Narooma Rotary Beacon 31 March 2022

Andrew’s Thoughts

Friend of Narooma Rotary Dave Swilks with Rotarians David McInnes, Mike Young and Ange Ulrichsen at Sunday’s markets

Well, it was a strange week. With news of the Covid outbreak at the Golf Club, I consulted with Board members where I could and importantly with Chris Manahan, President RC Moruya. The consensus was we should defer our annual Cinders battle. I shall be contacting Chris to see what alternative dates they would prefer. I have obviously apologised to the Golf Club on behalf of both Rotary Clubs.

Against the odds of forecast rain, the sun eventually shone on the righteous(!)  and Sunday’s Markets was a great success, all things considered. Mike is banking almost $1,300 which is excellent. Thanks to everyone for their efforts.

Thursday is our fundraising movie night at the Kinema. So dress up, come along, and have fun watching ‘The Duke’. As we have publicised, all proceeds will go to Rotary Australia’s National Flood Appeal for people in the flood affected areas in QLD and NSW. Regrettably, many will be getting another deluge over the next few days. A special mention to Ange for her great efforts organising things for Thursday.

Tuesday next week sees the next meeting of the Prostate Cancer Support group so please spread the word to those who may benefit.

Otherwise, it is upwards and onwards mes amis!


This Thursday 31st

It’s our film fundraiser at the Kinema for Rotary Australia’s Flood Relief Appeal to see ‘The Duke’. It’s 6.30 for 7pm. Cost $20 (including wine and nibbles)

‘The Duke’ is the true story of Kempton Bunton, a 60-year old taxi driver, who stole Goya’s portrait of the Duke of Wellington from the National Gallery in London in 1961. It was the first and only theft in the Gallery’s history.

Please bring your family and friends AND we encourage you to dress up as maybe Kempton Bunton (Jim Broadbent), his wife Dorothy (Helen Mirren), the Spanish artist Francisco de Goya or even the Duke of Wellington, or anyone related to this event. Prizes for the best outfit.

The Week that Was

Sunday’s Markets

The weather forecast for Sunday, rain during the night, and a brief shower on Sunday morning resulted in the cancellation of 27 of our expected 47 stallholders, especially books, many clothing and knickknack stalls. When the sun came out, customers started to arrive and our van was flat out to about 12.30pm. Our market manager Chris O’Brien said most stallholders she spoke with reported excellent sales so they were very happy with the results.

Mike Young said despite the cancellations, the markets resulted in $1,290.32 being $580 from stallholders, $509.12 from van sales (including $57.87 net of tap and pay on our Square device) and $201.20 from the unattended wishing well. Thanks to everyone for the great effort.

Cinders postponed

It was disappointing our annual Cinders Trivia Challenge with Moruya Rotarians had to be postponed at the last minute until a hopefully a more Covid-free time (is there is such a thing). Everyone was keyed up and ready to go, Chris had the questions and activities all organised, and the Cinders shield had a polish ready for us to regain the honours once again. The overly confident Moruya President Chris put in their current bulletin, he and Andrew agreed to postpone our “whipping” for a date to be determined. Not likely Chris! New date is still being discussed.

From our Tertiary Scholar Elise Dixon

It was lovely to hear recently from our Tertiary Scholar Elise Dixon via her counsellor Lynn Hastings:

Elise Dixon and her counsellor Lynn Hastings at our 2021 Youth Night

I hope you and the Rotary team are well. I’m now in week 5 and enjoying the subjects that I am doing. I have recently decided to transfer out of a Bachelor of Medical Science and into a Bachelor of Science (most likely majoring in human biology). I made this decision as I am still unsure of which career path I want to take and I feel that making this change allows for more opportunity and flexibility to try new things.

A Bachelor of Science provides the opportunity to study a range of different courses, compared to a Bachelor of Medical Science which follows a structured plan. I understand if this may affect the scholarship. Hopefully I am able to find what I’m passionate about soon. Wishing you all a happy Easter and I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Out and About

Bega Rotary’s Book Fair at Easter

After a couple of cancellations due to Covid, Bega Rotary’s Book Fair will be a monster at Easter because they are overflowing with good quality books. Bega Club is also very pleased to announce that the family of the late Margaret Searle have generously donated her wonderful collection of gardening books to our book fair.

Unfortunately Bega can’t accept any more books at this time.

Moruya Rotary boosts its profile 

As reported in our last week’s Beacon, Moruya Rotary featured in the very successful Mardi Gras and River Lights weekend for the Sydney Harbour Bridge 90th celebrations, organised by a hard working subcommittee of Moruya Business Chamber that just ‘got the job done’. Moruya Rotary’s ‘man of action’ Rohan Gleeson, wearing both Chamber and Rotary hats, was one of the main architects of festivities. In Moruya’s bulletin this week, Rohan reflects on what Rotary should take out of its $2,000 sponsorship and its involvement in the event.

“We certainly as a Club made our presence felt and we built some very strong community friendships,” he said. These included with the Moruya Markets Committee and with the local Koori community.

The bike built for six was a challenge “but it did show community spirit”. Rohan said the bike will be finished and be “an asset for future events when it will stand Rotary out from the crowd”. The Club’s marquee also provided an information hub, a sales hub for restaurants within the town and a centre for the sales of memorabilia as part of the 90th birthday celebrations. Rohan said while “the toughest nut ‘membership’ has not been cracked yet, interest in Rotary certainly was given a leg up”.


