Narooma Rotary Beacon 28 September 2023

Lynn’s Lines

Last Thursday was our first Business Networking Breakfast after our winter break. We had a really good turn out and a very informative talk by Narooma Rocks General Manager Carrie Taylor on the outcomes of the 2023 Narooma Oyster Festival and the ongoing challenges (see report below).

Last Sunday’s Market

Last Sunday was our monthly Market and what a beautiful day it was until the wind picked up just at the end. Thanks everyone who helped out. Stall numbers are picking up again with the warmer weather and there were lots of people out and about including many visitors for the school holidays. Consequently the Rotary van was quite busy. Gate takings were $1,135.00, gross van takings $765, and the wishing well $66.00.

David McInnes and Jihn Rungen manned the barbecue second shift on Sunday

We have a busy week this week with the Cinders Trivia Challenge with Moruya Rotarians this Tuesday night in Moruya (hopefully we will return with the much coveted Cinders Trophy!), and the Special General Meeting for all members on Thursday.


Tuesday 26 September 6.30 for 7pm at Moruya Golf Club: Moruya Rotary hosts this year’s Cinders Challenge on all things trivial with Moruya Quizmaster Phil Smith. We’re all looking forward to a night of “rollicking” fun, as President Derek describes it. Dinner is $20 pp.

Thursday 28th September 6.30pm Narooma Golf Club:  Special General Meeting of all members to approve the Club’s new Constitution and By-Laws, followed  by casual dining in the Bistro for those who choose to stay on.

The Week that Was

The Oyster Festival Wrap Up

Carrie Taylor

What a fascinating presentation at last week’s Business Networking Breakfast of key outcomes from the 2023 Narooma Oyster Festival, southern NSW’s premium food and drink event. Narooma Rocks Carrie Taylor and team had crunched some impressive numbers.

  • Of the 9,500 plus people who attended, 82% came from out of the 2546 postcode predominantly Sydney, Canberra, Illawarra and the Shoalhaven.
  • 87% said the Festival was their sole reason for travelling to Narooma; 60% were attending the Festival for the first time
  • 4.3 nights average stay for the weekend of the festival compared with three nights in 2022
  • New waste management initiative where volunteers saved 800kg of oyster shells from landfill
  • $3.4m plus was injected into the local economy.
  • Interesting the demographics are becoming younger with more people coming from the 26 to 55 age group
  • 14 regional oyster farming businesses were represented from nine estuaries
  • Other local producers included seafood, dairy, chillies , seaweed and nuts, plus 16 regional breweries, wineries and distillers

The Festival would not happen without the considerable contribution of volunteers – 150 volunteers contributed pver 5,500hours before, during and after the Festival.

One staggering figure this year was the estimated media reach of 4 billion! Carrie said this was largely around the huge media coverage particularly across Asia for Australia’s Biggest Oyster Competition and Australia’s Oyster Shucking Championships.

This year the Festival cost $840,000 to stage. It can’t happen without community support (tickets) and sponsors who provide just under half the funding. The rest relies on successful grant applications.

Proposed changes for 2024 include a stand up cocktail event on the Friday instead of the Long Table dinner and having an Oyster Week around the Festival involving restaurants and farmer. Everyone who went last Thursday was emailed a copy of the Key Outcomes document.

Out and About

2024 District Seminar

District has advised that the combined President Elect Training and Learning and Development seminar will be held in Batemans Bay at the Soldiers Club on 8-10 March 2024. (Our Club had nine representatives at this year’s seminar in Merimbula. Hopefully we can match that in 2024!)

Coming Up – wear a hat!

Thursday 12 October

Thursday 12 October 6 for 6.30pm: Dinner Meeting – our HAT NIGHT to ‘Lift The Lid On Mental’ Guest speaker is Australian Rotary Health Vice Chairman Stephen Humphries who will talk about Australian Rotary Health’s ‘breakthrough’ research into Mental Health.  He will be accompanied by his wife Judith. Please bring family and friends AND encourage them to wear a hat. Prizes will be given.


Wednesday 4 October 6.30pm: Prostate Cancer Support Group, Narooma Golf Club

Thursday 5 October: No Meeting being first Thursday in the month

Friday 6 October 5.15pm:  Board Meeting, Narooma Golf Club

Narooma Rotary Beacon 21 September 2023

Lynn’s Lines

Gordon Bentley last week gave members a great insight into his life as a country vet, warts and all

Last week our very own Gordon Bentley spoke to us about being a Vet, and I feel like we all got to know Gordon in a new way. It’s really great to get to know our members better; I also learned so much more about being a vet.

