Narooma Rotary Beacon 14 February 2019

Rod’s Ramble

Youth night last week – Sandra Doyle, left, counsellor to Alicia Bate, and Tahlia Arnold and Lynda Ord

It was great to start back at Rotary last week with such a good vibe. It was our Youth Night and we were joined by four young people. One was Alicia Bate is our 2018 Rotary Scholar who begins at Charles Sturt University at Wagga Wagga this year, and another was Tahlia Arnold who also received funds from the Club to assist her with her first year at Wollongong Uni last year, as well as some for this year. We also received an email from this year’s recipient Cassidy Ker thanking us for her award.

Andrew Thomas, Deputy Principal of Narooma High School, his daughter and another Narooma High student joined us. Hopefully we can build on this relationship with the school in the future to ensure that the young people of Narooma have the opportunity to participate in Rotary’s many Youth Programs.

Now it’s time to look forward. I am more confident about the Club’s future now that we have President’s in place for the next two years. David McInnes for 2019-20 and Rolf Gimmel for 2020-21. David’s first official duty will be the Foundation Seminar which I will also attend on Saturday 2 March at Ulladulla. This will be quickly followed by PETS and the District Assembly at the end of March.

Our next major activity is the February Market and John will circulate a roster this week. If you can help, please put your name on the roster. We will also need some assistance marking out NATA Oval . If you have some experience in this can you please contact me ASAP.

The Busking Festival Committee had their first full meeting, chaired by our new coordinator John Rungen with Chris, Laurelle, Lynda, Lynn, Sandra and John Doyle, Heather Ferguson and Jenni French (nee Aston). Chris has already secured $8,000 in sponsorship. It’s good to see so many getting involved especially Club Friend Heather and Jenni. If you want to help, please contact John Rungen. The Committee meets again on Thursday 21st February 5.00pm at the Golf Club.

Clean Up Australia Day is approaching. This year it will be on Sunday 3rd March in the morning. We will concentrate on our normal area between the Bridge and Apex Park. There has been some interest in participating but I need someone to register the site and liaise with the Shire contact. If you can help out let me know ASAP.

THIS WEEK:  Joint meeting at Moruya

Remember there is no meeting in Narooma this Thursday. Instead eight of us will join friends from Moruya and Bateman’s Bay Clubs in Moruya as well as Moruya Jockey Club to make a joint presentation from the Christmas races to our 2018 charity, Muddy Puddles. The meeting is expected to be chaired by Assistant Governor Alan Russell.

The final sum will be announced on the night. Should be a big night; Moruya Club is expecting a possible 80 people.This is the sixth year we have been involved with Moruya Jockey Club. In that time, the combined efforts of the four organisations  have raised $119,000; that money has supported the Moruya Oncology Unit, 12 defibrillators in our three towns, the four Surf Life Saving Clubs, and now Muddy Puddles.

Out and About

Men’s Shed finds new home

Great jubilation last Friday with the lease signing at the old Scouts’ Hall for a new home for the group. Note in the front row our very own delighted Peter Hartley.

Laurelle represented the Club at last Friday’s lease signing for a new home for the Men’s Shed in front of over 60 people including NSW Transport Minister and Member for Bega Andrew Constance and Eurobodalla Mayor Liz Innes. The site is next to Narooma Scout Hall on land owned by the NSW Government adjacent to the corridor for the proposed Narooma bypass. The Bypass proposal dates back to the 1950s. NSW Roads and Maritime has leased the site to Council which has then sub-leased it to the Men’s Shed. The lease is for 15 years with a five-year option.

Since 2012, Narooma Men’s Shed has leased temporary facilities in Glasshouse Rocks Road but that lease expires later this year. The Men’s Shed, with around 50 active members, persistently lobbied Council for many years to help them find a long term home.
They intend building three sheds on the leased site and, through an agreement apparently yet to be finalised with the Scouting Association, use the old Scout Hall as their lunch room. Their idea is that the Men’s Shed will maintain the building but make it available for other uses. The group has already over $100,000 set aside for the project, with an anticipated extra $100,000 needed to complete it. They are now working towards DA approval. 
You might recall that the Scout Hall was Narooma Rotary’s first major project. It was built in 1959/1960 by Narooma Rotarians using recycled timber from renovations to Hyland’s Hotel (the bottom pub). That was in Bill Smyth Senior’s year as President. Over the years, the Club has also donated significant funds to assist local Scouts buy equipment.

