Narooma Rotary Beacon 18 August 2022

Andrew’s Thoughts

Our thoughts this weekend (19-21 August) will be with our Narooma High team attending the Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) in Canberra (see below). I look forward to hearing from them when they report back.

Mike Young on their recent family holiday ‘stateside’

Last Thursday we had an interesting Club Assembly meeting primarily discussing the possible changes as to how Rotary Zone 8 (that’s Australasia and the Pacific Islands) could operate for the betterment and increased relevance of Rotary going forward. While there was healthy scepticism as to how this will actually help us at the local level, the project of review was approved. Accordingly, I shall be voting YES in September’s upcoming ballot. Of far greater interest (!) was Mike’s fascinating chat about his recent trip to visit his daughter and her family in Hawaii, San Francisco, Philadelphia and Cape Cod.

This Thursday was to see the return of Business Breakfasts. We were all looking forward to hearing from Jenn Black of Merivale but we have had to cancel the Breakfast because she is not well.

We have commenced the sale of the Whale Watching Raffle with proceeds being earmarked for the proposed new Carers’ Accommodation at Moruya Hospital so we look forward to positive support both from our members and the wider public.

So in these uncertain times, we continue as ever upwards and onwards mes amis.

THIS THURSDAY – Business Breakfast cancelled

Our first guest speaker for this new round was to have been Jenn Black with a Merivale update, but it will have to be another day because she is not well.

The Week that Was

More from Club Assembly

Whale Watching Raffle: The whales are already heading south and many locals are getting excited. Fortunately our popular whalewatching raffle is back thanks to Narooma Charters and Ange Ulrichsen. If you are able to sell tickets around town or take some books of tickets (and take the load of Ange and Andrew), please see or ring Ange (she will have tickets and a preliminary roster at the Business Breakfast). Tickets will cost $2 each and be drawn at the September markets (25th) ready for a trip peak season. Proceeds will go towards Carers’ Accommodation for the proposed new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital plus other charities.

Looking for a community project: Andrew is keen for us to instigate “a meaningful family day on NATA Oval”, possibly with other organisations, with “the aim of giving back to the community”. All ideas welcome.

Aloha from Hawaii: At last week’s meeting, Mike Young reported back from his “really wonderful” holiday with his daughter and family ‘stateside’. First in Hawaii, then San Francisco (thick fog meant could not see the bay, but away from SF no fog and 100deg F), then to his daughter’s home in Philadelphia for five to six days for her 50th birthday (she lives in a gated community with many families of similar ages). They all then went up to the family’s holiday house in Cape Cod with the ocean on one side, the bay on the other and shark warnings every day (!).

Out and About


Our Club has sponsored Narooma’s team of three Year 11 students – Yeshe Smith-Macpherson, Ellen Hemsted and Jack Lenihan accompanied by their teacher Monique Wicks. The students will represent Iran, the country allocated to them, and debate current political issues relating to Iran.

This Rotary youth programme attracts students from across the eastern states and provides them with the extraordinary experience of contributing to a United Nations General Assembly style debate in Old Parliament House. It encourages them to learn about the workings of the United Nations while developing debating skills and gain self-confidence in public speaking.

Thanks to Ange Ulrichsen for helping make this great youth project happen again this year.

NEXT THURSDAY 25th – please invite friends and family

Lynne Thomas

This promises to be a top night so please invite partners and friends. Our guest speaker is Yuin Elder Lynne Thomas, a teacher and cultural consultant. She will talk about Dreaming stories and their importance, some special places that speak to connection to country.

Also, our Narooma High students who attended the recent Model United Nations Assembly (see above) will share their experiences with us.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 11 August 2022

Andrew’s Thoughts

Well it was an “interesting” week! Firstly, at 4PM on Tuesday we found out that the Golf Club is closed on Tuesday’s – a mere two hours before the first Prostate Cancer Support Group meeting at the new location. To say that Julie and I were “unamused” would be classic Pommie understatement. We met with the Golf Club on Friday, expressed our displeasure, and have agreed that the PCSG will now meet on the first Wednesday of each month so please spread the word.

Our Club was well represented at the recent Carers’ meeting in Moruya by President Andrew and VP Ange

Also on Friday, Ange and I attended the second meeting for the proposed Carers’ Accommodation for the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital. I am a firm believer that this initiative will serve the whole Shire, so it is beholden on all three Eurobodalla Rotary Clubs to get behind this project.

I committed our Club to provide full support, and this was ratified by the Board at its later meeting.  A Steering Committee was proposed to initially scope out “What, When and How” and, thanks to Ange, I suddenly saw myself elected as Deputy Chairman supporting Chairman Cr Rob Pollock who was instrumental in the Oncology Unit project, chairing that committee. Never a dull moment!

As I mentioned, we held a Board meeting on Friday afternoon and I shall report fully at Thursday’s Club Assembly, but we made some important decisions which will help move the Club forward. At this week’s meeting I shall also present several videos which discuss the possible changes to how RI Zone 8 will operate going forward and the opportunity to define how WE want to operate as opposed to the central RI mandate. I urge you all to come along.

And as ever, it’s upwards and onwards mes amis!


Dinner meeting at Narooma Golf Club – Club Assembly 6 for 6.30pm. Andrew will report on our Board’s decisions from last Friday’s meeting. He will also show presentations from Rotary International shown at the recent District Webinar for Area Presidents about the proposal for changes to how Zone 8 (Australasia and the Pacific Islands) will operate ‘semi remotely’ from Rotary International from 2025.

