Narooma Rotary Beacon 27 May 2021

Ange’s Chat

Batemans Bay Rotary President Chris Watson with President Ange at the fabulous Centenary Celebrations.

Our second Business Breakfast, this time at the Surf Club, was again well received by the many businesses attending. Guest speaker Narooma Chamber of Commerce President Dr Jenny Munro AM elaborated on the Narooma and District Community Plan. She began with a brief overview of the effects of the bushfires and Covid lockdown on businesses in our region. Projects proposed in the Narooma Plan highlighted so many wonderful initiatives to promote Narooma and surrounds and provided a message of hope and optimism. Excitement is visibly building among businesses enjoying these monthly breakfast meetings.

The District Club Development Seminar at Broulee was terrific training and networking with so many Rotarians from Bega to Nowra, Southern Highlands to Canberra enriched the experience. RI President Elect Shekhar Mehta gave us all an inspiring message for 2021/22 to dream big and change lives everywhere; “If you can dream it; you can do it”.

Guest speaker Brian Coffey touched us  deeply with his story about connecting with a crippled boy named Charlie from Vanuatu and how ROMAC (Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children) transformed all their lives. Topical sessions during the day included Social Media/Communications, Rotary Foundation, Service Projects, New Rotarians, Youth, Planning for Success and Expanding our Reach. Hats off to District for a top day and really looking forward to the District 9705 Conference in Temora in March next year.

What a great night in Moruya on Saturday to celebrate Rotary’s 100 years in Australia and New Zealand. (Please see the report below)

A big thank you to everyone who helped at the Markets on Sunday. A great atmosphere.


Our prestigious Pride of Workmanship Awards presentation is this Thursday at Narooma Golf Club, 6 for 6.30. The cost is $44 per person for a two course meal. Bookings are essential by Monday evening with secretary Rod Walker.


Rotary Business Breakfast

President Ange, Narooma Chamber of Commerce President Dr Jenny Munro AM, President Elect Andrew Lawson and Narooma High Principal Fiona Jackson at last Thursday’s Rotary Business Breakfast.

Last Thursday’s Business Breakfast was again a great success attracting 24 local business people. Both President Ange and PE Andrew Lawson are delighted with the interest the monthly Business Breakfasts are creating, with many particularly enjoying networking with other local businesses as well as hearing from our speaker.

Guest speaker was Dr Jenny Munro who spoke about projects featured in the Narooma and District Community Plan. The Plan was the result of two workshops involving about 75 locals run by an independent facilitator.

Projects highlighted were:

* the Narooma Bypass and Bridge

* Creation of a world class mountain bike trail system

* Narooma Oyster Experience Centre

* Narooma Arts and Community Centre on School of Arts’ site

* Indigenous Cultural Experiences

Many of these projects aim to create jobs but some at the Breakfast expressed frustration at not being able to fill existing jobs. Dr Munro and Narooma High Principal Fiona Jackson both expressed concern that many young people today seem not interested in working, with Ms Jackson suggesting social media was largely to blame.

The Narooma Bypass was the other hot topic.

District Club Development Seminar

Three of our Rotarians went to the District Club Development Seminar at Broulee on Saturday before they fronted up to the centenary celebrations that night – President Ange, PE Andrew Lawson and Treasurer Elect Mike Young. They all raved about it, both the content and the wonderful camaraderie. No doubt we will hear more about what they learned in coming weeks.

Rotary in Australia’s centenary Saturday

Representing our Club – PE Andrew Lawson, left, and his wife Lynn, Steve Deck, President Ange, Mike and Sharlie Young, and Lynn Hastings, with Laurelle Pacey taking the photo.

What a wonderful night at Moruya Golfie for the combined Eurobodalla Rotary Clubs’ celebration of 100 years of Rotary and Australia and New Zealand. Most people dressed up in 1920s-1930s gear (St Vinnie’s obviously did great business over recent weeks) and the tables looked fantastic. Congratulations to all those involved in the organisation from the Bay and Moruya Clubs. Music was by the fabulous Stitch. President Ange did our Club proud with her speech.

The Moruya Mob at the Centenary Celebrations, with Keith Armstrong, second from right, ‘the boss’ of the mob.


We will have a Zoom meeting withCWA Far South Coast Secretary Lynn Lawson  who will talk about  ‘What really happens in the CWA – More than Tea and Scones’. Lynda Ord will host the meeting; Laurelle Pacey will chair.