Narooma Rotary Beacon 4 July 2024

The venue and gathering all set for the Club’s celebration of a wonderful year.

Julie’s Jots

Some of our Board for 2024-2025: Ange Ulrichsen, left, President Julie Hartley, Past President Lynn Hastings and Gero Mitchell. Board members absent were David McInnes, Gordon Bentley and Laurelle Pacey.

Thank you everyone who attended our Changeover last Thursday and made Lynn’s last night as President a success (see full report below). Thank you Lynn and your board for a wonderful year. I know we will keep the same enthusiasm going moving forward.

Our year ahead will be exciting, boosted with three keen new members who will add to our already great team.  Later this month (25th) we have the Cinders Trivia Challenge with our friends from Moruya Rotary.  That night is always fun and a good opportunity for our new members to see how our Clubs support each other and enjoy each other’s company. Please bring your friends, especially those who excel at Trivia!


No Dinner Meeting being the first Thursday in the month.

5.15pm Narooma Golf Club: The first Board Meeting chaired by new President Julie Hartley.

The Week that Was

The moment we all walked into the Golf Club’s Seahorse Room for our Club’s Changeover, we knew everyone was in for a fun and festive night. The tables looked terrific with beautiful table decorations thanks to President Lynn, a warm welcome from members, a slide show going in the background highlighting our wonderful 2023-2024 year, and programmes and bulletins on the tables also showed why the Club had every reason to celebrate.

MC for the night at short notice (due to David McInnes being struck down with the dreaded ‘C’) was Françoise Cleret who was terrific, setting just the right light tone for our celebrations. The Club was honoured to have newly installed District Governor Rob Uhl, Area Governor Haseena Tweedle, DGN Rob Shore and Eurobodalla Mayor Matt Hatcher, as well as representatives from Moruya, Bega and Batemans Bay Rotary, and many local organisations join us.

It was also wonderful to have all three of the Club’s current Tertiary students at the Changeover. They spoke about their progress this year.

Our three Tertiary Scholars – Raichel Brodie, Milaina Cafe and Nico Van Delft-Twyford. 

President Lynn described the past 12 months as “extra extra-ordinary”; “what our small club has achieved is truly amazing”. She highlighted Narooma Rotarians as ‘People of Action’ and then listed just some highlights for her in her year as President, including the delivery of the new purpose-built food van, organising Narooma’s first Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride, the Club’s becoming involved again in Rotary Youth Exchange, and Ange Ulrichsen’s participation in a RAWCS project to Nepal. That was on top of the youth, vocational and community projects the Club regularly supports.

Françoise Cleret presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Cale Phelps.

President Lynn and Françoise presented Certificates of Appreciation for their outstanding support of Narooma’s first Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride (NGR) to Cale Phelps of Narooma Motorcycles and to Narooma Fire and Rescue. Françoise was surprised to also receive a Certificate for her initiative and outstanding organisation in delivering the DGR. Narooma’s DGR raised a staggering $10,967.00 for prostate cancer research and men’s mental health through DGR’s global charity partner Movember.

Kim Barkely and Will Dawson receive a Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of Narooma Fire and Rescue from Françoise and Lynn

Also on the night, President Lynn presented donations towards the Carers’ Accommodation for the Eurobodalla Regional Hospital, Narooma Surf Club, Marine Rescue Narooma, Narooma Rescue VRA and Oz Harvest.

Glenn Bywater accepts the Surf Club donation from Lynn
Donna Falconer and Michelle Preston receive the Oz Harvest donation from Lynn

All up, the Club provided over $35,500 in the year to local and international causes. The Club also provided $16,500 in Tertiary Scholarships, thanks to several generous benefactors. 

Meet our new Rotarians

A major highlight on the night was District Governor Rob Uhl inducting three new members at the Changeover – Laurence Babington, Ann Hegerty and Amanda James. All are delighted to join Narooma Rotary and we welcome them with open arms.

District Governor Rob Uhl, right, was delighted to induct three new Rotarians into our Club at the Changeover – Laurence Babington, left, Ann Hegerty and Amanda James.

Laurence owns Mystery Bay Cottages, grew up at Mystery Bay and Sydney, and has a background in farming, construction and tourism. Rotary’s Mission Statement attracted him, and he greatly enjoys Rotary’s Business Breakfasts with its gathering of interesting and genuine people.

Ann is new to Narooma and soon identified Rotary as an active, open and welcoming organisation she would like to join. Qualifying as an architectural draftsman, her career moved from the construction industry to the Federal Government, to an international computer software company, to being an advocate for disability organisations. Most recently she worked as a change manager for the Federal Government.

Amanda moved to Bodalla a few years ago. She had been very involved in community groups when her kids were growing up and has missed that involvement since. She saw that Rotary was welcoming and friendly. She has worked in banks, hospitality, crayfish factories, Homecare and Disability organisations. Amanda has now returned to doing something she loves – teaching children and adults to swim.

Awards for two who shone

Françoise Cleret was awarded Rotarian of the Year.

President Lynn awarded Françoise the Club’s Rotarian of the Year for all she has brought to the Club, particularly her initiative with the hugely successful Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride and her invaluable assistance in procuring a new food van.

Susanna Chung was made a Paul Harris Fellow by President Lynn Hastings

Susanna Chung received the highest recognition a Rotary Club can bestow by being made a Paul Harris Fellow. This recognised Susanna’s enthusiasm and initiatives reconnecting our Club with the Rotary Youth Exchange Programme.