The Week That Was

Last week’s Board meeting

It was a full and productive meeting of the new Board. Andrew will expand more at this week’s meeting but items discussed included:

  1. Starting and finishing the winter markets (May to August) an hour later – approved
  2. Increasing the price of food sold from the van by 50c (sausage sandwiches), and $1 for the other food – approved.
  3. Julie is tasked with researching a replacement food van for our Club.
  4. The Board also endorsed the July Club Assembly’s recommendation that we should no longer consider hosting the Narooma Regional Australian Busking Competition. A letter was subsequently written to Australian National Busking Championships instigator Allan Spencer of Cooma.

More on Busking Competition

Busking Competition 2018 – two Dogs Pluckin’

In the letter to ANBC’s Allan Spencer, former Narooma Rotary secretary John Rungen explained that we were unable to continue to host the Narooma competition because of low membership numbers and the difficulties in obtaining sponsorship with current business conditions. He thanked Allan for all his assistance over the years.

Allan’s response was warm and appreciative, saying how he totally understood our situation. This year’s grand final will be in Cooma on 26 November, with regional competitions coming up in The Entrance, Braddon ACT and Ballarat.

He sincerely thanked our Club for everyone’s hard work and support over the years which would no doubt especially refer to the years of the ‘Dream Team’. Allan said, “Your efforts have brought a lot of joy to many people as well as encouraged many performing artists to further their dreams.”

It was certainly an extremely rewarding and much appreciated project by our wider community.

Narooma Busking Competition 2018 – the Rhythm Hunters from Narooma Public School

From Moruya Rotary

More details about the recent Carers’ Meeting were published in this week’s Moruya bulletin which the Club saw as a substantial step forward (see Andrew’s column above). Fifteen people attended including seven Moruya Rotarians, Batemans Bay Rotary President Matthew Thomas, and our President Andrew and VP Ange. The plan is to form an incorporated body, provisionally to be called CAREH.

The next meeting is on Friday 30 September when they hope to have commitments from non-Rotarians prepared to work in one of the several areas President Shirl identified “to get the how on the road”.

Out and About

From Merimbula Rotary

Merimbula Rotary is supporting Rotary’s Adopt-A-Tree Initiative.   Adopted trees will be planted in environmentally impacted areas of NSW & ACT. The planting areas will be determined by experts, including Landcare and Rotary will organise plantings under their guidance.  Plantings will take place in months such as April/May & September/October.

  • Local schools & clubs will be contacted, encouraging them to become involved.
  • A variety of trees and shrubs will be planted to ensure a balance in the local environment, encouraging native birds and fauna also grow and thrive.

[If you would like to find out about the Adopt-A-Tree, please click on:]


We resume our Business Breakfasts at Narooma Surf Club. Our first guest speaker for this new round will be Jenn Black with a Merivale update.

Bookings are essential with President Andrew by Sunday. Cost is $10.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 4 August 2022

Andrew’s Thoughts

Gordon Bentley thanked our guest speaker Sol Ramana-Clarke of Dignam’s Creek for his fascinating talk on medicinal cannabis

So the ‘Saga of the Lawson Winter’’ continued!  This time it was Lynn’s turn to concuss herself with me playing nursemaid; I am pleased to say that she is now fully recovered. As a consequence we missed Sol Ramana-Clarke’s talk on Medicinal Cannabis which would have been of particular interest to us both. By all accounts it was a really interesting evening (please see below).

On Sunday, I joined an important District Webinar for Area Presidents concerning the proposal for the changes to how Zone 8 (that’s Australasia and the Pacific Islands) will operate semi remotely from Rotary International from 2025. This matter is of such importance to us all that I shall present the various presentations at our Club Meeting on the 11th, together with our Board Meeting decisions. The Board will be held this Friday and will cover many important matters.

Tuesday sees the Prostate Cancer Support Group commence its 2022/23 program with Dr Gundi Muller-Grotjan from our associated GP practice providing a GP’s view. We also aim to hear what is important to the attendees so we can tailor our program accordingly. Hopefully we’ll have a good attendance; it’s interesting how the level of enquiry and interest has definitely risen over the past two months.

All in all, as we head out of winter, it’s onwards and upwards mes amis!


Tuesday 2 August: The Prostate Cancer Support Group resumes this Tuesday after a winter break at 6.30pm at a new venue – the Board Room at Narooma Golf Club. Dr Gundi Muller-Grotjan of Braveheart Healthcare will lead discussion.

No dinner meeting this Thursday 4 August, being the first Thursday in the month.

Friday 5 August: Board meeting at 4.15pm in the Board Room at Narooma Golf Club.

The Week that Was

While numbers were few, a very interested gathering. Lovely too to have Iris back among us.

Last week’s talk by Sol Ramana-Clarke on medicinal cannabis brought home to many how some things once considered ‘alternative’ can eventually become more mainstream. However, Sol said that is still a way off.

He gave a fascinating account of the hemp plant’s history (hemp is another name for cannabis, as is marihuana), its many uses and its ability to solve major health as well as environmental problems.

Sol spoke about the latest and current research into two major components of cannabis THC and CBD and their claimed ability to kill cancer cells, ease back pain, heal many illnesses, and the newly found role of cannabinoids in balancing every bodily function. What was particularly fascinating is that less than a handful of companies worldwide are manufacturing medicinal cannabis and that it is highly regulated and expensive, leading to a lot of sales on the black market. If you are interested in finding out more, check out Sol’s DVD The Hemp Solution available online.

