Narooma Rotary Beacon 30 March 2023

Ange’s Thoughts

At our Pride of Workmanship Awards on Thursday: organiser Laurelle Pacey,  left, Michelle Booth of Estia Health Dalmeny, Michele Sacoor of Oyster Farmer’s Daughter, Lynn Bond of  Narooma Public School, Mia Turner of  Maven Dental Narooma, Teagan Nicholson of Dalmeny Day Care for Rebecca Harrison, Islah Lopez of Narooma Community PreSchool, and Narooma Rotary President Ange Ulrichsen.

Thursday was certainly a night to remember. ‘Do it once; do it well’ is the inspiring motto for Rotary’s Pride of Workmanship.  Rotary and local businesses celebrated our great annual awards night in style on Thursday.  It’s a proud moment and a win/win for employer and employee, so important in today’s world.

It was my great pleasure to present awards to the six recipients. (See full report below) A big ‘Thank You’ to Awards Organiser, Laurelle Pacey who does such a sterling job with these awards

Steve Young shows an architect’s image of the new Eurobodall Regional Hospital

Also that night, our Club took pride in presenting a donation for $3,800 to the Carers’ Accommodation Eurobodalla Hospital (CAERH). The money was from last year’s Whale Watch raffle and part of this year’s Duck Race. Carers’ accommodation will be attached to the new Level 4 Eurobodalla hospital and is totally community driven. Steve Young also showed architect images of the new hospital which will be located near Moruya TAFE.

Narooma Rotary started the fundraising ball rolling when we announced in August that proceeds from our whale watching raffle would go towards Carers’ Accommodation project.


The Club reconvenes the 2021-2022 AGM to approve the reviewed Financial Statements from 2021-2022 that were not ready for the AGM in December. This should be a short meeting. Members may like to dine together in the Bistro afterwards.

The Week that was

Pride of Workmanship

Six local businesses recognised valued employees at our annual Pride of Workmanship Awards at a special dinner at Narooma Golf Club on Thursday. President Ange said at the presentation these Awards “give local business people the opportunity to publicly recognise one of their staff who goes above and beyond”.

“It’s a chance to show their appreciation to someone with outstanding qualities in terms of approach, attitude, dedication and commitment to their job. Most importantly, Pride of Workmanship is not a competition. It’s recognition of individual achievement and commitment.”

Ange presented awards to:

  • Rebecca Harrison  of Dalmeny Long Day Care (collected on her behalf by former awardee Teagan Nicholson)
  • Michelle Booth of Estia Health Dalmeny
  • Mia Turner of  Maven Dental Narooma
  • Islah Lopez of  Narooma Community PreSchool
  • Lynn Bond of  Narooma Public School
  • Michele Sacoor of Oyster Farmer’s Daughter.    

Club donates to Carers’ Accommodation

Our Treasurer Mike Young and President Ange present our $3,800 donation towards the Carers’ Accommodation Project at the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital to Secretary of the Carers’ Accommodation group Steve Young and Shirley Hayes-Cornish of Moruya Rotary.

Our donation to the community-initiated Carers’ Accommodation for the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital (CAERH) on the Thursday was the first of possibly a number of our donations to this project. Secretary of the Carers’ Accommodation group Steve Young and Shirley Hayes-Cornish were “blown away” at the size of the donation.

Steve said the carers’ accommodation will be a long term community project over the next three to four years, similar to the community’s Oncology Unit fundraising at the existing Moruya Hospital a few years ago. While the new hospital will be totally funded by Government, carers’ accommodation is a community-initiated project. It will be for family members who need to be close at hand to someone admitted to hospital.

Out and About

From Merimbula Rotary

Merimbula Rotary recently donated $1,000 to assist in setting up a global grant with a Rotary Club in Denmark to supply emergency mobile medical clinics to help victims in the Ukraine war. This mobile medical clinic has just arrived in the Ukraine and is ready to help treat war casualties.

The emergency mobile medical clinic heads to Ukraine.

On ShelterBox and Rotary

ShelterBox partners with Rotary International to ensure more communities in desperate need of shelter after a disaster are supported.  ShelterBox works with disaster-affected communities to provide what emergency shelter and essentials they need to support families in rebuilding their lives after a disaster. It is currently working in Pakistan, Ukraine, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Somalia, Syria, Yean, Lake Chad Basin and Burkina Faso.

ShelterBox stores aid items in strategic locations around the world so they can get it to the families who need it as quickly as possible. Each disaster is different, and so is every community. One size does not fit all, so assessments are made to ensure the most appropriate support is provided. Emergency aid comes in the form of ShelterBoxes (sturdy green ShelterBoxes containing sturdy family-sized tents) or ShelterKits (with essential tools including a tarpaulin that people need to start repairing and rebuilding homes). They also contain things like tools, cooking sets, solar lights and activity sets for children. Sometimes blankets, groundsheets and mattresses are provided.