New President Julie Hartley then  introduced the Rotary International theme for this year – ‘The Magic of Rotary’ – and her incoming Board, three of whom unfortunately were away.

“Although our Club is small, we’re a happy and welcoming Club made up of very keen and enthusiastic members, partners and Friends of Rotary,” Mrs Hartley said. “I’m excited at our vision for the coming year, building on the success of the last 12 months.”

To top off the great night, the caterers rose to the occasion and the food was excellent.

(A big thankyou for all the Changeover photographs to John Cunningham who filled in for the editor, also struck down with the dreaded ‘C’. Top job.)

URGENT – Working with Children Check

Our Child Protection Director Gordon Bentley reminds anyone who still has not done a Working With Children Check to please do so online (Service NSW) this coming week. It takes less than an hour to complete. Gordon and Lynn need to do the checks and phone calls to get everyone in the Club fully cleared.


‘This is Us’ (formerly Club Assembly) for Dinner at Narooma Golf Club 6 for 6.30pm  – Details to come .

Narooma Rotary Beacon 27 June 2024

Lynn’s Lines

At last Thursday’s Business Breakfast Council’s General Manager Warwick Winn, left, Narooma Rotary Vice President David McInnes. Sally Bouckley of Southbound Escapes, and Karen McLellan of Oakleigh Farm Cottarges and ESC.

Julie Hartley reports attendees at the Prostate Cancer Support Group (PCSG) last week really appreciated being able to talk with guest speaker urologist Dr Chi Can Huynh (see report below).

Last Thursday morning we had a great Business breakfast with Council’s General Manager Warwick Winn (see report below) as guest speaker. He attracted a good crowd. Now we have a break for two months over winter.

On Thursday evening, Chris O’Brien and I went to Bega Rotary’s Changeover and 70th Anniversary celebrations. We had a lovely evening and saw many people we knew – President Phil McDonald, his sister Margaret Taylor, DGE Rob Uhl, DGN Robert Shore and wife Judy – and met many new people from Merimbula and Pambula Rotary clubs. This Tuesday, Julie Hartley, Ange Ulrichsen and Laurelle Pacey will attend Moruya Rotary’s Changeover.

On Sunday we had a great market with 57 stall holders which is excellent for a winter market. Takings were Gate $845.00, Food Van $776.95 (gross), Wishing Well $106.25. Sunshine and no wind made for a magic day that attracted many people, so a great atmosphere overall.  Visitors included several Merimbula Rotarians keen to check out our new van and ask questions about it; they’re considering getting one for their club.

Merimbula Rotary representatives Cam Edgerton and Myriam Van Hock chatted to President Lynn Hastings about our new food van at the markets on Sunday.
They were joined by fellow Merimbula Rotarians (see below) Tony Stove, second from left, Judy Raymond and Bill De Jong.

This Thursday is our big night and I look forward to seeing everyone there. This being my final Lynn’s Lines, I really want to make special mention of some members who regularly do the ‘behind the scenes’ jobs.

My VP extra-ordinaire this year David McInnes has been my ‘Can Do Man’. Anything I came up with was “No Problem – got it covered”, and we had a few zingers in there. David is the most positive, ‘turn it around guy’ anyone could ever wish for. Too many things to list; you know how truly grateful I am… we got there!

To Secretary John Rungen for staying all year; it was a long six months… He did so many extra jobs too, like teaching me how to mark out the market, taking numbers for dinner meetings, the market roster, putting the market banner up in town, buying drinks for the van,  all on top of being a great secretary. Thank you very much John.

Laurelle Pacey our media person for many years, doing our weekly newsletters and media releases, taking photos of us all whatever we may be doing! And the Pride of Workmanship Awards each year. Not to mention all the organising and prompting to keep us on our toes. You are the glue that holds us together. Thank you.

Chris O’Brien, our Markets Manager for 20 years. Every month she organises stall holders and insurances, does the plan to mark out, greets stallholders at the gate in the wee hours of the morning and collects fees with Laurelle, and sometimes Ange and David. A huge ‘thank you’ Chris.

Ange Ulrichsen does our youth programmes MUNA, RYPEN and RYDA, organises our regular dinner speakers, and shops for the food basics for the market barbecue. She also asks everyone she knows to our guest speaker dinners, organises raffles, and so much more. Thank you very much Ange for all you do.

Susanna Chung, our exceptional Youth Exchange Director. One student out to Japan and one student arriving from Finland next month. WOW, a big year!  Thank you so very much for your enthusiasm and getting us there.

Françoise Cleret even delivered our new food van to our door! Amazing, then followed it up with the wonderful Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride. There are no words but thank you so much for all you have brought to our club. It is greatly appreciated by us all.

And Julie Hartley for all her work and dedication to the regular monthly gatherings of the Prostate Cancer Support Group, PLUS the big task of taking on the President’s job this year. You will be our compass giving us direction over the coming Rotary year. Have fun. We all appreciate your taking on the job.

All our members contribute so much to ensuring our Club keeps doing the great work we do while also having a good time doing it. At the end of the day we are a team and without any one of us the Club just would not work the way it does. I am so very very grateful to everyone for all you give to Narooma Rotary and your support of me through the last year. What we do is amazing, particularly for a small club. We truly are ‘People of Action’.   Lynn



Our Narooma Changeover in Narooma Golf Club 6 for 6.30. It’s our ‘Night of Nights’! Special guests will include new District Governor Rob Uhl, Area Governor Haseena Tweddle and Eurobodalla Shire Mayor Matt Hatcher. Bookings have now closed.