This week we have our business breakfast on Thursday with guest speaker Carrie Taylor the General Manager of Narooma Rocks talking about the 2023 and 2024 Narooma Oyster Festivals. We also have the Market this Sunday. Please let John know if you can help out if you did not get to put your name down on the roster last Thursday night.

The great annual Cinders Trivia Challenge against Moruya Rotary is on Tuesday 26th. We need all the help we can get to reclaim the trophy, so please invite your friends, particularly those who champion trivia! Please let John Rungen know if you plan to attend and how many you are bringing so he can let Moruya know.


This Thursday 21st is our Business Networking Breakfast, the first since our winter break. Guest speaker is Narooma Rocks General Manager Carrie Taylor. She will present the outcomes of the 2023 Narooma Oyster Festival and discuss plans for the 2024 Festival and its ongoing challenges.

The Business Breakfast is at Narooma Surf Club 7am sharp. Bookings are essential by please emailing Laurelle on by Monday 18th September.  Should you want breakfast, it’s $10. PLEASE contact Laurelle if you book but then can’t make it.

This Sunday 24th is our Rotary Market – Hopefully all available hands on deck

The Week that Was

Gordon’s talk last week impressed many members. He grew up on the northern beaches, but a Year 9 Careers Night, cattle farm experience as a third year vet student, and finally meeting Dianne in Dubbo  resulted  in a career as a vet in Dubbo spanning about 40 years.

Gordon started in Dubbo as a new graduate then became the owner of Dubbo Vet Hospital. Initially it was 60% cattle work with four vets and operating out of half a garage, but changed to 60% small animals, horses, sheep, pigs and 10% cattle. That change was largely caused by a huge drop in cattle prices due to the collapse of the US market. The practice went from eight vets to only three.

He said the reality of high overheads and self-funded equipment make a mockery of the public perception of vets being well off. His career as a vet was one of long hours, stress from patients and clients, few holidays, and the western heat, all of which took their toll on him and family life until he retired. Their purchase of initially a holiday house in Narooma was obviously a great move.

Gordon ‘calls it a day’, from the Dubbo ‘Daily Liberal

Gordon mentored many students and started a vet student weekend for Charles Sturt and Sydney University students to highlight Dubbo vet practices. That continues with great success.

Gordon had many funny stories from his time as a vet, like using their beagle as a blood donor that saved another dog, run-ins with problem horses including one which took revenge by backing up to his car and depositing manure on his car seat.

Even with all that, Gordon really enjoyed his career as a Dubbo vet,

Out and About

Vale two great Rotary ladies

Pam Raymer was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation in 2009 by President Jack Wightman for her contimued interest in Club affairs and hosting Christmases in July.

Pam Rayner, widow of the Club’s great wordsmith and Beacon editor in the 1990s PP Paul Rayner, died at Dalmeny Estia in early September, a few days after turning 98. Pam was the Charter President of Narooma Inner Wheel Club in 1994 and was an enthusiastic host of Christmas in July lunches on the Club’s behalf after Paul died. Sadly Pam suffered from dementia in her final years.

Anne Barker, widow of the late PP George Barker who was a foundation member of our Club, died at Dalmeny Estia on 2 August, aged 87.


Tuesday 26 September 6.30 for 7pm at Moruya Golf Club: Moruya Rotary hosts this year’s Cinders Challenge on all things trivial with Moruya Quizmaster Phil Smith. Please invite partners and friends. Moruya President Derek hopes our Club “brings carloads”, as does our President Lynn. Let’s not disappoint. Dinner is $20 pp.

Thursday 28th September 6.30pm Narooma Golf Club:  Special General Meeting of all members to approve the Club’s new Constitution and By-Laws, followed  by casual dining in the Bistro for those who choose to stay on.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 14 September 2023

Lynn’s Lines

Norm Ingersole of Narooma Charters drew the winning ticket in our Whale Watching Raffle while President Lynn considers lending him her glasses.

For a quiet week it was actually quite busy. First there was the resumption of the Narooma Rotary Prostate Cancer Support Group meetings on Wednesday. Julie Hartley reports a good response with a couple of new faces, as well as a few regulars. Lots of chat among them.

Last Thursday we had a meeting at Club Narooma for those who could make it; unfortunately I couldn’t. Those who attended folded all the Whale raffle ticket stubs ready for the draw on Saturday. Great work team! Thank you all for your efforts, especially Ange and Julie, and of course Norm Ingersole of Narooma Charters.

