Narooma Rotary Beacon 18 August 2022

Andrew’s Thoughts

Our thoughts this weekend (19-21 August) will be with our Narooma High team attending the Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) in Canberra (see below). I look forward to hearing from them when they report back.

Mike Young on their recent family holiday ‘stateside’

Last Thursday we had an interesting Club Assembly meeting primarily discussing the possible changes as to how Rotary Zone 8 (that’s Australasia and the Pacific Islands) could operate for the betterment and increased relevance of Rotary going forward. While there was healthy scepticism as to how this will actually help us at the local level, the project of review was approved. Accordingly, I shall be voting YES in September’s upcoming ballot. Of far greater interest (!) was Mike’s fascinating chat about his recent trip to visit his daughter and her family in Hawaii, San Francisco, Philadelphia and Cape Cod.

This Thursday was to see the return of Business Breakfasts. We were all looking forward to hearing from Jenn Black of Merivale but we have had to cancel the Breakfast because she is not well.

We have commenced the sale of the Whale Watching Raffle with proceeds being earmarked for the proposed new Carers’ Accommodation at Moruya Hospital so we look forward to positive support both from our members and the wider public.

So in these uncertain times, we continue as ever upwards and onwards mes amis.

THIS THURSDAY – Business Breakfast cancelled

Our first guest speaker for this new round was to have been Jenn Black with a Merivale update, but it will have to be another day because she is not well.

The Week that Was

More from Club Assembly

Whale Watching Raffle: The whales are already heading south and many locals are getting excited. Fortunately our popular whalewatching raffle is back thanks to Narooma Charters and Ange Ulrichsen. If you are able to sell tickets around town or take some books of tickets (and take the load of Ange and Andrew), please see or ring Ange (she will have tickets and a preliminary roster at the Business Breakfast). Tickets will cost $2 each and be drawn at the September markets (25th) ready for a trip peak season. Proceeds will go towards Carers’ Accommodation for the proposed new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital plus other charities.

Looking for a community project: Andrew is keen for us to instigate “a meaningful family day on NATA Oval”, possibly with other organisations, with “the aim of giving back to the community”. All ideas welcome.

Aloha from Hawaii: At last week’s meeting, Mike Young reported back from his “really wonderful” holiday with his daughter and family ‘stateside’. First in Hawaii, then San Francisco (thick fog meant could not see the bay, but away from SF no fog and 100deg F), then to his daughter’s home in Philadelphia for five to six days for her 50th birthday (she lives in a gated community with many families of similar ages). They all then went up to the family’s holiday house in Cape Cod with the ocean on one side, the bay on the other and shark warnings every day (!).

Out and About


Our Club has sponsored Narooma’s team of three Year 11 students – Yeshe Smith-Macpherson, Ellen Hemsted and Jack Lenihan accompanied by their teacher Monique Wicks. The students will represent Iran, the country allocated to them, and debate current political issues relating to Iran.

This Rotary youth programme attracts students from across the eastern states and provides them with the extraordinary experience of contributing to a United Nations General Assembly style debate in Old Parliament House. It encourages them to learn about the workings of the United Nations while developing debating skills and gain self-confidence in public speaking.

Thanks to Ange Ulrichsen for helping make this great youth project happen again this year.

NEXT THURSDAY 25th – please invite friends and family

Lynne Thomas

This promises to be a top night so please invite partners and friends. Our guest speaker is Yuin Elder Lynne Thomas, a teacher and cultural consultant. She will talk about Dreaming stories and their importance, some special places that speak to connection to country.

Also, our Narooma High students who attended the recent Model United Nations Assembly (see above) will share their experiences with us.