Narooma Rotary Beacon 29 June 2017

Short Words

Rtn Michael O’Connor presents a cheque for $6000.00 for the End Polio Now Campaign to DG Steve Hill. Michael raised the money by walking the Bibbulmun Track in WA

This is my final short words as we power towards the changeover on Thursday night.

On Sunday I attended the District changeover with Michael O’Connor. Michael was able to present DG Steve Hill with a cheque for $6,000 to go toward the fight against Polio a fantastic effort.

Soon after I was up accepting the District Community Service Award 2016/17 for the Renewable Energy Expo. Wow this was fantastic to represent our wonderful Club in accepting the award. Congratulations to all, especially Frank and his committee for their outstanding work and to  Laurelle for taking the time to write up our nomination.

Narooma Rotary wins the 2016/16 Community Service Award for the Renewable Energy Project

Last Thursday night Merinda and I attended Batemans Bay Changeover with Jeff Thorpe handing over to Maureen Manning and this Wednesday I’ll be in Moruya to see Pauline Gleeson hand over to Mike Dent before I hand over to Bob Aston on Thursday night…… that’s a lot of handing over.

Well done to everyone who held the fort at the markets on Sunday, thank you.

My heartfelt thanks go to Rod Walker and Laurelle who are organising Thursday nigh’s changeover and to Linda who will be our MC. Should be a great night with a few surprises.

See you then

Bob Ant

The Week that Was

Last Thursday 14 members were present at our dinner meeting, we also welcomed visiting Rotarian Colin Holmes and Frank’s wife Iris. We were also fortunate to have Ruby Christmas, our recently announced Global Youth Exchange Student for 2018, Ruby was accompanied by her mother Fran Ballard. We also welcomed Gina Thomas and her dad Andrew to the meeting. Gina was a recent participant in RYPEN.

Ruby briefed us on the selection process participated in recently as well as her reasons for wanting to be an exchange student to Norway. No doubt we will get to know Ruby very well before she jets off early next year.

Gina told us about RYPEN and how much she enjoyed listening to the speakers and participating in all the different activities and workshops. As a result of her experiences Gina has set up a girls leadership group at school – a great effort.

Laurelle gave a 3 minute talk on the joys of renting a mobile home to check out the Red Centre. It seems as though Laurelle and Steve survived living in close quarters, and yes they had a wonderful time.

Muslim and Christian women work together to prevent dengue fever in Indonesia

By Rotary International

In a world where intolerance and violence fueled by religious differences are seemingly increasing, one Rotary club in Indonesia is showing how diversity can help prevent a pandemic threat. Click here to read the story.

A video on our work to eradicate polio


Our annual Changeover will be held this Thursday at the Golf Club, please be at the Club by 6:30pm. Laurelle and Rod have put together an extensive Bulletin for the evening, highlighting our many achievements for the year. Hard copies will be available on Thursday, soft copies will be published after the event.


Narooma Rotary Beacon 22 June 2017

The Week That Was

Last week 17 members were in attendance at our Dinner meeting. We welcomed Colin Holmes, husband of Enid and, of course Franks’s wife, Iris.

Unfortunately our guest speaker was unable to get to the meeting so Chris O’Brien filled in at the last minute with a game of ‘Scattergories’. It was a  close fought game with lots of fun and the occasional challenge.  The winner? I have no idea as I was so engrossed in the game I forgot to take note.

Last Sunday the 2017/18 Board met to finalise planning and priorities for the the 20-17/18 year.

Our priorities for the year are:

To make difference locally and internationally

Have fun

Promote Rotary within the local community

Increase Club membership

We also discussed Board roles and responsibilities, major projects and fundraising. We also agreed yo ask members to assist by being on committees to help manage our major projects as well as Director Portfolio areas. We will discuss this in more detail at our first Club Assembly.

The major projects for the year include, The Renweables Expo, The Busking Competition, The Monthly Markets, The Combined Clubs’ Race Day, Pride of Workmanship and the Duck Race. We also agreed to carry out an evaluation of the Markets when Chris returns from holidays and to do a through check of the food van to determine what needs to be done address maintenance issues  to update it to meet our needs.

Fundraising for the year will support the following:-

  • Narooma Rotary Scholarship Fund
  • Rotary Youth Projects
  • Australian Rotary Health
  • Rotary Foundation
  • Local organisations, especially volunteer organisations

The Board agreed to set membership dues for the year at $250.00 payable in 2 six monthly installments. (Invoices will hit your in box shortly). We also agreed to charge $22.00 for our meals with $2.00 going towards administration.  If members wish to continue to pay $25.00 each week, $3.00 will be allocated to the Foundation in the member’s name. We will review these charges in December.

Board meetings will be held at 5:00pm on the second Thursday of each month, the Club meeting after the Board meeting will be an Assembly. The first Thursday of each month will be a ‘Rotarian Presents Night’ with Rolf being the first cab of the rank followed by Michael O’Connor in August. Ange has organised great guest speakers for the 3rd and 4th Thursday of each month, check out the events page for more information.

The Week Ahead

Lynda Ord received the great news on Sunday night that our nominee, Ruby Christmas, has been accepted as a Global Youth Exchange student to Norway in 2018. Ruby and her mum will join us on Thursday night so that we can get to know her a little better and to help her plan for her year way.

And don’t forget Sunday is market day. Please see John if you can help out.

After Hours Medical Help

With winter and the flu season upon us, COORDINARE – South Eastern NSW Primary Health Network has implemented a campaign to help raise awareness of the after hours medical options that are available within the region.

The campaign is targeted at local residents and encourages us to:

  1. first determine the availability and after hours arrangements of our GP, or nearest general practice (details can be found at
  2. if that is not an option, call the after hours GP Helpline (1800 022 222) for free medical advice and support
  3. in an emergency, call 000 or attend the emergency department of your nearest public hospital.


South East Regional Hospital – Carers Accommodation

There have been a couple of articles recently in the Bega District News about construction of the carers accommodation at the hospital. Members will remember that the Club contributed to the project. Click here and then here for more information.