The whale watching raffle has become an annual tradition of our Club that continues to attract great support from our community. We’re grateful for Norm’s ongoing support. This year’s winner of two whale watching tickets is local Trish Delaney (ticket 816). Proceeds will be split between the carers’ accommodation project (a local Rotary initiative) for the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital and the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation.                           

Hot off the press… Our speaker this Thursday is our own member Gordon Bentley who will talk about his life as a vet. I’m really looking forward to Gordon’s talk. Look forward to seeing everyone there.

THIS THURSDAY (14th September)

Our star speaker this week is our very own Gordon Bentley who will talk about his life as a vet, mainly his 36 years in Dubbo, including its highs and its challenges. Please invite partners and friends. It should be a good night. Please ensure you book all numbers with John Rungen by noon on Tuesday.

Our speaker who was scheduled for this week, Eurobodalla Shire Council General Manager Warwick Winn, had an important business meeting sprung on him so instead will join us in late October.

The Week that Was

Last Thursday

After deciding it was ‘a long time between drinks’, or some such, with a three week gap between meetings, a number of our members enjoyed a change of venue last Thursday with a meal at Club Narooma. Gathered were Françoise Cleret, John Cunningham, Gordon Bentley, Ange Ulrichsen, Robyn Miller, Gero Mitchell, John Rungen and Julie Hartley.

Vale Lin Morey

Lin Morey PHF

Former Narooma Rotarian and Paul Harris Fellow Lindsay Morey passed away peacefully at Dalmeny on 4 September, just short of his 94th birthday. Lin, together with his father and brother, had established a large orchard, packing shed and cool store at Grahamvale (near Shepparton) in Victoria which they sold in 1988. Lin held many positions within the three Rotary Clubs where he was a member (Shepparton, Mooloolaba and Narooma) including that of President of Mooloolaba in 1995/1996. Lin was passionate about Rotary and the values it holds. Our thoughts are with his family.

Out and About

A date for your diary

We have booked the Kinema on Thursday, 30 November for a film night to show Ken Hutt’s film of his paragliding in the Himalayas to raise money for the ‘End Polio Now’ Campaign. Please spread the word among friends and family. Proceeds from the night will of course go to the ‘End Polio Now’ Campaign. More details later.

From Batemans Bay Rotary

Batemans Bay Rotarians and the Club recently donated funds for 42 backpacks and supplies for school children at the Omelai School in Timor Leste. Omelai is a remote mountain village a seven hour drive from Dili and is only accessible by road for half of the year.  The backpacks and supplies are being sourced from local shops in time for the opening ceremony of their new school on 25th September.

Batemans Bay and Berwick Rotary Clubs have assisted small charity Spend it Well build the new school this year. The school will accommodate 130 students with three classrooms, a teachers room, storage room, five toilets and hand-washing facilities. It replaces a derelict two classroom building with no windows and the Year 1’s dirt floored shack which fell down last year. There were no toilets.

NEXT THURSDAY (21st September)

This is the first in our spring series of Business Networking Breakfasts. Our speaker is Narooma Rocks General Manager Carrie Taylor who will present the outcomes of the 2023 Narooma Oyster Festival.  She will talk about the highlights and benefits to our region, and discuss plans for the 2024 Festival and its ongoing challenges.

The Business Breakfast is at Narooma Surf Club 7am sharp. Bookings are essential by please emailing Laurelle on by Monday 18th September.  Should you want breakfast, it’s $10. PLEASE contact Laurelle if you book but then can’t make it.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 7 September 2023

Lynn’s Lines

Greetings everyone. It has actually been a very productive week.

The Board meeting on Friday covered many things. On seeking Donor Gift Recipient (DGR) status, the Board decided to take steps to establish a public fund within the existing Club structure, the Club being the sponsoring organisation, instead of trying to establish a separate Trust. This is quite common among many organisations.  It necessitates changes to our Constitution. 

President Lynn Hastings

Coincidentally, District had asked all Clubs in December to adopt new Constitution and Club Bylaws (rules) but we had not acted on that. The Board has now approved us adopting the new documents with some additions to enable the establishment of a Public Fund within the Club’s existing structure for DGR status. There will now be a Special General Meeting of all members on Thursday 28 September at 6.30pm to formally adopt the new documents. Emails informing all members will be sent with copies of the new documents and explanations of our additions.  

We need a few members to do the free Food Handler Basics certificate online through the NSW Food Authority. It takes about an hour. Anyone interested?  A number of our team have done training before, but it would be good to update that. We are upping our attention to ensure our food operations at the market fully comply.

Everything is in place for the 2024 Tertiary Scholarships, thanks to David and Julie. Applications are due 19 November.