RYDA 4-5 April

The Rotary Youth Drivers Awareness (RYDA) programme is one of Rotary’s most valuable Community Services. About 180 Year 11 students from high schools in the Eurobodalla Shire are expected each day. Batemans Bay Rotarian Neil Simpson is the organizer. Our Club funds the bus hire each year from Narooma High – Moruya return and provides two helpers on the day Narooma High students attend.

Tuesday 5th April

Narooma’s Prostate Cancer Support Group meets again this Tuesday evening at 6.30pm at Narooma Men’s Shed. Guest speaker is Sarah Lambert, a counsellor from Cobargo.

No meeting on Thursday 7 April

Narooma Rotary Beacon 24 March 2022

Andrew’s Thoughts

Jo King from Narooma CWA joined Narooma Rotarians Ange Ulrichsen, Lynn Hastings and Gero Mitchell at Anglicare’s request.

Another very interesting week and one where our wonderful Rotarians filled me with pride. On Tuesday, Ange led the team of Lynn and Gero, ably assisted by Jo King of Narooma CWA, to help ‘pack and stack’ the belongings of a poor lady facing eviction. It was great to work closely with Anglicare and CWA and may this be the first of ongoing relationships.

Narooma President Andrew Lawson with Pambula President Rebecca Fox

Tuesday also saw me, with the help of chauffeur Lynn, attend a joint meeting of Merimbula and Pambula Rotary Clubs hosted by Pambula with my Prostate Cancer Support Group hat on. It was an excellent meeting with the message getting both across and being well received. I thank Rebecca Fox, President of RC Pambula for arranging things. I shall make the same presentation to Bega Rotary Club on 7th April, thanks to President Anne Ducray.

Last Thursday we hosted the Business Breakfast for approximately 30 people, with Erica Dibden of Tilba Real Dairy presenting. Erica was as inspiring as ever and many  thought she should present to budding entrepreneurs (see below). The next Business Breakfast (21 April) sees Carrie Taylor, Project Manager from Visit Tilba discussing new initiatives there, and how Tilba and Narooma can interface going forward.

This Thursday is Cinders Night, one of the great evenings of the year when we take on Moruya Rotarians at all things trivial. Our reputation is on the line! So everyone please turn up and bring as many ringers as you like! Thanks to Chris for her sterling effort in organising the questions the proceedings.

Sunday is the Markets. The weather forecast is less than ideal, so let’s hope the rain holds off. We shall plan on it all happening.

And finally, don’t forget that Thursday week is our fundraising movie night at The Kinema in aid of Rotary Australia’s National Flood Appeal. Get in quick to get your tickets, and again thanks to  organiser Ange.

So, as ever, it’s upwards and onwards mes amis, and when it comes to Cinders it is “to infinity and beyond!”.


This Thursday is our annual Cinders Challenge when we welcome our friends from Moruya Rotary at Narooma Golf Club 6 for 6.30pm. Hopefully you have already told John Rungen if you are coming, and if so, how many guests you are bringing

This Sunday is of course the Markets (weather permitting!). Andrew has sent the roster around.

The Week that Was

Erica inspires Business Breakfast

Erica and Nic Dibden at our March Business Breakfast with President Andrew

Erica Dibden was totally inspiring with her insights into their Tilba Real Dairy journey. She said “passion is the key to success”. The challenge they faced was how could a small business like theirs launch itself against big players in the dairy market. The answer was the story behind the product and its sustainability; “once people become hooked on that, it is almost addictive”.  “We had no marketing problems,” Erica said, stressing the importance of food in people’s lives, engaging directly with customers and building a profile, such as through farmers markets at Moruya and Canberra. She said they try to always treat their customers with integrity, graciousness and respect.

She spoke of the company’s growth, their significant investment in upgrading equipment, and the importance of retaining staff by trying to get them to share their vision and passion. They currently employ 22 staff.

While everyone’s journey is different, Erica said resilience is the key. They deal with problems as they arise; “failure is not an option”, She added they have “a strong resilient community”.

Erica said we are in extraordinary times of changes but feels the future is very bright. She would like to see more and more boutique food industries on the south coast.

Moruya celebrates Harbour Bridge’s 90th

Rotary’s ‘float’ featured a special ‘non-functioning’ bicycle built for six. Photo courtesy Moruya newsletter

Moruya Rotary played a big part in Moruya’s very successful celebrations over the weekend to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the opening of Sydney Harbour Bridge and Moruya’s special connection to the Bridge. It was a Moruya Chamber initiative with two Rotarians also on the organising committee.

The good ship ‘Rotary in the River Lights on Saturday night with the ‘Sydney Harbour Bridge’ . Photo courtesy Moruya newsletter

A ‘Mardi Gras type’ Street parade attracted over 50 entries with vintage cars and various floats. Rotary’s ‘float’ featured a special ‘non-functioning’ bicycle built for six flying a Rotary flag that attracted rousing cheers. An afternoon of music, fire dancers and singers followed, then River Lights featuring the good ship ‘Rotary’ and fireworks. Sunday featured two well attended quarry tours and a photographic display. Moruya Rotary also helped out with some last minute unexpected catering.