Several people on Thursday mentioned that Four Corners last week was partly on cannabis’ medicinal potential. Mentioned was the $15m investment by iron ore magnate and cattle producer Gina Rinehart into the European expansion of the Perth-based company Little Green Pharma in the growing medicinal cannabis industry. Little Green Pharma sells its products into Europe. She obviously sees some potential.

Interestingly, Sol’s late father was a member of Bega Rotary.

Out and About

From Bega Rotary

Interesting at Bega Rotary’s recent Changeover, in outlining the Club’s plans for the year he referred to the Rotary International theme for the year. – “Imagine”. Phil challenged Bega Rotarians to ‘re-imagine’ their club and ‘to step up’. They’re set for an exciting and busy year ahead. Also at the Changeover, Paul Windle OA who is a Paul Harris Fellow was recognised with an Honorary Membership.

From Moruya Rotary

Moruya Rotary has invited Narooma and Batemans Bay Rotarians to join them at the next planning meeting for Carers’ Accommodation for the new Eurobodalla Hospitalon Friday 5 August at 10.30 am at Moruya Golf Club. Moruya President Shirl says it would be good to have a crowd to pool ideas, concerns, skills and knowledge


Dinner meeting at Narooma Golf Club – Club Assembly

Narooma Rotary Beacon 28 July 2022

Our July Market

What a team! Julie Hartley, David McInnes and Ange Ulrichsen at Sunday’s market

We had a beautiful sunny Sunday for our July Market, although it was a very crisp 7deg at 6am (some felt it was colder…). Our Market Manager Chris O’Brien reported 50 sites and lots of happy customers and stallholders, including two new stallholders. Acting treasurer Julie Hartley reports we took $885.00 at the gate, the van grossed $431.80 and the wishing well $90.5, so a total of $1,407.30 which is not bad for the middle of winter.

Our wonderful Rotary friend Wayne Redman with David McInnes at the barbecue

A diary entry please… We will hold our December Market on Thursday 29 December rather than Sunday 25 December for obvious reasons.


Our Dinner Meeting this Thursday features guest speaker Sol Ramana-Clarke on Medicinal Cannabis. Medicinal cannabis is a medicine that comes from the Cannabis sativa plant (commonly called marijuana). Medicinal cannabis and the recreational drug should not be confused; unlike medicinal cannabis, marijuana is not a medicine and contains unknown quantities of active ingredients and other impurities. Sol will talk about its history, traditional use, modern research about its health benefits, the legalities, as well as the economic benefits of hemp products for farmers. This should be an interesting night so please bring family and friends.

The Week that Was

Carers’ accommodation at new Hospital

Moruya President Shirl writes in their bulletin this week that they have received a letter from Southern NSW Local Health District Chief Executive Margaret Bennett. Shirl quotes…

 ‘Thank you for your correspondence dated 20 June 2022 about the Rotary Club’s plans to raise funds to facilitate the construction of appropriate carer’s accommodation at the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital. Southern NSW Local Health District strict appreciates and welcomes your efforts to help raise funds.’ The SNSW LHD Project Lead for this project is Louise McFadden from NSW Health.

The board of Moruya Rotary is inviting members and close associates of Moruya, Batemans Bay and Narooma Rotary Clubs plus the nine of the initial group to the meeting on Friday 5 August 10.30am at Moruya Golf Club.  This meeting will plan the way forward and include exploring and consolidating community interest and support. It will aim for a larger gathering in six to eight weeks’ time that will be well publicised  and will invite active community and commercial organisations, political representatives and individual sponsors to join Rotary for this large project. Shirl reports Mayor Matthew Hatcher is enthusiastic about this project.

Out and About


A team from Narooma High will attend this year’s Model United Nation’s Assembly (MUNA) in Canberra from Friday 19 August to noon Sunday 21 August 2022. It’s organised by Canberra Sunrise Rotary Club. MUNA has been disrupted over the last two years because of Covid-19.

MUNA is an annual (usually!) Rotary youth programme which attracts Yr10-12 students from schools across the eastern states, including from the Eurobodalla Shire. It provides students with the extraordinary experience of contributing to a United Nations General Assembly style debate in Old Parliament House, the aim being to increase international understanding and goodwill.

Thanks to the efforts of some of our Narooma Rotarians, Narooma High students and teachers have really connected with this Rotary Project. So, when organisers called for EOIs this year, our ‘sometime Youth Director’ Ange Ulrichsen and Narooma High teacher Monique Wicks got the process moving pronto with registration and consent forms, and voilà all systems are now go. 

Subject to Club Board approval, Narooma Rotary will sponsor a team of three Year 11 students. The cost to the Club is $1,500. The students will represent Iran, the country allocated to them, and debate current political issues relating to Iran. Our students are Yeshe Smith-Macpherson, Ellen Hemsted and Jack Lenihan. Ms  Wicks will travel with them and be with them during this time.

Ange has also liaised with Moruya Club who is sponsoring Carroll College’s team and now both teachers have connected. Both school teams are keen to have mock debates to help give them some confidence before they travel to Canberra. Post MUNA, our Club invites the students and teacher to our Rotary meeting so we can hear about their experience.


