Narooma Rotary Beacon 12 September 2019

Charmaine’s Chat

Narooma High’s MUNA team of Monique Wicks, left, Luka Potts and Aisha Thomas with our MUNA coordinator Ange Ulrichsen

While the Narooma High team going to MUNA in Canberra got off to an uncertain start, the team that finally went was very grateful for the opportunity and appeared to reap many benefits from their experiences over the weekend. Meeting other students from all sorts of schools across Australia, hearing the calibre of debating, having to think from Syria’s perspective and act with another bloc of countries. They appreciated their teacher’s help and Rotary’s financial support in getting them to the event. 

Our meeting last week had a lovely vibe with 26 people including guests and an international toast by Sandra Doyle to all the Rotary people worldwide who are currently helping Syrian refugees. 
Our Whale Watching raffle, thanks to our sponsors Narooma Charters, has been won by the local Overton Family who we welcome tonight. 

A reminder that this Thursday we have a Board meeting 5.00, followed by a dinner meeting. 


Board meeting at 5pm at Narooma Golf Club followed by a dinner meeting with special guests associated with the Whale Watching raffle: Darren Overton and family, either Norm or Nick Ingersoll from Narooma Charters who make the raffle possible each year, and Monty’s Place president David Kelleher and his wife Vi to receive the proceeds from this year’s Whale Watching raffle towards the kitchen extensions.

The week that was

Wonderful to welcome John and Sandra back last week from their northern winter sojourn. In keeping with our MUNA students having represented Syria, Sandra looked up Rotary clubs in Syria to find that the RC of Damascus was started in 1938 but later banned by the Syrian Government. So her international toast was to all the Rotary Clubs across the world who are assisting Syrian refugees.

Our guests last week were Narooma High students who went to the Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) in Canberra in mid August. They are Crystal Elmasri, Aisha Thomas and Luka Potts. Joining them was their ‘coach’ Narooma High teacher Monique Wicks and the students’ parents.

Teacher Monique, herself a former MUNA student, said she was so proud of the three students and how they interacted with everyone. They all agreed it was a great opportunity. They described the process and how once the exact resolutions to be debated were revealed on the Friday night, after the initial panic they did more research. They were put into blocs to present their cases. Luka noted how many schools had to go through regional finals to secure a place at MUNA.

The many questions following the students’ initial talk reflected how much interest their MUNA talk prompted among our members. Luka said it was so great being there; he’s now considering international studies as a possible career. Aisha said it also opened her eyes to a whole host of possible careers, while Crystal Elmasri said she is now looking at a possible career in law, possibly international law.

Several commented on how much they enjoyed the evening with us.

Out and about

Whale raffle draw

Narooma Charters’ Norm Ingersoll, centre, draws Darren Overton’s winning ticket in our Whalewatching raffle last Saturday, with Rotarians Riobyn Miller, Mike Young, Ange Ulrichsen, Frank Eden and Iris Domeier.

A few of us gathered last Saturday morning for the draw of the 2019 Whale Watching raffle by Narooma Charters’ Norm Ingersoll who provides the prize of a whale watching tour for two people. The raffle was won by a delighted Darren Overton with ticket number 445.

Polio eradication Film night

Ange has organised a film night with Jade Griffiths at the Kinema on Thursday 24 October to raise money for the End Polio campaign. The movie is ‘Ride Like a Girl’, the story of Michelle Payne who was the first female jockey to win the Melbourne Cup.

The eradication of polio is one of Rotary’s longest standing and most significant efforts. Along with our partners, Rotary has helped immunise more than 2.5 billion children against polio in 122 countries. We have reduced polio cases by 99.9% worldwide and we won’t stop until we end the disease for good. Every dollar Rotary commits to end polio will be tripled thanks to a matching agreement with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (up to US$50 million a year). Please spread the word far and wide.

Bega Rotary publicity

Great to see Bega Rotary is publicising our Polio fundraiser ‘Ride Like a Girl’ and our Renewable Energy Expo in their weekly bulletin.

Renewable Energy Expo

Getting ready for our Renewable Energy Expo on Saturday 2 November are Frank Eden, Iris Domeier, Rolf Gimmel and Ange Ulrichsen.

Our Renewable Energy Expo on Saturday 2 November should appeal to anyone wanting to save on power bills and be more environmentally sustainable. As our gallant Expo coordinator Frank put it, “that would include just about everyone”.

“There’s so much happening in renewable energy and battery development at the moment and our Expo is a great opportunity to catch up with the latest,” Frank said. “It’s a chance to source information directly from local experts and installers.”

The Expo in Narooma Sport & Leisure Centre is the fourth hosted by Rotary, and the third by our Club (last year Moruya Rotary hosted it).

Our organising committee is delighted with the response from exhibitors so far with 15 to 20 expected on the day, with some additional exhibitors hopefully showing options for caravaners and campers.


We go ‘international’ when Cat Wilson and her husband Faouzi take us on a musician’s tour of Morocco with Faouzi also playng his lute (Oud) and drums. Ange says Paul at the Golf Club may also get into the mood with a Moroccan offering.