will have being a part of this wonderful RAWCS team. 

I hope to be able to meet with local Police this week to organise a stall for them at our November market to raise awareness of Domestic Violence and the importance of respectful relationships. More details to come.

Publicity is now underway for our Film Fundraiser at the Kinema Fly Everest and Ken Hutt himself will be joining us at the Kinema. Thanks to Susanna for doing the flyer and the big poster in the Kinema foyer. I believe it looks stunning. The flyer has been sent to the five neighbouring Rotary clubs, as well as to the hanggliding and paragliding association.

Hope to see you at the Business Breakfast this Thursday.

We hope to have a stall at the November market for NSW Police

THIS THURSDAY 16th – Business Breakfast

This Narooma Rotary Business Networking Breakfast will feature a panel of five local business people who will talk about how they see the coming tourism season shaping up, anticipated challenges, how they might meet them etc. It is a strong panel and promises lots of discussion.

Our panel consists of Teaghan Abbott of Easts Holiday Park, Tash Clutterbuck of Oyster Farmer’s Daughter, Karen McLellan of Oakleigh Farm Cottage, Jo Major of Tilba Sweet Spot (also VP Tilba Chamber of Commerce) and  Annemarie Narraway of Narooma Chamber committee. It will be chaired by David McInnes.

Please book by noon Tuesday 13th November at the latest by emailing Laurelle at  Should you want breakfast, it’s $10.  She will assume you will want breakfast and coffee/tea unless you say otherwise. The Narooma Business Breakfast is at Narooma Surf Club (upstairs) 7am sharp.

Please note the Business Breakfasts will break over December and January, resuming Thursday 15th February.

The Week that was

Our Club Assembly

John Rungen’s toast last week was to Rotary and ShelterBox. He pointed out that more than 100 million people around the world are currently homeless because of natural disaster and conflict. Rotary is working to give some of them shelter. ShelterBox has helped more than 37,000 people affected by the war in Ukraine so far, both within Ukraine and refugees who crossed the border into Moldova. They’re now working with NNLPD, ReliefAid and Green Chernobyl to support over 30,000 more with essential items and emergency shelter repair kits to help them survive the bitter winter months.

David and Rachel McInnes treated us with a replay of a travel documentary on SBS on great places to visit for mountain biking. Best Narooma promotion seen for ages. Thanks David and Rachel.

On Regionalisation

Last week’s Club Assembly was largely taken up with consideration of responses from members to come up with the Club’s consensus, which is as follows:

Our Clubs biggest strengths:

  1. Friendly, energetic, enthusiastic and community minded members with a wide range of life experience.
  2. Enjoys a good reputation in the community as being people who care about our community.
  3. Has close connections with other Narooma service clubs and neighbouring Rotary Clubs.

Our Club’s biggest challenges:

  1. Increasing active membership, particularly of younger working members with better gender balance. Need to increase awareness looking particularly to working people as potential members.
  2. Cost of membership
  3. Too much administration, too many emails. Needs rationalisation.

Our Club favoured geographic grouping of Clubs over a relatively short distance, meeting once or twice a year… (which we already do…). As to possible achievements from such groupings… These included encouraging coordinated group and stronger media coverage of major projects e.g. BowelCare, ‘Say Yes to Respectful Relationships’, making better strategic use of existing Rotary marketing material (much of it available online), lifting our Club’s visible public profile and that of Rotary, approaching more people who come within the Club’s orbit to see if they might be interested in joining Narooma Rotary. As to secondary groupings, members thought ‘Yes’ but at a later stage.

There was a note of caution – we need to concentrate on certain agreed projects and do them well; only doing what is possible with the members we have.

Out and About

From the Bay Rotary Club

Batemans Bay Rotary’s Christmas party at the Soldiers’ Club on Saturday 16th December for dinner promises “some unforgettable entertainment to get you in the Christmas spirit”. Just what that might be was suggested by an adjoining piece… “If I have tapped you on the shoulder and, for your sins, you are in the Christmas Pantomime, a rehearsal will be at Nicole’s home …” Sounds like fun!

The Bay recently held their Pride of Workmanship Awards Presentation when six nominees were rewarded for their efforts with a certificate and a kangaroo paw plant.

Coming up

Bring your friends to Fly from Everest

Berry adventurer Ken Hutt’s film of his paragliding adventures Fly from Everest, screening at Narooma Kinema Thursday 30 November, continues to raise awareness and funds to continue the global fight to eliminate polio. Photo Joe Carter

Climbing the world’s highest mountain and then paragliding down is the dream of only a few, but such a dream drove Berry adventurer and Rotarian Ken Hutt. Ken is looking forward to joining us for the  screening of his film Fly from Everest at the Kinema on Thursday 30 November. The film is our fundraiser for the global ‘End Polio Now’ campaign; 6.30 for nibbles with 7pm screening. All tickets $20. Please book through the Kinema 4476 2352. Dress-ups encouraged but please leave paragliders at home.

Last year 62 year-old Ken Hutt hoped to become the oldest man to achieve that feat, but illness on Everest thwarted him. His other major aim was to raise awareness and funds to continue the global fight to eliminate the paralyzing disease polio. He returned in July this year with fellow paraglider Marcus Loane and legally flew from Lobuche Peak near Everest to complete filming for this movie by Joe Carter.

They received publicity and support from around the world. “Our main aim was to get the polio message out there that and we achieved that,” he said. Ken is immensely proud of his team’s efforts; they also raised $300,000 for the cause with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Many thanks to Ange Ulrichsen for organising this with Ken Hutt and Joe Carter.