Out and About

Philippines WASH Project completed

 PAG Vere Gray reports that a Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Project in the Philippines that our Club contributed to more than three years ago has finally been completed, despite the many setbacks thrown up by Covid-19. The ‘Turn Over Ceremony’ for the project was on 17 March 

The Rotary Clubs of Batemans Bay, Moruya, Narooma, Yass and Intramuros as well as D9710 (as it was then) and D3810 (Philippines) all financially contributed to Global Grant No 1985543 to construct a Water System and Toilets in two villages four hours’ drive north of Manila.

Its completion was largely thanks to the perseverance of local Rotarian Prof Jumar Basco from the nearby Republic Central Colleges (University) when travel was permitted locally. The WASH Project was also supported by the Rotary Foundation, the Rotary Club of Intramuros Manila (local club), and the Rotary Club of Batemans Bay (international partner) in cooperation with the Community Extension Service Office of Republic Central Colleges. Vere said the value of the Project was US$47,000. 

Prof Jumar said, “We pushed through with this project even at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to establish the facilities and bring the services that will definitely change the lives of more than 1000 residents for the better.”

BowelCare Program 2022               

This year’s Rotary BowelCare Program will be run again as a Mail Order service 1 April – 30 June. More in next week’s Beacon.


We’re raising funds for Rotary Australia’s Flood Relief Appeal with a fundraising film night at Narooma Kinema to see the delightful movie ‘The Duke’. It’s 6.30 for 7pm.

‘The Duke’ is the true story of Kempton Bunton, a 60-year old taxi driver, who stole Goya’s portrait of the Duke of Wellington from the National Gallery in London in 1961. It was the first and only theft in the Gallery’s history.

Bring your family and friends AND we encourage you to dress up as maybe Kempton Bunton (Jim Broadbent), his wife Dorothy (Helen Mirren), the Spanish artist Francisco de Goya or even the Duke of Wellington, or anyone related to this event. Prizes for the best outfit.

Tickets $20 (includes wine and nibbles) plus a Rotary raffle on the night. Hope to see you there. 

Narooma Rotary Beacon 17 March 2022

Andrew’s Thoughts

Anglicare’s Case Manager (Eurobodalla Homelessness and Support Service) Angie Winter and her manager Danea Cowell (Southern Disability and Housing) at our meeting last week.

In many ways it has been a very sad week. Over the weekend we heard that the wife of our DG Leo Farrelly had passed away after a short illness. As Rotarians the Farrelly family is in our thoughts and prayers.

Secondly, we were confronted with the horrors of homelessness. Just over a week ago, I was contacted by Angie Winter, a Case Manager with Anglicare, about the possibility of Rotary assisting in packing up the belongings of a lady who is being evicted and at risk of homelessness. I raised this at Wednesday’s Board Meeting, and our wonderful Team extended an invitation to Ms Winter to join us at the Club Night dinner on Thursday to explain further.

So we were joined by Angie Winter, together with Danea Cowell who is Anglicare’s Disability and Housing Manager (Southern) to explain more about the current issue and also the wider activities of Anglicare. It was disturbing to be confronted with issues suffered by the vulnerable, but at the same time I was proud of our Club for assisting this week and I thank those who have volunteered to assist and to Gordon for providing packing boxes. So with pride, I thank those who are stepping up to the plate to help the poor lady. We committed to working out how we might work with Anglicare going forward. 

Other matters which were addressed at either the Board or at the Club Dinner included the agreement to send the funds raised at the Movie Night on 31 March (see below) to RAWCS for the National Rotary Flood Appeal for Queensland and NSW as opposed to the usual polio initiative. We will still send a donation to the Polio campaign.  

On a lighter side, we have an exciting few weeks coming up. Thursday sees our next Business Breakfast with Erica Dibden talking about the exciting changes at Tilba Real Dairy. The following week is Cinders Night with RC Moruya when it will be “all hands to the pump” to retain the trophy! Then on the 31st it will be our movie fundraiser ‘The Duke’ which has received five star reviews in the UK. You may even like to dress up for the night.

As ever, it is onwards and upwards mes amis!


Erica Dibden on the farm

Guest speaker at this Thursday’s (17th) Narooma Rotary Business Breakfast is Erica Dibden of Tilba Real Dairy. Erica and husband Nic are great advocates for producing and buying local and have recently expanded in Central Tilba.

It’s at Narooma Surf Club, cost $10, 7am sharp please. Bookings essential by Tuesday noon through Narooma President Andrew Lawson.

Out and About

Our Film for Flood Appeal

Bring your family and friends along to the Kinema on Thursday 31 March 6.30 for 7pm for our film fundraiser for Rotary Australia’s Flood Relief Appeal. Tickets $20 (includes wine and nibbles) plus a Rotary raffle on the night (donations for raffle gratefully accepted – please see Ange). 

Our Rotarians are already getting into ‘The Duke’ dress up mood – Rachel, David and Gero. Please join them on the 31st to help our Flood Appeal fundraiser.

‘The Duke’ is a delightful film. It’s the true story of Kempton Bunton, a 60-year old taxi driver who stole Goya’s portrait of the Duke of Wellington from the National Gallery in London in 1961. It was the first and only theft in the Gallery’s history. You may like to dress up as Bunton, his wife Dorothy, the Spanish artist Francisco de Goya or even the Duke of Wellington, or anyone related to this event. Prizes for the best outfit.

