Narooma Rotary Beacon 16 March 2017

The Week that Was

How many Rotarians does it take to clean a BBQ?

Last Thursday morning Laurelle, Frank, John and Sandra Doyle, Lynn, Ange, Bob Aston and Bob Antill meet at Easts Van Park to ‘spring clean’ the Rotary Food Van. All the gear was moved out before the shelves, walls and equipment were thoroughly scrubbed, washed and cleaned. The result a ‘sparkling’ van fit for purpose. Thanks to all who helped.

On Thursday night 15 members were present.  We welcomed visiting Rotarian Jenni Lean from the Rotary Club of Port Moresby, guests Tara Moore and Rob Merrian and guest speaker Teresa van der Heul and husband John.

In her three-minute talk Lynda spoke about her journey back from major surgery and the influence it had on her and her family. Lynda was pleased to report that her recovery is almost complete, even venturing out to drive!

Teresa, our guest speaker gave an engrossing presentation on the world of fungi. Fungi play a vital role in our ecosystem decomposing organic and inorganic matter as well as supplying plans with essential nutrients.

Lynda Ord won the gluten free biscuits with disc 9, Laurelle won the bread (13), Peter Hartley  the mushrooms (4), Mike Young the Rotary mug (1) and Chris took home the wine (40)

The Week Ahead

This week we meet at Rotary Park (6:00 for 6:30pm) to discuss ways we might further recognise the work of Rotary and Rotarians in some way at the Park. Please bring your own food and refreshments, hopefully the rain will stay away.

The People in the Park project in 1979 was done in conjunction with local artist Jenni Young.

I asked Laurelle to provide us with a little history of the Park for information of members. Her story appears below.

Our Club created Rotary Park in 1961, in Moran Callaghan’s year as president, in association with the Narooma Urban Committee. Rotary organised the bulldozing, landfill and landscaping to create the park, including the fencing. (Narooma Urban Committee had been formed by Eurobodalla Shire Council in 1931 to manage matters within Narooma’s urban boundaries.)

Rotarians then maintained the park until circa 2001, included mowing and cleaning the barbecues. Council then took over all of its maintenance largely because of liability concerns.

Notable Club projects in the park include:

  • ‘People in the Park’ in 1979 in Ted Oliver’s year as president when the Club worked with local artist Jenni Young (later Bourke). Rotarians cut trees Jenni had selected from the forest, carted them to her studio where she painted them as very tall people, and then installed them in the park.

    Eurobodalla Shire Mayor Fergus Thomson opens our RI Centenary Project in Rotary Mark in March 2005 during Georgie Staley’s year as president.
  • Adding two table sets in Rotary International’s centenary year during Georgie Staley’s year as president, going 50:50 with Council. These were opened by the Mayor Fergus Thomson
  • We put a sun-shade over them during the following year (Marilyn Gibson’s year as president), largely due to the efforts of Kevin Young, again going 50:50 with Council.

 We no longer have any direct responsibility for Rotary Park but continue to provide comment and input to Council over the park’s ongoing management.

Relay for Life

This Saturday and Sunday. The Club is providing breakfast on Sunday morning.

Women share stories of humanitarian service on International Women’s Day

By Jane Lawicki

What motivates everyday women to do extraordinary things — to positively change the lives of people halfway around the world while inspiring so many folks at home?

Three Rotary members answered that question at a celebration of International Women’s Day hosted by the World Bank at its Washington, D.C., headquarters 8 March. Click here to read the story.

A former Rotary Scholar Reports Back

I would first of all like to extend my appreciation to the Rotary Club of Narooma for their tertiary scholarship support from 2012-2014. I will always be grateful. 

I thought an update might be on the cards. I finished my Bachelor of Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation at the end of 2015, continuing on to complete a Bachelor of Sports Studies (Honours) of which I will graduate from on the 13th of April.
Currently I am undertaking my Doctorate of Philosophy at the University of Canberra, my thesis focusing upon the cardio-toxicity of chemotherapy and the role exercise may play in reducing these negative effects. I am learning how to conduct echo-cardiographs, guest lecturing and taking tutorials at the University. I also work in a private practice as an exercise physiologist, as well as being the exercise physiologist based in Canberra for a nation-wide randomised control trial looking into the effects of exercise during chemotherapy within ovarian cancer. 