After the winter break, meetings of the Prostate Cancer Support Group return this Wednesday as well as our Business Breakfast meetings on Thursday 21 September.

Exciting news… Ange is off to Nepal on 15 November on a RAWCS village project. See report below. The Board also approved a $1,000 donation to the project.

On future meals and catering at the Golf Club, an email will be sent to everyone regarding the new arrangements to be sure everyone is aware of the changes. No exceptions.

Chris O’Brien and I have registered for the District Conference in Queanbeyan in October and I believe Ange plans to attend on Saturday. Unfortunately this is also a market weekend. If you want to attend, perhaps we can contact more of our Friends of Rotary to see if they could cover.

Unfortunately the next RYPEN, scheduled for 13-15 October, has been postponed because they did not have enough return helpers. Hopefully the March one will go ahead.

The Board has suggested a social dinner at Club Narooma this Thursday at the usual time for whoever can make it.  Those who do can also help fold up Whale raffle ticket stubs ready for the draw on Saturday. Please let John know if you plan to attend.

Next week we have Eurobodalla Shire Council General Manager Warwick Winn as our guest speaker. Please invite partners and friends because it should be a really interesting talk. Please ensure yiou give John Rungen plenty of notice of numbers.


This Wednesday 6.30pm:  the Prostate Cancer Support Group meets at the Golf Club.

This Thursday 7th: No formal meeting. Instead a relaxed dinner at Club Narooma at the usual time for whoever can make it.  Those who do can help fold up Whale raffle ticket stubs ready for the draw on Saturday. Please let John know if you plan to attend.

This Saturday 12.30pm at Town Wharf: Draw of whalewatching raffle if you care to drop by.

The Week that Was

Ange to join RAWCS group to Nepal

Ange Ulrichsen

Ange Ulrichsen is very excited to be joining a group of 20 volunteers on the Nepal Friendship Project in the Maidi area in central Nepal from 12 November to 4 December. This ongoing RAWCS project will include continuing teacher training to villagers  plus assistance in agriculture and health issues. It is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Orange Daybreak (District 9705).

“I was inspired by Rob Uhl (now District Governor Nominee) at the ETS Conference at Merimbula in March,” Ange said. It’s a wonderful humanitarian project and I’m proud to be joining the group which comes from all over including a large contingent from Orange.”


DINNER MEETING 6 for 6.30pm:  Guest Speaker Eurobodalla Shire Council General Manager Warwick Winn Warwick who will talk about his life and his plans for Eurobodalla Shire. Please invite friends and family. It promises to be a top night.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 31 August 2023

Lynn’s Lines

At last week’s MUNA meeting, Rotarian Ange Ulrichsen, Narooma High students Sandy Loudoun and Coby van Teulingen, and teacher Monique Wicks.

It was great to hear from our MUNA students at last Thursdays meeting. Sounds like it was quite an adventure for them all! Great to hear from their perspective the effect it had on them. Please see report below.

We also had our first of the new alternate drop catered meals at the Golf Club. I think everyone was very happy with the food. Unfortunately we created some major concerns for the Club’s caterer including numbers, special food requirements and last minute changes being made! SO Please take note of these new rules and abide by them. This is our last chance; otherwise all meals will be via the Bistro with no table service.

1. None of us is to ever use the in/out doors to the kitchen area. This is a major Public Health & Safety issue.

2. Only one designated person is to contact the kitchen if there are any issues. That will be John Rungen unless he is not there and then I will designate someone.

3. On speaker nights only, Andrew has agreed to continue to do alternate drops but he will only cater for those who have booked in with John Rungen by noon on Tuesday. John must also be informed of any special dietary needs at that time.  If you are not on John’s list (including your guests,) you will be required to order your meal from the Bistro and pay at Bistro prices. You will be given a buzzer to pick up the meal from the Bistro when it is ready.

4. For Club Assembly nights, each individual will order and pay through the Bistro.

Thanks everyone who turned up on Saturday to learn from John about how to mark up for the Market. We had a good turn out; so good to know we have some backups.

Perfect weather, a great vibe and good company make for a successful market

The weather was great on Sunday and the market was its usual success. The takings were Gate $925, Van $529, Wishing Well $84.45 and Whale Raffle $217.90. The September market will go back to the normal time.

We now have a three week gap between Club meetings due to the way the dates fall. I would like whoever is available to get together on Thursday 7th September 6 for 6.30pm at Club Narooma for a change of venue. Please let John know if you will be going so we can gauge interest. (We’re not booked into the Golf club until the 14th which will be a speaker night rather than Club Assembly due to a rearrangement of speakers.)