ShelterBox works with trusted local partners and a network of volunteers, including Rotarians, who travel by foot, boat, helicopter or tuk-tuk or whatever it takes to get the aid to the families in need.

THURSDAY 6th March

4 for 4.15pm – Board Meeting at Narooma Golf Club.

No dinner meeting.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 23 March 2023

Ange’s Thoughts

Our intrepid team at Merimbula – Gero Mitchell, left, VP Julie Hartley. Sisanna Chung, Laurelle Pacey, President Ange Ulrichsen, Greg Heath, Lynn Hastings, Ana Koen

Hats off to a brilliant weekend in Merimbula for our Rotary District 9705 Conference and for our eight members who took part. Thrilled that 8 from our Club attended, including new members Ana Koen and Greg Heath. 

The 2023-24 Rotary International Theme is ‘Create Hope for the World’. This theme encapsulated the wonderful achievements in the recent past and Rotary’s goals and aspirations for the new Rotary year. 

The weekend seminars were split between PETS (President Elect training) and Club Learning & Development. Delighted that Lynn Hastings attended all PETS’ sessions which covered leadership, communication, conflict resolution, diversity, equity and inclusion plus building confidence in the role. All our participants shared informative sessions. These included the Rotary Foundation, Australian Rotary Programs e.g. RAWCS, ARH & ROMAC, Youth, Rotary Youth Exchange, the Environment, Public Image & networking, Governance, Membership & Innovation, Youth Protection and Rotary Insurance.

This event is such a great forum for everyone to meet our 2023-24 Elect DG Andrea Grosvenor (Queanbeyan RC) and Area Governor Haseema Tweddle (BerryRC). A wonderful opportunity to mingle with fellow Rotarians, share ideas, refresh and learn lots. District Team leaders were fantastic. 

Some stories were riveting, such as Parkes RC’s YouTube ‘Eugowra Stories – Heartbreak and Hope’ about the 6 Feb 2023 disastrous floods and how Rotarians from all over rallied to assist their locals in their dire need. Viva Rotary!!

Don’t forget the markets this Sunday – Mike has circulated the roster. Many of our members are away, so please help if you can.

THIS THURSDAY – Pride of Workmanship

This is should be a great night. Our Pride of Workmanship Awards give employers and managers, through Rotary, a chance to publicly recognise an employee who goes above and beyond in their work. It encourages pride in personal performance in the workplace with the theme: ‘Do it once, Do it well.’ Pride of Workmanship is not a competition; it’s a recognition of individual achievement and commitment. We have received six nominations.

The cost is $43 p.p. for a two course meal. We’re back to the Seahorse Room 6 for 6.30pm.

The Week that Was

Our Business Breakfast

Last week’s Business Breakfast guest speaker Jacqui Van Teulingen of Business Australia with Club Director Laurelle Pacey. What a great location for our BBs. Sunrises are still superb.

Our guest speaker at last Thursday’s Business Breakfast Jacqui Van Teulingen of Business Australia made what could have been a dry subject quite fascinating. She produced a telling timeline overlaying the bushfires over a couple of months (effects on supplies, access etc) with the Covid lockdowns, border closures. It’s no wonder so many businesses along the coast are struggling, some having already called it a day. Her talk was more poignant because she had been through it too with her and her husband’s business Grandpa’s Garden in Narooma. It also explained why so many of us have been anxious through this period.

Her message was that local businesses have until the end of June to benefit from free access to professional business consultants through Business Australia.  Jacqui says, “Fires, floods and Covid over the last few years have impacted on everyone. Every business person who feels they could do with some professional advice or support can apply. It may be a free reality check, or digital help, or marketing advice, or peer to peer support, or something else entirely, we’re here to help. Business Australia’s role is to hook people up with professionals who can help, if we can’t do it ourselves.”

Out and About

Volunteers needed for Rotary Easter Saturday Races

All proceeds from Rotary’s Easter Saturday races (8th April) at Moruya Racecourse will go toward Carers’ Accommodation at the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital.

Our Club has been asked to supply two people to man the buckets to collect coins as people arrive. It would be from 11.30am to 2pm. Any volunteers? Please see President Ange.

This was published in this week’s Narooma Public School’s Newsletter.

From Moruya Rotary

Moruya Rotarians were heavily and enthusiastically involved in the town’s recent Mardi Gras and River Lights which certainly showed Rotary in a good light. Two Rotarians, also Chamber members, did a great job organising the day’s program. Since the event they’ve been looking at how to rationalise their involvement for the next one in two years’ time, such as only have one marquee as the Rotary information centre and perhaps a few select others, and leaving catering to outside caterers. Another thought is to resurrect their wonderful bicycle and again take part in the parade.