Tuesday 2 August: The Prostate Cancer Support Group resumes after a winter break at 6.30pm at a new venue – the Board Room at Narooma Golf Club. Dr Gundi Muller-Grotjan of Braveheart Healthcare will lead discussion.

No dinner meeting on Thursday 4 August, being the first Thursday in the month.

Friday 5 August: Board meeting at 4.15pm in the Board Room at Narooma Golf Club.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 21 July 2022

Andrew’s Thoughts

Delighted Moruya President Shirl Hayes-Cornish is presented with the Cinders Shield by Narooma President Andrew Lawson.

What a splendid evening last Thursday, albeit we were unlucky to not retain the Cinders Trophy. With 60 people there, the atmosphere was brilliant as was the inter-Club rivalry, all in good spirits of course. With the blend of Christmas in July and Bastille Day, this added something special to the event. My special thanks to Chris (and her band of Quota helpers) for such a splendid job – she was a credit to the Club. Roll on 2023 when we shall recapture the Trophy!

Friday’s Board meeting was cancelled due to many members being either sick or on vacation, all things of consequence being deferred to early August.

This week is the last of our winter break months for the Business Breakfast program; we recommence on Thursday 18 August. Also recommencing in August will be the Prostate Cancer Support Group on Tuesday 2nd when Dr Gundi Muller will lead a club night and discussions.

This Sunday is the July markets and let’s hope the rain holds off!

The following Thursday (28 July) we welcome Sol Ramana-Clarke speaking on medical cannabis. This is a very relevant topic and worthy of a good number to hear Sol’s talk.

So, as we catch our breath, it’s onwards and upwards mes amis!


No Business Breakfast this Thursday. We resume breakfasts in August after our winter break.

THIS SUNDAY IS OUR MARKETS –  the Market Roster will be emailed. Hope you are able to help.

The Week that Was

More on last Week’s Cinders

It was the French twist being Bastille Day that seemed to appeal more to our merry throng last week, rather than the Christmas in July theme. However, Ange Ulrichsen and her team of table decorators catered for all. Many of our Moruya friends and our own donned appropriate headwear, with Phil and Keith Armstrong even arriving fresh (well….) from the Tour de France with their cycling helmets, Keith sporting the maillot jaune as leader at that time and Phil the polka-dot jersey (which shed dots through the night!) as King of the Mountain. Moruya Rotarians were impressed with our board menu selection, the quality of the food and the efficiency of Paul’s team in serving.

Chris O’Brien did a great job with the questions; general agreement was they were pitched at the right level for everyone. The last rounds with picture cards added variety. Having Quota members, so experienced with Trivia quizzes, to help with the scoring was an inspired move.

Quota members Barbara McCabe, Catherine Ward, Stephanie Hancock, and our Quiz Master Chris O’Brien

There has been a fair bit of discussion among Moruya and some Narooma Rotarians since about who really won. According to some Moruya Rotarians, we reverted to a formula devised by Allan Jennaway some years ago (says the Moruya bulletin) where totals scored by each side are divided by the number of competitors on each side. Moruya’s bulletin this week notes this gave Narooma an average score of 9 plus per competitor, Moruya 10 plus. To quote from the Moruya bulletin, “the Jennaway formula did not last. Its inherent weakness was that the smaller side, stacked by chosen intelligentsia would generally have the advantage. So it might be that President Andrew, our welcoming host, felt it important that the visitors should be the winners — a judgement which we raucously welcomed on the homeward bus. Will we be equally gracious as next year’s hosts? Probably not.”

No one is really concerned though; it was a great night enjoyed by everyone.

A great time was had by all

Out and About

News from Rory Spurgeon

Rory Spurgeon is our 2020 Tertiary Scholar, studying at ANU. He sent through his First Semester very impressive” results to his counsellor Bob Aston to get his next and final scholarship payment.

Rory Spurgeon

Sorry I missed the Rotary meeting last month; I just got back from a trip to India with my friends. This last semester was by far my busiest. Both physics courses were very time intensive, I was in the Fenner musical, I coached Ultimate Frisbee, and I was a senior resident for Fenner (free rent in exchange for providing pastoral support and other care for residents). I also got Covid for a week which set me back on all my studies. Apart from that I still did all the other fun university stuff: lots of sport, chatted with lecturers and other students, and volunteered at a coffee shop. It was still another great experience though, just a much more busy one. I found physics took up so much of my time that I didn’t do as well on any of my courses but here are my results: Mathematics HD, Chemistry HD, Physics 2013 D, Physics 2020 D

As Bob says, “I don’t know how he fits so many things into his life”. We all wish Rory well for the Second Semester and with his future plans.

ACT Small Business Breakfasts

The Rotary Clubs of Canberra Weston Creek and Belconnen are running a series of six free business breakfast information sessions for small businesses May through to October. They start at 7.30am at the Raiders Kippax Club. The idea is to learn new business critical information and network with like-minded business people in the ACT. Sessions include ideas and tips on business planning, IT, leadership, staffing, peer support, mental health, sustainability, and advertising.


Dinner Meeting with guest speaker Sol Ramana-Clarke on Medicinal Cannabis. Medicinal cannabis is a medicine that comes from the Cannabis sativa plant (commonly called marijuana). Medicinal cannabis and the recreational drug should not be confused; unlike medicinal cannabis, marijuana is not a medicine and contains unknown quantities of active ingredients and other impurities.