The Flood Appeal was launched last week by Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS). “Money raised will go through local Rotary clubs to directly and quickly support those impacted by the floods, providing essential items and financial support that Disaster Relief and Insurance may not cover,” said RAWCS CEO Andrew Woodward.

Moruya Rotary digs deep

The Board of Moruya Rotary last week decided to donate $5,000 to the Rotary National Flood Appeal and a further $3,000 to the Rotary Ukraine appeal. Then individual members made donations of $1,015 to the Flood Appeal and $500 to the Ukraine appeal. All monies will be processed through RAWCS. Great effort Moruya!

Birthdays this month

Many happy returns to Gero Mitchell (17th) and Steve Deck (25th).


We welcome our friends from Moruya Rotary to Narooma Golfie for our annual Cinders Challenge of all things trivial. This is always a wonderful fun night. Please bring family and friends, especially if they are steeped in ‘things trivial’. We will be defending the trophy! It’s 6 for 6.30pm. Please make sure you get numbers to John Rungen by the Tuesday afternoon before.  

Narooma Rotary Beacon 10 March 2022

Andrew’s Thoughts

Our Fab Four Clean Up crew of John Rungen Ange Ulrichsen, Mike Young and Laurelle Pacey about to embark on the Mill Bay to Apex Park clean up on Sunday.

By necessity it has been a quiet week for me! Regrettably, we cancelled the Prostate Cancer Support Group meeting due to the looming storms and, as with the February Markets, the storms didn’t quite eventuate. Fortunately we were able to get the word out in time.

So we are back for a busy week, and for the rest of the month. Firstly, thanks to Mike Young, Ange Ulrichsen, John Rungen and Laurelle Pacey for participating in Clean Up Australia on Sunday. It is always good to see us participating for the wider community.

This Wednesday sees our March Board which will be by Zoom. Then we have our Club Night on Thursday. Last month’s similar event was really vibrant, but perhaps Thursday can be less sexist with boys not on one side and girls on the other!

Thursday week (17th) sees the next Business Breakfast with Erica Dibden from Tilba Real Dairy. Invitations have gone out to local business people

The real big deal will be Cinders Night (24th). We have much to defend mes amis, so bring partners, ringers etc to enhance the team. Special thanks to Chris who has put so much effort into getting the questions sorted. More about Cinders on Thursday.

March will end with our Movie Night for Polio on the 31st. We shall discuss our marketing for this at the Board meeting on Wednesday.

I look forward to seeing you all (with my right eye lol!) on Thursday mes amis!


Wednesday 9 March 4pm: Board Meeting via Zoom. Invitations issued.

Thursday 10 March: Club Dinner at Narooma Golf Club 6.00 for 6.30pm.

The Week that Was

Moruya Club helps build Sydney Bridge

The ever gallant Moruya Rotary crew has been working on their contributions to Moruya’s Festival of Lights on Saturday 19 March, part of Moruya’s celebrations of the 90th anniversary of the opening of Sydney Harbour Bridge. Derek, Rohan and Pauline Gleeson are helping ‘build’ the Bridge for the Festival. The bridge will lead the flotilla down the Moruya River on Saturday 19th March. Moruya club hopes to also enter the tall ship ‘HMAS Moruya Rotary’, with plans currently being developed by Club engineer Tony ably assisted by Keith and Pauline.

Meanwhile, ADG Adam de Totth was Moruya’s guest speaker last week, deputising for the Acting DG. He spoke about the Club’s problem of aging members and a failure to recruit new members, like so many other Rotary and service clubs. It’s a problem Moruya has been discussing at length over recent months. Adam’s message was clubs must adapt, modernize, be flexible, and become event oriented. Meetings vary locations and be light-hearted. Adam returns to Moruya on 29th March.

Rotary launches Flood Appeal

Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) has created a national Flood Relief Appeal for people impacted by the current floods in Queensland and Northern NSW. Those impacted by the recent floods will be able to liaise with their local Rotary Club to advise of their needs.

“The money raised will go directly and quickly to support those impacted, providing essential items and financial support where Disaster relief and Insurance claims won’t stretch,” said Rotary Australia World Community Service Ltd CEO Andrew Woodward.

He expects the money to help people with the things like helping farmers build new fences or providing food and clothing to those that have lost everything, adding that the money raised will be crucial in helping families get back on their feet as soon as possible. Tax Deductible Donations to the appeal can be made on the RAWCS website at

Rotary Foundation and Ukraine Crisis

The deepening humanitarian crisis in Ukraine has so far seen about 1.5 million people flee Ukraine and in dire need of emergency aid. the United Nations estimates that number could grow to as many as 5 million.

In response, the Rotary Foundation has created its Disaster Response Fund as an official channel for contributions for Rotarians around the world to contribute funds to support relief efforts underway by Rotary districts bordering Ukraine and in Ukraine. Rotary clubs in Europe and around the world have stepped up their relief work, some working on the ground.

In addition, the Foundation is coordinating with partners and regional leaders, exploring effective solutions, including with the United Nations High Commission on Refugees, ShelterBox, and with Rotary members in Eastern Europe.