Change Over

Don’t forget that next Thursday is Changeover. Laurelle is putting a special edition of the Beacon together so this is my last Beacon for 2017/18.



Narooma Rotary Beacon 15 June 2017

Short Words

I hope that everyone enjoyed the long weekend with some time to destress, relax  or even to catch up on some light reading.

One thing I have been reading is the Rotary Health News Letter. What struck a chord with me was this statement “Evidence suggests 3 in 4 adult mental health conditions emerge by the age of 24 and half by the age of 14.” Having dealt with this within my own family, I understand where this is coming from. Research dollars are still lacking, hopefully we have enough left in our charity funds to give a sizable donation to this vital cause. After all, youth are a big part of Rotary.

Finally, we have paid all the prize winners from the Busking Festival. Thank you to Lynn for her support and diligence in getting us over the line.

Last week, our meeting was full of “fishy stories” of sharks and seals which made us think of snorkelling with them off the Island. It was truly a great night.

Soon all the Changeovers will be taking place for the Clubs that I look after as Assistant Governor. I am happy that our Club will be in excellent hands with Bob Aston along with Mike Dent at Moruya and Maureen Manning at Batemans Bay.


Bob Ant

Presidential Peace Conference

By Arnold R. Grahl

For more than a decade, the Rotary Peace Centers have been developing leaders in peace and conflict prevention and resolution. But that program isn’t Rotary’s only contribution to a more peaceful world. Every time Rotary members provide clean water and sanitation, support basic education, grow local economies, or stop the spread of infectious diseases, they’re building peace. To read the full article click here.

Global leaders and key donors affirm their commitment to ending polio

By Ryan Hyland and Teresa Schmedding

With polio on the brink of eradication, nations from around the world and key donors pledged more than $1 billion on Monday to energize the global fight to end the paralyzing disease.

The historic pledges of new funds at the Rotary Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, will go toward drastically shrinking the $1.5 billion gap in the funding that the partners of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative say is needed to reduce polio cases to zero worldwide. Just five cases have been reported this year, the lowest number in history.  Click here to read the full story.

Vale Bill Hardie

Lillian and Bill Hardie at a Rotary meeting in 2002

Bill died suddenly last week in Glen Innes. Bill joined Narooma Rotary in 1999.

Bill and Lillian came to town to run and edit the ‘Far South Coast iMag’ a monthly tourist magazine covering holiday areas from Batemans Bay to Merimbula. After they sold the magazine Bill and Lillian ran a takeaway shop in Lynches Arcade (where the pizza place is now located) for a short period before setting up a picture framing business, also in Lynches Arcade. When Lillian became ill they closed the business and headed north to that they could be closer to Lillian’s daughter who lived in Brisbane.

Bill was president of the Club in 2003/4. He the club treasurer for a couple years and he also held several other board positions whilst a member of the club. Bill honoured as a Paul Harris Fellow in recognition of his contributions to the club.

Bill played a significant role in fund raising for the current food van that was purchased late in 2002, selling raffle tickets for a newfangled ‘surround sound’ system at the Narooma Sporting & Services Club on Friday nights for many months. Bill also spent many hours fixing up the van with new cupboards and helping to install fridges and the food warmer, whenever the electrics failed Bill was the one who had the skills to get everything working again.

Bill’s funeral service will be held in Inverell on Wednesday. Lillian passed away early last year.

The Week that Was

14 Members were present at last week’s meeting. We also welcomed our guest speaker, Bill Barker and his partner Barbara. We also welcomed Iris and Lynda Ord’s partner Ashley.

Frank three minute talk about his colleague, associate and boss, Brand Hoff, who set up the IT start-up ‘Tower Software’ in 1985. Frank worked for Brand foe many years helping to develop software packages and writing code to make them work. The most notable product developed was TRIM, an electronic records management system used extensively across government and industry.

Ange thanks our guest speaker Bill Barker

Bill gave a most interesting presentation on marine life in the Batemans Marine Park, especially the waters off Montague Island.  Bill’s photography and videos, especially of grey nurse sharks and seals was excellent.

Charmaine won the bread, our guest speaker Bill won the white wine and Peter Bull took home the red.

This Week

This week Belinda Lenihan will update us on the latest happenings with the PCYC in the Eurobodalla and Bega Shires.

Meeting of the 2017/18 Board  

A reminder to all 2017/18 Board members that there will be a meeting a Bob Aston’s home on Sunday 18 June at 10:30 am to finalise plans for the next Rotary year. An agenda will be emailed out later in the week.





Narooma Rotary Beacon 8 June 2017

Short Words

A much quieter weekend to catch our breath after the Busking Competition and Market last weekend.

Last Thursday night we held our last Board meeting before changeover. We discussed using the Whale watching raffle proceeds to go toward the race day and not sell race day raffle tickets. This is because, three raffles in a row is taking its toll on our small band of ticket sellers. All members were very enthusiastic about this change.

Bowel Scan has now finished and much thanks goes to John Rungen for chasing up the final numbers, collecting the money which we banked. John then took the cheque to Dalmeny for Lyn to counter sign before putting it in the mail. Thank you again John for going above and beyond.

We’ve started transferring the prize money from the Busking Competition to the various winners. This will take a few days as we have a limit on how much we can transfer in one go. It is not worth the hassle to increase the limit then drop it again after we have finished making the payments.

We still have funds to disperse from the Charity Account, I would like to finalise donations before the Changeover.

Chris and the birthday cake

Please let me know if you have any suggestions.

Rolfe excelled himself again with a wonderful cake he made and was presented to Chris O’Brien to celebrate her birthday. Chris was not only happy because it was cake but it also meant we had desert on Thursday night.

Have a great week

Bob Ant.

The Week that Was

As Bob, has indicated it was a quiet Rotary week after a few weeks of intense effort with various functions and activities.

14 Members also with Iris attended our Thursday meeting as usual the Golf Club provided us with some excellent meals with lots of choice. At the Club Assembly, we discussed ideas for the next Rotary year including raffles, guest speakers, funding priorities and social activities.

