Narooma Rotary Beacon 1 September 2016


What a great night on Thursday with Charmaine outlining the work she , Sharon and her RAWCS team accomplished in Cambodia.

It just shows that, with determination and grit, a lot can be achieved. It also demonstrates for us that, with a little effort from us in fundraising, we can support such tremendous work by such a dedicated and hard working member of our Club.

Whew, the whale tickets have been sold in record time. Hopefully members can attend on SATURDAY 3 rd SEPTEMBER at 12.30 at the Wharf to show Norm our appreciation for his generous donation. Unfortunately I can’t be there, but I hope many can show the flag for Rotary and Norm, and join in the excitement of finding out the winner of the prize.

Next week is our Club Assembly and it is your opportunity to show how THINKING OUTSIDE THE SQUARE can advance the work of our club and present your ideas for our fun night on 15th September. The crazier the idea the better.

I suspect a NIGHT TIME SWIM AT BAR BEACH is not on anyone’s list. PITY!

President Michael.

Last Week’s Meeting:

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Attendance: 12 Rotarians

Guests: Sharon White (pictured left), Julie Davis (pictured left) & Steve Benick (Narooma Dental), Roz Wood (Chris O’Brien), Merinda (Bob Antill), Iris (Frank Eden).

3-minute talk: Chris O’Brien on how to speak proper to try and improve your English for her and I. (Obviously I wasn’t paying attention!)

Wheel: Eggs – Rod Walker; Mars Bars – Steve Benick (but most eaten by Laurelle); Port – Sandra Doyle and Wine – Sharon White

Spot the Error: Last week’s intentional error was missed by Angie so jackpots for next week.





International Toast: Rotary Club of Pnom Penh, Cambodia

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A single glass at night could mean a peaceful, uninterrupted nights sleep.

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NEW Wine for Seniors – I kid you not…..Clare Valley vintners in South Australia, which primarily produce Pinot Blanc, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Grigio wines, have developed a new hybrid grape that acts as an anti-diuretic. It is expected to reduce the number of trips older people have to make to the bathroom during the night.

The new wine will be marketed as PINOT MORE!


The Minotaur



Duty Roster:

Duty 1 September 8 September 15 September 22 September 29 September
Cashier L Pacey A Ulrichsen P Hartley C White J Doyle
3 Minute Talk M Young L Pacey J Doyle J Rungen C White
Introduce Speaker F Eden B Antill P Hartley R Gimmel
Thank Speaker W Whittle C White R Gimmel R Walker
Wheel A Whittle E Holmes R Gimmel R Walker B Antill


The Four Way Test of the things we think, say or do:

Is it the TRUTH?

Is it FAIR to all concerned?


Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Narooma Bonus extra : Will it be BENEFICIAL to the environment?

President: Michael O’Connor 0419 254 212
Secretary: Rod Walker 0411 711 475
Treasurer: Bob Antill 0400 104 731
Newsletter: Bob Aston 0414527316
Markets: Chris O’Brien 0408 489 247

Renewables Expo:
Organiser Frank Eden 0434 197 110
Organiser John Doyle
Organiser Mike Young
Organiser Angie Ulrichsen

Postal Mail:

The Secretary, Narooma Rotary Club,
PO Box 151, Narooma, NSW, 2546

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