Thank you again to all Rotarian’s and best wishes always, 

Joanna Gray  

Your Vision for Rotary’s Future

Results of The Rotary International Strategic Planning Committee’ survey.

In January, the committee invited you to participate in our survey Your Vision for Rotary’s Future.  If you are one of the participants, the Strategic Planning Committee sends a sincere thank you.  Almost 30,000 members of the Rotary family, including 20,000 Rotarians, provided their input for Rotary’s future!  The committee is very grateful for everyone’s feedback and want to share a few highlights of what we’re learning:

  • When asked about the traits of their ideal organization, almost all Rotarians (95%) and Rotaractors (97%) prize transparency and accountability.
  • According to Rotarians, the two top benefits of membership are 1) positively impacting their local community and 2) friendship/fellowship.

In the results, we are also learning where Rotary can improve:

  • Almost a quarter of Rotarians say that their Rotary club conducts too few community service projects; even more (41%) feel their Rotary club is involved in too few international service projects each year.
  • Many Rotarians (42%) and Rotary alumni (49%) are frustrated with Rotary’s slow pace of change.
  • Only 36% of Rotarians fully agree that Rotary acts upon feedback from its members.

We hear you and want to reassure you that we are taking action with the survey feedback.   Your Vision for Rotary’s Future survey results are an integral part in the development of a Vision statement for Rotary.  Our goal is a Vision statement that is compelling, inspirational, and aspirational — a future towards which all Rotary aspires to reach and reflects the impact Rotary wishes to have on the world.  Once developed, the Vision will guide the creation of a new strategic plan and set a direction to ensure Rotary’s ongoing growth and long-term success.

Rotarian input is essential at every step of the project.  To ensure the Vision fully captures the shared values and priorities of Rotary, the Strategic Planning Committee will continue talking to Rotarians and members of the Rotary family at all levels and all parts of the globe.  In the next several weeks, you may be asked to provide input to help develop the Vision.  We hope you will participate if you receive a request.

Snowy Hydro SouthCare

Below is a letter from PDG Len Goodman AO Special Ambassador, “Snowy Hydro SouthCare Helicopter Trust”.

My friends in Rotary,

 At the 1995-96 District Assembly, Rotarians of D9710 unanimously supported my request that we get behind the ACT Government’s proposal to have based in Canberra an Aeromedical Helicopter service to cover the ACT and SE NSW region. All Clubs then started contributing funds which resulted in D9710 kicking off the then “SouthCare Helicopter Trust” with donations of nearly $70,000.

 Since the “SouthCare” helicopter – ‘SnowyScheme’, then ‘Snowy Hydro SouthCare’ – began operating on 1 October 1998, Rotary has contributed almost $500,000 in cash and kind – a faithful and amazing partnership. As a Sponsor, our RI Logo has accompanied almost 7,000 indispensable aero-medical and life-saving missions operated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week all year round. It has been there for you and your families from the snow to the sea, farmland and bush, in our capital and on some of the busiest highways and holiday roads.

 From Rotary’s commitment, I was appointed Chairman of the Trust, serving from 1998 to 2006 – and then as “Special Ambassador”. Sponsorships and community fundraising have been at the heart of establishing and supporting the Snowy Hydro SouthCare helicopter service. Thanks to the commitment, passion and dedication of our donors, Snowy Hydro Limited and other sponsors, our Ambassadors, community supporters and volunteers, the service that started in 1998 with a dream and a vision is recognised and valued as an essential community service.

 As SHSC CEO Carol Bennett puts it in commending Rotary – now, from April 2017 the service will enter a new era. Our beloved “Snowy Hydro SouthCare” Bell 412 helicopter, affectionately known as ‘Charlie’, will retire. The ACT and NSW governments have contracted Toll Helicopters to serve our community with a new state-of-the-art aero-medical helicopter.

 Now the Agusta-Westland 139 will operate out of Canberra as part of a fleet of eight servicing southern NSW and the ACT. It heralds a new era in life-saving and life-changing capability. Its core operations will be fully funded by government as an essential community service, without reliance on community fundraising as has been the case.