Bob also updated us on Michael O’Connor’s decision to end his epic walk due to injury. All members were grateful that he made a sensible decision to pull up stumps. Hopefully we will see Michael back to Rotary in a week or so.

Frank worn the lemons (for lemonade), Peter Hartley won the chocolate almonds, Laurelle the red wine (again!) and Lynda Ord the white wine.

The Week Ahead

This week we welcome Bill Barker  who will talk to us about marine life in the Batemans Marine Park.

The Batemans Marine Park extends from the most northerly point of Murramarang Beach near Bawley Point to the southern side of Wallaga Lake entrance at Murunna Point.

The marine park:

  • covers approximately 850 km2, extending from the three-nautical-mile offshore limit of NSW waters to the mean high water mark within all rivers, estuaries, bays, lagoons, inlets, and saline and brackish coastal lakes (excluding Nargal Lake);
  • include offshore islands including Tollgate Islands and Montague Island.

The park was established in April 2006 and its zones and management rules commenced in June 2007.

An outstanding feature of the park is the large expanses of rocky reef that support a diverse array of fish, invertebrates and algae. Rocky shores, offshore rocky reefs, kelp beds, seagrasses, mangroves, sponge gardens, sandy beaches, estuaries and open waters are key habitats.

Within the park, Montague Island Nature Reserve is:

  • a breeding place for over 40,000 sea birds;
  • an Australian and New Zealand fur seal haul-out site;
  • a nesting location for three shearwaters (mutton bird) species, crested terns and silver gulls;
  • a nesting site for 8000 to 12,000 little penguins – Australia’s only native penguin.

Large aggregations of morwong, trevally and snapper are found off Montague Island, along with pelagic species such as kingfish, albacore and yellowfin tuna that follow the warmer currents.

Many of the park’s highly significant coastal lakes and lagoons, which include Durras, Brunderee, Tarourga and Brou Lake, have been recommended for protection. These smaller lakes intermittently close and open to the sea, creating the unique environments predominantly found along the state’s south coast.

The park lies within the country of the Yuin people, who maintain a strong connection to the area’s sea country.

(Notes from Batemans Marine Park website. For more information click here)

Upcoming membership webinars for 2016-2017

Learn more about the ways you can strengthen Rotary by participating in a membership focused webinar.  Hear how other clubs have adopted new club structures, increased membership, raised diversity, enhanced member satisfaction and raised the profile of Rotary in their communities.  And understand more about the resources available to support you in your efforts to strengthen Rotary.

The webinar features guest panellists with direct experience, as well as a host of useful ideas and tips for Rotarians.  Webinars last forty minutes, and are recorded for wider distribution.  No special software is required to participate in a webinar; you simply need to register via the link provided.

Telling our story: Communicating about Rotary in the community

Thursday 8 June 2017, 8.15 am (AEST)

A strong brand, and high levels of community awareness and understanding are critical to the future of Rotary.  In this very exciting webinar event, we feature David Alexander, Chief Communications Officer for Rotary International, based in Evanston.  David will focus on ‘telling our Rotary story’ and Rotary’s latest ‘People of Action’ campaign.

Learn how to ensure Rotary resonates in your community:


More information? Contact Jessie Harman, Project Lead, Regional Membership Plan (Zone 8) at

Golf Club Membership

A reminder that all members of the Club should also join the Narooma Golf Club. 2017/18 memberships are now due. Social membership for the year is $15.00.

Some Humour

Getting Old (Stolen from Moruya Club)

A group of men, all turning 50, decided they would lunch at Maxims in Bondi because the waitresses had big breasts and wore mini-skirts. Ten years later, all turning 60, they agreed that they would meet at Maxims in Bondi because the waitresses were attractive, the food and service was good and the beer selection was excellent. Ten years later, all turning 70, they again selected Maxims at Bondi because there was plenty of parking, they could dine in peace with no loud music, and it was good value for money. Ten years later, all turning 80, it was again Maxims at Bondi – the restaurant was wheelchair accessible and had a toilet for the disabled. Ten years later, all turning 90, the friends discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally, it was agreed that they would meet at Maxims at Bondi because they had never been there before. Editor’s note. This scurrilous ageist yarn comes from John Gillett.

60th High School Reunion (thanks to Di Lovatt)

He was a widower and she a widow.

They had known each other for several years being high school classmates and having attended class reunions in the past without fail.

This 60th anniversary of their class, the widower and the widow made a foursome with two other singles.  They had a wonderful evening, their spirits high. The widower throwing admiring glances across the table. The widow smiling coyly back at him.

Finally, he picked up courage to ask her, “Will you marry me?”

After about six seconds of careful consideration, she answered, “Yes,….. yes I will!”

The evening ended on a happy note for the widower. But the next morning he was troubled.  Did she say “Yes” or did she say “No?”  He couldn’t remember. Try as he would, he just could not recall. He went over the conversation of the previous evening, but his mind was blank.  He remembered asking the question but for the life of him could not recall her response. With fear and trepidation, he picked up the phone and called her.

First, he explained that he couldn’t remember as well as he used to. Then he reviewed the past evening.  As he gained a little more courage he then inquired of her. “When I asked if you would marry me, did you say “Yes” or did you say “No?”

“Why you silly man, I said ‘Yes, Yes, I will.’ And I meant it with all my heart.”

The widower was delighted. He felt his heart skip a beat.  Then she continued. “And I am so glad you called because I couldn’t remember who asked me!”

A Blast from the Past

Do you recognise these two? Evidently they are showing off the Cinders Trophy from 1995! I understand that we had a big win.


Narooma Rotary Beacon 1 June 2017

Short words

On Monday morning, I walked into a shop, owner says “are you (Rotary) responsible for that fiasco on the weekend?” I suppose so “It was awful, no one was complaining, everyone was smiling, the town was abuzz” he then smiled and shook my hand “well done”.

Queanbeyan Pipes & Drums perform at the Busking Competition

This summed up the response to the Busking festival on Saturday. We (Narooma Rotary) with the support and help of other service clubs, businesses around town, the Council, River of Art and the community produced a great event for the town.

