Narooma Rotary Beacon 15 November 2018

Rod’s Ramble

At last week’s meeting we welcomed our newest member Robyn Miller. We look forward to getting to know Robyn more over the coming months and sharing with her our dedication to the ideal of ‘Service above Self’.

New Narooma Rotarian Robyn Miller was welcomed into the Club last Thursday by proposer Ang Ulrichsen and President Rod Walker

We also had our Board meeting and Assembly last week. I would like to share with you important outcomes from the Board meeting. Firstly, the Board agreed to my suggestion to run a President’s Raffle from February 2019. My very clever wife Jennifer has made a quilt and tickets will be sold up to and including the Changeover on 27 June.

The Board also decided to further investigate some community projects for 2019. These are:

  • Upgrade signage at Ringlands Walk and the pamphlet in conjunction with Narooma Historical Society
  • Check out what can be done re the maintenance of Narooma Scout Hall
  • Look at upgrading Buckeridge Lookout
  • Support IRT’s proposal to build a pathway from the bus stop on the corner of Mort Avenue to the top of Ruth Place, parallel to Club Dalmeny.

On the fundraising front we will investigate the viability of a BookFair.

FOR YOUR DIARY: The Board confirmed these dates

It was wonderful to have former member Enid Holmes with us last week. She said she may not be back for a while. Our thoughts are with Enid and Colin.
  • Saturday 17 November – we are running the Narooma Betta Home Living barbecue, as part of its first birthday celebrations and sale from Thursday 15 to Saturday 17 November
  • 25 November – Market
  • 13 December – AGM and last meeting for 2018
  • Tertiary Scholarship interviews in December
  • Saturday 15 December CHRISTMAS PARTY Casey’sCafé 6.30pm $35 per person payable in advance
  • Friday 28 December – Holiday Rotary Market (instead ofSunday 23 December)
  • 18 January – Social event possibly take-away fish and chipsin Quota Park from anticipated newly opened Taylors/The Inlet
  • 26 January – Duck Race – ticket sellers and duck wranglerswill be needed leading up to this day
  •  7 February first meeting for 2019 – Youth Night.

THIS THURSDAY: Our own Eleanor Robin is our guest speaker.

After a lengthy career as journalist and writer, in retirement Eleanor resumed her study of Australian history.  She was awarded a doctorate from the University of Tasmania in 2017.  Based on her thesis, she has written the biography Swanston – Merchant Statesman, launched by Professor Henry Reynolds in Hobart in August.

Eleanor has revived Swanston’s remarkable story from a treasure trove of bank archives, and highlighted his considerable contribution to the economic, political and social life of Van Diemen’s Land and his leading role in Melbourne’s settlement. Should be interesting.

From Moruya Rotary

Moruya Rotarians recently farewelled PP Geoff Fleming. President Ward Hack said ‘It would be wrong to describe his send off as a funeral’; many stories were told of how Geoff was ‘sharp as a tack, generous and funny to the end’.

From Batemans Bay Rotary

Rotarian Peter Wood OAM spoke last week about his role as Chairman of the Batemans Bay Youth Foundation Inc (BBYF), launched in 1994. It is probably the largest educational charity in Southern NSW.  Since 1994, it’s given 195 students grants totaling $593,500. Its mission is to assist Batemans Bay youth to pursue personal development and advancement in their chosen field.

Peter paid tribute to PP Alex Taylor OAM who negotiated a partnership with Batemans Bay Soldiers Club and the RSL Sub-Branch which continues to this day, with control residing with Rotary.

From Bega Rotary

Bega Rotarians are working towards their annual Summer Book Fair which is on 11-13 January at Bega Showground Pavilion. They expect to have over 30,000 books for sale, many left over from their Winter Book Fair. They have two drop off points in Bega, and have EFTPOS facilities.

With our Board looking at the viability of a Narooma Book Fair, might be interesting to see how Bega does it.

Check out Narooma Exhibition

If you haven’t already seen it, do check out the current exhibition in the SoART Gallery by Narooma Historical Society: ‘Narooma Remembers 1918-2018 – Brave Hearts and Smiling Faces’. It’s being very well received around Narooma.

It’s on every day until the 19th, 10am-4pm. It ends at noon on the 20th.