Narooma Rotary Beacon 6 October 2022

Andrew’s Thoughts

President Andrew inducts Françoise Cleret into our Club

Another important week for the club with Françoise Cleret inducted as our newest member at last week’s meeting. It’s wonderful to have her on board; she adds to the now six new members in the last three years, part of the important rebuilding of the Club. Also at that meeting we had a good opportunity to frankly discuss the merits of ‘where from here’ for the van.

This week we have Wednesday’s meeting of the PCSG where Dr Gundi Muller-Grotjan will be discussing the GPs’ perspective. After the last meeting, this should be very interesting. 

Then on Friday we have the October Board meeting where hopefully we shall arrive at a sensible compromise on the van issue, because the debate has gone on for too long.

As ever, it’s onwards and upwards mes amis!


Wednesday 5 October 6.30pm: Prostate Cancer Support Group at Narooma Golf Club with Dr Gundi Muller-Grotjan of Braveheart Healthcare to lead discussion

Thursday 6 October: No Dinner Meeting being the first Thursday in the month

This Friday 7 October 4.15pm:  Board Meeting at Narooma Golf Club

The Week that Was

From Moruya Rotary bulletin

Moruya Rotary President Shirl Hayes-Cornish reports that the recent meeting of the Carers’ Accommodation Eurobodalla Regional Hospital (CAERH) committee accepted an invitation to participate in the Eurobodalla Health, Wellbeing and Community Group’s Expo 2022 on Wednesday 2 November at Batemans Bay Soldiers Club. The Expo is for ‘conventional and customary health services and providers and also the exceptional and unique’. Our President Andrew is CAERH’s deputy chairman.

Shirl said this is the beginning of CAERH’s campaign to inform the community about the project with the aim of attracting people and organisations to make up the Steering Committee. Louise McFadden from the Project Team at NSW Health will provide a map of the hospital plan for the display showing the site put aside for Carers’ Accommodation. CAERH Chairman Rob Pollock will have photos and information about the Bega and other Carers’ Centres.

Publicity will begin with Andrew Lawson using his relationship with Paul West of the ABC and Andrew Elek with James Tugwell of the Bay Post. Shirl will also mention it on her monthly talk with Peter Diskon on EAR and write a media release. The CAERH’s next meeting is Wednesday 19 October.

Out and About

Nominations open for RYLA 

In 2023 the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) will be held from 7-13 January inclusive at the Warrambui Retreat & Conference Centre at Murrumbateman NSW. It aims to grow the leadership potential of young people in our community.

The seven day residential programme is designed to challenge and inspire these young people and help them gain further confidence and self-esteem as well as set goals for their future. A number of past Rylarians assist in running the programme and, through their experiences at previous RYLA programmes, give enormous support to their peers and the community.

Our Club is asked to find a suitable applicant between 18 and 30 years who has shown some leadership potential. (Please note that for 2023 only the age limit has been extended to 30 years because the programme has not run for the previous two years; in 2024 this will be reduced back to 28 years.)

Application forms can be found online at The closing date for RYLA applicants is 31 October, however the District would prefer applications by early October.

Our District RYLA Chair Clare Lawlor says should our Club select a RYLA participant, please invite them to attend some Rotary Club meetings prior to the programme. Fees will be invoiced to participating Clubs and cover accommodation, all meals and programme expenses. The fee is $950.00, which includes a subsidy from the District.


Thursday 13 October: Dinner Meeting at Narooma Golf Club 6.30 for 7