It is with enormous pride that I have accepted so much praise for our Rotary Club and the positive effect it has had on the community. It wouldn’t have happened without Sandra pushing it, John supporting her and the committee she led. Well done to all, and thank you to everyone who helped.

Last Thursday we helped with the Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea at Anthony’s Plaza Pharmacy. Peter Hartley was on the BBQ despite being pestered by phone from his son. It appears that his son’s wife had gone into labour and Julie (Peter’s wife) was MIA and not answering her phone [ a terrible thing in this high tech instant communication world]. Pete was able to find Julie and they arrived in Canberra in time for the birth of their first grandchild, a daughter 2.9kg and all doing well.

Peter was able to make it back for the Busking Festival and the Markets on Sunday. Thank you to all who helped on Sunday as it was a big call to back up after Saturday.

Narooma Public School’s Narooma Rhythm Hunters, under music teacher Juanita Lowe

This week we have a Club Assembly followed by a Board meeting, a difficult follow up after last week’s wonderful meeting where the String Family performed.

Spare a thought for Michael O’Connor as he is doing it a bit tough, following a couple of falls Michael made the hard decision to pull out of his epic walk to rest his body and to heal the significant sprains and bruises. Everyone in the Club and community is proud of Michael’s achievements. We will welcome Michael home at the end of the week.


Bob Ant

A Message from Superwoman Sandra

The Dream Team – Narooma Busking Competition Organizing Committee

I would like to say an enormous thank you to all the Rotarians who came out to help and make Saturday such a fabulous day.  Wow!  I can’t believe what happened.  I know I said at the beginning of the year “Please you must be around if possible for this day” and you were.  Even Peter who came back early from seeing his beautiful new granddaughter.

I must thank my wonderful Dream Team – John, Lynda, Chris and Nadine for all the hard work they put in to make this such a special day.  And thank you to others who were behind the scenes – Bob with banking and Rotary advice (eg Insurance etc) Laurelle with the paper media, Frank as the IT help desk, Rachel who helped me sort out Publisher issues to make our signs and banners look so good, Donna who came to help in place of Michael and Shelby Grace who controlled the Plaza events for me.  My only time up there was to thank The String Family at the end of each session so I couldn’t stay to manage the whole day.

Thank you, thank you, thank you


Busking Festival creates buzz (Media Release, Thanks to Laurelle)

Part of the crowd at the Busking Competition Concert

Narooma’s first Regional Busking Festival and Competition last Saturday was such a success, Narooma Rotary President Bob Antill said the Club would like to make it an annual event.

‘It was a great day with 57 buskers performing at the town’s 29 sponsored Busking Hot Spots and literally filling the town with music, but the event didn’t just happen,’ he said.

‘It was the result of a lot of work by a dedicated committee who did an amazing job and with the support of the whole community.’

The Festival was organised by Narooma Rotary Club, partnered with the River of Art, and was part of the Australian National Busking Championships (ANBC).

Over 500 people filled Narooma Golf Club auditorium late Saturday afternoon and evening for the concert by the Festival’s ambassadors The String Family, followed by a concert by the finalists in the busker competition and the presentation of prizes.

Three people associated with ANBC judged the buskers throughout the day.

Kumera Patch

The judges made 24 awards, the major ones being:

Open champion:

Tyler Strucklak &Skye Armstrong of Batemans Bay ($1,000 donated by Narooma Sporting & Services Club)

Open second:  Mariano Reggiani and Mike Jones of Fretz & Reedz of Tilba ($500 Narooma and Dalmeny IGAs)

Open third:  Liquid Sun from South Gundagai ($250 Blue Water Seafoods)

Secondary champion:

Matilda Rose of Bredbo ($500 Narooma High School)

Secondary second:  Will Stephens of Werribee, Victoria ($300 Narooma Seafood Direct)

Secondary third: Charlize & Eric of Akolele ($100 Narooma Mechanical and Automotive Services)

Primary Champion:

Narooma Rhythm Hunters ($300 Easts Holiday Parks)

Primary Second Place: Mitchell Loudoun of Dalmeny ($200 Montague Vets)

Primary Third Place: Bray Constable of Narooma ($100 Narooma Mechanical and Automotive Services)

Best Band (three or more performers):

Kumera Patch of Congo ($500 Narooma Pharmacy and Rotary)

Mike and Ange sell Busker votes

Best local performer:       

Jacob Poyner ($300 Narooma Plaza)

The People’s Choice Awards (awarded to buskers who received the most Busker Votes):

Winner:  Narooma Rhythm Hunters ($1,000 Narooma Golf Club)

Second: Kumera Patch of Congo ($300 Narooma Plaza Pharmacy)

Third: Matilda Rose of Bredbo ($200 Lynch’s Hotel)

Festival coordinator Sandra Doyle was delighted with the number of people who turned out for the Festival, many coming from Batemans Bay to Bega.

‘It has been an awesome community event,’ she said. ‘We want to thank everyone who took part – spectators, buskers, our sponsors especially our major sponsors – Narooma Golf Club, Narooma Sporting & Services Club and Narooma Easts Holiday Park – and our team of volunteers including from our own Rotary Club, Lions, Quota, Probus, View, CWA and MACS.

Ashley, Lynda and John hard at work at Busking HQ

Mrs Doyle paid special tribute to her ‘Dream Team’ of Rotarians Lynda Ord, Chris O’Brien and husband John, with assistance from her daughter Nadine Holland.

Narooma Festival winners will be invited to compete in the National Grand Final in Cooma in November.

Narooma News has some great photos and videos of the Competition. Click here to access them. For another link to the Narooma News coverage click here. Photos were contributed to the Narooma News by Laurelle Pacey and Bob Antill.

John Doyle has also loaded some photos on a google drive. Click here to access them. (Note you may have to request authorisation – clicking the link will alert John to give you access).

Other things that happened last week!

