Narooma Rotary Beacon 23 December 2021

Andrew’s Thoughts

Santa Mike with his helper Celeste

What an eventful week!

The Christmas Party was great fun. Special mention to Chris for leading the entertainment and to Mike, ably assisted by Susanna Chung’s daughter Celeste as Santa’s helper.

On Saturday evening I went to the Cobargo Pub to cheer on the BlazeAid heroes. Regrettably, the fun was curtailed by a very violent storm!

Chris O’Brien treated us to a Christmas Trivia quiz and some Carols.

Sunday saw John and me shaking buckets at the entrance to the Narooma Cup Races at Moruya Jockey Club collecting on behalf of the three Rotary Clubs in Eurobodalla. People were really generous and we anticipated that almost $1,000 was raised. On Easter Saturday we will provide both shifts on the gate which will require four of us, in two shifts. Forewarned is forearmed!

As we all know, the market on Wednesday 29 December is a BIG event. The roster has been circulated. and thanks in advance to all who are helping out.

So we roll into Christmas and into 2022. Hopefully our festivities will not be curtailed by the dreaded ‘C’, and that we have a clear run through the new year. I wish you and your families my sincerest best wishes for The Season, and I look forward to seeing you all again soon. Onward and upwards mes amis!


Wednesday 29 December : Our December Market is normally the biggest of the year.

Sunday 16 January:  Open House at Andrew and Lynn’s home at Wandella (instead of the 9th January) from 1200 until late. Andrew circulated details and directions to members on 17 December. It’s open house to Rotarians, their partners, children, rellies, friends, dogs, horses. Andrew says, “We’re really looking forward to seeing you all and to really kick off Rotary 2022!” Andrew and Lynn hope they will also be joined by a few of Lynn’s CWA chums in her new Area role. RSVP by 9th please.

Wednesday 19 January: Next Board Meeting at Lynn Hastings at 4pm (if she’s back), otherwise at the Golf Club.

Out and About

Narooma Prostate Cancer Support Group

The next meeting of the Narooma Prostate Cancer Support Group is on Tuesday 4 January at 6.30pm at Narooma Men’s Shed. Everyone is welcome.

At the recent launch of the Narooma Prostate Support Group by Member for Eden-Monaro Kristy McBain.

The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) is supporting members and friends of the Narooma Group. “Community awareness is key to prostate cancer survival which is why we’re so committed to work closely with Narooma Rotary and the Narooma Prostate Cancer Support Group to support local men and families,” said PCFA CEO Anne Savage.

“Educating men and families about the importance of PSA testing and early detection is one of our core priorities, especially for men with a family history of prostate cancer. Current guidelines recommend screening from about 40 for men with a family history, or age 50 for those with no family history. If you experience symptoms, see your doctor immediately.

“We want to thank Narooma Rotary and the Narooma Prostate Cancer Support Group for working with us to help save lives and support men and families impacted by prostate cancer.”

Ms Savage said the organisation has Prostate Cancer Specialist Telenurses on call during business hours via 1800 22 00 99 and hospital-based specialist nurses in Bega, Canberra and Nowra. For more information, call 1800 22 00 99 or visit

Gillian Kearney of Marine Rescue Narooma dropped into our Party with a Certificate of Appreciation for Rotary’s ongoing support.

The next Beacon will be mid-January. Have a great Christmas and hopefully a wonderful 2022.