Sol will talk about its history, traditional use, modern research about its health benefits, the legalities, as well as the economic benefits of hemp products for farmers. This should be an interesting night so please bring family and friends.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 14 July 2022

Andrew’s Thoughts

Finally it’s here! Our annual Cinders challenge is on this Thursday where we battle it out with our friends from Moruya Rotary over all things trivial. The prize is the much coveted Cinders Shield, currently in our good hands.

We were victorious last year, now for 2022!

Many thanks to our quiz whizz Chris O’Brien for all the work she has put into the questions which had to be put on hold; this was after Cinders was postponed because of ‘Covid in the Kitchen’ at the Golfie. With Chris’ merry band of helpers, our wonderful organising crew and the assembled troupe , it promises to be a fun night.

Unfortunately last week an unexpected  business commitment prevented me from being at the Club Assembly, but from all accounts it was a good and productive meeting under Ange’s very capable chairmanship. Discussion focussed on many points raised by the new Board at the previous week’s planning meeting. We will no doubt formalise some of those plans at the Board meeting this Friday.

See you on Thursday. As always, it’s onwards and upwards mes amis!


This Thursday: Our much anticipated Cinders challenge with Moruya Rotarians, with a slightly Christmas in July theme with a slight French twist. You are encouraged to get into the theme in whatever way ‘moves you’, but ‘dress-up’ is not compulsory. It’s 6 for 6.30pm. Cost $25 pp, meals off the board. Cash only.

This Friday: Board meeting 4pm Narooma Golf Club

A few French Christmas Traditions

 A French Christmas really is about the food, particularly oysters, and less about decorations and gifts. Needless to say, none of this food is on tonight’s Cinders’ menu unfortunately(!).

Christmas Eve Dinner: In France, the main celebratory Christmas meal is enjoyed on Christmas Eve (December 24th), not Christmas Day, called “Le Réveillon”. It translates to the idea of staying up all night for the arrival of the “Père Noël” (Santa Claus). The meal usually begins around 8pm and stretches until after midnight. The menu varies according to the region but it is the perfect occasion for everyone to blow their food budget and savour snails, frog’s legs, scallops (Coquilles Saint Jacques) and truffles.

Christmas Dinner: Dishes might include roast turkey with chestnuts or roast goose, oysters, foie gras, lobster, venison and cheeses. For dessert, a chocolate sponge cake log called a bûche de Noël is normally eaten. Another celebration, in some parts of France, is that 13 different desserts are eaten!

Advent calendars: Advent Calendars (calendriers de l’Avent) are a common treat for eager French children in anticipation of Christmas.

Real Christmas Trees: French families tend to get real Christmas trees. A fir tree is preferred because they don’t lose their leaves during winter, which doubles as a symbol of hope and eternal life.

The Nativity scene: In French this is known as the “crèche” and French families who have a nativity scene often include all kinds of figures not just Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph. On 25 December, a figurine representing Jesus is placed in the nativity scene (some nativities have it already present, though it is positioned upside down until Christmas Day). They are displayed until 2 February.

Shoes by the Fire: French children leave their shoes by the fireplace in the hope that Father Christmas will fill them with presents.

The French Christmas markets: All French Christmas markets (marchés de Noël) find their origins in Alsace. Its proximity to Germany gives Alsatian and French Christmas markets a distinctly Germanic touch in the structure of market stalls. The oldest Christmas market in Europe is in Strasbourg, dating from 1570.

The Week that Was

Last week’s Club Assembly

Our Club Assembly last week included some serious discussion over several proposed projects and revisited some previous projects. More on these in next week’s Beacon, once the results of this discussion is considered at this week’s Board meeting.

Our Business Breakfasts impress

Paul West was guest speaker at a recent Rotary Business Breakfast.

Moruya President Shirl Hayes-Cornish made special mention in her column in Moruya’s bulletin this week of our Business Breakfasts, describing them as “a great programme”. She quoted from our Changeover bulletin;  ‘These breakfasts are now well established as part of the business fabric of the town. Bringing the Club and businesses closer together and showcasing what Narooma Rotary can achieve.’

Out and About

Bega Rotarians and Killer whales

The Rotary Club of Bega is a proud sponsor of the under 16s Rugby team the Yuin Killer Whales in the PCYC (Police Citizens Youth Clubs) NSW Nations of Origin. PCYC (Police Citizens Youth Clubs) NSW Nations of Origin. Nations of Origin is a cultural reconciliation, education, leadership and sporting program that brings together nearly 1,500 young people from all around New South Wales. It culminates in an annual tournament this week in Nelson’s Bay.
The Yuin Killer Whales’ jerseys this year feature beautiful artwork by Shaquille Aldridge. Woolworths Merimbula is also a sponsor of the local Bega Valley teams.


No Rotary Breakfast – Business Breakfasts resume in August.

No scheduled dinner meeting instead. Great speaker the following week (28 July) – Sol Ramana-Clarke on Medicinal Cannabis. Please bring partners and friends.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 7 July 2022

Andrew’s Thoughts

Well after the previous week’s excitement, last week was quiet by comparison. The new board met on Friday to review plans for 22/23 and, although not finalised, will be discussed at this week’s Club Meeting.

Frank, our Renewable Energy guru

However the week was dominated by the news of Frank Eden’s sad passing. Frank has obviously been very ill for some while, so while not totally unexpected, his passing is a great loss to his family, his friends, and to Rotary. He was the embodiment of all that is good in Rotary, including being the instigator and main organiser of our very successful Renewable Energy Expos. We will honour him on Thursday. Ange, Chris and Laurelle have taken flowers to Iris from us all.