Last Thursday’s meeting was well attended by members. We were thrilled to have our Busking Ambassadors, ‘The String Family’ perform for us. They were fantastic. The family have been on the road for the past 15 months performing in all parts of the Country and from all accounts it has been going well with bookings continuing well into next year. And what was their being break? Winning the National Busking Competition in 2015.

As Bob has reported by email the Sunday market was well supported. The Van took $468.50, the Gate 895 and wishing well $105.85 plus a lot of foreign coins!!! not counted. $1469.35 in total.

A Camp for Everyone

For more than 90 years, the Rotary Club of Kansas City has been rallying all corners of the community to help thousands of kids attend camp. The club, whose members are among Rotary’s first People of Action, gave the first donation to The Rotary Foundation 100 years ago. Click here to read more.

Urgently Needed for the next Rotary Year

A Bulletin Editor. Let Bob Aston know if you can help out.

59th Changeover Dinner

Thursday 29th June

Narooma Golf Club

6.30pm  for 7.00pm

$35 per person (two courses main and desert cake, table wine)

RSVP to Rod by Friday 16th June

Narooma Rotary Beacon 25 May 2017

Short Words

As we power toward the busking festival and markets this weekend all seems to be falling in place, well done to Sandra and her team who have managed to involve the whole town in this celebration of music.

Today, Sunday, I wandered around the markets at Kiama and we had sausage sandwiches from Lions tent and BBQ. Wow their health inspector must be very relaxed! we do really run a very good outfit when you see what’s out there.

Changeover is coming up next month and Rod has been working hard on getting the night organised and Bob forming his strategies for the upcoming year.

Michael had a live interview with Macca on ABC radio and it went so well that there may be more in the coming weeks. The photo’s he is posting are great and his ankle is slowly getting better. He sends his wishes and although he is finding it tougher than he thought it would be he is still smiling and kept his sense of humour .

Have a great week and see you on Thursday


Bob Ant.

The Week that Was

Bob Antill presenting Pauline Gleeson with the Cinders Trophy

What a great evening we had last Wednesday with our friends from Moruya Rotary. Most of us travelled north in style on a Symons Bus, it was great not to have to drive up. The only slight hic up was that we missed Chris as we drove past the Dalmeny shops (Because she was still siting in her car!) and had to make a slight detour to pick her up. And of course who was the last to get on the bus on the way home? Chris.

In all I think we had more than 20 members and guests representing Narooma.

Unfortunately we lost the Cinders Trophy this year. Our three gallant teams were no match for one of the Moruya outfits who led from the first round, their knowledge of flags and famous faces was outstanding. A special mention to the Narooma team ‘Rodney and the Rockets’ wonderfully led by our very own Rod Walker who almost made it, coming second by a couple of points.

I am sure that next year with a bit of practice and home ground advantage we will take back what is rightfully ours.

59th Changeover Dinner

Thursday 29th June

Narooma Golf Club

6.30pm  for 7.00pm

$35 per person (two courses main and desert cake, table wine)

RSVP to Rod by Friday 16th June

Busking Competition

Well the big weekend is almost here. The Competition will be a great boost to Narooma as well as our Club. Once again thank you to Sandra and her band of willing helpers for all the organisation that has gone into the event. Please encourage friends and family to come out on Saturday and visit one of the many busking locations – lets put Narooma on the map. Check out the website for all the latest information click here.

Micheal’s trek.

I hope you are keeping up with Michael’s Facebook posts as he walks the track. It seems as though he is having fun with a few missed turns, broken glasses and the odd sprained ankle. I am just a bit worried that he seems to have no trouble finding a pub or two along the way to refresh his body and soul. Click here if you missed his conversation last Sunday with Macca. Michael’s conversation starts about 2 minutes and 10 seconds in.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 17 May 2017

Short Words

I am writing this article on Mother’s Day, which, when we take the commercialisation out, is a great reminder to us all that our mums are, or were, very special people. Parenting is a job we undertake without any training, or extra skills and often with very little help or support. We make it happen and each generation praises (or complains about!) the efforts of their parents until they have their own children. So, Mother’s Day is a day of celebration and reflection of our mothers for they made us what we are today.

Spare a thought for all the mothers around the world who are suffering because of war, famine and violence, for those who are dominated by cruel men and for those who are denied the freedoms we take for granted.  For these mothers, we as Rotarians, through our fundraising and projects, can make a difference even though we live in Narooma.

Cinders is Wednesday this week. A bus is booked and I hope you have invited your “brains trusts”. Rod is sending out a time table. The bus leaves from the depot at 5pm and the evening is expected to finish at about 8.30pm in Moruya.  As always, I’m sure, win or lose, we will have a great night.

The team organising the Busking Competition under Sandra’s excellent leadership is powering ahead. It is fantastic that the Competition is being supported by the community and other Service Clubs which will make it a truly Narooma event. Well done to all.

See you Wednesday

Bob Ant.

The Week Ahead

This week we are off to Moruya to beat them in trivia once again so that we can retain the converted Cinders Trophy.

To help prepare the following information may be helpful.

2016/17 RI President          John F. Germ Theme ‘Rotary Serving Humanity’

2017/18 RI President          Ian HS Riseley Theme ‘Rotary: Making a Difference’

The first Melbourne Cub was won by Archer in 1861, Phar Lap won in 1930 and the winner last year was Almandin, Prince of Penzance won in 2015 with Michelle Payne aboard.

Cronulla won the NRL in 2016, Western Bulldogs beat the Swans in the AFL grand final.

Bus pick up times for Wednesday

5.00pm Depart bus depot

5.10pm Main bus stop (opposite Lynches Hotel)

5.15pm Bus stop on flat

5.25pm Kianga bus stop

5.30pm Bakala St

5.33pm William St

5.40pm Dalmeny shops

Rotary uses virtual reality to inspire others

Rotary is working with Google’s virtual reality team to offer an experience that showcases the impact of compassion to a global audience. A three-minute virtual reality film that emphasizes the two themes of polio and peace will premiere at the Rotary Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, 13 June. Click here to read more.