 It is an exciting time. So many charities never get to fulfil their mission, but with support from Rotary, our Lions cousins, the many sponsors and individual donors – “SouthCare” has been an outstanding success in saving lives.

 Community support for life-saving equipment and initiatives will always be a hallmark of our region’s communities. Thus, the ACT Government is tasked with exploring a new model of community engagement to support regional emergency services, incl. aeromedical.

 I thank you, my fellow Rotarians and partners, most sincerely for all you have contributed over the past 22 years in the name of “Service above Self”. A journey of commitment.

District Assembly

The District Assembly this year will be a little different to other years.

We would like to encourage all Rotarians to attend, not just incoming Board members.

There will be a showcase of many of the Rotary programs on display over the weekend, with the opportunity to discuss one on one with committee members.

Breakout sessions will still be held with an opportunity to learn and ask questions.

  • DATES: 12 noon 29th – 30th April
  • VENUE ASSEMBLY: Kingsford Smith School, 100 Starke Street, HOLT ACT (view map)
  • DINNER: Raiders Belconnen, Hardwick Cres, HOLT ACT
  • COST: $40pp

Special Guest at the Assembly will be Rotary International President Elect Ian Riseley.

Click here to register. Please also let Bob Aston know if you will be attending.


Narooma Rotary Beacon 9 March 2017

Short Words

Welcome to my first short words with my new hat as acting president.

Gum boots have been the chosen foot wear for the last couple of days with all the rain that has been about, our water tank has been drinking it all up with more than 125mL recorded in the rain gauge.

Last week’s Club Assembly and Board Meeting was very productive. We had lots of positive discussion and the board endorsed a few things.

I will stand in as president with vice president Laurelle until Bob Aston takes over in July. If you need to get in touch it is best to text me first, as our internet is not the most reliable.

Defibrillators allocated to our Club are here with two allocated so far. We are still considering locations for the other two.

The VRA has sent a request for some equipment and it looks like other clubs will join in and we will fill the void which will make it a community project.

Clean up Australia day on Sunday saw Angie, Sandra, John D, Bob Aston and myself joined by councillor Phil Constable to attack Mill Bay area. It didn’t take too long and this important tourist destination now looks a bit more loved. Thank you to the helpers.

In my role as assistant governor I will be attending this week’s meeting of the Batemans Bay Rotary Club.

Have a great week and beaming comforting thoughts to Michael and Donna at this time.

Bob Ant

The Week that Was

Last week’s meeting was a Club Assembly followed by a Board Meeting. Fred and Pam Falk, visiting Rotarians from Canberra dropped in for a meal and to say hello. Fred updated us on his donations in kind work fort Rotary.

Rod Walker entertained us with a three-minute talk about the history of Dangar Island on the Hawksbury River.

At the Board meeting Bob Antill was confirmed as President for the remainder of the Rotary year. Major items discussed/acted upon included:

  • Nomination of Bob Antill to replace Michael O’Connor as President
  • The Club to support Michael’s walk to a total of $2000.00 (including $750.00 raised at the recent film night)
  • A proposal by John Doyle and Frank to work with Rotary and St John to develop a national data base of defibrillator locations
  • Locations for the remaining two defibrillators, mid-town and Tilba seemed to be the favoured locations
  • Debrief of the recent Renewable Expo
  • Promotional Material
  • Busking Competition update

Clean Up Australia

Ange, Bob Aston, Sandra, Bob Antill, Cr Phil Constable and John Doyle survey some of the rubbish collected on Sunday.

Thanks to Ange for organising the Club’s participation in last Sunday’s Clean Up Australia Campaign. Ange, Sandra and John Doyle, Bob Antill and Bob Aston along with recently elected Eurobodalla Shire Counsellor braved the overcast conditions to clean up the area around Mill Bay, the Board Walk and Apex Park.

Relay for Life

This year the Eurobodalla for Life Relay will be held at Bill Smyth Oval from 10:00am Saturday 18 March to 10:00am Sunday 19 March. The Club has agreed to cater for breakfast on Sunday morning. Please volunteer to help out if you can.

District Assembly

The District Assembly this year will be a little different to other years.