THIS THURSDAY – No meeting being the fifth Thursday in the month THIS FRIDAY 1 September: 5.15pm Board Meeting

The Week that Was

Last Week’s wonderful MUNA Meeting

It was so inspiring and uplifting hearing from Sandy Loudoun and Coby van Teulingen last week about their experiences debating United Nations style resolutions at the recent Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) in Canberra. They debated each resolution from Jordan’s point of view, the country they were allocated, and that was challenging. The third member of their team, Ella Marshall unfortunately couldn’t make it last Thursday.

Seventeen teams took part in this year’s MUNA from Sydney, Canberra and the south east schools including four from Eurobodalla Shire. For many schools it had been quite a competitive process just to be there. Sandy said it was pretty intense; everyone took the debates very seriously. They were encouraged to get together with other countries to form a Middle Eastern bloc to put a consensus view for some resolutions which required some compromising.

Sandy Loudoun, left, her friend, teacher Monique Weeks and Coby van Teulingen at last week’s meeting

The experience opened their eyes to what is going on in the world, the politics involved and what the United Nations has to deal with, and they learnt a lot about speaking in public and presenting.  Sandy described the experience as “amazing”, “really fun”, “cool”, while Coby added they now have friends “from all over”. Meeting other students was a highlight.

Hearing the two students talk so enthusiastically, what also came across was the respect they had for each other and for their teacher Monique Wicks who made it all possible. Monique said the three girls did an incredible job. “Between them they had great skill sets and were able to work together to produce a great result.”

A highlight for Coby was meeting Australia’s Human Rights Commissioner Human Rights Commissioner Ms Lorraine Finlay; that has influenced her considerations for possible future career directions.

The evening highlighted the fantastic value students get from such experiences enabled by Rotary and our Club. Full credit to Ange for her initiatives in encouraging Narooma High to access these opportunities.

Our International Toast last week was appropriately to one of the 12 clubs in Jordan the Rotary Club of Amman Cosmopolitan in the capital Amman.

DGN speaks to Moruya and Bay Rotary

Both Bateman Bay and Moruya Rotary Clubs had District Governor Nominee Rob Shore as their guest speaker last week. Rob has been a member of Bay Rotary since Changeover and was previously President of RC of Parkes. He now chairs our District’s Membership and Innovation Committee. As DGN, he will serve as District Governor in the 2025-2026 year. Moruya President Derek Anderson said Rob’s talk on Prisoners of War had them “spellbound”.


Wednesday 6 December 6.30pm: Prostate Cancer Support Group meets at Narooma Golf Club.

Thursday 7 September 6 for 6.30: No meeting is scheduled for the Golf Club  being the first Thursday in the month, but President Lynn would like whoever is available to get together on Thursday 7th September 6 for 6.30pm at Club Narooma for a change of venue. Please let John know if you will be going so we can gauge interest.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 24 August 2023

Lynn’s Lines

All Saints Anglican Church at Bodalla is now recognised as being of State Heritage Significance

Last week’s meeting featured Laurelle Pacey’s great talk on why All Saints Church at Bodalla is now listed as being of State Significance. Laurelle did the nomination on behalf of the local Parish; Heritage NSW determined it met four criteria for State Heritage listing.

She shared many details about its history which were unknown to me and most others at the meeting which made it even more interesting. Now I want to drop into All Saints and have a closer look. Thank you Laurelle

John Rungen and I recently met with Golf Club Chef Andrew and Events Manager Belinda to discuss our dinner arrangements. Due to the rising cost of food and staff wages, it is no longer viable for them to continue with our current arrangments. Andrew has given us two options. 

For our Club assembly, usually 10-12 members, choose a meal from the Board in the brasserie and pay as we go.

For a dinner meeting with speakers, we will be served a meal on alternate drops plus any request for vegetarians (if notified at time of booking). Cost is $25. This starts this Thursday 27th August. It is imperative we get the numbers absolutely correct. This will be discussed further at the September Board Meeting. Please advise if you are attending as numbers are required by Tuesday afternoon.

This Sunday is the August market, so all hands on deck please. This will be the last one at the later time; we resume normal times for the September market.

Meanwhile we have a special night on Thursday when we hear from Narooma High’s MUNA students. I am really looking forward to it.


Narooma High students, representing Jordan, in action at the recent MUNA in Canberra

DINNER MEETING 6 for 6.30pm: We welcome Narooma High students Coby van Teulingen, Sandy Loudoun and Ella Marshall who, thanks to their teacher Monique Wicks and our Club’s sponsorship, participated in the Model United National Assembly (MUNA) in Canberra over the weekend 11-13 August. Please invite partners and friends. It is really important you tell John Rungen by noon on Tuesday if you are coming and if you are bringing guests. John has to let the Golf Club know numbers Tuesday afternoon.