For all other questions and to obtain more information, please contact the Rotary Support Centre at

Out and About

Film Night for Polio Campaign 31 March

Bring your family and friends to the Kinema on Thursday 31 March to enjoy a fun evening to raise funds to help eradicate polio while also supporting a local business. Tickets $20 (includes white wine and nibbles) plus a Rotary raffle on the night. 6.30pm for 7.

‘The Duke’ is the true story of Kempton Bunton, a 60-year old taxi driver, who stole Goya’s portrait of the Duke of Wellington from the National Gallery in London. It was the first (and remains the only) theft in the Gallery’s history.


Our Rotary Business Breakfast 7am-8am with guest speaker Erica Dibden from Tilba Real Dairy. The dairy is owned and operated by Nic and Erica Dibden who bought ABC Cheese Factory in Central Tilba in 2012 and began producing dairy products produced from the milk of Jersey cows.  Bookings with Andrew Lawson essential.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 3 March 2022

Andrew’s Thoughts

President Andrew in full flight with Bega President Anne Ducray , right.

Perhaps not the week I planned but there we are. At least I was able to get back in time for Thursday’s joint dinner with RC Bega, which was great fun and much enjoyed by all. Anne Ducray and I have swapped notes and think we should do this twice a year, and possibly a joint project in 2022 / 2023. We shall discuss with their incoming President Phil McDonald.

I trust that we all tuned into ABC Southeast on Friday morning to hear Julie Hartley being interviewed about the Prostate Cancer Support Group (PCSG) by Paul West. Well done Julie!

It was a shame about the cancellation of the markets; of course Murphy’s Law dictated that the weather was fine. However Chris started receiving heaps of cancellations from Thursday so it would have been much diminished.

This week we have the next PCSG meeting with counsellor Sarah Lambert talking about the psychological issues and how to cope. In terms of spreading the word wider, I am talking with RCs Merimbula and Pambula in mid-March, and Bega 7 April. To top things off, we have been invited to speak at every Eurobodalla Library in June, at their Men’s Health week.

As I have already announced, the DG’s visit has been deferred until mid-June, when Adam will deputise.

So, as we move into March and out of this damp summer, we have two big events coming up. On the 24th it is the Cinder’s Night Annual Trivia Quiz with RC Moruya. Remember we are the defending champions! And then on the 31st it is the Movie for Polio Night at The Kinema and showing The Duke, which has already received five star reviews in the UK.

With no driving for three months, my movements will be obviously restricted, but I shall aim to be in town whenever and as much as possible. And as ever, it’s onwards and upwards mes amis!


This Tuesday: The March meeting of the Prostate Cancer Support Group at the Men’s Shed with guest speaker local counsellor Sarah Lambert.

This Thursday: No Meeting. The DG’s scheduled visit for Thursday has been deferred as our District Governor Leo Farrelly is indisposed. Instead our Area Governor Adam de Totth will make his visit on behalf of the DG as well; Adam’s visit has also been rescheduled for 26 May.

This Sunday 6 March at 7.30am Mill Bay: Clean Up Australia Day. Please contact Laurelle if you can help. So far only Mike, John, Ange and Laurelle have volunteered. Coffee will follow.

The Week that Was

We get-together with Bega Rotarians

Rod Walker, Bega Rotarian Dr John McKee and Gordon Bentley

While both Narooma and Bega Presidents had agreed the evening’s emphasis should be mainly social which was greatly enjoyed by all, we still managed to mention two of our recent achievements. Andrew spoke about the growing success of the Prostate Cancer Support Group and his upcoming meetings with Merimbula, Pambula and Bega Rotary Clubs, while PP Ange mentioned the success of our Business Breakfasts enabling members to reconnect with business, businesses to network more and how it is lifting our Club’s profile in the business community. The Business Breakfasts originated from a Bega initiative a few years ago.

Part of our happy gathering in Cobargo for the combined Bega-Narooma Rotary meeting.

From Merimbula Rotary Club

Merimbula Rotary hosted a barbecue for about 200 hospital staff at Bega Hospital to show their “immense appreciation for all their exceptional care during the COVID pandemic”. This was on 24 February. As a surprise, Merimbula Rotary President Noel Trevaskis presented the Executive Director of Southern NSW Local Health District Dr Liz Mullins with a Paul Harris Fellow Award in recognition of her work for the Community.  This followed an earlier presentation of Bega Valley’s Community Service Award to Dr Mullins recognising the work of Health Professionals in keeping our Community safe.  

A tree planting ceremony followed. A plaque will be mounted in front of the tree noting the Southern Health Team’s contribution.

Out and About

Polio Film Night 31 March

Bring your family and friends to the Kinema on Thursday 31 March to enjoy a fun evening to raise funds to help eradicate polio while also supporting a local business. Tickets $20 (includes white wine and nibbles) plus a Rotary raffle on the night. 6.30pm for 7.

‘The Duke’ is the true story of Kempton Bunton, a 60-year old taxi driver, who stole Goya’s portrait of the Duke of Wellington from the National Gallery in London. It was the first (and remains the only) theft in the Gallery’s history.

