Narooma Rotary Beacon 8 March 2018


Bob’s Blog

Hello Everyone

Last week we had our first Club Assembly for the year. We had open and respectful discussion about a range of things from the Renewable Energy Expo to the Oyster Festival; thank you to all members for your input. The Board will consider the Assembly’s views when it makes a final decision about both projects when the Board meets next week.

President Bob, Past President Charmaine and President Elect Rod are delighted at Charmaine’s involvement with a dental project in Timor-Leste.

This Thursday we meet at the High School  (6 for 6.30pm $25 a head) where I’m sure the hospitality class will delight us with an excellent meal that demonstrates the skills they have learnt in class.

Rotaract celebrates 50 years of service this year. I remember being in Rotaract many, many years ago as a first year out teacher in Lake Cargelligo. We had great fun raising money and supporting the local community, engaging in debating competitions with other clubs, running dances and barbecues and at times upsetting some Rotarians who tried to keep us on the straight and narrow. In all, it was a great way to get to know others in the community. If you want to know more about Rotaract, I recommend an article in this week’s Rotary News, click here to read it.

Have a great week everyone.

Out and about

Last week’s Assembly

We had quite a productive Club Assembly last week. Clearly we would be stretched to put on the Renewable Energy Expo this year with several key people unavailable to assist in the critical lead up, particularly Frank. No doubt our directors have taken on board members thoughts so it’s over to the Board to take this forward. Frank shared his excitement with members that a large solar farm will be built at Moruya.

Great news from Charmaine White that she will join three other Australian dentists going to Timor-Leste for two weeks during Rod’s term of president. She said it is ‘a well-run’ joint Rotary RAWCS/Lions/Carmelite nuns project. Interestingly, she also explained the relationship between toothache, chewing betel nut to relieve the pain, and that betel nut can cause cancer of the mouth and oesophagus. So eliminate toothache will reduce the risk of oral cancers.

President Elect Rod Walker reported back from PETS, introducing members to RI President-elect Barry Rassin’s theme for 2018-19Be the Inspiration.  Barry asks Rotarians to inspire change in the world and in each other. ‘I ask all of you to Be the Inspiration to help Rotary move from reaction to action — to take a hard look at the environmental issues that affect health and welfare around the world and do what we can to help.’

Relay for Life

The Club has made a commitment to assist at the Cancer Council’s Relay for Life in the Eurobodalla on Bill Smyth Oval on 7-8 April. More details to come.

Relay for Life runs over the Saturday night and raises funds for the Cancer Council’s research, prevention, information and support services to help save more lives. It’s also a chance to recognise and celebrate local cancer survivors, patients and their carers, and to honour and remember those lost to cancer.

Dates for your Diary

The District Conference is at Mittagong 25-27 March,

The District Assembly at Batemans Bay 5-6 May.