We would like to encourage all Rotarians to attend, not just incoming Board members.

There will be a showcase of many of the Rotary programs on display over the weekend, with the opportunity to discuss one on one with committee members.

Breakout sessions will still be held with an opportunity to learn and ask questions.

  • DATES: 12 noon 29th – 30th April
  • VENUE ASSEMBLY: Kingsford Smith School, 100 Starke Street, HOLT ACT (view map)
  • DINNER: Raiders Belconnen, Hardwick Cres, HOLT ACT
  • COST: $40pp

Special Guest at the Assembly will be Rotary International President Elect Ian Riseley.

Click here to register. Please also let Bob Aston know if you will be attending.

Rotating Meeting Chair

To help out Bob and Laurelle it has been recommended that the Club incorporate a meeting chair duty as a part of the Club’s weekly roster. As the name suggests the role of the chair will be to led and manage the Club’s dinner meeting. The chair will be provided with a running sheet to help manage the meeting.

Please let the editor know as soon as possible if you do not wish to chair a meeting.

How did your club celebrate Rotary’s anniversary?

Rotary clubs around the world marked Rotary’s 112th anniversary by holding fundraisers, illuminating famous buildings, and hosting events of all sorts.

Check out our gallery of club activities

This Week

This week’s guest speaker is Teresa van der Heul, she will talk to us about Fabulous Fungi!



Narooma Rotary Beacon 2 March 2017

The Week that Was

Cutting the cake to celebrate the 112th birthday of Rotary International are Moruya Rotary Club President Pauline Gleeson, Batemans Bay President Jeff Thorpe and Narooma Acting President Laurelle Pacey

There was no meeting last Thursday instead there was a combined meeting of the Narooma, Moruya and Batemans Bay Clubs at Moruya Golf Club last Wednesday to celebrate Rotary’s birthday and to recognise all those involved in last year’s Rotary Christmas Race Day. As members know funds raised when towards the purchase of defibrillators that will be located at key locations across the shire. In all over $25 000 was raised from various sources, allowing for the purchase of 12 defibrillators from St John Ambulance.

Thank you to Laurelle Pacey who wrote a press release on behalf of the Clubs outlining our achievements in financing the defibrillators, it is reproduced below for members’ information.


Rotary installs 12 defibrillators across Shire

Proceeds from Rotary Christmas Races at Moruya last December have purchased 12 Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) which will be installed across Eurobodalla Shire.

The AEDs were presented to the shire’s three Rotary Clubs on Wednesday night at their celebration of Rotary International’s 112th birthday, hosted by Moruya Rotary Club.

The Christmas Races were organised by Narooma, Batemans Bay and Moruya Rotary Clubs in conjunction with Moruya Jockey Club, the aim being to raise funds to purchase these life saving devices.

St John’s Business development Manager Ryan Paterson and Rotary Races Committee Chair David Ashford present 12 defibrillators to Moruya Rotary President Pauline Gleeson, Narooma Rotary Acting President Laurelle Pacey and Batemans Bay President Jeff Thorpe.

‘We raised about $25,000 which greatly exceeded our expectations,’ Rotary spokesman David Ashford said.

‘That was thanks to the Rotary raffle, a significant contribution from the Jockey Club, the hardworking Moruya Rotarians in the canteen, donations from Moruya Surf Club buckets, plus a matching grant from Rotary District 9710.

‘We now need to ensure the defibrillators are placed in the best locations in the respective towns.’

The three Rotary clubs will determine all current defibrillator locations and ensure these latest AEDs are installed in the most appropriate locations in the three towns. An app listing their locations is being developed.

The AEDs, purchased from St John’s Ambulance, are used when someone suffers a suspected heart attack.

St John’s Business Development Manager Ryan Paterson demonstrated how they work, stating the first four minutes are vital after someone has a heart attack.

 ‘A shock from a defibrillator can save a life,’ he said.

‘They’re easy to use and maintain, require no training and the machine talks the operator through it.

‘You can’t hurt the person. The machine will only operate if it detects a charge is needed.’

Mr Paterson was so impressed with Rotary’s initiative in the Eurobodalla, he wants to try and get Rotary Clubs in other areas interested in a similar project.