Working with Children Check

Our Child Protection Director Gordon Bentley reminds anyone who still has not done a Working With Children Check to please do so online (Service NSW) this week. It takes less than an hour to complete. That way Gordon and Lynn can then do the checks and phone calls to get everyone in the Club fully cleared.

The Week that Was

It’s been a wonderfully busy Rotary week. First the bumper Prostate Cancer Support Group gathering, then the Business Breakfast on Thursday, followed by the Market on Sunday

Prostate Cancer Support Group

Andrew Lawson, Dr Chi Can Huynh , Julie Hartley and Mike Young at last week’s PCSG

Julie Hartley reports last Monday’s PCSG gathering with special guest speaker urologist Dr Chi Can Huynh attracted 17 people, mainly from Narooma but also from Bega and Malua Bay. It included four Narooma Rotarians.

Dr Chi Can Huynh

“The Doctor was very easy to talk with and there were lots of questions,” Julie said. “It’s good for everyone to see that new treatments are coming along all the time and to hear that so much research into prostate cancer is now happening because of its increasing occurrence in our community.”

Australian Government statistics show the number of new cases of prostate cancer in a year is now ahead of all other cancers. The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia states prostate cancer is the second most common cause of death from cancer in Australian men, after lung cancer.

Dr Huynh, while based in Sydney, also holds teaching hospital positions in the Southern NSW Health District and consults in both the public and private sectors in Moruya and Bega. He is willing to do further talks at Narooma’s PCSG, hopefully one before the end of the year.

Business Breakfast

Eurobodalla Shire Council General Manager Warwick Winn was the guest speaker at our last week’s Business Networking Breakfast. Thirty-four people registered, part of the appeal also being he was happy to take questions from the floor, and there were quite a few; we went over time.

Eurobodalla Shire Council General Manager Warwick Winn

He said one of the major differences between being GM of a regional versus a metropolitan council (previously at Penrith and North Sydney) was the increased connectivity with and accountability to the local community. One challenge was the blowout  from what he had understood on joining to be a $4m shortfall in Council’s budget to $14m within a few months of his appointment; the Bay Pavilions Aquatic, Arts and Leisure Centre’s  (the PAV)  annual operating loss of $5m a major contributor. Rather than huge rate increases to pay for it, Warwick said Council is cutting back on some services and being extra careful spending ratepayers and taxpayers’ money, stressing the need for transparency and value for money.

Recruiting staff is another challenge. “I am amazed how difficult it is to attract people down here, despite a little known taxation advantage,” he said. “It’s the tyranny of distance.”

Questions included:

  • The possibility of closing down parts of the PAV to save money; “not feasible”.
  • Council’s lack of progress on Narooma’s second oval at Bill Smyth Oval and replacing the jetty at Ringland’s Point, despite Council’s assurances many years ago.
  • The NSW Government’s $10m earmarked for a Narooma Bridge study which led to mention of the Narooma Bypass. Reference was made to David McInnes’ involvement with a Chamber think tank on the bypass at which David emerged from a cupboard at the back of the Surf Club to great hilarity (and some bemusement by the GM); David had been in there trying to get the PA to work.
  • Council’s involvement in affordable (for teachers, nurses, police and firies) versus social housing in Moruya; Warwick referred us to Council’s Housing Strategy.
  • The high cost of air fares in and out of Moruya and the effect on business and tourism.   

Warwick was recently appointed to the Southern NSW and ACT Regional Development Advisory Board. He has bought in Narooma and is loving it.


No Dinner Meeting being the first Thursday in the month.

5.15pm Narooma Golf Club: The first Board Meeting chaired by new President Julie Hartley.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 20 June 2024

Lynn’s Lines

Last Thursday was our Club Assembly. We had a good turn-out despite a number of members being away. Everyone was updated on what’s happening and the Board’s decisions last week. The new Whale community raffle plans were discussed and tickets are being readied for printing.

Chris O’Brien presents President Lynn with a banner from the Rotary Club of Vancouver.

It was lovely to receive a banner from the Rotary Club of Vancouver in Canada from Chris O’Brien, in exchange for one of ours, following her attendance at their meeting during her recent hoiday. Another reminder of Rotary’s wonderful international network.

This Wednesday is the Prostate Cancer Support Group meeting with leading Urologist Dr Chi Can Huynh. We’re hoping for a good audience following widespread publicity along the coast, including by our neighbouring Rotary Clubs which was greatly appreciated (see below). As our PCSG Coordinator Julie Hartley has pointed out, his coming to our area means that men no longer have to go to Sydney or Canberra for consultations and operations.

This Thursday’s Business Breakfast with guest speaker Council’s General Manager Warwick Winn is also attracting good support, despite the probably chilly morning.

Susanna and I are heading to Bega’s Changeover on Thursday night, their big 70th Anniversary. Bega is our ‘Mother Club’ that helped establish our Club in 1958.

I am looking forward to our Changeover on the 27th which will be a wonderful event celebrating our Club’s extraordinary year, thanks to the efforts of our great team. We will be welcoming many special guests including our new District Governor Rob Uhl and our Area Governor Haseena Tweddle.

Three new members will be inducted at the Changheover, including Amanda James and Ann Hegerty who were at last week’s Assembly

John has sent around the roster for Sunday’s Market. Please check if you are on the right shift and time. If your name is not there please let him know, and of any changes.