The Week that Was

Legacy Mural completed

Artist Sam Wortelhock in action over the last week painting the Legacy remembrance mural.

The stunning colourful mural on the toilet block at Ken Rose Park to commemorate 100 years of Legacy has now been completed. It is being greatly admired by many passers-by. Artist Sam Wortelhock of Breakaway Art painted the poppy fields of Flanders with one lone soldier.  Our Club was one of many local organisations and individuals who donated towards the cost.

Out and About

Social Media and Marketing Workshop

Batemans Bay Heritage Museum is running a Social Media and Marketing Workshop on Tuesday 26 September. Two representatives from Batemans Bay Rotary are attending. Any Narooma Rotarians interested and able to go.

 District’s Regionalisation update

All members should have received an update on the progress of the Regionalisation Pilot. We’re encouraged to discuss this at Club level. There are two key changes where we can have an active voice.

First, Governance across the zone will be overseen by a Regional Council elected by clubs. Members can stand for elections. Club Presidents will vote on behalf of their club to elect Regional Council positions in October this year.

The other major step is Club Presidents and Secretaries will soon receive information to start club conversations about how we would like to be grouped with other clubs. There’s a series of webinars end of August/early September.

Alan Russell at Batemans Bay Rotary has volunteered to keep his Club up to speed with the Regionalisation pilot. Do we need someone similar?

District Conference in Queanbeyan

The District 9705 Conference will be held 20-22 October in Queanbeyan. More details to be released in the coming weeks.


No Meeting because it is the fifth Thursday in the month.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 17 August 2023

Lynn’s Lines

At MUNA: Narooma High students address the Environment resolution from the viewpoint of Jordan.

We held a productive Club Assembly last Thursday with some projects now gaining traction.

Chris O’Brien gave a moving International Toast noting the devastation of the former picturesque township of Lahaina on the Island of Maui, now totally destroyed by wildfires and the loss of so many people. She honeymooned there. There are, or rather were, three Rotary Clubs just in Lahaina and a total of nine on Maui.

Our three Narooma High students were at the Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) in Canberra over the weekend. A huge thank you to Ange for going to support the students on the Club’s behalf (see report below). We all greatly appreciate your efforts. I’m looking forward to hearing from them on the 24th August. Please bring friends and partners; it’s always an inspiring evening.

Mike and Sharlee Young are heading off for Broome this week, after having first dropped all the treasurer’s files for the last few years at my place ready for filing in the ‘designated’ Treasurer’s filing cabinet. Safe travels. You will be missed and we look forward to welcoming you back in a few months. Raichel McInnes is recovering well from her op and we’re looking forward to seeing her soon.

Tonight’s should be an interesting talk by Laurelle about such a prominent landmark in our area. Again, please invite partners and friends and let John Rungen know numbers by noon Tuesday. See you then.


Top of All Saints tower at Bodalla

Dinner meeting 6 for 6.30pm. Guest speaker Laurelle Pacey will explain why All Saints Anglican Church at Bodalla has been gazetted for State Heritage listing and what that means. Please invite partners and friends.

The Week that Was

Report from our students at MUNA

Ange Ulrichsen went to Canberra to watch our Narooma High students in action at MUNA in the Museum of Democracy in Old Parliament House. The team of Coby van Teulingen, Sandy Loudoun and Ella Marshall, accompanied by their teacher Monique Wicks represented Jordan. Normally MUNA is held in the House of Representatives, but because of renovations, it was in the Senate this year.

“Our Narooma High team and all four Eurobodalla teams at MUNA did us all proud,” Ange said. “I was particularly impressed with the Iran team from The Kings School and Carroll College’s South Africa team.”

Human Rights Commissioner Ms Lorraine Finlay and President of the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise Yohan Ramasundara presented certificates to our Narooma High team at the Closing Ceremony

From Batemans Bay Rotary

Batemans Bay Rotary sponsored a St Peter’s Anglican College team to MUNA  –  Sunni West, Anna Woolnough and Chaska Waterson. They represented Japan and dressed the part. The Rotary Bay bulletin reports the team enjoyed a visit to the Japanese Embassy and were enlightened on which way to vote by Embassy staff.

Out and About

From Moruya Rotary

Moruya Club is getting quite a reputation for catering. Last week they put on a Big Breakfast for all Council staff which went down a treat – “The food was hot, delicious and efficient”. Now they’re getting organised to prepare and serve afternoon tea for all the Meals on Wheels volunteers on 6 September in Moruya Jockey Club’s Members’ area.

