Narooma Rotary Beacon 15 September 2016

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Outside the Square:

I will be very brief this week and next week as my Rotary experiences are limited due to limited involvement.

Donna left for Japan on Father’s day and our 23rd wedding anniversary and today, as I write is her birthday, hence my mind on other things.

Thanks Bob and Frank for taking over last Thursday as I was in Mogo trying to learn something about Village ( Narooma is classified as a village in the RFS) firefighting. WHAT HOPE DO YOU HAVE ?.

Ditto to Bob for the Whale Raffle last Saturday and again thanks to Norm from Narooma Charters for his generosity.

Sadly no sausage sizzel for the Council Elections, but alas the bureaucracy won once again to defeat community engagement. Thankfully it was raining so we might have had wet sausages.

This week we are meeting at Charmaine’s for a fun night, sadly I will be in Mogo again for some training and so I wish you all the best and have a great night.

President Michael

Last Week:

Attendance: 11 members

Visiting Rotarian: Jenny Lean (Port Moresby, PNG), Guest: Iris Domeier

International Toast: Rotary Club of Port Moresby, PNG

The Wheel: Eggs – Rolf (8), Port – Bob (43), Wine – Bob again (24)

Happy moments: Laurelle was happy to spend a penny to tell us about the new toilets for Kinema. Although not flushed for funds their committee were able to receive grants to enable this refurbishment to go ahead.

Acting President Bob Antill presented the Club with a Certificate of Appreciation from Dalmeny Rural Fire Brigade for donations made in Bob’s year as President.

PP Charmaine displayed the Rotary Solar Light, an initiative started by the RC of Sutherland, NSW which has the potential to change the lives of millions of people living in third world countries (

Frank & Sandra presented a draft set of By-Laws for the Club to consider, noting, that despite unworkable rules in the Constitution, only the By-Laws could be changes. Frank’s notes follow:

Constitution and Bylaws

Rotary International has some guidelines for how clubs should be run. It is published here:

Take a look at the Manual of Procedure which has Rotary’s policies and procedures. The manual is geared to Rotary club and district leaders and features information that’s most relevant to their roles. It is published every three years to reflect adopted legislation and decisions of the RI conventions, the Council on Legislation, the Rotary International Board of Directors, and the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation.

In that document, there is a standard club constitution which every club must adopt. It can be downloaded here on the same page

Standard Rotary Club Constitution (PDF) (Word)
Note that in the footer of that document, it says “each club admitted to membership in RI shall adopt this prescribed standard club constitution.”

District 9650 has produced a very slightly altered version of this constitution to conform to NSW legislation.

Flexibility is provided by allowing each club to have its own set of bylaws. The constitution and the bylaws together are often referred to as “the constitution”, which can be confusing at times. Again, District 9650 has produced a recommended set of by laws which conform to NSW Legislation and RI. The committee looking into this has made a copy of that and is using google docs to collaborate, alllowing ideas and suggestions together with draft replacements and additions to the bylaws to be added into the text, colour coded etc.

If you want to help out or you are interested in progress, Frank, Sandra or Rod can send you a link.

When we have these bylaws in a state that we (and Michael) are not unhappy with, we will again invite everyone to have a read. Then we will have a special meeting to approve them. No-one should come to that special meeting and get a surprise about the content – it is your club and the by laws will from time to time restrict what we can do, so it is important to get them right.

If we do get them right, they should be documents we never have to worry about.

Frank Eden


Rolf showed us some wonderful slides from his recent trip home to Switzerland and particularly the train trip & views from Jungraujoch (3446m).

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Coming events: Monty’s Place upcoming Movie Night at the Narooma Kinema on Friday 16th September.

Monty’s Place upcoming Movie Night at the Narooma Kinema on Friday 16th September (the night before it is released to the public). Monty’s will be glad of any assistance that Rotarians can give on the night.

The movie is the new Beatles Documentary ‘Eight Days a Week’. 7pm for 7.30pm. $20 includes wine & nibbles. It will be fabulous journey back to the sixties. Guests can dig out their 60s and Beatles clothes and come and join the fun.

The film will raise funds for Monty’s Place which serves a scrumptious meal to some of the more needy and isolated people in our community every Wednesday from 12.00 to 1.30pm at the church hall under the Water Tower in Narooma. Everyone is welcome..

Next Week: FUN NIGHT – fine food, wine (BYO) and adult games.

Charmain’s home: 24 William St, Dalmeny 6.00-6.30 – until late

Be there or be square.

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