Another good Rotary week ahead.


Wednesday 19 June 6.30pm Narooma Golf Club:

Urologist Dr Chi Can Huynh is guest speaker at the Narooma Prostate Cancer Support Group. The PCSG is a Club initiative. Dr Huynh will discuss developments in the treatment of prostate cancer and associated prostate issues. While his private surgery is in Sydney at the Male Clinic, he also holds teaching hospital positions in the Southern NSW Health District and consults in both the public and private sectors in Moruya and Bega. Everyone is welcome including partners and friends.

Thursday 20 June 7am Business Networking Breakfast, Narooma Surf Club:

Guest speaker is Eurobodalla Shire Council General Manager Warwick Winn. He will talk about the challenges of managing a regional versus metropolitan council and major issues facing Eurobodalla Shire Council. He is also happy to have a Q&A session. This will be our last Business Breakfast until September after a two month winter break.   

Sunday 23 June: The Market (winter times)

The Week that Was

Far from slowing down at the end of the Rotary year, our Club continues to forge ahead. Much activity is happening behind the scenes in preparation for our Changeover celebration on Thursday 27th, our pinnacle event of the year, as well as our regular events. Please ensure you have replied to John Rungen’s Changeover invitation by this Friday at the latest, with accompanying payment online into our Administration account to confirm your booking. It makes it much easier on the night.

Out and About

Bega Changeover and 70th Anniversary Thursday 20 June6.00 for 6.30. Bega Golf Club at Tarraganda. Cost $48. RSVP 14 June.

District Changeover at the Services Club in Young on Saturday 22 June, 6 for 6.30. Cost $50. Details on the District Website.

Moruya Changeover at Moruya Golf Club Tuesday 25 June. 

Batemans Bay Changeover will be held in the Soldiers Club on Thursday 18 July, 6 for 6.30. Cost $50 Reply Neil Simpson by 11 July, 0418 668 194

District Conference

Registrations are now open for the 9705 District Conference to be held in the Mittagong RSL from 25 to 27 October. Full details on the District website.


Our Narooma Changeover in Narooma Golf Club on Thursday, 27 June, 6 for 6.30. Cost $40. John Rungen (0408 547 238) has sent invitations out to members and Friends of Rotary.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 13 June 2024

The Week that Was

Great news! The Board last week approved membership applications by Amanda James and Ann Hegerty. This means three new members will be inducted at the Changeover on Thursday 27 June – Amanda, Ann and Laurence Babington. Laurence’s membership was approved at May’s Board meeting. Welcome to you all!

People of Action

The Board also supported the Club including RI’s branding of ‘People of Action’ in all our marketing.

Update on Exchange Students

Susanna Chung reported to the Board on Lachie’s progress; he’s with his second host family until the end of June. Our incoming exchange student Hilma of Finland arrives at Moruya Airport on 25th July. Not long away! Susanna has done a great job organising host families. Three confirmed; fourth still to be finalised. Thank you Susanna for all your hard work and dedication.

DGR 2025

Last week’s Board meeting also endorsed the Club’ organisation of next year’s Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride (DGR) on Sunday 18 May 2025. DGR Coordinator Françoise Cleret has already booked NATA Oval and sought feedback from various groups who joined us this year; all will be back next year.

The 2024 DGR united motorcyclists on the same day in 959 towns/cities in 105 countries around the world, all for the vital cause of men’s health. Over 113,00 riders donned dapper attire, men and women, fired up their classic and vintage styled bikes and raised awareness and over US$7.6 million for prostate cancer and men’s mental health on behalf of charity partner, Movember. Narooma contributed AU$10,967.00 from 73 riders.  

The Board also endorsed disbursements of accumulated funds to the 30 June to various community groups and Rotary projects. Details in the Changeover Bulletin on the night.


Club Assembly 6 for 6.30pm at Narooma Golf Club.

Out and About

PCSG guest speaker 19 June

Urologist Dr Chi Can Huynh

Leadng Urologist Dr Chi Can Huynh will be guest speaker at the next Prostate Cancer Support Group (PCSG) meeting on Wednesday 19 June 6.30pm at Narooma Golf Club. The Narooma PCSG is a Club initiative.

Dr Huynh will discuss developments in the treatment of prostate cancer and associated prostate issues. While his private surgery is in Sydney at the Male Clinic, he also holds teaching hospital positions in the Southern NSW Health District and consults in both the public and private sectors in Moruya and Bega.

Our PCSG Coordinator Julie Hartley says This is a wonderful opportunity to hear about the latest surgical techniques for prostate cancer and for erectile dysfunction. “His coming to our area means that men now don’t have to go to Sydney or Canberra for consultations and operations; they can do it here.” Everyone is welcome including partners and friends.

The Magic of Rotary

Rotary International President-elect Stephanie Urchick’s presidential theme for 2024-25 is The Magic of Rotary. She is a member of the Rotary Club of McMurray, Pennsylvania, USA.

Stephanie explains why she adopted the theme colours of orange and sky blue in the logo.  Orange is a dominant colour of autumn, the end of one phase and the beginning of another; the primary colour of change. Blue is associated with knowledge and intelligence, trust, loyalty, and dependability. “Combined, these colours represent our burning need to move forward together as we change ourselves and change the world,” she said.