The Week that Was

Last Thursday we welcomed Rotarians Bob Allen from the Rotary Club of Yenda and Colin Holmes from the Rotary Club of Canberra to our meeting. We were also fortunate to have Iris and Merinda with us as regular guests.

John Doyle with the help of Sandra gave us an update on the Busking Competition -all systems are go with locations, sponsors, concerts, parking etc in place. In all we will have 38 buskers taking part in the Competition, a great effort.

Mal Gray gave an interesting 3-minute talk about cutting through ice on frozen lakes in central Canada to fish! It all sounded a bit cold for me, however, Mal assured as that some liquid refreshment helped the warming process.

The main entertainment was a fun night put on by President Bob and Merinda, it was great fun with all members trying to outdo each other to get the correct answers. The highlight was the ‘who am I game’. The aim of the game was for the selected Rotarian to guess the name placed on their head by asking questions where the response could only be yes or no. Unfortunately, no one solved the puzzle, however, some of the questions and answers were hilarious. Thanks to Merinda and Bob for all the work they put into organising the evening.

The winners

Enid Holmes cleaned up with eggs, lemons and wine, Laurelle also won a bottle of wine, Iris a Rotary shirt (As did our visitor Bob Allen who kindly donated it back to the Club). Peter Bull and Lynda Ord also won a dozen eggs each.

2017/18 Planning Day

All 2017/18 Board members are invited to a planning day on 18 June at Bob Aston’s house. The meeting will commence at 10:30 and conclude at 1:00pm. Please provide Bob with feedback about the planning document emailed to 2017/18 Board members on 2 May 2017 by Wednesday at the latest. This will assist the planning process.

Beacon Editor

A bulletin editor is needed for 2017/18 please see Bob Aston if you can assist. Comprehensive training will be provided. If no one nominates we will not have a regular Beacon next Rotary Year.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 11 May 2017

Short Words

Friday morning saw a few hiccups in setting up at the Oyster Festival which we were able to sort out quickly and by all accounts things went well from then on. I believe it was a major effort by all and thank you for the hard work.

The Busking signs are now up and around town many thanks to John Doyle and the car club have confirmed their appearance adding another dimension to a wonderful programme.

Last Thursday night we had the pleasure of DGN Margaret Hassel from Cooma at our meeting. Margaret was down learning how to fly the new web site that Frank has created for them.

Our meeting and board meeting went to time and thank you for all (and especially Charmaine) for moving things along, Bob Aston will be proud.

This Thursday night we are having a fun night with a difference !!!!! bring friends and partners.

Michael is powering along on the “track” and doing a bit of sightseeing. He is offering a bottle of wine to the person who can work out what is in the water from the photo below (see highlighted section). If more than one person gets it then the names will go into a hat and the winner will be ……..

You may be able to see a clear picture on Michael’s Facebook Page.

Take care,   Bob Ant

This week’s Beacon

This week’s Beacon is quite short, my apologies to all avid readers. Therese and I were away for the weekend and I missed last week’s meeting as well as the Oyster Festival. From all accounts the Club Assembly and the Board meeting went well and the Oyster Festival was a great success. I understand that Friday night was particularly busy with the van well supported by festival goers. Thanks to all who helped on Friday night and on Saturday. To see some great photos from Friday night check the Narooma News, click here.

Busking Competition

The next major event for the Club will be the Busking Competition 27 May. The Competition has the potential to be a huge event for the Club and Narooma. Please promote it to your friends and family – it would be great to see a big turn out on the day. Please help Sandra and her hard-working committee where you can. The more members we have helping make the job just that little bit easier.

Trivia Night

I hope everyone is swotting up for next week’s trivia night at Moruya. I am sure that the Moruya Club will be keen to regain the ‘Cinders Trophy’, however, I know that we have the superior capability and we are sure to win on the night.

Please click here to register your attendance.

What is Butt Dust – Thanks to the usual crew

What, you ask, is ‘Butt dust’? What do you do or say, when an innocent child asks you something so innocent and they are so serious? Read on and you’ll discover the joy in it! These must be original and genuine. No adult is this creative!!

JACK (age 3) was watching his Mom breast-feeding his new baby sister… After a while he asked: ‘Mom why have you got two? Is one for hot and one for cold milk?’

MELANIE (age 5) asked her Granny how old she was. Granny replied she was so old she didn’t remember any more. Melanie said, ‘If you don’t remember you must look in the back of your panties. Mine say five to six.’

STEVEN (age 3) hugged and kissed his Mom good night. ‘I love you so much that when you die I’m going to bury you outside my bedroom window.’

BRITTANY (age 4) had an ear ache and wanted a pain killer. She tried in vain to take the lid off the bottle. Seeing her frustration, her Mom explained it was a child-proof cap and she’d have to open it for her. Eyes wide with wonder, the little girl asked: ‘How does it know it’s me?’

SUSAN (age 4) was drinking juice when she got the hiccups. ‘Please don’t give me this juice again,’ she said, ‘It makes my teeth cough.’

DJ (age 4) stepped onto the bathroom scale and asked: ‘How much do I cost?’

CLINTON (age 5) was in his bedroom looking worried When his Mom asked what was troubling him, he replied, ‘I don’t know what’ll happen with this bed when I get married. How will my wife fit in it?’

MARC (age 4) was engrossed in a young couple that were hugging and kissing in a restaurant. Without taking his eyes off them, he asked his dad: ‘Why is he whispering in her mouth?’

TAMMY (age 4) was with her mother when they met an elderly, rather wrinkled woman her Mom knew. Tammy looked at her for a while and then asked, ‘Why doesn’t your skin fit your face?

JAMES (age 4) was listening to a Bible story. His dad read: ‘The man named Lot was warned to take his wife and flee out of the city but his wife looked back and was turned to salt.’ Concerned, James asked: ‘What happened to the flea?’

The Sermon I think this Mom will never forget.
This particular Sunday sermon… ‘ Dear Lord,’ the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. ‘Without you, we are but dust….’ He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four year old girl voice, ‘Mom, what is butt dust’?