We celebrated Iris’ birthday in 2019 at Casey’s Cafe and saw Frank the poet. He was subsequently made the Club’s ‘poet laureate’.

On a similar matter, I have been in touch with Tony Butcher. As many know, he has stepped back from Rotary as he battles his cancer up in Sydney. He informed me his treatment is now complete and he awaits the results. He remains in our thoughts.

On those sad notes, I ask us all to reflect and remember our former members.


This Thursday (7 July) is a Club Night with dinner at Narooma Golf Club 6 for 6.30pm. It’s a chance to discuss plans for the year ahead, including plans for our annual Cinders tussle with Moruya Club over all things trivial next Thursday. Plans are for a Christmas in July theme which coincides with Bastille Day, so does that mean Christmas in July with a French theme?

The Week that Was

News from Raichel Brodie

Our 2022 Rotary Tertiary Scholar Raichel Brodie has sent her first semester results through to her counsellor President Andrew. She is studying Bachelor of Psychology at ANU. Her results are outstanding – Psychology HD, Health in the 21st Century HD, Human Biology HD and Self and Society D. Andrew reports Raichel is loving Psychology and probably won’t want to switch to Law at a later stage as she originally thought.  

Raichel is looking forward to interacting with Rotary during her scholarship years. She recently went with Bob Aston to Narooma High to explain the scholarship to Y12 students.

POW awardee wins Regional Award

Dalmeny Long Day Child Care Centre owner Kerry Mault with Teagan Nicholson and VP Ange at the recent Pride of Workmanship Awards

One of our 2022 Pride of Workmanship Awardees Teagan Nicholson is now also an Illawarra and South East Regional Winner in the School Based Apprentice/Trainee of the Year. Teagan, a Narooma High student, undertook a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care through Early Childhood Training and Professional Development.  This meant she combined doing a national qualification with on-the-job training through Dalmeny Long Day Child Care Centre while completing her HSC. Needless to say Centre owner Kerry Mault is ‘over the moon’.

Incidentally long time POW supporters Erica and Nic Dibden of Tilba Real Dairy are also walking tall after winning a swag of awards at the recent Sydney Royal Cheese and Dairy Show including a Gold Medal for their full cream unhomogenised milk.

New Hospital Carers’ Accommodation

Moruya Rotary hosted a meeting last Friday to discuss the possibility and feasibility of a long term community project to provide carers’ accommodation at the proposed Eurobodalla Regional Hospital, similar to what happened in Bega. Laurelle Pacey represented our Club at that meeting, due to President Andrew’s and VP Ange’s unavailability at that time. Also present were Cr Rob Pollock, Louise McFadden from NSW Health, Brad Rossiter and Christine Smith from the Eurobodalla Community Consultative Committee, three from Moruya Rotary (President Shirl, Andrew Elek and Steve Young), and David Ashford from Batemans Bay Rotary.

Issues discussed included the need including possible demand for carers’ accommodation for the next 20 years, possible political pressure needed, funding sources, incorporation, a possible name for the community group with the current suggestion being Eurobodalla Regional Hospital Carers Accommodation (ERHCA). The next step is an open public meeting on Friday 5 August at 10.30 am at Moruya Golf Club to gauge community feeling.

Out and About

Non-invasive Bowel Cancer Screenings

With our BowelCare programme currently underway (contact BowelCare Head Office 4341 6695 if you have not yet ordered a kit but want one this year), interesting to see that Australian Rotary Health (ARH) is funding a project that may discover a more effective, non-invasive way to screen for bowel cancer than a colonoscopy.

Bowel cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in Australia.  Currently, bowel cancer screenings involve an initial examination of stool, or a faecal occult blood test (using the BowelCare kit), followed by a colonoscopy to investigate and diagnose.

In 1921 PhD candidate Liam Ryan from Deakin University was awarded a PhD Scholarship co-funded by the Rotary Club of Mornington and ARH to conduct research into cell-based (cytological) bowel cancer screening methods. His research scholarship will continue into 2023.


Finally our annual Cinders night with Moruya Rotary Club where we battle it out for the Cinders shield.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 30 June 2022

Andrew’s Thoughts

Our Board 2022-2023 consists of Mike Young, left, Susanna Chung, President Andrew Lawson, Vice President Ange Ulrichsen, Lynn Hastings, Julie Hartley, Gero Mitchell and Laurelle Pacey.

Well, what an amazing way to end our Rotary year! Changeover was a great success with almost 50 people attending – honoured guests including PDG Phil Armstrong and AG Adam de Totth, voluntary agency representatives, plus us and our guests. 

Mike Young, PCFA’s Jim Lloyd, Julie Hartley and President Andrew

There were so many highlights for me to report, but reflecting back on 21/22 it was encouraging what we achieved, surviving Zoom meetings and fully establishing our fledgling Business Breakfast program. The highlight was to establish our Prostate Cancer Support Group (PCSG) and we were honoured that The Hon Jim Lloyd from the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) joined us to receive our first donation for prostate cancer research and support.  As is our tradition, we donated to our local voluntary agencies, recognising the VRA, the Surf Club, Oz Harvest and Marine Rescue – both Narooma and Bermagui. 

David McInnes receives a Paul Harris Fellowship

Then it was on to recognising our own. It was with great pride that I presented a Paul Harris Fellowship to David McInnes for his years of support at the same time as balancing his business and swimming responsibilities, and also for a second time to Rod Walker for all that he does quietly in the background and his very wise counsel.