ClubRunner Webinars

Some of our members at the District 9705 seminar at Merimbula at the weekend expressed interest in the ClubRunner software used by our District.  Our District is successfully using the District version of ClubRunner bought in 2016 by District 9700. Several clubs in our District are using the Club Version, but not everyone inlcuding us.

Our Club has looked at the possibility in the past and elected to stick with Word Press which is the programme we currently use for our Webpage and Beacon.

ClubRunner has a series of Webinars starting on April 14th until April 23rd. They offer both beginner and advanced level training sessions covering various modules, by role on the club and district versions. Registrations are now open on


6pm:  The Club reconvenes the 2021-2022 AGM to approve the reviewed Financial Statements from 2021-2022 that were not ready for the AGM in December. This should be a short meeting. Members may like to have dinner together in the Bistro afterwards.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 16 March 2023

Ange’s Thoughts

Our speaker last week was our newest member Françoise Cleret, seen here with last week’s chair Lynn Hastings

Wonderful to hear from Françoise Cleret last week with a glimpse into her life so far.  What a great intro Françoise and done with such flair. French parents from Paris and Lyon, her father was a geophysicist, family lived in New Zealand for a while. They moved to Australia when his contract finished in New Zealand and bought a cattle and sheep property at Bombala, having never had a farm before. Françoise spent her high school years at a boarding school in Goulburn.

Francoise thrives on adventure and variety, travel, sport and cooking. She’s done lots of travel with John on their motor bikes through Asia. She also likes to change jobs every five years. Works with the Public Service in Canberra. She says her strength now is ‘pen pushing’, excels in her job leading her team and happy she also gets paid well.

She and John split their week between Canberra and Dalmeny. They’re doing major renovations at Dalmeny including installing a swimming pool. I love she rode her Ducati to help out at our last market. Welcome Françoise!

We meet Lachie Penglase’s family at Rotary Park – his Mum Julie, sister Elly, President Ange, Lachie, father Tony, VP Julie Hartley, Hero Mitchell, Susanna Chung, Gordon Bentley and Mike Young

Then on Tuesday, thanks to all those who came along to meet Lachie Penglase’s family – Mum Julie, father Tony, and twin sister Elly. Lachie is our potential exchange student. Such a lovely family. Also great to have Gordon, Lachie’s co-counsellor with Susanna, meet Lachie and his family in a more informal setting. Thank you Susanna for organising it. Thank you also to Gero for your contribution of a savoury plate, brownies and soft drink (and the suggestion of Rotary Park as a venue). Perfect! To top it off Susanna showed off her brand new Pole Star Electric car… Fabulous!


This Thursday (16th)  is our Business Breakfast at 7am at Narooma Surf Club with guest speaker Jacqui Van Teulingen of Business Australia. Breakfast $10 p.p.

Jacqui Van Teulingen of Business Australia

Local businesses have until the end of June to benefit from free access to professional business consultants of the calibre they could possibly not normally afford. Jacqui says, “We’ve been through fires, floods and Covid over the last few years which have impacted on everyone. Every business person who feels they could do with some professional advice or support can apply. It may be a free reality check, or digital help, or marketing advice, or peer to peer support, or something else entirely, we’re here to help. Our role is to hook people up with professionals who can help, if we can’t do it ourselves, but time is running out for that free access.”

This weekend – PETS at Merimbula

Eight (!) of our members are off to Merimbula this weekend for the District 9705 PETS (President Elect Training) and Learning and Development (previously a separate Club Assembly). It should be a real boost for our Club to have so many of us getting up-to-date with Rotary thinking and stimulating our ideas.

The Week that Was

From last week’s meeting

President Ange has said it all about Francoise’s wonderful talk last week. Lynn Hastings did a great job chairing the meeting. She outlined some recent Board decisions including donating $500 to Rotary’s Disaster Relief for New Zealand and $500 to Narooma Public School’s STEM Project. Mike is transferring half the proceeds from the Whale Raffle and all proceeds from the Duck Race to the Carers’ Accommodation account for the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital.

Soon to be Narooma Rotarians Nicole Keith, left, Ana Koen, and Greg Heath at last week’s meeting

We have four (!) applications for membership which have now been approved by the Board. – Nicole Keith, Annemarie Narraway, Ana Koen and Greg Heath. That should be quite an induction ceremony!