Tuesday 21 November: Joint Dinner Meeting with Moruya and Bay Clubs re Carers’ Accommodation and guest speaker Walter Bock. The chance to be inspired by outstanding Rotarian Walter Bock and get an update on our Carers’ Accommodation project for the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital  (CAERH) from Chair Cr Rob Pollock. $25pp. Moruya Golf Club is insisting on one week’s notice for meal numbers, so we have to have our final meal numbers to Steve Young at Moruya by 14th November at the latest.

Thursday – Dinner Meeting 23 November: Please invite family and friends. Five speakers on their experiences on Rotary youth exchanges. This will be a great night. We hear from five previous Exchange students as a forerunner to Lachie’s exchange to Japan hosted by the Rotary Club of Ogaki in Nagoya. All are all very excited to talk with us  about their experiences. They are Vicki Abbott (Narooma Rotary’s first exchange student), Fiona Kotvyos, Meredith Macpherson and Susanna Chung plus Sally Hearder (the E- Rotarian who will be helping out with hosting our outbound next year).

Narooma Rotary Beacon 9 November 2023

Lynn’s Lines

Our annual film fundraiser is at Narooma Kinema on Thursday 30 November. It’s an absolutely thrilling story . Please bring friends and family.

Julie Hartley reports a good gathering last week of the Prostate Cancer Support Group – five men including a newcomer. They shared a lot of information, and some handed out by Julie.

On Friday we had our Board Meeting. The Board approved ordering the new food van, hopefully with delivery in January. We voted to increase the value of the Narooma High Citizenship Award and the Joy Ing’s Art Award. Susanna is looking at a new design for our small Club banner for Lachie to take with him to Japan next year.

President Lynn Hastings

Please note, Tuesday 21 November is a joint meeting in Moruya with Moruya and Batemans Bay Clubs to review the Carers’ Accommodation for the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital (CAERH) ad discuss some significant fundraising. We need to get numbers to Moruya by the 14th and possibly organise carpooling. Please let me know if you are interested in going. We also have an important meeting in Narooma on Thursday that week – hearing from some who have been on Rotary Exchange programmes. Then the following Thursday is our Polio film fundraiser in the Kinema. November will be a very busy month.

Our Club will be part of Rotary’s campaign to ‘Say No to domestic and family violence and Yes to Respectful Relationships’ which gets underway later this month in association with NSW Police. I am approaching Narooma Police to see if they would like to have a stall at our November markets. See below; more information coming.

Our AGM is on Thursday 7 December. We all need to start giving thought to who we want to nominate for the various positions on the Board, especially a new president. See separate story below.

Our Christmas Party is booked for Thursday 14 December at Bodalla Pub, cost is $65.Please save the date if you are available.

Hope to see you at the Club Assembly this Thursday, and please note it is at Club Narooma, not the Golf Club 6 for 6.30.  See more below


Dinner Meeting for our monthly Club Assembly this Thursday is in the Montague Room at Club Narooma 6 for 6.30pm. Please let John Rungen know if you are going by 1pm this Tuesday.

The Week that Was

News from Moruya Rotary

Moruya Rotarians had lunch at Moruya TAFE last week. They were very appreciative ‘guinea pigs’ for the TAFE hospitality course, helping in the training of chefs and waiters. They ate very well from a challenging menu. The waiters were attentive. All in all Moruya Rotarians thought it was tremendous value and congratulated TAFE teacher Debby Pakis on her training.

Moruya Rotarians will be doing interviews where Moruya Rotarians will assist students from Carroll College and Moruya High Years 9-12 prepare for the world of work by providing sessions where students can have their career questions answered and participate in mock job interviews. They’re being organised by Moruya Rotarians Steve Picton.

Out and About

Domestic and Family Violence Campaign

Every Rotary Club in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands has committed to take action, raise awareness and advocate against domestic and family violence over a two week period in November-December. The aim is to raise awareness and encourage respectful relationships and foster a sense of community where victims feel empowered to look for support.

All Rotary Districts within NSW have formed a partnership with NSW Police to do this and a Day of Action is planned throughout District 9705 for 1 December in association with other groups and organisations. It is unclear just what will be happening in the Eurobodalla. There is some suggestion of a possible Police stall at our November markets.

Our District initiative was launched at the recent District Conference where delegates heard from NSW Police Superintendent John Klepczarek. This is a complex subject. In Australia, domestic and family violence is disturbingly common; it is one of the drivers of homelessness among women, children and men and crosses all boundaries, race, age, financial status, education, and sex.

Bega Rotary will partner with NSW Police and other local groups on Friday December 1 to run a stand at the local Bega market day.


The Annual General Meeting of the Rotary Club of Narooma Inc. is on Thursday 7 December at 6.30pm at Narooma Golf Club.

Please consider nominating for the 2024-2025 Board.Nomination Forms for Board positions will be available at the Club Assembly at Club Narooma this week, from the President or the secretary. The forms must be returned to the Secretary by Thursday 30 November at the latest.

NEXT THURSDAY 16th – Breakfast

Our next Narooma Rotary Business Networking Breakfast will feature a panel of five local business people who will talk about how they see the coming tourism season shaping up, anticipated challenges, how they might meet them etc. It’s already attracting considerable interest.

Our panel consists of Teaghan Abbott of Easts Holiday Park, Tash Coxon of Oyster Farmer’s Daughter, Karen McLellan of Oakleigh Farm Cottage, Jo Major of Tilba Sweet Spot (also VP Tilba Chamber of Commerce) and  Annemarie Narraway of Narooma Chamber committee. It is a strong panel and promises lots of discussion.

Please book by Monday 13th November at the latest by emailing Laurelle  Should you want breakfast, it’s $10. (ordered for you unless you say otherwise). The Narooma Business Breakfast is at Narooma Surf Club (upstairs) 7am sharp.

The Business Breakfgasts will have a break over December and January, resuming Thursday 15th February.