Rotarian of the Year Julie Hartley

We recognised John Rungen for what he has done over the years as he takes some time off to travel the globe, and also Mike Young for his unstinting support throughout my presidential year. Club Rotarian of the Year was a very close call but went to Julie Hartley who was the seed, the inspiration and a major launch partner behind the PCSG, as well as leading the successful Duck Race Team with a broken wing.

Rod Walker receives his second Paul Harris Fellowship

So to 22/23, the year of the ‘three Rs’ – Review, Reflect and Revise. Whilst I envisage evolution and not revolution, it is time to take stock of what we do, and benchmark our Club against others in D9705. This process may be challenging but it is important we remain relevant for the members of tomorrow. One of the areas for review will be communication, both internally and externally. We are getting there with our Facebook, albeit with more to do, but have a long way to go with our website where Susanna Chung and I have already agreed on a program of review. So our ‘Imagine’ Year motto will be CRAY – Community and communication, Reach into the wider territory, Agencies where we can work collaboratively, and Youth through our scholarship and continuing to work with the High School.

So there’s lots to do. The new Board will meet on Friday to develop our plans for the year and I look forward to reporting back at our Club Night on 7th July.

Meanwhile, as ever, it’s onwards and upwards mes Amis!


Thursday 30 June – no Club Dinner Meeting

Friday 1 July 4.15pm – Planning Meeting of new Board – Narooma Golf Club

The Week that Was

More on our Changeover

In reviewing the past year, President Andrew Lawson said “with everything the year threw at us, I was impressed with the adaptability of our Club”.

Past District Governor Phil Armstrong pointed out 2022-2023 was an extraordinary year for Rotary being the first time a woman has been President of Rotary International (Jennifer Jones). It coincides with women also leading our South Pacific Zone (Dr Jessie Harman) and our District Governor (Geraldine Rurenga).

Last Sunday’s Market

Some of our great Market Team – Robyn miller, Lynn Hastings, Chris O’Brien and Ange Ulrichsen

What a great vibe at Sunday’s Market. Beautiful sunshine after a freezing start, with many happy people. Hats off to all our Market team including some of our Rotary Friends for their efforts.

Eurobodalla RYDA receives national award

Eurobodalla’s Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) programme for High School students received national recognition in receiving the 2022 Toyota Community Award for its outstanding commitment to youth road safety education.

In accepting the award at last week’s Batemans Bay changeover, Eurobodalla RYDA organiser and Batemans Bay Rotarian Neil Simpson said it was “very pleasing to be selected for the community award”. “It’s fitting recognition of the efforts of dozens of Rotarians and community volunteers who willingly give their time and expertise to help with RYDA every year,” he said. “This includes local bus companies, Moruya Jockey Club, driving schools, NSW Police, Eurobodalla Shire Council and the three Rotary clubs.”

In the Eurobodalla, Road Safety Education’s flagship RYDA programme is organised by the combined Batemans Bay, Moruya and Narooma Rotary Clubs. Since 2008, nearly 3000 Year 11 students from every high school in Eurobodalla Shire have attended the RYDA course to help them be better drivers and passengers. 

Batemans Bay Toyota will financially support RYDA for the next five years ensuring its longevity in the Eurobodalla.

Out and About

From Pambula Rotary

Connecting Communities Australia (CCA) is working with lead partner, the Rotary Club of Pambula, Social Justice Advocates of the Sapphire Coast, Pambula-Merimbula Lions Club and Bega Valley Shire Council to deliver a water and sanitation project following the Black Summer bushfires.

The first stage involved a team of local and interstate volunteers working in the Kiah area for two weeks recently. The team constructed two sanitation sheds for families directly impacted. These sheds will provide improved sanitation, water catchment and waste disposal, supporting them to stay or return to their properties. The incidental personal interaction and conversations from this project also provides a valuable connection and outlet for people. This project has seen all partners effectively working together, with teams on-site showing great kindness and generosity and allowing our residents to fully embrace this project.

The second stage of the project will commence in the north of the Bega Valley Shire in July.

From Merimbula Rotary

Merimbula Rotary‘s Board allocated payments from their wishing well at their monthly markets to various charities. February’s went to RAWCS  Tonga Disaster Relief Fund (matched by the Club), March’s to the RAWCS NSW/Queensland Flood Relief Fund, April’s to the Ukrainian Humanitarian Relief Aid Appeal and June’s to Animal Welfare.


Thursday 7 July – Dinner Meeting – Club Night on the year ahead

Narooma Rotary Beacon 23 June 2022

Andrew’s Thoughts

We have had a great Rotary year, despite the ups and downs of Covid, as evidenced by some of our wonderful bridge crew at Rotary’s Great Australia Day Duck Race in January. Shown are David McInnes, VP Ange Ulrichsen and President Andrew Lawson

After a quiet week, we launch headlong into the most important meeting of the Rotary calendar. Yes; it’s Changeover! Thursday is special as we welcome honoured guests, together with our partners and friends, to reflect on this last year with its highs and lows, and to pay tribute to other local voluntary organisations that protect and nurture us daily.

I look forward to précising my annual report, to recognising worthy Rotarians, and to outlining plans for 2022/2023. So I urge you all to come and have a great night celebrating all that is good about our Club.

See you at our Narooma Market on Sunday…

As ever it’s onwards and upwards mes amis!

