Narooma Rotary Beacon 3 December 2020

Ange’s Chat

PDG Phil on an earlier visit with then Rotarian John Doyle

We were delighted to have PDG Phil Armstrong from Moruya Rotary join us last Thursday. With his wealth of knowledge and experience we had a­­­­­­ positive discussion on how Narooma Rotary might move forward.

Phil praised our small, dynamic Club and said he had always admired just how many things we had achieved over the last 60+ years. He noted our introduction of innovative projects like the Busking Championship, Renewable Energy Expo and the Duck Race.

Phil said Rotary is changing and we need to adapt and change to suit ourselves and the community we serve. Rotary International was initially a networking club for business leaders; then it became an organisation that saw achieving greater social benefits to individuals and communities in need, locally and globally as a key objective. We became a Service Club with the motto ‘Service above Self’.

He emphasised the critical need for Rotary Clubs to elect ‘Skill Based Boards’ in order to enable Change Management. Skills like the capacity to lead through participation by all, strategic planning, marketing, and the capacity to be creative. Above all we need to encourage participation and club membership of younger, more diverse people. AND have fun.

He noted that younger women are about to play key roles in Rotary: our District Governor Nominee Geraldine Rurenga from the Rotary Club of Wagga Wagga Murrumbidgee, Rotary International’s President Nominee Jennifer Jones of the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland in Ontario (the first woman to be RI President), and the RI Director-Elect representing Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands Jessie Harman of the Rotary Club of Wendouree Breakfast in Ballarat.

Phil was adamant that becoming a Satellite Club which meant we would lose our valued Charter would be tragic and should not be an option.

So, let’s rise to the challenge and take a hard look at our public image, new technologies, how often we meet, breakfast meetings, commitment and listen to the ideas and needs of younger generations to gauge new pathways for our community.

CHRISTMAS PARTY: Thursday 17 Dec

This our end of year party. The Inlet Restaurant has been booked 6 for 6.30pm. Please let Chris O’Brien know names of partners and friends. Let’s make it a great celebration to end 2020. What a year it has been…


We have a dinner meeting again this Thursday at the Golf Club with guest speaker Jeff Lean, rescheduled from October. Jeff will speak on ‘Climate Change, Consumption and Mindfulness’.  

Please invite partners and guests and let Secretary Rod know if you are attending and the numbers of guests by Wednesday.

Jeff is a retired Consulting Engineer and Environmental Engineer, a member of Earthwatch, Climate Council, Australian Conservation Council, NEC – New Economics Foundation, AELA Australian Earth Laws. He talks of the plant’s warming, the causes, and the accelerating rate of extinction of many species. Jeff will discuss how we can reduce our personal damage to the planet.

The Week that Was

Narooma Rotary Tertiary Scholarships

Our 2020 Tertiary Scholar Rory Spurgeon with the President Bob Aston

Many of you are aware that each year we award a three-year Narooma Rotary Tertiary Scholarship to a student from Narooma High School to help them pursue their studies and achieve their dreams. This is thanks to a bequest by Alexander Birch.

Bob Aston reports he has received four applications this year. A panel of Peter Bull, Lynda Ord and David McInnes will interview these students on 19 December. Whoever they select will be the 31st student to receive this scholarship. That assistance will then total over $260,000.                                                                                   

Annual General Meeting 10 December

Secretary Rod is getting worried he has had no nominations yet for our Board for 2021-2022. Hopefully he will be inundated with nominations this Thursday.

Out and About

International Day of People with Disability

Every year on 3 December, people around the world take part in International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD), a day to celebrate the achievements of people with disability and promote awareness, understanding and acceptance in the community. One in five people, or 4.4 million Australians, have a disability. We all have a role to play to ensure people with disability have the same opportunities as others to reach their full potential.

From Merimbula Rotary

Courtesy Merimbula Rotary website

Merimbula Rotarians have been busy replacing and painting the fire-damaged fence at Cobargo Cemetery. Two members, Don and Cam, found the remains of this seat at the Cemetery and set about restoring it to its original condition.  They removed the steel frames and took them home, cleaned, undercoated with cold galvanise, and finished with killrust black paint.  The seat slats were coated with oil-based decking finish, and fastened with new galvanised bolts. On their webpage they ask if anyone would like to help with their fire recovery projects to contact the club through Facebook, messenger or the Club’s webpage.

Merimbula Club generally meets in Club Sapphire at Merimbula but is changing the format of their meetings to alternate with a social event so people are urged to check the club’s webpage or Facebook.

From Pambula Club

Pambula Rotarians recently enjoyed a weekend visit from their Rotary colleagues from out west … Ken from Parkes Rotary and Chris and Chris from Forbes. They checked on the installation of some of the bird boxes they built and donated for local burnt out properties. It was lots of fun.


It’s our AGM. Hope to see you there. Don’t forget to put your nomination forms in beforehand.