From our Archives: at the Scout Hall in 2008 for the filming of our Narooma Rotary Projects film for our 50th were those who helped build the Hall, Narooma Rotary Foundation members George Barker, left, and Neville Gough. Also taking part were former Narooma Rotarians Norm Hoyer and Ron Constable with film director Laurelle.

Christmas Races Charity for 2019

Ideas are now being canvassed for an appropriate beneficiary of the proceeds of the 2019 Charity Race Day. The main criteria are that it can be readily identified as a joint Rotary and Jockey Club project, plus benefit Eurobodalla Shire as a whole. If you have an idea, please forward it to Rod and include a few words about why you are suggesting it.

Melbourne will host 2023 RI Convention

Melbourne will host the 2023 Rotary International Convention on 27-31 May 2023. It is expected to attract over 20,000 delegates making it the largest Conference held in Melbourne since the previous RI Convention in 1993. It will use the Rod Laver Arena and the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre.

It is a Multi-District project initiated by RC Melbourne and D9800.  A delighted Melbourne President  Robert Fisher said, “This is fantastic news for Rotary in our part of the world”. The RI Board selected the Melbourne bid last month. The bid was put together by ‘a partnership’ between the Melbourne Convention Bureau, Districts 9800/ 9810/ 9820/ 9790/ 9780 and RC Melbourne

Theme 2019/2020 ‘Rotary Connects the World’

RI President-elect Mark Daniel Maloney’s theme for 2019-20 is Rotary Connects the World. He asks Rotarians to strengthen the many ways that Rotary Connects the World, building the connections that allow talented, thoughtful, and generous people to unite and take meaningful action through Rotary service.

He said Rotary is built on connection. “When Paul Harris came to Chicago as a young lawyer, he formed Rotary for one compelling reason: to help him connect to others in a new city. More than a century later, we have at our disposal countless ways to form friendships and networks, most of which Paul Harris never dreamed.

“Yet Rotary’s ability to connect us remains unique and unrivalled. Through its distinct mission and structure, Rotary International provides a way to connect to our communities, to network professionally, and to build strong and lasting relationships.”

Narooma Rotary Beacon 7 February 2019

David McInnes for President!

Great news that David McInnes has put up his hand to be President of Narooma Rotary Club 2019-2020. He will be a wonderful president and will have the full support of members.

David McInnes as MC of Narooma’s Australia Day Ceremony

David recently did a wonderful job as MC for Narooma’s Australia Day ceremony on the 25th at Narooma Golf Club. David has also joined Narooma’s Australia Day Committee.

It must be the first time for many years that our Club not only has an incoming president but also a President Elect for 2020-2021 (Rolf Gimmel) at this early stage. The Club’s future is looking bright.


This week is our first night back after the break and of course our Youth Night. Joining us will be our 2018 Narooma Rotary Tertiary Scholarship winner Alicia Bate who had a gap year last year including working in the United States. It will be interesting to hear about her gap year and her plans for studying for a Bachelor of Animal Science at Charles Sturt University with hopes to transfer to a Bachelor of Veterinary Science/Veterinary Biology. 

Also joining us will be Tahlia Arnold who received a one-off scholarship for 2018 of $3,000. Last year Tahlia completed her first year studying Psychology at the University of Wollongong with outstanding results. The Board late last year decided to give Tahlia an additional $1,000 scholarship for 2019.

Out and about since last meeting

Fish ‘n Chips

It was great to catch up with many members at the Fishing Club and enjoy fish and chips from the newly opened Inlet. Here are a few photos.

2019 Tertiary Scholar

President Rod presented Cassidy Kerr with the 2019 Narooma Rotary Club Tertiary Scholarship at Narooma’s recent Australia Day Awards. Cassidy will do a double degree in Law and Psychology at the University of Wollongong.

Unfortunately Cassidy won’t be able to join us for our youth night this week because she has already headed to Wollongong to get sorted ready for the start of university.

Interestingly Cassidy is the 29th student from Narooma High who Rotary has helped pursue their studies and achieve their dreams. That assistance now totals over $248,000. The scholarship is awarded from a trust fund established from a bequest by the late Alexander Birch which is now being topped up from other fundraising activities, including the recent Duck Race.

This year we have four students receiving scholarships – Melanie Miller (2016), Sabine Kildea (2017), Alicia Bate (2018) and now Cassidy (2019).

Duck Race attracted crowds and a Big Duck

What a great event thanks to Charmaine White’s great organisation and our wonderful team of willing helpers. Narooma Bridge was packed with onlookers as the 1,000 ducks leapt off the bridge for the start our great Rotary Australia Day Duck Race, watched by a newly arrived Big Duck from China.

