Narooma Rotary Beacon 13 October 2016


I am back outside.

This week saw us selling Race Day tickets at Narooma and Dalmeny and so thanks to Ang, Bob, Chris and Lynn for their help. Unfortunately, the weather defeated Ang and Peter last Saturday, but we have sold more than a third already so we are well on our way to achieving our goal of sell 1000 tickets. Question why do we seem to think in multiples of 1000, tickets, walking, donations etc.

On 5th Bob and I attended Moruya for a race day meeting and so please put 18th December a day that you can come to Moruya to help race funds and have a great day.

Given that I have little to no interest in horses your President has been given the task of being one of two judges selecting the best fashion on the field. I am still laughing at their decision and Donna is to say the least amused.

Another date is the 15th December to keep free as provisionally that is our Christmas Party.


On Thursday we had what I hope everyone thought was a productive Assembly and thank you for participating in Chris’ idea that we should wear hats for Australian Rotary Health fundraiser for mental health. I know we have collected more than $100 and our happy moments for the rest of the month will add to that sum so that we can make a good donation to the cause. I think the idea that happy moments we have helps to fund research/services on mental health is a nice link.

Saturday saw Bob and I attend Bega for our meeting of fellow franchisees discussing club development.

In thinking about Rotary International (RI), Districts and Clubs and the edits of the Council on Legislation this week I came to the view that we are franchisees and RI is the franchisor. Surprisingly that view did not evoke shock / horror. In fact it was later mentioned as a description of our relationship with RI.

The day did get me thinking on many things and this week we are having a special Board meeting to recap and reorganise for the rest of our Rotary year. We all need to be adaptive and willing to change and that is why I like being outside the square.

Our District Governor Steve Hill will be visiting us on the 20th. It is a partners evening and I would like as many as possible to attend and give him a warm welcome.

Finally, a good news story is that our Club will soon be forwarding $2000 to Shelterbox to assist in the latest crisis to hit Haiti .

Pres. Michael


Guests: Anne Colquit (from Hatsavvy), Lachlan Riley (NHS teacher & MUNA co-ordinator), Shania Woodward (MUNA participant). image-1

Wheel: Eggs – Lynn Hastings (1); Bread – Sandra Doyle (34); Rocky Road – Rod Walker (12); Port – Lynn Hastings & Wine – Bob Antill (43).






International Toast: Chris O’Brien proposed a toast to to the Rotary Club of Tours, Loire Valley, France.

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Hat day at Rotary

You don’t have to be mad to wear a silly hat but sometimes it helps! Narooma Rotarians donned a variety of hats on Thursday night to help raise money for Mental Health.

October is Mental Health awareness month and Rotary Health will be the recipient of the money raised during October. Hat Savvy Anne (Anne Colquit) attended the meeting to talk about her wonderful Hat and a brief history of the trade.

Getting into the spirit of the evening were Narooma High School teacher Lachlan Reilly and student Shania Woodard and Shania’s dad Glenn . Lachlan and Shania recently attended the Model United Nations debates in Canberra with the assistance of Narooma Rotary and were keen to let the members know of their experiences.

President Michael O’Connor was able to announce that we have now purchased two more Shelter Boxes through our recent “Whale watching raffle”. This is timely as Hurricane Matthew has devastated countries in the Caribbean and help including teams from ShelterBox are on the way. It is good to know that when there is a disaster and people are in desperate need that we in Narooma are part of the help program.

Rotarians-at-Large: Further correspondence from PP Bob on yet another gruelling leg of his World Rotary Fact Finding Tour. (“Of all the bars in all the World, he had to walk into …”)