Moruya Rotary has pledged $2,000 towards the solar panel and back-up batteries project at Buakonaki Primary School on Rabi Island in Fiji. As reported in previous Beacons, this system will replace an inefficient power generator and enable the staff to provide better educational outcomes for students with the money saved by not having to maintain and buy fuel for the generator.

Moruya has now set the date for our Cinders Trivia Challenge which they are hosting this year – Tuesday 26 September at Moruya Golf Club. Please put it in your diary! Please invite your friends, particularly those who excel with trivia!

From Bega Rotary

A special award was made at Bega’s monthly Breakfast meeting last week.  One was to a great friend of Narooma Rotary Bega Treasurer Charlie Blomfield who was presented with a Paul Harris award and Pin for his contribution to the Rotary Foundation. The Bega Bulletin this week reports, “You are a real legend Charlie! Charlie has been the Treasurer almost forever and is one of the life forces of Bega Rotary.”


DINNER MEETING 6 FOR 6.30PM: Coby van Teulingen, Sandy Loudoun and Ella Marshall who, thanks to their teacher Monique Weeks and our Club’s sponsorship, participated in the Model United National Assembly (MUNA) in Canberra over the weekend 11-13 August. Please invite partners and friends.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 10 August 2023

Lynn’s Lines

President Lynn Hastings

First some housekeeping.

John Rungen will do the market roster until the end of the year while Mike Young is in Western Australia. Mike and John do the marking out each month on the Saturday before the markets so John will need some help in Mike’s absence. So could everyone who can make it come long on Saturday 26 August at 9am to learn how to mark out to Chris’ plan for that market.

From last Friday’s Board meeting:

  • ‘pledged’ a $500 donation towards the District’s project for solar installation at the Buakonikai Primary School on Rabi Island in Fiji. The school has six teachers and 127 students. Our donation depends on District being able to get sufficient pledges from Clubs to raise the $50,000 still needed. (We contributed to similar school projects in Fiji last year.)
  • Sadly Andrew Lawson has decided not to return to the Club after his six month break but may consider returning at a later time. The Board accepted his resignation with regret.
  • Need to have ‘backups’ for various tasks when people are away and for succession planning.

Look forward to seeing you this Thursday night.


Club Assembly 6 for 6.30pm at the Golf Club. See you then.

Out and About

MUNA this weekend

Students at last year’s MUNA in the Museum of Democracy in Old Parliamentr House

The Narooma High team for the Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA), sponsored by our Club, heads to Canberra this weekend. Our three students, guided by teacher Monique Wicks, will represent Jordan.

Moruya Rotary is sponsoring two teams from Carroll College who will represent South Africa and Germany, while Batemans Bay Rotary is sponsoring a team from St Peters College at Broulee.

The schools will debate six resolutions from their allocated country’s point of view; the competition is really keen with some top schools in Sydney and Canberra also participating. The resolutions are:

  • Resolution C. The situation in the South China Sea
  • Resolution D. Strengthening the role of the UN in the promotion of democratization and enhancing periodic and genuine elections
  • Resolution E. Preventing and combatting crimes that affect the environment
  • Resolution F. State of global food security
  • Resolution I: A global call for concrete action for the elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance
  • Resolution J: The Situation in Myanmar

Ange Ulrichsen who is promoting our youth programmes urges anyone who can to drop into Old Parliament House to watch our students. She says it is always inspiring and the team is always a great credit to Narooma High and to Monique.

ROMAC update

In June, Narooma Rotary contributed $1,000 to Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children (ROMAC). This humanitarian project has provided life giving and/or dignity restoring surgery to over 500 children from more than 20 countries, with medical treatment not available to them in their own countries. It is assisted by many eminent Australian and New Zealand surgeons who generously donate their time for the treatment of patients. Recently ROMAC circulated a report. Here are a few highlights.      

ROMAC is very much up and going again after the interruptions caused by COVID. Over 70 children are under consideration on ROMAC’s waiting list. Five children are currently being treated in Australia and New Zealand but ROMAC would like to be doing more and making a bigger dent in their waiting list but there are two significant restrictions.
1. The public paediatric hospital systems in some parts of Australia and New Zealand are still recovering from the pandemic and have long waiting lists and staff shortages. ROMAC’s placement options are limited and it is having to consider the private sector and overseas options, but these are not easy to find.