Why The Magic of Rotary as the theme for her year? “It’s not a matter of waving a wand and saying some funny word to make things happen. It’s up to each and every one of us. “You create the magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member inducted.” She also adds, “It’s up to us to make sure there’s a whole line of people behind us, ready to keep the magic going.”

Changeover invitations

Our Narooma Changeover will be held in the Golf Club on Thursday, 27 June, 6 for 6.30. Cost $40. John Rungen (0408 547 238) has sent invitations out to all members and Friends of Rotary.

Bega Changeover and 70th Anniversary Thursday 20 June6.00 for 6.30. Bega Golf Club at Tarraganda. Cost $48. Special guest incoming DG Rob Uhl. RSVP 14 June.

District Changeover at the Services Club in Young on Saturday 22 June, 6 for 6.30. Cost $50. Details on the District Website.

Moruya Changeover at Moruya Golf Club Tuesday 25 June.  

Batemans Bay Changeover will be held in the Soldiers Club on Thursday 18 July, 6 for 6.30. Cost $50 Reply Neil Simpson by 11 July, 0418 668 194

District Conference

Registrations are now open for the 9705 District Conference to be held in the Mittagong RSL from 25 to 27 October. Full details on the District website.


Wednesday 19 June

Thursday 20 June: Business Breakfast

Guest speaker is Eurobodalla Shire Council General Manager Warwick Winn. Starts 7am at Narooma Surf Club. Warwick will talk about the challenges of managing a regional versus metropolitan council and major issues facing Eurobodalla Shire Council. He is also happy to have a Q&A session.

Bookings are essential with Laurelle Pacey by Monday 17th at the latest.  Breakfast costs $10.  This will be our last Business Breakfast until September after a two month winter break.   

Narooma Rotary Beacon 6 June 2024

Lynn’s Lines

President Lynn Hastings

Another week has flown by. It was good to have a bit of a rest after the ‘busyness’ of the previous two weekends. 

Some of us got together on Saturday for a fairly informal planning meeting for the coming 2024-2025 year chaired by PE Julie Hartley (2024-2025). It was very good to go over our usual activities and ask whether we should make any changes and, if so, what or how etc. Everyone gave feedback; we looked at various dates and we made a rough calendar of events which we can adjust as the year progresses and dates firm up. (Anyone can already find our events listed for the next two months on our website under Events). It was a really positive meeting with great suggestions for promoting our club in the future.

This week I chair my last board meeting as President. The agenda will include disbursements of funds.


This Wednesday 5 June: The normal Prostate Cancer Support Group meeting on the first Wednesday in the month is postponed until Wednesday 19 June to hear special guest speaker urologist Dr Dr Chi Can Huynh from The Male Clinic.


5.15pm: BOARD MEETING at Narooma Golf Club

NO DINNER MEETING being the first Thursday in the month.

The Week that Was

Narooma Changeover

Plans are firming up for our Changeover on Thursday 27th June 6 for 6.30pm. This is our night of nights to celebrate our Club’s many achievements over the preceding 12 months and how PE Julie sees the year ahead. Please put this date in your diary. It is a partner’s night. John is sending out invitations to you this week.

Moruya’s Changeover is Tuesday 25th, Batemans Bay’s 18th July at the Soldiers Club at the Bay, and Bega’s Changeover plus 70th anniversary Thursday 20th June at Bega Country Club. Everyone is welcome.

Out and About

We are ‘People of Action’

An example of the possible look of the new marketing campaign that could be posted on our Facebook page. “The recent Narooma Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride was organised by Narooma Rotary. It connected south coast bike riders to create awareness of and raise funds for prostate cancer and men’s mental health showing Narooma Rotarians are People of Action.

Rotary International’s dynamic marketing campaign promotes Rotarians as ‘People of Action’. We know Rotarians share a passion for taking action to improve communities and the world, but many people don’t know that. RI encourages all Clubs to adopt this as a consistent message in all branding in the way we talk about and present ourselves.

The campaign’s message is that together we envision a world where people take action to create lasting change. We need to tell our story in ways that help people everywhere understand what Rotary does, how we are people of action, and why our work matters. The aim is to appeal to potential members who want to make a difference in their communities, those interested in Rotary’s causes, and those wanting to establish relationships with other like-minded people.

Most clubs would also probably add, while at the same time having fun doing so.

From Batemans Bay Rotary

The Bay Club last Thursday discussed various issues affecting their Club particularly the cost of Rotary and how this affects current members and hampers acquiring new ones. The cost included attending Rotary meetings on top of Club dues. The Bay’ newsletter notes Club dues are made up of the Rotary International Fee $120, Rotary Down Under subscription $48, and District 9705 Levy (Insurance, public image material, district meetings, website, accounting software, office supplies etc) $130. The Bay’s dues are $300.

The Board and members agreed on ways to reduce the annual dues but details were not published. Many Clubs would be interested in this.

From Moruya Rotary

Former Area Governor Vere Gray and husband Gary, both keen members of Moruya Club in recent years (previously Batemans Bay) have moved to Port Macquarie. Vere was Moruya Club secretary for the current year. They will make a brief return visit over the long June weekend.  Vere has also been the Rotary lead in our district for the recycling and education Global Grant project in the old city of Intramuros in Manila; she will maintain her membership of Moruya Rotary until that project is completed.

The current District Newsletter

Our Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride features in the latest edition.  