Narooma Rotary Beacon 4 May 2017

Short Words

Maths is not one of my strong points! Basic maths I’m OK but that’s it!  Thanks to Bob Aston last Thursday nights’ “Fun with Maths” presentation it was a fun, challenging and entertaining.

Last Saturday I attended the District Assembly with Bob Aston, Rod and Sandra. Unfortunately, I was unable to go to the dinner or Sunday sessions (Bob will have more on that). I was able to be there for the session on “Form 3” on Saturday afternoon.

“Form 3” is very controversial and it appears that all Clubs present at the session had similar doubts to those

expressed by our members. DG Steve Hill took all the criticism on board and hopefully this will result in big changes and hopefully this American form might disappear for the good of all. More to come.

One speaker from Berry told of his Club’s success with three projects each year. Very informative but also had us thinking about our Club and major projects each year. Monthly Markets, Duck Race, Busking Festival and Renewable Expo all carry us in good stead combined with Race day with Batemans Bay and Moruya.

With the resignation of Mark Wallace as DGE, it has been decided that Steve Hill (the current DG) will continue for another year as there is not much time left until the changeover and RI rules mean that a replacement Governor must have attended an RI Assembly.  It was good to see Steve put his hand up to continue, all at the assembly were very appreciative of Steve’s willingness to volunteer for another year.

Michael just be fore he headed off on the track last week

On the Busking Festival, Sandra’s team is powering ahead. I was able to catch up with the printing of the banners last week.  They look terrific. Well done to all involved.

In Monday’s Sydney Morning Herald, there is an article about the eradication of Polio, (Rotary is mentioned briefly). It’s a good article, click here to read it.

Michael is now well into his walk on the Bibbulmun Track, if you want to keep up to date follow him on Facebook, he posts whenever he can. This is truly and inspiring individual effort, our thoughts are with him.

This Thursday night we have a Board meeting after the general meeting, at which I will give an update on the Assembly and other things.

Have a great week

Bob Ant.


The Week that Was.

President Bob has provided us with a good summary of last week’s meeting and the District Assembly. A few other points of interest.

There were 23 present at last week’s meeting it was great to see Enid Holmes (at Colin) along with Gordon Bentley and his son Scott. The 3-minute talk was given by Charmaine, as it was ANZAC week, she told a moving story of a family member who fought and died in WWI, winning a VC for his heroic efforts. The VC is now on display at the War Memorial in Canberra.

As Bob, has indicated Bob Aston was the guest speaker – presenting on ‘Maths is Fun’, congratulations to Charmaine who topped the class with her answers and to Sandra for her persistence in solving the river crossing problem and for having a go at the year 9 sample NAPLAN test.

Raffle winners were, Rod Walker (biscuits), Bob Aston (chocolates), Merinda Antill and Laurelle Pacey (wine).

Bob Aston also read a short text from Michael O’Connor about the start of his epic walk.

Last weekend’s District was informative and interesting. It was great to have Rotary International President Elect,

Sandra with RIPE Ian and his wife Juliette

Ian Riseley. Ian spoke about his theme for the year – Rotary Making a Difference’. He stressed the fact that the real Rotary is the local Club and its members, doing good locally as well internationally. He spoke about the importance of continuing our work to end eradicate polio, Ian said that it would be great if as the President of RI he could announce that the job had been done.

Ian also indicated that he wanted us to record our donations to charitable causes as well as our volunteer hours, so that Rotary can get a better sense of the work we do. This will allow Rotary to better highlight the excellent work of the organisation.

Ian also stated that as a small step to improve our world he wanted Club’s to plant at least one tree for every member (A task I am sure that we can achieve). Ian also implored us to have fun and enjoy Rotary (He told us that when he was a Club President he had an official joke teller! – just the job for Peter Bull I am sure).

Other presentations included Terry Davis talking about Australian Rotary Health, Dot Hennessey on the NSW Emergency Services Awards, Neil Simpson (Batemans Bay Rotary) on RYDA, Andrew Best from RI Parramatta on using the My Rotary Website and Rotary administration, John Britton on Youth Exchange and Natalie Jupe and Nathan Watkins on social media.

As Sandra doesn’t like to drive at night one of my duties on Saturday night was to drive Sandra from our motel to the Assembly Dinner in her car. As I drove along I couldn’t work out why everyone was flashing their lights at me – the simple answer, I didn’t bother turn on the lights of the car (also I couldn’t work out why I was having difficulty seeing the road!). As we were driving along I decided to adjust the rear vision mirror (It is one that incorporates a reversing camera screen as well as a mirror) – it fell off! With a bit of effort, I managed to get it back on only to realise as we were leaving the dinner that I had put it on upside down – just try backing out of a car park using a reversing camera when the image is upside down.

I will make no comment about Sandra’s directions from the motel to the venue on Sunday morning other than to say the scenic route was interesting.

This Week

Club Assembly followed by a Board Meeting

Need Urgently for 2017/18 Rotary Year

A vibrant club needs a committed Bulletin Editor to keep members informed and up to date on all matters Rotary.  A volunteer is urgently needed for this task, if you are interested please let Bob Aston know, bribes and rewards will be offered to attract the best candidate.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 27 April 2017

Short Words

Last Thursday night we celebrated our annual Pride of Workmanship Awards at the Whale and our thanks to Mat and Jen and the staff for putting on a great night. But this night didn’t just happen without the hard work of Laurelle and the great MC job from Lynda. Maybe next year we’ll fill the auditorium at the Golf Club as this Award goes from strength to strength.

Sunday’s markets were again a great success. The sunshine, the buskers, the atmosphere and most of all the great company. Well done to everyone involved and thank you for the great effort.

Some market entertainment

Michael had his last bucket collection parade (with Mal’s help) before heading off to start his walk, raising an additional $236.00 taking total funds raised beyond his goal of $10,000.  On Monday morning, he hoped onto the Premier Bus at 8.30am for the first leg of the trip. He starts his walk along the the Bibbulmun Track at the end of the week. Our thoughts will be with him as he undertakes this epic journey.

This weekend is the Assembly in Canberra, hopefully we will get some clarification on “Form 3” and child protection issues – I’m looking forward to that.