Moruya Rotary celebrates

Moruya Rotarians were very much involved in Moruya’s big community celebrations last Saturday to celebrate their community and people – ‘Moruya Celebrates Yesterday’s Heroes, Mardi Gras and River Lights’. More details coming in their next bulletin, but they certainly had a stall at the big Moruya Celebarates Market.

NEXT THURSDAY (23rd) – Pride of Workmanship Awards

This top event will be in the Members Lounge (go past the bar and stairs upstairs,  and turn left). The cost is $43 p.p. for a two course meal. Please bring partners. Hope to see you there. Please confirm your numbers with Gero by Monday (20th) noon at the latest

Some background  – Rotary’s Pride of Workmanship Awards give employers and managers, through Rotary, a chance to publicly recognise an employee who goes above and beyond in their work. It’s intended to cover all aspects of work performance and ethics and aims to encourage pride in personal performance in the workplace with the theme: ‘Do it once, Do it well.’ Pride of Workmanship is not a competition. It is a recognition of individual achievement and commitment.

So far three nominations are in, with another four possibilities. Laurelle hopes for at least six.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 9 March 2023

Ange’s Thoughts

Our Clean Up Crew – Laurelle Pacey, left, Gero Mitchell, Ange Ulrichsen and Françoise Cleret.

So thrilled that six of our members will head to Merimbula next week for the District 9705 PETS (President Elect Training) and Learning and Development. It’s a great opportunity for Board member and newcomers to appreciate their respective roles. But more than that, it will also provide us with stimulating ideas and the opportunity to enjoy friendship with our fellow Rotarians.

Our Club participated in Clean Up Australia last week but on Friday rather than the official Sunday to fit in with everyone’s busy schedules. We covered our normal site from Mill Bay to Bar Beach – along Centenary Drive, along the shoreline including the mangroves and along the boardwalk, and near the beach. Our helpers were Françoise, Gero, Laurelle and Ange. Thanks to everyone, and especially to Laurelle for arranging it with the local Clean Up coordinator Maree Cadman who popped in on us at Mill Bay. It was great to finally meet her after working with her with the Clean Ups over many years. 

We have a tradition in our club to invite new members to introduce themselves. I am looking forward to hearing from Françoise Cleret on Thursday who will give us a peek at her life so far. It promises to be different.

This Week                                            

Thursday 9 March: Lynn Hastings will chair this week’s Club Assembly. in our irregular spot ‘This is My Life’, Françoise Cleret will give us a peek at hers and it promises to be different…

The Week that Was

At Friday’s Board Meeting

The Board elected Ange Ulrichsen as President for the rest of the 2022/2023 year to fill the casual vacancy created by Andrew Lawson’s resignation. It also elected Julie Hartley as Vice President to fill the casual vacancy then created by Ange Ulrichsen’ s election as President.

Lynn Hastings will outline more of Friday’s Board decisions at this Thursday’s meeting.

More on the Clean Up

Maree Cadman popped by to collect our rubbish bags to put with others that were being analysed on Sunday for the extent of waste pollution in our waterways. It will be interesting to see the results.

Ange and Laurelle have been taking part in the Clean Ups for many years and have been pleasantly surprised at the reduction in waste in our precinct in that time. This is possibly due to many factors including our silent ‘army’ of ‘picker-uppers’ throughout the year, refundable bottles and cans, and perhaps even the creation of the one-way section of Centenary Drive off the highway.

Out and About

New Regional Hospital News

The next Meeting of the Carers’ Accommodation for the Eurobodalla Regional Accommodation (CAERH) Committee is on Thursday, 16 March 10am at Moruya Golf Club.

Meanwhile, early works are now underway at the site of the new Hospital which will provide more health services than are currently available at both the Moruya and Batemans Bay hospitals combined, designed with the capacity to grow as demand for services changes. The first step before construction commences includes Aboriginal archaeological work which will begin in coming weeks. Construction of a new roundabout on the Princes Highway will also start in coming months, which will provide access to the hospital site during construction and become the main entrance to the hospital when it opens.

From Pambula Rotary

Pambula Rotary has organised an International Women’s Day Brunch at Merimbula RSL Club for this Saturday 10 March. One guest speaker will be Pam Skelton who had raised her family while living in Kiah, Towamba and Eden. Pam has led a team which has supported people recovering from the fires. Another speaker will be Rotarian Clare McMahon who will contribute her wealth of experience as a diplomat and farmer at Kiah to a panel discussion.


Next Thursday is our Business Breakfast at 7am at Narooma Surf Club. Bookings essential with Laurelle by next Monday 13th ( Breakfast $10 p.p.

Jacqui Van Teulingen of Business Australia

Our guest speaker is Jacqui Van Teulingen of Business Australia. Local businesses have until the end of June to benefit from free access to professional business consultants of the calibre they could possibly not normally afford.