The winning duck 124 was held by Merilyn Blakeman of Leeton who won $1,000. The last duck was 607 held by Michael Madden of Dubbo who won $100.

Duck race coordinator Charmaine and Chief Duck Ange hold the winning ducks.

Charmaine and President Rod thanked everyone who made the Duck Race such a fun event – supporters who bought tickets, the hundreds of spectators, duck droppers and duck collectors who came in a flotilla of various craft and included Rotary friends and Eurobodalla paddlers, as well as lifesavers from Narooma Surf Life Saving Club.

Proceeds this year will go towards the Club’s Tertiary Scholarship fund. The Club will also make donations to Narooma Surf Club in appreciation of their assistance and to Bermagui CRABS (Cancer Research Advocate Bikers) who lend us the ducks.

Clean Up Australia – Sunday 3 March

Clean Up Australia Day(s) are fast approaching over the weekend of 2-3 MARCH. Normally our Club cleans from Narooma Bridge to the Apex Park Boat Ramp. Is anyone  willing to lend a hand ? We will have to register.

Eurobodalla’s Clean Up Project Officer Maree Cadman says Council supports the Clean Up Australia Day program by assisting with campaign promotion, group coordination, and the pickup and disposal of rubbish.  It is not a Council run event; Clean Up Australia provides Public Liability cover for volunteers officially registered with Clean Up Australia.

Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA)

This great programme will be held on Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd April at Moruya Jockey Club. It targets pre-learner drivers from Eurobodalla Shire’s five high-schools (so Year 11 students) and is run by Batemans Bay Rotary in conjunction with Moruya and Narooma Clubs.

We normally provide a few members who help on the day Narooma High students attend as well as pay for the bus for Narooma High students.  At this stage RYDA coordinator Neil Simpson is not sure which day will involve Narooma High. Can anyone help?

RYDA is an opportunity for students to learn and talk about how they will function as a driver or a passenger. The RYDA programme is written and resourced by Road Safety Education (RSE) Ltd ( and is presented to students from 600 schools across Australia. The theme of the day is ‘My Life, My Choices’ and covers a broad range of topics including hazard perception, fatigue, stopping distances, vehicle safety and the opportunity to listen to and speak with a crash survivor.

RYDA is a significant youth project for our clubs and particularly involves Batemans Bay and Moruya members in organising the days and in catering, as well as Council, Moruya Jockey Club and Coastal Auto Group.

OAM awards – Fred Fawke and Griffiths

You have no doubt caught up with the fact that the Griffiths of the Kinema both won the Order of Australia (OAM) in the recent national Australia Day awards (see last week’s Independent and this week’s Narooma News.

Rotary’s own Fred Fawkes also received an Order of Australia General Division for services to the community of Canberra. We have all seen Fred in action in ShelterBox and RAWCS but when you read the full citation, these are only a fraction of his community involvements, now and over the years since he retired as a Superintendent in the Federal Police Force. Heartiest congratulations Fred!

Narooma Rotary Beacon 17 January 2019

Happy New Year!

Rod’s Ramble

We had ‘ a merry little Christmas’ party at Casey’s in December – a good time was had by all.

I hope the holiday season has been good to you and you have caught up with family and friends. Jennifer and I did something different this year and spent Christmas and New Year on a cruise to the South Pacific.

As Rotarians we have a busy time ahead starting with our informal meeting on Thursday in Quota Park followed by the annual Duck Race on 26th January and the Market on the 27th. These events will need all our support so if you can help please respond to any requests from John Doyle or Charmaine for assistance.

Our first meeting back on the 7th February is a youth night.

The next meeting scheduled for 14th February has been replaced with a joint meeting of Moruya, Bateman’s Bay and Narooma Rotary Clubs on Wednesday 13th February to present the Race Day proceeds to Muddy Puddles. Details closer to the event. Please try and make this night as it is one of the few opportunities we have to interact with other clubs. If we have a good response we can organise carpooling.

Our first guest speaker of the year is on Thursday 21st February when Di White, the Volunteer Coordinator at Monty’s Place, will talk about the value of volunteers and the growth of support networks around Monty’s.

The date of  the Cinders Trivia night in Moruya  is still to be finalised and preparations for the Busking Championships will ramp up towards the 25th May. Again please respond to calls for assistance from our Busking Co-ordinator, John Rungen, as they arise.

I hope to organise at least one vocational visit around the time of our Pride of Workmanship presentations on 11th April. If you have any ideas for a vocational visit let me know. I would also like to organise some social events.