Also in the District newsletter, DG Andrea Grosvenor reports on the RI Convention in Singapore including her visit to the House of Friendship where PP Shirl Cornish of Moruya Rotary “was promoting her brilliant project ‘Sexual Health Education through Pictures’ which she has delivered to thousands of young people in Kenya, Timor Leste, The Philippines, Papua New Guinea and beyond”.


Club Assembly 6 for 6.30pm at Narooma Golf Club.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 30 May 2024

Lynn’s Lines

Our new Food Van contnues to attract praise from market goers. Thanks to those who are ‘tweeking’ it to be such a pleasure to work in.

We had a great turn out last Thursday for our Canberra speakers’ Brian and Sandra Goldstraw talk about the two great Rotary Australia programmes – RAWCS and ROMAC . It was inspiring to hear them describe how these programmes help children, families and communities. (See report below).

Sunday we had another fantastic Narooma Rotary Market. Perfect weather and lots of stalls and customers at the new Rotary Van. It was surprisingly busy for a May market, helped by it being an ACT holiday weekend (Monday was Australian Reconciliation Day – only the ACT has a public holiday).

Our takings at the market: gate $860.00, gross van sales $902.90, wishing well $94.80.  A great team effort by everyone, and big thanks to all.

This week we have no Thursday meeting, but please note Julie will hold an informal planning meeting for the 2024/2025 Rotary year at my place. ALL members are invited. Hope to see you then.


No Thursday meeting being the fifth Thursday in the month.

Saturday 1st June 2pm: ALL members are invited to a planning meeting for Julie Hartley’s 2024/2025 Rotary year at Lynn Hasting’s home. Julie says anyone who would like to contribute ideas for the year ahead is encouraged to come.

The Week that Was

Speakers share passion for major Rotary programmes

Our guest speakers last Thursday Brian and Sandra Goldstraw were thanked by PE Julie Hartley

It was wonderful to see so many people last week to hear Brian and Sandra Goldstraw talk about two major arms of Rotary in Australia – Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) and Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children OMAC.

Brian is the Chair of Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS). He outlined RAWCS’ origins, how its involved with development rather than welfare projects in disadvantaged communities, and the wide range of RAWCS programmes. These include volunteering to provide training (building teams, medical and dental teams), and programs such as Rotarians Against Malaria (RAM) and Donations In Kind (DIK) such as recycling equipment. Check the website for a complete list. Many of these programmes are managed by Clubs.

Sandra spoke with passion about ROMAC which provides surgical treatment in Australia and New Zealand for children from developing countries in
our Pacific Region in the form of life giving and/or dignity restoring surgery not accessible to them in their home countries. She said it is the only Rotary sponsored children’s programme. Her involvement with ROMAC follows on from her career as a Registered Nurse and Midwife working in the operating theatre, on the surgical wards, and in midwifery. Her stories about some of the children who have benefited  from RIMAC were moving, especially the impact the surgery has had on their lives.

It was all very uplifting and great examples of Rotary ‘doing good in the world’. Narooma Rotary supports both programmes and Ange of course went to Nepal in November on a RAWCS project.

Visiting Rotarians last week were Past District Governor Mick Newling and his wife Lori from Yass Rotary Club.

Wonderful to see that our visitors on Thursday included Past District Governor (2006-2007) Mick Newling and his wife Lori from Yass who dropped by our new van at the DGR the previous Sunday while holidaying  in our area. Ange invited them to Thursday’s talk, much to the delight and surprise of Brian and Sandra who are old Rotary friends. Was also lovely to see Amanda James there and Ann Hegerty who have both applied to be members of our dynamic Club.  

Great feedback on DGR

We continue to get good publicity and accolades following the success of our inaugural Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride. Françoise and John are catching up with a lot of those who took part seeking feedback for next year’s DGR. This was posted on Facebook by the Sapphire Coast Ulysses Club who had a large contingent at the DGR. They had a great ride up and back too.

Working with Children Checks

Our Club’s Youth Protection Officer Gordon Bentley encourages all members who work or volunteer on Rotary programmes with those under 18 to get their Working With Children (WWC) check. So far he has received WWC numbers and expiry dates from Françoise, John, Susanna, Lynn, Laurelle, Ange, Lachie’s parents and of course himself, so many more to come.

It is a simple process. Once done, Gordon asks to please send him your details. While not compulsory, it is required by Rotary for anyone  involved with Rotary Youth programmes who has direct interactions, either supervised or unsupervised, with persons under 18 and who may be in a position of being in a one on one situation, or alone with a young person for a period of time. It is part of the information Rotary requires.

Out and About

From Lachie in Japan

Otorii, the giant Tori gate in Miyajima Lachie long wanted to see

Narooma High student Lachie Penglase from Bermagui is currently on Rotary Youth Exchange in Japan, sponsored by our Club. Lachie has recently visited Hiroshima, Osaka, and Miyajima.

 We started at Hiroshima, where we went to the Peace Museum and Park. It was quite sad but important to go to and see. Miyajima is an island south of Hiroshima that’s still very traditional with its architecture. A well known spot is “Otorii”; a giant Tori gate, somewhere I’ve always wanted to go and was incredibly happy to see. The next day we went to Himeji Castle in Hemeji which was definitely the most impressive and largest castle that I’ve been to in Japan. 

Later we went to Osaka which was probably the highlight of the trip. It’s a very lively, busy place with lots to do. The majority of my time in Osaka was spent at Universal Studios which I wasn’t looking forward to at first, but once entering I found it extremely fun! Although this one Jurassic Park rollercoaster was the scariest thing I’ve ever been on. I’ll never do it again.