Rotary and the Ukraine tragedy

Rotary International released the following statement on 25 February:

It is a tragic and sad time for the people of Ukraine and the world. At Rotary, we are deeply concerned by the deteriorating situation in Ukraine and the escalating loss of life and humanitarian hardship there. Continued military action against Ukraine will not only devastate the region, but also risk spreading tragic consequences across Europe and the world.

As one of the world’s largest humanitarian organizations, we have made peace the cornerstone of our global mission. We join the international community in calling for an immediate cease fire, withdrawal of Russian forces, and a restoration of diplomatic efforts to resolve this conflict through dialogue.

In the past decade, Rotary clubs in Ukraine, Russia and nearby countries have transcended national differences and have actively engaged in peace-building projects to promote goodwill and to marshal assistance for the victims of war and violence.

Today, our thoughts are with our fellow Rotary members and others in Ukraine coping with these tragic events. Rotary International will do everything in its power to bring aid, support and peace to the region.

In 2014 Ukraine had 46 Rotary Clubs, several of them in Kyiv, and approximately 850 Rotarians. Ukrainian and Belarusian Rotary Clubs formed District 2232 in 2016 after being part of District 2230 with Poland since July 2000.

Posted on Rotary e-Club Ukraine Facebook page

A Rotary Peace Square in Kyiv, designed to promote Peace, was completed on 28 March 2021. It was a joint project between the Rotary Clubs of Kyiv Synergy (D2232), Kyiv Capital (D2232) and Westminster West (D1130). All Rotary clubs in Kiev attended the opening.


Wednesday 9 March 4pm: Board Meeting at Lynn Hasting’s home.

Thursday 10 March: Club Dinner at Narooma Golf Club 6.00 for 6.30pm.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 24 February 2022

Andrew’s Thoughts

What a great Business Breakfast we enjoyed with Paul West on Thursday. He was as fascinating as always. The meeting had a great vibe, the location continues to deliver, and the choice of breakfasts seems to have been greatly appreciated. It was also fantastic to see how our Rotary team all pitched in to get the venue ready and then clear up with no fuss. Great work everyone. See Laurelle’s report below.

February Business Breakfast guest speaker Paul West with Narooma Rotary President Andrew Lawson

I hear the MHERV visit on Friday was a big success. Many thanks to everyone who filled the roster to help MHERV nurse Bill Powers book people in. Thanks again to Chris O’Brien for looking after the MHERV’s Narooma arrangements. Interesting to hear of the numbers of women who also attended. Laurelle has more below.

The bad news from me though is I am in hospital in Brisbane having had a stroke in my left eye and permanently losing sight in that eye. I am not allowed to drive for three months so shall be ‘Lynn dependent’, but we’ll work something out. I still hope to be at the dinner with Bega Rotarians at Cobargo on Thursday, all being well.

Nevertheless it is still onwards and upwards mes amis.


We finally catch up with Bega Rotarians at Cobargo Hotel at 6pm. Bega is our ‘mother club’ and over the years we have tried to make this an annual event. If you’re coming, you should have already told John.

Andrew and Bega President Anne Ducray have been planning this for some time so hopefully Andrew can make it. Hope you can make it.

Just a refresher on a few of who’s who in Bega Club, apart from President Anne. Secretary Suzanne Simon, Treasurer Charlie Blomfield, Membership Dorothea Polonyi, President Elect Phillip McDonald and Public Image Phil Elsey.

The Week that Was

Breakfast with Paul West

As Andrew said, there was a great vibe at Thursday’s Business Breakfast after our break over the busy tourist season. Paul West was a popular choice as speaker attracting about 40 people, our biggest so far, and included 12 Rotarians. Paul moved to the area in 2013 to host ‘River Cottage Australia’ for several years and now lives at Bermagui.   Paul has “never written a speech in his life” and only decided on his topic while driving up from his home in Bermagui.

He spoke about five guiding principles that have stood him in good stead in shaping his business career over the last 10 years. He hoped they might have some relevance to others.

  1. Being true to his core values when making any business decisions. A major one is his family and spending time with them; another is his artistic values. This has meant that as a freelancer he has turned down some lucrative commercial offers…  It’s a balancing act.
  2. Importance of relationships. Particularly important in small regional communities, noting while life is short it is also long.
  3. Adaptability to survive in a changing world. Paul noted “that no one in this room hasn’t had to do this over the last two years”.
  4. “Not being afraid of things going to shit”. Try new things; everyone starts somewhere, even small extra improvements.
  5. Recognition. It’s important you recognise what you do and its impact on your community. Referring to Rotary, he sang its praises and the pride in being part  of a team that makes a difference to people’s lives

Quite a few questions followed. One was about his River Cottage co-star Digger who is now nine, “an ever faithful companion”, “who fancies himself as Canine King of Bermagui”. Interestingly, Paul said Digger came from Dalmeny and was advertised on the IGA noticeboard. 

Paul is a chef and a passionate advocate of real food, community, regional living and sustainable agriculture. Paul regularly hosts cooking demonstrations at food festivals around Australia and is an occasional guest presenter on ABC Television. He is also the Narooma Oyster Festival.

MHERV visits Narooma

Narooma Rotarians Gordon Bentley and Julie Hartley with MHERV nurse Bill Powers.

We hosted the Narooma visit of the Men’s Health Educational Rural Van (MHERV) at Narooma Plaza on Friday. This van is a Rotary initiative and provides free blood pressure, blood glucose and cholesterol checks.

