Narooma Rotary Beacon 26 January 2023

Our summer Fish ‘n Chips get together

A most enjoyable evening was had at our get-together in Quota Park on 12 January with some ordering takeaways from The Inlet. Good to see a few friends as well as partners there, especially Gordon and Di who have been out of action for a while.


With the assistance of onlookers, we will drop 1,000 ducks off Narooma Bridge about 4pm this Thursday 26 January for our annual Great Australia Day Duck Race. Organisers Julie Hartley and Mike Young are optimistic for a great race. David McInnes will again do the countdown on the bridge.

All tickets had been sold by Monday; great effort everyone particularly Mike, Ange and Andrew. The first duck across the line wins $1,000 for the person whose ticket corresponds to its number; the last duck across the line wins $100. Judge Laurelle Pacey will indicate to kayaker Rachel McInnes the first duck across the virtual finish line; kayaker Steve Deck will decide the last.

At the ready 26 January 2022 and counting down…

Ange has organised for NSW Maritime and Marine Rescue to assist with pickups including from kayakers. Laurelle has contacted Dalmeny Narooma Bushwalkers’ kayakers group (still waiting to hear if any offers), so hopefully with various friends we will enough people to assist with the collection. Not a single duck has been lost in recent years; here’s hoping we can continue that extraordinary record.

BTW, Acting President Ange is keen for someone else to wear the duck suit this year. Any takers? Kids love it!

Proceeds this year go towards Carers’ Accommodation at the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital (the Carers’ Accommodation is a Eurobodalla Rotary initiative) and prostate cancer research through the Narooma Prostate Cancer Support Group.

See you on ‘D Day’!

Marine Rescue, NSW Maritime and many others regularly help out. What a great community.

The Week that Was

The Markets

Despite the ‘iffy’ weather on Sunday with a couple of quick downpours, it turned out a good day. Well done to all the regular team especially Markets manager Chris O’Brien, markers out John Rungen and Mike Young (now with two apprentices including Gero) and to our regular team on the day including those who were there from set up to pack up (Ange, John Rungen and Mike Young) and our Rotary Friends stalwarts Wayne Redman, Dave Swilks and Wayne Dineen. 

Takings were gate $1,675.00, wishing well $133.95, van $669.80 (including square sales). Treasurer Mike said Duck ticket sales over the last few days were $1,535.30 (including square sales). Even though we lose a little with the fee on Square Sales, as Mike says, “no Square means no purchases from some customers”.

Out and About

Expo at Library Saturday 4 February

Narooma Rotary will join other local organisations with a small stall at the Seniors Expo that Council is organising at the Library. The idea is to attract new members. Set up by 9.30am. Runs 10-1pm. Can you help please?  Please see Ange.

Any more for District training at Merimbula?

Some of our members plan to go to the District’s President’s Elect Training (PETS) and Club Assembly (now called Learning and Development) at Merimbula 17-19 March. It will possibly be only for a day; waiting to see the programme. It will be at Merimbula Services Club.

District is encouraging all Club members to attend; it’s considered essential for all incoming presidents. District Governor Elect Andrea Grosvenor (a member of Queanbeyan Club) says even if you have been President before, “there are changes that are important to understand so your attendance is vital”.  She says, “These weekends are for all club members including new members. They will help build team spirit within your club and also all will gain a greater understanding of Rotary. One great part of these weekends is the camaraderie and support you will gain from other Presidents and club members; we have an amazing collection of skills and expertise across D9705.”

Please give it some thought; we need to build capacity in our Club for the future.

For our Club Assembly on 9 February

  1. Members will be canvassed for the Business Breakfast Advisory group to meet probably only two to three times a year, mainly to line up speakers. Board suggested could include one or two BB regulars – Sally Bouckley of Southbound Escapes is interested. Next BB is Thursday 16 February.
  2. Members will be canvassed for form a subcommittee to “expedite the purchase of a new catering van utilising the grant monies”.
  3. We will also discuss gaining Donor Gift Recipient status (beneficial for ongoing scholarship benefactors as well as some grants e.g. for new food van)
  4. Our AGM will be reconvened once the 2021-2022 accounts are audited

Dinner at Cobargo with Bega Rotarians

We will meet with President Phil and Bega Rotarians at Cobargo Pub at 6pm on Thursday 23 February. Hopefully Narooma will have a good number.

Clean Up Australia

Our Club is now registered to again take part in Clean Up Australia Day on Friday 3 March at noon, doing our usual Mill Bay to Apex Park beat (please contact Laurelle if you can help). Meet at Mill Bay. Please let Laurelle know if you can help on the day.

Rotary theme 2023-2024

The 2023-2024 Rotary theme has been announced – ‘Create Hope in the World’. RI President-elect Gordon McInally of Scotland calls on Rotarians to create hope in the world by working for peace and mental wellbeing. He urges members to engage in tough conversations and earn the trust that’s necessary to realise these values.


Thursday 2 February is Youth Night. It’s the Club’s first night back after our holiday break. Please bring partners and friends; it’s always an inspiring night. Please give numbers to Gero by Tuesday morning before. We will meet the 2023 winner of our Tertiary Scholarship as well as past scholars. We hope to also be joined by our  MUNA (Yeshe Smith MacPherson, Jack Lenihan and Ella Hemstead) and RYPEN (Phoebe Coxon and Talon Keith) students again, their families and teachers.