Jacqui says, “We’ve been through fires, floods and Covid over the last few years which have impacted on everyone. Every business person who feels they could do with some professional advice or support can apply. It may be a free reality check, or digital help, or marketing advice, or peer to peer support, or something else entirely, we’re here to help. Our role is to hook people up with professionals who can help, if we can’t do it ourselves, but time is running out for that free access.”

Jacqui is Business Australia’s Strengthening Business Facilitator for the Bega Valley. Jacqui is standing in for Lisa Caine, her equivalent for the Eurobodalla who was unavailable at that time.

Jacqui and her husband own Grandpa’s Garden in Narooma so knows full well the pressures facing businesses in this area.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 2 March 2023

Ange’s Thoughts

Bega President Phil McDonald with Narooma Rotarians Julie Hartley, left, and Acting President Ange Ulrichsen.

How fantastic to see so many Rotarians and potential Rotarians at Sunday’s Market; great to see Françoise Cleret, Greg Heath and Ana Koen join in with our merry throng. It was also an excellent result for the van attracting more business due to the Pizza mob taking a well-earned month’s break. (See more on the market below.)

Last Thursday (23/2) our club met up with Bega Rotarians for our annual informal dinner at Cobargo Pub. What a lovely evening. Conversation flowed and the meals were great. It’s so beneficial to interact and support our respective clubs by sharing ideas and experiences. I reminded the gathering that Narooma Club was chartered in 1958 with Bega our sponsor club. That was the year the space race warmed up with the United States trailing Russia at that stage and NASA was established, Qantas began its first global air service, Ashley Cooper won Wimbledon and the US Open, and the Queen installed Prince Charles as the Prince of Wales. Bega Rotarians helped enormously to get us started. Our Charter members dreamed of doing good in the community just as we, today, are being challenged to ‘Follow Our Rotary Dream’. Back then Rotarians (all men then) would have regular sing-alongs at meetings.

Bega Rotary President Phil McDonald and others shared some valuable insights from their Business Breakfasts. Other great initiatives are the highly lucrative Book Fairs Bega Rotary runs twice a year, with the inaugural Art Fair also in February (raised about $17,500 including about $5,500 from the Art Fair).

Bega and other Bega Valley Clubs pioneered the Carers’ Accommodation for Bega Hospital some years ago and have been sharing their experiences with our Eurobodalla’s carers’ accommodation group for the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital which is still in its early days.

Both Julie Hartley and Mike Young shared their experiences with Bega Rotarians running the Narooma Prostate Cancer Support Group (PCSG) each month.  They passed on some useful contacts and information to Bega President Phil for the recently formed Bega Valley PCSG.


Thursday 2 March: No meeting, being the first Thursday in the month.

Friday 3 March Noon: Clean Up Australia: We have registered to do our usual patch from Mill Bay to the Apex Park boat ramp and environs, meeting at noon at Mill Bay. Volunteers to date are Ange, Françoise, Laurelle, Gero and possibly David. If anyone else can help, please contact Laurelle.

Friday 3 March 4.15pm: Board Meeting, Golf Club

The Week that Was

The Market

Sunday’s Market turned out to be quite an amazing day, once the early shower passed. Treasurer Mike Young was delighted.  Market takings were Gate $ 1,150.00, Wishing Well $126.00, Van sales $983.33 (with Square sales 30% of sales) + money reimbursed from till.

More on Cobargo dinner with Bega

John McKee spoke of shared history when in 1974 Narooma joined with Bega, Merimbula and Eden Clubs to raise funds for a new van for the Far South Coast Blood Transfusion Service, in association with the Red Cross Society. John , then a surgeon, was Bega President; Jack Taylor was Narooma’s.

Bega Rotary President Phil shared some interesting insights into Bega Club. He said since Covid they haven’t been able to build up their evening meeting numbers to pre-Covid levels, but their Business Breakfast numbers (at Bega Cheese Heritage Centre)  continue to attract good (numbers at BB sounded comparable to ours). Evenings they’re “lucky to get 12”, despite a much larger membership. They are about to install eight new Club members, some gained through the Business Breakfasts and some through Bega dynamo Margaret Taylor’s efforts.  Narooma’s Breakfast meetings were inspired by Bega’s initiative.

One of Bega Rotary’s major projects is assisting new aged care workers from overseas (Philippines, India and Nepal) to Bega settle in, including furnishing rental accommodation for them. Another Bega project Phil mentioned was Rotary’s Adopt-A-Tree Initiative where trees are being planted in environmentally impacted areas of NSW and ACT. A variety of trees and shrubs will be planted to ensure a balance in the local environment, encouraging native birds and fauna also grow and thrive. The planting areas are determined by experts, including Landcare, and Rotary will organise plantings under their guidance and with the assistance of local schools. (Merimbula is also taking part in this project.)