MHERV nurse Bill Powers was delighted with the response in the Eurobodalla Shire. In Batemans Bay he saw 14 people, 9 of whom were women. Moruya on Wednesday was his busiest day on the job so far with 34 customers including six wives, while in Narooma on Friday he saw 18 people, four of whom were women. Bill said although MHERV targets men because of their general reluctance to go to the GP, everyone is welcome. It’s all about keeping people healthy. From Narooma he headed to the Bega Show and then to Tathra.

Tonga Disaster Appeal

You will remember our collections at the January Market and the Duck Race for the Tonga Volcano Eruption and Tsunami Disaster Fund. That raised close on $1,750. The club doubled it to $3,500. That money has now been forwarded to the Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) which registered a Rotary Australia Relief Fund to seek financial assistance from Rotary Clubs, the public and private sector. RAWCS will work with the Rotary New Zealand World Community Service (RNZWCS) and the Rotary Club of Nuku’alofa (Tonga) to provide aid and assistance to the affected communities.

Clean Up Australia

Our Club has now booked our usual clean-up site from the Mill Bay boatsheds to the Apex Park boat ramp for Sunday 6 March, the official Clean Up day. The best time to do this is around low tide which is about 6.30am or 6.30pm that day. So Laurelle who is the site manager suggests maybe 7.30am-8pm at Mill Bay, or 5-5.30pm. Names and feedback re times please to Laurelle.

Out and About

Film Night to raise funds to End Polio

Ange has arranged with Jade Griffiths at the Kinema to screen The Duke on Thursday 31 March as our fundraiser for the End Polio Campaign.

Sydney Harbour Bridge’s 90th Celebration

Moruya Business Chamber is organising a celebration on Saturday 19 March to recognise the 90th birthday of Sydney Harbour Bridge. The plan includes a street parade, river lights, music performances and food. Moruya Rotarians will play a role in helping to organise the event, possibly assisting with food, crowd control and moving barriers. There’s even a possibility of constructing a Rotary Wheel river light. More information soon. Moruya Rotary Club is donating $2,000 to the Chamber to help pay for the event.

District Conference at Temora 18-20 March

Registrations are now open for what should be an excellent Conference programme. Temora is home to the Aviation Museum and guests will find themselves buzzed by its rebuilt Spitfire. The convention dinner takes place in the Museum hangar.

NEXT WEEK Thursday 3 March

D9705 GOVERNOR’s VISIT – likely to be by last year’s DG Michael Moore who is currently deputising for DG Leo Farrelly. Please let John Rungen know if you are coming.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 17 February 2022

Andrew’s Thoughts

Last week I wrote my column at noon on Sunday and therefore before an amazing Pre-PETS Zoom on Sunday afternoon with our incoming District Governor Geraldine Rurenga and our Area Governor Adam de Totth.

Our DG 2022-2023 Geraldine Rurenga

There will be changes in what we do and how we do it, hence why my attendance at PETS was non-negotiable! Geraldine is 31 years of age (yes 31!) and she is the youngest District Governor in the history of Rotary International. She clearly has some real modernising ideas both in our operations and in our marketing. I look forward to meeting her at PETS in Cooma in March and working with her and Adam going forward.

On Tuesday, Mike and I went up to Batemans Bay and met Jim Lloyd who is the chief executive of the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia’s (PCFA) National Support Groups. It was a really good meeting and clearly there are some amazing tools which PCFA has and which we need to pass on to our local members. I was inclined to re-schedule our next speaker, a mental health counsellor, but the last words spoken to me the previous Tuesday were “I was suicidal for two to three years”. That hit home.

Last Wednesday was our Board Meeting day followed by our Club Night of Thursday where we duly reported back. The good news is that we raised $1,750 by rattling the bucket for Tonga, and the Club is doubling this, so we shall be sending $3,500 to RAWCS for relief funds. The Club night was really good, seeing some new faces and some old, and it was lively! Some great ideas and initiatives were raised and the Board and I shall reflect and get back to the Club in due course.

This Thursday will see the 2022 launch of the Business Breakfasts with Paul West. At the time of writing, we expect a record attendance of almost 40 people. This week the Men’s Health Educational Rural Van (MHERV) is in Narooma on Friday at Narooma Plaza car park (see below). We shall man it throughout the day. Mike and Julie will also be there waving the PCSG banner.

Don’t forget the 27th is the next Markets and so, as ever, it will be all hands to the pump. The roster will be issued soon, and thanks in advance to John and Mike for offering to meet Bob on the Friday to mark out, and to members of the Men’s Shed who have volunteered to pull in the van.

The upcoming Club meeting on 3rd March is very important as we shall have our annual DG visit. As Leo Farrelly is indisposed, we are likely to be visited by Michael Moore, last year’s DG who is deputising. So, we need a very good attendance (a three line whip!), with best pressed clothes and polished shoes!

All in all, some important and exciting times ahead. So as ever, it’s onwards and upwards mes amis!


Thursday 17 February

Paul West

Business Breakfast at Narooma Surf Club 7-8am. Cost $10 per person. Bookings with President Andrew essential. Paul is a chef and a passionate advocate of real food, community, regional living and sustainable agriculture. He hosted ‘River Cottage Australia’ from Central Tilba for several years and now lives at Bermagui.  He regularly hosts cooking demonstrations at food festivals around Australia and is an occasional guest presenter on ‘Gardening Australia’, ‘Back Roads’ and ‘Catalyst’. He is also the Ambassador for Narooma Oyster Festival.