Lachie’s visit to the Genbaku Dome, the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, was a moving experience.
[The Dome was the only structure left standing in the area where the first atomic bomb exploded on 6 August 1945. It has been preserved in the same state as immediately after the bombing as an expression of hope for world peace and the ultimate elimination of all nuclear weapons.]


Next Wednesday 5 June: The usual Prostate Cancer Support Group meeting is postponed until Wednesday 19 June to hear special guest speaker urologist Dr Dr Chi Can Huynh from The Male Clinic

Thursday 6 June:

5.15pm BOARD MEETING at Narooma Golf Club

NO DINNER MEETING being the first Thursday in the month.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 23 May 2024

Checking out the assembled bikes and riders at Narooma’s first ever Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride.

Lynn’s Lines

It’s been an extraordinary week for our Club, culminating in an amazing day on Sunday with our very first Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride. Bit of a chilly start for the riders from Bega way but sunshine in Narooma gave them a warm welcome.

We had an amazing turnout (see report below) with a great selection of bikes for everyone to check out plus an extraordinary amount raised for Men’s mental health and prostate cancer research. Many thanks especially to Françoise, John Cunningham and David for all their hard work. Food van gross takings were $667.64 plus $184 from the wishing well, plus a $280 donation from Southbound Escapes for the Club to pay directly for Australian prostate cancer research.

Sunday’s huge success followed a fascinating talk at last Thursday’s Business Networking Breakfast by Georgie Staley about the Narooma MTB Trails and its potential to contribute to year-round tourism. (See report below.)

This Thursday our guest speakers from Canberra – Brian Goldstraw on Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) and Sandra Goldstraw on Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children (ROMAC) – are District chairs for these groups and it should be a great evening. Hopefully we will see lots of visitors and guests. Then it’s all hands on deck for the Market this Sunday, starting and finishing one hour later.


Thursday 23 May 6 for 6.30pm at Narooma Golf Club. Dinner Speakers Brian Goldstraw on Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) and Sandra Goldstraw talking on Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children (ROMAC). Both are the District chairs for these groups. Please make sure you book in with John Rungen by noon Tuesday.

This Sunday 26th May: Our May Market. John Rugen will circulate the roster.

The Week that Was

Our Narooma DGR voted a huge success

Checking in the DGR riders at NATA Oval on Sunday for our first ever Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride (DGR) for Prostate Cancer and Men’s Mental Health.

Our Club’s first ever Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride (DGR) on Sunday for Prostate Cancer Research and Men’s Mental Health was a great success. Our stoked DGR coordinator Françoise Cleret said the response far exceeded expectations with an amazing 73 riders, ‘dressed dapper’. What’s more our DGR raised $10,867 which is “just awesome”. Some riders came from as far as Merimbula and Batemans Bay, many riding classic or vintage styled motorbikes. They enjoyed the day so much they are coming again next year.

Françoise and David brief the dapper riders on the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride, the route and the rules of the ride.

The Narooma ride was one of almost a thousand DGRs held on Sunday across 105 countries. They bring people together to celebrate these bikes and the ‘gentlefolk’ who ride them, at the same time raising awareness and funds for prostate cancer research and men’s mental health. Françoise said Sunday’s ride showed that coming together, dressing ‘dapper’ and the ride itself do create more awareness and funds by having fun in style.

All funds raised by the DGR will be invested by the official charity partner Movember in both local and global prostate cancer research and men’s mental health programs.

David McInnes did a wonderful job organising the mini Expo market, the NATA site, and the route markers. A big thanks to the Fire + Rescue team (see photo), and all the other markers for ensuring no one took a wrong turn, and to our food van and barbecue team. It was a great effort by everyone.

Narooma’s Fire + Rescue team were route markers south of the bridge.

The 20km leisurely ride went past the golf course and the Plaza, down Forsters Bay Road, Bettini Lane and Riverside Drive, over the bridge, Dalmeny Drive, Ocean Parade, Noble Parade, swung around the caravan park, Mort Ave to the Highway, and back to NATA Oval.

On the Ride, heading for the bridge.

Southbound Escapes (in the Information Centre) donated $280 for our Club to pay directly to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (Research); this included $180 from coffee sales.

Business Breakfast

Narooma Rotary VP David McInnes and Business Breakfast guest speaker Georgie Staley on the Narooma MTB Trails

Twenty-eight people booked in for last Thursday’s Business Networking Breakfast to hear guest speaker Georgie Staley on the new and extremely popular Narooma MBT Trails. Inspired by her and partner Dave O’Brien’s mountain bike experiences overseas and the revitalisation that MTB trails had given to small towns, they co-founded Narooma Mountain Bike Club which has now opened 84km of quality trails in Bodalla State Forest. That’s thanks to a $4.3m grant from the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund and the hard work of volunteers. The trails are designed to assist in developing more year-round tourism opportunities for towns devastated by the 2019/20 bushfires. Narooma’s MTB Trails are independent of Council.

Narooma’s acclaimed trails have been constructed by experts and already have a reputation for being well maintained, mostly the work of volunteers. Maintenance and marketing is done on a shoestring budget, funded by many local sponsors and donations, assisted by some remarkable social media.

Georgie said there can be up to 300 people on the trails at any one time, and so far they are averaging 5,000-6,.000 cyclists a month riding Narooma’s Trails. They are currently working on a Dalmeny link. Already they are seeing Mountain Bike Tours developing with 5-6 MTB destinations across the South-east. Consensus among local businesses present was mountain bikers tend to be happy tourists.  Many local businesses are already seeing benefits.