A joint project between Narooma and Bega Valley Clubs in 1974 – the purchase of a van for a new mobile blood bank vehicle for Bega District Hospital.

Out and About

Narooma Rotarians head to Merimbula

At this stage it looks like we’ll have at least six Narooma Rotarians going to District training at Merimbula 17-19 March. Julie Hartley, Lynn Hastings and Ange Ulrichsen are going for the whole weekend; Laurelle Pacey, Gero Mitchell and possibly Susanna Chung are going just for Saturday, with some others undecided. This is a fantastic turnout from our Club, the best for many years, and a sure sign that our small Club is determined to grow and prosper into the future.

This year, our District invited all Rotarians to attend, not just the incoming Board, saying everyone should find areas of interest in the Learning and Development sessions. If you want to go, please register via the District 9705 website.

Next Business Breakfast 16 March

Our guest speaker Jacqui van Teulingen from Business Australia’s Entrepreneur Programme says a current grant programme offers businesses professional expert support targeted to exactly what they need, whether they’re sole traders or larger established companies. It might be something really simple, or something quite complex. They can help, for example, an artist having trouble keeping their books, or businesses needing support for digital marketing or finding more innovative ways to attract new staff.

“Running a business can be quite lonely,” Jacqui said. “We’ve done that too, and we live here, so have had those same feelings. The beauty of this programme is you have someone professional who you can use the duration of the grant – at this stage until June 30.

“Most people know what they have to do but having the professional ear of someone who will walk the journey with them is often enough to get them motivated and moving forward,” Jacqui said. “Some people may not want to move further but be more interested in succession planning or winding up their businesses; we can help.”

From Pambula Rotary

Pambula Rotarian Clare McMahon has led the campaign to rebuild Kiah’s Hall after the bushfires. Courtesy Pambula’s Facebook page.

Pambula Rotary has been helping the Kiah community get back on its feet after the bushfires which destroyed the old Kiah Hall. A ‘Ground Breaking Ceremony’ for the new Kiah Hall took place on Monday (27 February).

Pambula Rotarian Clare McMahon, also Kiah Hall Committee President, led the campaign to rebuild the Hall. At Monday’s ceremony, Clare told how Pambula Rotary had quietly assisted the Kiah community’s recovery by building a pavilion with table, chairs and barbecue so that the community had somewhere to meet. She also mentioned the sanitation facilities that had been donated and connected at the back of the fire shed. These projects have been well supported by the Kiah community.

On Monday Bega Valley Shire Mayor Russell Fitzpatrick and former Bega MP Andrew Constance turned the first sod. The building of this Hall is so different to building the Hall that burnt; a builder has been employed but his labourers will be rostered farmers and local lads.

From Merimbula Rotary

Merimbula Rotary recently donated $1,000 to set up a global grant with a Rotary club in Denmark to supply emergency mobile medical clinics to help victims in the Ukraine war.


6 for 6.30pm Club Assembly at Narooma Golf Club

Narooma Rotary Beacon 23 February 2023

The Week that Was

Our BB guest speakers Lindsay Brown and Karen Motyka from FairBreak Global and Rotary’s David McInnes

Our Business Breakfasts resumed at Narooma Surf Club last Thursday with gusto with a really inspiring talk. Our scheduled guest speaker Shaun Martyn, founder of FairBreak Global, was not able to join us. However, Lindsay Brown who is a director of FairBreak and Karen Motyka who wrote the recently launched book about FairBreak were great ‘seconds’.

Shaun runs this global organisation from his home in Narooma. Its mission is to progress gender equality and equity on a global scale using cricket as their primary vehicle. Only 10 years ago, female cricketers earned very little despite playing at an elite level and Shaun decided to do something about it. He ran into roadblocks at the highest levels of the cricket establishment. The aim is to create opportunities across sport, health, business, media, arts and education to empower women to pursue success in their chosen endeavour.

One team could have players from up to 13 nationalities. Photo courtesy FairBreak.

In May 2022, FairBreak hosted the first global T20 invitational cricket tournament in Dubai. There 90 of the world’s top female cricketers from 35 nations competed in six teams over two weeks. One team could have up to 13 nationalities in a team so coaching before the tournament is impossible; consequently they play probably cricket in its purest form relying on their own skills. Selection is a long process. Players from Associate Nations play alongside well known international players; geography is no longer a barrier to becoming a professional cricketer. They all become colleagues and stay in contact. As one participant on Thursday said, “When people connect their dreams come true”.