2. The number of ROMAC volunteers. They have a great team but desperately need more people to treat more patients. ROMAC needs more people with IT and medical backgrounds as well organisation, marketing and management skills. There are opportunities to help at the national level and on every Regional Committee. In return you would get the enjoyment of making a huge impact on the lives of these ROMAC children and their families.
Contact ROMAC Chair Ian D’Arcy Walsh (via if you would like to become involved.

NEXT WEEK Thursday 17th

Dinner meeting 6 for 6.30pm at Narooma Golf Club. Guest speaker Laurelle Pacey will explain why All Saints Anglican Church at Bodalla has been gazetted for State Heritage listing and what that means. Please invite partners and friends.

All Saints Anglican Church Bodalla

Narooma Rotary Beacon 3 August 2023

Lynn’s Lines

Jillian Keating explains the Wagonga Inlet Living Shoreline Project

We heard a great talk last Thursday night by Jillian Keating on the Wagonga Inlet Living Shoreline Project (WILSP) –see report below. It was a real eye opener as I had no idea there was so much and so many involved. I think everyone enjoyed hearing all about it and there were lots of questions. Also it was great to be back in the Seahorse Room after the kitchen work was completed.

Please note the new time for our Board meeting this coming Friday the 4th of 5.15pm.


Thursday 3rd: No Meeting being the first Thursday of the month

Friday 4th: Board Meeting at 5.15pm (please note later time)

The Week that Was

Wagonga Inlet project explained

Our guest speaker last Thursday was Jillian Keating, the Dept of Primary Industries Fisheries Manager for Threatened Species & Oyster Reef Restoration. She gave us an overview of the fascinating Wagonga Inlet Living Shoreline Project which we have watched developing over the last 12 months.

Rachel and David McInness thank our guest speaker Jillian Keating, Fisheries Manager for Threatened Species & Oyster Reef Restoration

She said the project will transform and restore a section of the Wagonga Inlet shoreline between the Narooma Swimming Centre and Ken Rose Park. The aim is to showcase how nature-based solutions can protect foreshores from erosion and build habitat resilience as opposed to the usual concrete and rock sea walls.

The first phase was the restoration of a native flat oyster reef in the inlet and the first intertidal oyster reef in NSW. They have since been hand seeded with two million young Angasi oysters while wild Sydney oyster spat will settle over time. The oysters will enhance water quality while the reefs provide habitat for marine life and enhance biodiversity. Currently underway is the latest phase involving the removal of a degraded sea wall and the restoration of saltmarsh habitat along 400m of the shoreline.

Jillian explained the project is a collaborative effort between NSW Dept of Primary Industries, Eurobodalla Shire Council, the Nature Conservancy Australia, and the Australian Government through the Reef Builder Initiative and Wagonga Local Aboriginal Land Council. She said the Project will be closely monitored over coming years, noting it is occurring in a ‘contemporary  environment’ compared with pre-settlement.

Jillian said it was great to get so much positive feedback from our members which she has since passed onto the rest of the team. She said if anyone was interested in being involved as a community volunteer, please contact James Caffery at Council (4474 1310).

Chamber president praises Rotary

At Narooma Chamber of Commerce’s recent AGM, outgoing President Dr Jenny Munro thanked Narooma Rotarians for their support of local businesses through the monthly Business Networking Breakfasts with “impressive speakers”. She also mentioned our monthly markets and the Duck Race as special community events.

Out and About

From Moruya Rotary

We are still waiting to hear from Moruya Rotary about when they would like to host our great Cinders Trivia Challenge. Meanwhile they are practising… their bulletin editor reports he ran a short quiz which was well received except for some argument on the age of horses. Maybe we should also go into training…

Our Tertiary Scholars

Narooma Rotary’s current Tertiary Scholars – Elise Dixon (2021), Milaina Cafe (2023) and Raichel Brodie (2022)

Apologies for not including something about our Tertiary Scholars in last week’s Beacon. All three Scholars completed this year’s first semester with very pleasing results.

Special mention of Raichel Brodie’s recent success. In addition to our Rotary Tertiary Scholarship, Raichel was also awarded the 2022 London Alumni Scholarship valued at $8,000 p.a. for up to five years to assist with educational and living expenses.  This scholarship was established by ANU alumni living in the UK and supports students experiencing financial hardship in completing their undergraduate degree at ANU. Raichel is pursuing a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours). Congratulations Raichel!

Congratulations to Narooma Golf Club

Narooma Golf Course has been ranked by Golf Australia magazine as NSW’s number one public-access course in recognition of its breathtaking scenery and excellent sport. Golf Australia editor Brendan James says, “It’s a badge of honour now to say you’ve played this great course”. Well done Dominique and team!


Club Assembly 6 for 6.30 at the Golf Club. See you then.