THIS WEEK – Thursday 23 June

Our CHANGEOVER at Narooma Golf Club 6 for 6.30pm. Cost $45pp (two-course meal, wine on the table). Reservations closed Monday. Look forward to seeing you there.

The Week that Was

Moruya embraces Carers’ Accommodation

Many Moruya Rotarians are enthusiastic about participating in building Carers’ Accommodation for the new Moruya Hospital, similar to what Pambula Rotary initiated for the Bega Regional Hospital. Narooma Rotary contributed towards the Bega project. Moruya Rotary would be the driving force but would require widespread community support over many years including from Narooma and Batemans Bay Rotary Clubs. A site for a future accommodation building has been identified in the master plan for the site but no Government funding has yet been allocated. The $2.3 million project would have $1 for $1 government funding.

Moruya Club has written to the Chief Executive of Southern NSW Local Health Margaret Bennett indicating Moruya’s desire to launch an effort to help raise funds and to facilitate the construction of appropriate carer’s accommodation.

Homeless in the Eurobodalla

Following approaches by the community, including by Moruya Rotary Club, Council has arranged for mobile shower units to arrive at North Head Moruya campground next week. More than 50 people, including working families, are living at the campground because they can’t find affordable rental accommodation. The mobile units will provide hot showers over winter months while longer term options are considered.

While Council considered opening Community halls for shelter, advice from local agencies and peak body Homelessness NSW was that approach is unsafe for people already vulnerable.

Longer-term solutions being explored are Council possibly providing land for tiny homes in a pilot project funded by the Federal government, or building a homeless shelter to be run by a local service.


Thursday 30 June – no Club Dinner Meeting

Friday 1 July 4.15pm – Planning Meeting of new Board – Narooma Golf Club

Narooma Rotary Beacon 16 June 2022

Andrew’s Thoughts

Where does the time go!

Thursday saw a Club Night at the Golfie which turned out to be great fun for all concerned, and included signing off on the Changeover menu and drinks. Thanks to Gero for her culinary input and to Bob for his wise advice on wine. It was really good to see John and Francoise for a second time.

Friday was the combined 21/22 and 22/23 Board Meeting which is always special. It is good to see important cover for our key functions, together with input from new Board members Gero, Julie and Sussana.

On Saturday, Julie, Mike and I met to reflect on the Prostate Cancer Support Group and where we had kicked goals and also where we had missed. We are working on plans for 22/23 and shall update you all in due course.

Changeover will be on the 23rd and is unquestionably the most important date in the Rotary calendar. We already know that many of “the great and the good” will be honouring us with their presence. I urge everyone to come and bring friends and partners for what is a serious but very enjoyable night. I look forward to giving my strategic vision for 22/23 and how we shall ‘Imagine’.

As ever, it’s onwards and upwards mes amis!


No Rotary Breakfast this Thursday (Breakfasts resume 18th August) and nothing else is planned.

The Week that Was

News of Eurobodalla RYDA award

Ange Ulrichsen and Rachel McInnes represented our Club at this year’s RYDA and accompanied Narooma High’s Year 11 students through the day.

Eurobodalla’s Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) team will be presented with a major national award at Batemans Bay Rotary’s Changeover on 23 June  by the National Road Safety Education (RSE) Program Manager and Toyota Australia. The Toyota Community Award for 2022 is for a community’s outstanding support to road safety education; our Eurobodalla RYDA team has been selected for our community support of RYDA over many, many years. Our Narooma Club is a strong supporter.

RYDA is written and resourced by Road Safety Education Ltd (RSE) in Sydney. Every year, RSE and their major partners recognise the contribution of individuals, schools, Police members and community groups with their ‘Supporting Excellence in Road Safety’ Awards. There are only five awards presented for all of Australia and this is one of them.

Eurobodalla’s RYDA targeting Year 11 students is a joint programme between the Bay, Moruya and Narooma Clubs with the Bay’s Neil Simpson as Coordinator.Ange Ulrichsen has been a stalwart of our Club’s commitment to RYDA over the years and she has been invited as our Club’s representative at the presentation. Unfortunately their Changeover is the same night as ours.

Market thankyou

The Club has received a lovely letter from one of our Market stallholders who first came before Christmas and is now permanent because she enjoys selling her Australian-designed and made clothing at our markets so much. She said she looks forward to travelling down from Sydney to participate in our market and enjoy all that Narooma has to offer. She praised the skill and professionalism of market organiser Chris and the team.

Our 2023 Tertiary Scholarship

Bob Aston and President Andrew will give Narooma High Year 12 students an early ‘heads up’ on our 2023 Narooma Rotary Tertiary Scholarship on 30 June. The value of the scholarship has doubled thanks to the generosity of a private benefactor. Interviews with scholarship applicants will be held 17 December.

Moruya ‘Changed-over’ on Tuesday

From Moruya’s last bulletin…Thanks to the efforts of Moruya’s Foundation Director Phil Armstrong, the Club was able to secure $30,000 from the Rotary Clubs of Britain and Ireland Disaster Relief plus $10,000 through the District Bushfire Recovery fund. This money is being directed towards the renovation of Moruya Showground’s kitchen which was a vital facility during the Bushfire evacuation.


Our CHANGEOVER night 6 for 6.30pm at Narooma Golf Club. Cost $45pp. Members and friends have been sent an invitation.  Please ensure you let John know if you are coming and numbers by Monday 20th at the latest.