The second FairBreak Invitational tournament will be hosted in Hong Kong on 3-16 April; again the biggest names in women’s cricket from all over the world will come together for a two-week tournament at the iconic Kowloon Cricket Club. The United States could host the next International.

And to think this is all organised from Narooma…


On Thursday

This Thursday (23 February) at 6pm we catch up with Bega Rotary’s President Phil McDonald and other Bega Rotarians at Cobargo Pub. It looks like about 12 from our Club are going with some car-pooling. Departure from Narooma should be by 5.15pm at the latest. 

On Sunday

It’s our monthly markets. All hands on deck – please contact Mike Young re how you could help.

Out and About

Register for Merimbula Training

At this stage it looks like we could have five to six Narooma Rotarians going to District training at Merimbula on 17-19 March. If you want to go, please register via the District 9705 website. This year, our District invites all club members to attend, not just the incoming Board. Everyone should find areas of interest in the Learning and Development sessions.

Julie Hartley is going for the whole weekend, some including Ange Ulrichsen and Laurelle Pacey are going just for the Saturday. If you are interested in going, please contact Ange or Laurelle for the full programme.

Merimbula PCSG

Merimbula Rotary has been instrumental in setting up the Bega Valley Prostate Cancer Support Group. They meet on the second Tuesday of the month in Club Sapphire in Merimbula.

Batemans Bay Rotary Markets

Batemans Bay Rotary reports their Markets are thriving since moving in December from Corrigan’s Beach Reserve at Batehaven to the waterfront precinct from the boat shed up to the new Batemans Bay Bridge. Batemans Bay Rotary operates two markets a month, from 9am to 1pm on the first and third Sunday of every month. The markets are now their major community service project.

Rotary’s Earthquakes and Floods Response

Rotary’s work around the world again comes into focus in the wake of natural disasters. The Rotary Foundation and ShelterBox have quickly responded to the devastating earthquakes in Turkiye and Syria and Rotary is also calling on donations from Clubs and individuals. Donate through the general disaster response fund on There’s a button there ‘Türkiye/Syria Disaster Response Fund’ or donate through Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS).

Appeals are ongoing for both the New Zealand and New South Wales flood disasters. District Governor Geraldine Rurenga says if you are in a position to donate to any of these appeals, please do so.  


Thursday 2 March: No meeting, being the first Thursday in the month.

Friday 3 March Noon: Clean Up Australia

This photo of our intrepid Narooma Rotary team (John, Ange, Mike and Laurelle) last year is being used by Council to promote this year’s Clean Up Australia.

We have registered to do our usual stretch from Mill Bay to the Apex Park boat ramp and environs on, meeting at noon at Mill Bay. Volunteers to date are Ange, Francoise, Laurelle, Gero and possibly David. If anyone else wants to help, please contact Laurelle.

Interesting that our photo from last year is being used to publicise this year’s Clean Up campaign across Eurobodalla Shire. Great PR for our Club.

Friday 3 March 4.15pm: Board Meeting Golf Club

Narooma Rotary Beacon 16 February 2023

Ange’s Thoughts

Vice President Ange Ulrichsen presented Paul Stokes of the Golf Club’s Paul’s on the Course Restaurant a Certificate and a prized Rotary mug last week in appreciation of his wonderful service to our Club over the years. Paul left the Golf Club last weekend. In return, Paul said wonderful things about Rotary and the work our Club does in the community.

Last Thursday’s Rotary dinner was a full programme. Many attended including new faces Greg Heath and Nicole Keith who are interested in joining our club, much to our delight.

Our first speaker Lachie Penglase, who was accompanied by his father Tony, was our first speaker.  Lachie, who turns 15 this year and attends Narooma High, took the initiative to approach our Club about hopefully becoming a Rotary International Exchange student. He spoke at length last Thursday about his keen interest in this wonderful global youth program. We were impressed by his apparent maturity and likeable personality which would support his aspirations culturally and linguistically to be hosted by families overseas.

Tony and Lachie Penglase with Susanna Chung at our recent Youth Night.

Lachie’s preferred choice of country is Japan but he is aware that Rotary District has the final say. The next step in the process will be for Lachie to be interviewed at the District level to gauge his suitability. If successful, he would start his exchange aged 16. Thanks to Susanna Chung for following up with District about what is required. We wish Lachie good luck going forward and feel confident he would do our Club, Narooma High and Rotary proud.

After dinner, we enjoyed hearing David McInnes speak about his gold mine in the Central West, assisted by his technical cohort Rachel. Our loved geophysicist is such a dynamo. His enthusiasm for his new venture had us all riveted as he presented complex scientific data in this early phase of his exploration licence.  Not only did he speak with passion about his gold mine, he then ran the wheel as well. What a great night! 