Friday 18 February

We are hosting the Narooma visit of the Men’s Health Educational Rural Van (MHERV) in Narooma Plaza car park (upper level) this Friday 18 February. MHERV is a Rotary initiative to try to improve men’s health by overcoming the reluctance of many men to visit their GP.

MHERV Project Coordinator Graeme Hooper estimates that MHERV has saved over a staggering 10,000 men’s lives since the project started in 2017.  “That’s from the 4% of men checked in that time who showed signs of acute health issues and were told to visit their GP as soon as possible,” he said.

MHERV will be at Narooma Plaza Car Park Friday 18th 10-4.

Bill Powers is the registered nurse who takes MHERV through rural and regional areas providing a mobile, accessible check-up and information service staffed by. Checks include blood pressure, blood glucose and cholesterol levels. MERV is travelling along the far south coast this week with stops at Batemans Bay and Moruya (Wednesday) before Narooma (Friday), and Bega and Tathra to follow.

Many thanks to Chris O’Brien for coordinating our Club’s efforts. If you can, please join Bill, his wife, Chris and Mike Young at the Golf Club on the Thursday 17th for dinner.

NEXT THURSDAY 24 Feb Cobargo

We finally catch up with Bega Rotarians at Cobargo Hotel on Thursday 24 February at 6pm. Bega is our ‘mother club’ and over the years we have tried to make this an annual event. It has obviously been delayed due to Covid. Hope you can make it. Numbers to John please by the end of this week.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 10 February 2022

Andrew’s Thoughts

Men’s Health physiotherapist Jamie Boulding was the PCSG’s guest speaker last week, with our PCSG crew Julie Hartley, Andrew Lawson and Mike Young.

Last week was a most encouraging week for the Prostate Cancer Support Group (PCSG). On Tuesday, we had a good crowd to listen to and participate with specialist Men’s Health Physiotherapist Jamie Boulding from Canberra. It was really heartening to see how people opened up about their issues, including some sensitive ones such as incontinence. I think we’re really starting to get some traction. 

More on the PCSG, I am booked to speak to a joint meeting of Merimbula and Pambula Rotary Clubs plus Men’s Sheds in mid-March and to Bega Rotary at the beginning of April.

This Wednesday (9th) is our February Board Meeting, and there is a Club Meeting on Thursday. I urge you all to come as I want us to reflect on where we are and what we need to do going forward. We naturally lost some momentum during Covid but we need to refocus and push forward.

Wednesday also sees our 2022 Scholar Raichel Brodie go off to ANU and we wish her well.

The 17th is the next Business Breakfast. and Paul West will brighten up our early morning. Please feel free to join us for what will certainly be fun. While these are not Rotary meetings per se, I regard them as a good marketing entree to future members.

I am giving advance notice of the joint meeting with Bega Rotary Club on the 24th February at the Cobargo Pub. They already have 18 people coming (!) so please do not let the Club down!

See you all during the week, and as ever it is onwards and upwards mes amis!


Wednesday 9 February 4pm – Board Meeting at Lynn’s Place

Thursday 10 February 6 for 6.30pm – Club Meeting Narooma Golf Club

Out and About

2022 NYSF – report from Moruya bulletin

This year’s National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) did not follow the past pattern of a two week residential course at a University. Instead, because of Covid, the courses were mainly online with opportunities for human contact being at workshops in ‘hubs’ at regional centres — in our case Canberra, in the second week.

The Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) courses offered highly qualified professionals to lead the online discussions. The 2022 NYSF cost per head was to be $1,900 but the efforts of Secretary Keith Armstrong and Director Phil in researching grants brought our (and the students’) costs down to nil. Our two candidates, Ave Weymans, current school Captain of Moruya High School, and Makkade Ethell of Carroll College, both gave glowing accounts of their experience, recognizing that self-discipline was needed to take advantage of what each day offered.

Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, as might be expected, got special mention. Both students are anxious to follow medical careers and found the Forum useful in helping to clarify the way ahead.

In summary, the NYSF organisers did remarkably well in organizing the 2022 courses to meet Covid demands. While the past residential programme offered a unique opportunity to personally interact with like-minded students and industry specialists, places were limited and very competitive.

This year’s NYSF programme was the largest held, with over 600 students from around Australia participating and through technology they were able to interact over a wide range of STEM topics.

Paul West


Thursday 17 February

Our Narooma Rotary Business Breakfast with Paul West as guest speaker 7-8am Narooma Surf Club. Paul is a chef and TV presenter most well-known for River Cottage Australia. Bookings essential via Andrew Lawson.

Friday 18 February

Narooma Rotary will host the Men’s Health Education Rural Van (MHERV) at Narooma Plaza Car Park (Upper Level) on Friday 18 February 10am-4pm. The Van is a Rotary initiative and tours rural and regional NSW, staffed by a male nurse who will offer free health checks to local men.

It is well known that most men are reluctant to visit their doctor, so this is a great opportunity to get a free check-up for Blood Pressure, Cholesterol levels and signs of Diabetes.