On Wednesday night at Moruya Rotary Club’s meeting, founding member Ron Cheshire will be talking about the battle of Milne Bay in New Guinea during WWII. Ron was there and is the only remaining member of his outfit left. Very topical at the moment.

ANZAC day at Narooma has the dawn service and the 11am service. Many of our members will be attending in various rolls and I wish you well.

Thursday night is “fun with Maths “, should be a great night. See you then.


Bob Ant

Michael O’Connor – more off than usual! (an article by Bob Antill)

Murphy give Michael some last minute instructions

While the dolphins in the movie Hitchhikers Guide sang “so long and thanks for all the fish” Narooma adventurer Michael O’Connor preferred another movie quote as he boarded the bus to Sydney saying: “I’ll be back”.

Rotarian Michael boarded the Premier bus to Sydney on Monday morning, the first leg of his great adventure to walk the 1,000 kilometres on the Bibbulmun Track from Albany to Perth in Western Australia.

Inspired by his late sister and supported by Narooma Rotary, Michael has spent the last six months raising money and training for this epic adventure. “Through the generosity of total strangers we have been able to raise $10,000 which will be equally shared between “Polio Plus” and “Friends of Rangi”.

Rotary’s goal to end Polio in the World is getting close. Twenty years ago there were many 100’s of thousands of cases in the World. Last year less than 30 cases were recorded worldwide. “Friends of Rangi” are helping build a library for the School they support in Kenya.

Funding the walk himself, Michael is satisfied in the knowledge that all the money raised is going to these two good causes and the wonderful folk of Narooma are supporting him all the way.

He’ll be back with many tales of his adventure.

Editor’s Note

Michael sent a short text to say that he was on his way and that he enjoyed his last breakfast in Narooma for a while with Bob and Merinda at Casey’s. Michael also tells me that he now realises that Bob is the most honest person he has ever met. Evidently Bob returned an envelope today to the Narooma Newsagency this morning after he accidently picked up en extra one last week when he purchased a card!

The Week that Was

As reported by President Bob, last week was another busy one for the Club with our Pride of Workmanship Awards Night and the April monthly market. The markets were a hive of activity with several new stall holders and plenty of buskers to keep us entertained. Gross takings included $1160.00 at the gate; $625.35 Van in the van and $158.95 from the wishing well.

Pride of Workmanship Awards (from a media release by Laurelle Pacey)

Narooma Rotary President Bob Antill, front left, presented Pride of Workmanship Awards last Thursday to Sally Ritchie, Sophie Taylor, Jenni Laughran, back left, Noel Bate, Leanne Drysdale, Karen Tasker and Nathan Adams. Narooma Rotary Vocational Director Laurelle Pacey is top left.

Seven Narooma businesses recognised valued employees at Narooma Rotary’s annual Pride of Workmanship Awards at a special dinner at The Whale on Thursday night.

Narooma Rotary President Bob Antill said Rotarians are proud of this program and the support it continues to receive from local businesses.

‘It offers them the opportunity to publicly acknowledge the efforts and contributions of particular employees to their businesses,’ he said.

MC Rotarian Lynda Ord described the prestigious event as ‘better than the Logies’.

‘Unlike the Logies, it’s not a competition and that’s its strength,’ she said. ‘Everyone nominated by their employer receives an award. ‘It gives employers a very positive way to acknowledge their appreciation for the contributions by individual staff members. We’re often uplifted in the way they describe their appreciation; their words are sometimes quite moving.’

Those who received awards this year were:

  • Sophie Taylor (Dalmeny Long Day Care)
  • Leanne Drysdale (Estia Health)
  • Karen Tasker (IRT Dalmeny)
  • Noel Bate (Narooma Motors)
  • Jenni Loughran (Tilba Real Dairy)
  • Sally Ritchie (Wagonga Street Medical Clinic
  • Nathan Adams (Whale Motor Inn).

Rotaract Outstanding Project Awards announced

A club in Sri Lanka earned top honors for a three-year project to revitalize a rural community, and six regional winners were recognized. Entries came from 52 countries this year. Click here to read the story.

The Week Ahead

This Thursday Bob Aston (the Editor) will entertain us with all things mathematical. You may like to try to solve this very old problem just to get your mind in the frame.

After a flood three married couples found themselves surrounded by water, and had to escape from their holiday hotel in a boat that would only carry three persons. Each husband was so jealous that he would not allow his wife to be in the boat or on the bank with any other man (or men) unless he himself was present.

Find a way of getting the couples across the water to safety which requires the smallest number of boat crossings. Swimming is not allowed and helicopters are not available.

In the good old days a mathematics teacher’s tools usually consisted of some chalk (dustless was a great invention), a metre rule and a text book. On special occasions the teacher would reward students with a film called ‘Donald in Mathmagic Land’. You can view it below. It was made in 1959.

Don’t forget to bring a calculator with you if you have one!

Some Humour – Thanks to Peter & Karen Bull and Di Lovatt

Smart Arse Answers

It was mealtime during a flight on a British Airways plane: “Would you like dinner?” the flight attendant asked the man seated in the front row.
“What are my choices?” the man asked.
“Yes or no,” she replied.
A lady was picking through the frozen Chickens at a Woolworths store but she couldn’t find one big enough for her family. She asked a passing assistant, “Do these Chickens get any bigger?”

The assistant replied, “I’m afraid not, they’re dead.”

The policeman got out of his car and the teenager he stopped for speeding rolled down his window “I’ve been waiting for you all day,” the Cop said.
The kid replied, “Well I got here as fast as I could.”
When the policeman finally stopped laughing, he sent the kid on his way without a ticket.

A truckie was driving along on a country road. A sign came up that read “Low Bridge Ahead.”
Before he realised it, the bridge was directly ahead and he got stuck under it.
Cars were backed up for miles. Finally, a police car arrived. The policeman got out of his car and walked to the lorry’s cab and said to the driver, “Got stuck, eh?”

The lorry driver said, “No, I was delivering this bridge and ran out of diesel!”