Great helpers in the Surf Club kitchen after the Business Breakfast – Rachel, Ann and Gero

Out and About

Bega Valley’s RYDA a success

Over three days, 290 Year 11 students from seven Bega Valley and Monaro Schools attended the Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) programme at Frog’s Hollow, near Bega, last week. The schools were Bombala, Bega, Lumen Christi, Eden Marine, Jindabyne, Cooma Monaro and South Coast Anglican College. (Eurobodalla’s RYDA was also held reecently.)

The programme is supported by Bega Rotary, led by Eric Johnston who has been organising the program for 18 years. Lunch was provided each day by Bega Lions, Pambula Rotary and Merimbula Lions. Tathra Lions, Bega Rotarians and community volunteers assisted students. The students were kept engaged with the six modules of Road Choices, Mind Maters, I Drive, SOS, crash survivors and the Stopping demonstration.


That’s because it’s the fifth Thursday in the month.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 16 May 2024


Thursday 16th 7am: Our Business Networking Breakfast – Narooma Surf Club

Guest speaker is Georgie Staley, a founding member of Narooma Mountain Bike Club. The Club has opened 85km of trails in Bodalla State Forest, thanks to a $4.3m grant from the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund and the hard work of volunteers. The Narooma initiative plus the growing network of tracks along the coast promises year-round tourism. Georgie will talk about how local businesses can best capitalise on the anticipated influx of bikers and so boost their businesses. Bookings are essential with Laurelle by Monday 5pm.  Breakfast costs $10.

Thursday 16th 6pm: Volunteer Briefing for Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride by Françoise Cleret on Sunday 6pm Narooma Golf Club. Many volunteers needed, both for directing the route and at NATA Oval.


Our first ever Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride (DGR) for Prostate Cancer and Men’s Mental Health this Sunday (19 May) is attracting a good number of riders, particularly of classic or vintage styled motorbikes. Organiser Françoise says the response has exceeded her expectations, 25 riders and over $5,700 st the beginning of the week; she hopes to crack 30.

Our ride is one of hundreds held on this day around the world celebrating these bikes and the ‘gentlefolk’ who ride them, at the same time raising awareness and funds for prostate cancer research and men’s mental health.“ So while the cause couldn’t be more serious, the wonderful way the ride raises funds and awareness is having fun in style,” she said.

All riders must register online before 19th to take part and ‘dress dapper’. Bikes to assemble on NATA Oval (behind the Visitors’ Centre) by 10.30am. The 21km ride departs 11am and returns at noon, with a display of bikes until 2pm.

Everyone is also invited to Rotary’s Mini Expo Market on NATA Oval from noon to 2pm promoting community organisations and local interest groups, as well as checking out the bikes. The Rotary van will serve breakfast to purchase from 10am and then lunch, Southbound Escapes coffee (Visitors’ Centre), and Big Niles beverages from noon.

Should you wish to donate to the DGR, please go to and support one or more registered riders. 

For Narooma DGR inquiries, please phone Françoise Cleret 0402 967 494.For DGR Expo inquiries, please phone David McInnes 0419 863 303.

Some of the ‘gentlefolk’ discuss the planning of the DGR on the 19th

The Week that Was

Last Week’s Club Assembly

  1. Members were brought up to date with the new food van – the nett cost of the new food van after the Bendigo Bank grant and the income from the sale of the new van is $726.50. There are still some small items to be purchased, including more signage.
  2. Susanna filled us in on both Lachie in Japan and our  inbound Finnish exchange student Hilma who arrives in July
  3. Françoise updated members on the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride
  4. We met two representatives of the Porterhouse Group, the new caterer at the Golf Club.

Neighbouring Rotary clubs help with DGR publicity

We’ve had a great response from our neighbouring Rotary Clubs to our latest DGR poster and a request for some publicity. Batemans Bay published the whole poster in its newsletter, Moruya mentioned it in this week’s newsletter with flyers being put on each table at this Tuesday’s meeting, while Bega will “share it around and put it on Tathra’s Facebook etc”.

Out and About

Rob Shore is our Area Leader

Under the Regionalisation Pilot, DGN Robert Shore of Batemans Bay Rotary will be the Rotary Community Leader (RCL) for our region, Community Group 7 Coast and Highlands, from 1 July. Under the Regionalisation Pilot, RCLs will work with clubs in their groups to develop forward plans, encourage collaboration and try new things. The RCLs start training in coming weeks and take up their positions from 1 July.

Rotary recognises President Macron

Rotary International recently presented its Polio Eradication Champion Award to French President Emmanuel Macron, in recognition of France’s significant role in the global effort to eradicate polio. This was a feature of the Rotary Day event at UNESCO. France’s total commitment to polio eradication since 2022 is up to US$103.4m. France has also been a strong advocate within the G-20 and G-7, urging other nations to continue their support for a polio-free world.                (Courtesy Batemans Bay newsletter)


Thursday  23 May: A Dinner meeting with guest speakers Chair D9705 RAWCS Brian Goldstraw and Chair 9705 ROMAC Sandra Goldstraw Brian. This should be a really interesting night so please invite partners and friends. 6 for 6.30pm. RAWCS = Rotary Australia World Community Service; ROMAC = Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children

Sunday 26 May: Rotary Market – starts one hour later