Our Business Breakfasts resume at Narooma Surf Club this Thursday (16th) at 7am sharp. Our intended guest speaker Shaun Martyn of FairBreak Global is unfortunately not able to join us on Thursday. In Shaun’s stead we will hear from Lindsay Brown who is on the board of FairBreak Global (who I’m sure will be ‘channelling’ Shaun) and Karen Motyka who wrote the recently launched book about FairBreak, so it will still be a fascinating meeting.         

Shaun runs this global organisation from his home in Narooma. FairBreak Board member Lindsay Brown will explain what FairBreak Global does and the challenges of running such an organisation from Narooma.  FairBreak Global’s mission is to progress gender equality and equity on a truly global scale using cricket as their primary vehicle. They aim to create opportunities across sport, health, business, media, arts and education to empower women to pursue success in their chosen endeavour.

Lindsay will no doubt also mention the 2023 FairBreak Invitational tournament  in Hong Kong 3-16 April when the biggest names in women’s cricket from all over the world will come together for a two-week tournament at the iconic Kowloon Cricket Club.

The Week that Was

Last Thursday

David McInnes at the start of his riveting presentation, assisted by his wonderful technical assistant wife Rachel

Ange has given an excellent overview of last week’s meeting, but a little more on David’s fascinating presentation. David’s latest passion is implementing geophysical knowledge gained over his 30 year career for his own company Weethalle Gold P/L, formed with a mate and their wives. They have a licence to explore for gold in an area near Weethalle, a small farming town on the Mid Western Highway, 60 km west of West Wyalong. His interest was sparked when glancing through some data collected at an earlier time, he noted a geological intrusion previously overlooked. He subsequently discovered it is an old gold mining area (1907 and 1927-1832). His ‘metal detector’ is a helicopter which when airborne suspends a large circular device (looks a bit like a giant peace symbol). The cost of exploration is ‘eye-watering’. What’s in it for David… seems to be more the thrill of the hunt rather a dream of than untold riches. At the end of David’s presentation, Mike Young challenged David to a show-down of his divining rods versus his helicopter metal detector. Watch this space…. .  

On Clean Up Australia: Narooma Rotary has registered to do its usual stretch from Mill Bay to the Apex Park boat ramp and environs on Friday 3 March, meeting at noon at Mill Bay. Volunteers to date are Ange, Francoise, Laurelle, Gero and possibly David. If anyone else wants to help, please contact Laurelle.

On Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) on 4 April: Ange Ulrichsen and Nicole Keith have volunteered to accompany Narooma High Year 11 students on the day.

Laurelle Pacey, Ange Ulrichsen and Nicole Keith at last week’s meeting. Nicole is the mother of Talon, one of our RYPEN students.

Out and About

Register for Merimbula Training

If you plan to go to District training at Merimbula on17-19 March, please register via the District website. This year, our District is inviting all club members to attend, not just the incoming Board. Everyone should find areas of interest in the Learning and Development sessions.

Julie Hartley is going for the whole weekend, a car load including Ange Ulrichsen and Laurelle Pacey (others still considering) will probably go just for the Saturday. The full programme is still being developed by the District team.

Our Rotary District’s flood response

While flood water has receded in the Central West and Riverina, communities in the most western parts of the district still have to deal with extensive water and damage to properties, crops and infrastructure. DG Geraldine Rurenga recently toured Eugowra. Relief action on a daily basis has ceased at Eugowra but some Rotary D9705 clubs continue to do things to help flood-affected communities.  

  • A Parkes Rotary team has cleaned up the sheds and sites used by Rotary over the last 10 weeks to manage physical good donations and provide kitchen and food services.
  • Narrandera Rotarians are fencing with BlazeAid at Tichborne between Parkes and Forbes.  
  • The RCs of Forbes & Forbes Ipomoea have drawn on donations from Rotary clubs to provide cash card vouchers through the Rural Financial Counselling Service Catholic Care and Uniting Church Care.   They are considering doing more of the same.
  • RAWCS and the Rotary Australia Benevolent Society (RABS Project 46-2022-23) have purchased Gree air conditioning units to assist people getting back into the homes and doing further repairs. They’re being installed by volunteers.
  • D9705 Flood Response Coordinator Tony Maple said District is considering further relief projects according to priorities identified by Eugowra community’s leadership.  These include replacement kitchens, floor coverings, fences and garden sheds. District continues to welcome donations from Clubs in the District through RABS Project 46-3022-23.


We catch up with Bega Rotary’s President Phil McDonald and other Bega Rotarians at Cobargo Pub next Thursday (23 February) at 6pm. Please let Gero know if you are going. Some are car-pooling (make your own arrangements); departure from Narooma should be by 5.15pm at the latest. Hope to see you there.