Whew, the last five months of my tenure are going to be busy. It’s also going to be a critical time for the future viability of our Club. While not impossible, it would seem implausible that we could continue to operate without a President. I am appealing to someone to please step forward. Plenty of support is available so don’t let a lack of experience or confidence stop you.

As Mark Twain said,  “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you didn’t do’’. Rod

Coming Up

THIS THURSDAY 17th: Watch the sunset and enjoy fish and chips

Our first get-together for the year is in Quota Park (near the Inlet) this Thursday evening for nibbles and wine (BYO) from 6pm, and then fish and chips from The Inlet (buy your own). Best bring a chair and maybe throw in a small foldup table just in case it’s needed.

This will also be a chance to finalise arrangements for the Duck Race on Saturday 26th and the roster for the markets on Sunday 27th.

Look forward to seeing you then.

Duck Race Saturday 26th

Our Duck Race coordinator Charmaine has worked out that we should drop the 1,000 ducks off Narooma Bridge about 3.30pm on Saturday the 26th. She needs our help from 3pm to get organised.  

We still have tickets to sell and still need ticket sellers for some slots in front of Dalmeny and Narooma IGAs. Charmaine will fill us in on Thursday when we meet in Quota Park. Tickets are also on sale at Narooma Dental Surgery during surgery business hours.

As always, the first duck across the finishing line wins $1,000; the last duck $100. Proceeds this year go towards our Tertiary Scholarship Fund for students from Narooma High. We also make donations to Narooma Surf Club in appreciation of their assistance and to Bermagui CRABS (Cancer Research Advocate Bikers) who lend us the ducks.

Narooma’s top ticket selling team of Murphy and Michael O’Connor at the markets.

The month that was…

Rotary Christmas Races

Rotary Christmas Races on Sunday 23 December were a great success, well attended and enjoyed great weather. This was a combined effort of Batemans Bay, Moruya and Narooma clubs, with special thanks to Moruya Jockey Club and its manager Brian Cowden for making the event possible. This year’s local charity that will benefit is Muddy Puddles.

Chief Rotary Race Day coordinator was Batemans Bat Rotarian David Ashford. Our Club was unable to provide  helpers on the day, but we contributed the proceeds of our Whale Watching Raffle ($1,735.85) , along with Michael’s efforts of selling Race Day raffle tickets  ($925.90) making a total of $2,660.85 from Narooma towards Muddy Puddles.

Over $1,000 worth of raffle tickets were sold on the day, thanks to Rotarians and friends and Muddy Puddles helpers.  Batemans Bay Rotarians also collected donations at the gate. Raffle prize winners were:  Bronwyn Geppert (Batemans Bay Rotary) the $2,000 travel prize, Chris Smith the Moruya Jockey Club Hospitality Package, Estelle Bamman of Moruya  the Wallabies Jersey, Helen Spears from Albury the Chainsaw donated by Moruya Mitre 10 and Lyn Spanomanolis a Muddy Puddles supporter won the hand-made quilt. 

Muddy Puddles is a not-for-profit organisation established in 2014 by a group of parents of disabled children who were having to travel great distances to find support services. It’s run by CEO Cate McMath and a staff of part time helpers and volunteer support. Its clientele is divided into groups aged 0 to 6 and 7 to teenage. The average number of children under treatment is around 80 to 90 per month. It has a new therapy centre that opened in late 2018

December’s Bumper Markets

What a great markets in December! Lots of happy people and such a great vibe.  Great work Markets manager Chris O’Brien and all the team who help make the markets such a success. Takings were: Gate $1,953.50; van $1,157.60 (hugely busy); wishing well $385.55; and sales of duck race tickets$ 591.00.

Sandra Doyle, Robyn Miller and Lynn Hastings in the van.
BBQ team of Bob Aston, John Rungen, John Doyle, David McInnes and Geoff Robin.

Young students immersed in science

The National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) is now underway in both Canberra and Brisbane. It’s a fantastic 12-day residential program that gives students from across Australia a broader understanding of the diverse study and career options available in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and encourages continued studies in these fields.  

Unfortunately our Club has been unable to attract any Narooma students from even applying for NYSF in recent years.

During the 12-day forum, participants visit science and technology related laboratories and facilities, go on site tours, listen to lectures, take part in workshops, go to social events and participate in group activities that improve communication and presentation skills. They also take part in sessions on entrepreneurship, critical thinking, how to work together effectively, and more. The focus is not solely on academic achievements, but on developing well-rounded individuals with the skills and confidence to determine their futures.

Applications open soon for the 2020 NYSF. Hopefully this time some Narooma students will seize this fantastic opportunity.