Clean Up Australia

The Club as volunteered to assist with Clean Up Australia on Sunday 5 March. Please let Ange know on Thursday if you can help out.

Relay for Life

This year the Eurobodalla for Life Relay will be held at Bill Smyth Oval from 10:00am Saturday 18 March to 10:00am Sunday 19 March. The Club has agreed to cater for breakfast on Sunday morning. Please volunteer to help out if you can. There will be more information at Thursday’s meeting.

If you want to find out more about the relay, click here.

District Assembly

The District Assembly will be held on 29 & 30 April at Kingsford Smith School, Starke Street, HOLT

The Assembly will commence with a BBQ lunch at 12noon, sessions will commence at 1pm sharp.  There will be a dinner Saturday evening at the Raiders Football Club. Cost of dinner is yet to be confirmed. The assembly will finish at lunchtime Sunday with a BBQ lunch.

Members and incoming Board members are encouraged to attend.

Food for Thought

Mark Huddleston is Membership & PR Chait of Rotary District 9520, he writes some great blogs about a range of issues, especially membership. Click here to see the latest

 The Week Ahead

This Thursday we have a Club Assembly followed by a Board meeting. The agenda for the Assembly is:

  1. Michael’s resignation as president and the way ahead. Laurelle to report.
  2. Update on Michael’s walk; film night and amount Club is contributing to Michael’s fundraising. Bob Antill will report.
  3. Relay for Life Sunday 19 March – we are supplying breakfast. Angie will discuss progress and what we need to organise.
  4. Defibrillators: We now have four defibrillators to install. One will go to True Value Hardware on Glasshouse Rocks Road, one to the Visitors Centre. So we are looking for two other locations. Bob Antill will report and discuss.
  5. One of four District Foundation seminars will be held in Narooma on Saturday 13 May 10.30-3.30pm. Laurelle to report.
  6. Clean Up Australia Day this Sunday. Angie is coordinating. Angie to report.
  7. Cost of meals. Bob Antill to report

Narooma Rotary Beacon 22 February 2017

The Week that Was

John and Sandra, Frank and Iris, Lynn and Merinda enjoying some food and wine before the show

Last Thursday night saw a great crowd turn out at the Narooma Kinema to see the Narooma Premiere of the movie ‘Lion’. At very short notice Chris O’Brien and others were able to organise this fundraiser to assist Michael’s 1000km walk, well done to the team who made it happen and thanks to John and Janette from the Kinema who offered us the movie as a fundraising event. In all we made over $800.00 to support Michael’s trek, not a bad effort when you consider we only had one week to get things, including publicity, organised.

The audience at the start of the movie

The movie? Well it was fabulous, Nicole Kidman was at her very best and the audience seemed to love the story. I can also report that a few tissues had to be shared at critical moments to wipe away a few tears.

Last weekend saw PETS (President Elect Training) for incoming Rotary presidents. Unfortunately, your incoming president could not attend as he decided he better attend his daughter’s wedding! The wedding was fantastic and by all accounts the PETS training was worthwhile. Below is an article by AG Bob Antill summarising an address by a South Australian Rotarian at the seminar.

Rotary moving forward.

No meals, no raffles, no president chains and adds on Facebook.  This is some of the directions Rotary in Australia is heading.

As membership falls with not only Rotary but also other service organisations we are being asked to adapt the way we do things to matching the changing times.

At this year’s 9710 President Elect Training in Canberra, Mark Huddleston from South Australia gave a very comprehensive overview of a club they had set up in South Australia. They meet every two weeks but on a different day and different venue. They are not a dinner club, don’t have gongs and other paraphernalia, no fines or raffles, no banners, no singing or pomp or guest speakers or acronyms. The aim is to attract younger members, reduce costs to members and make it more fun.  It seems to be working with the new club going from strength to strength.

Kodak was the most common example of a company that saw change but didn’t understand the significants of not doing something about it. Like the photo we saw at one of our meetings of a New York street full of horses and carts with only one car, the next picture taken 10 years later shows only cars.

To quote Bob Dylan “the times they are a changing”. Our challenge is to either embrace the changes that are coming and make them our own or to do nothing and slowly vanish into thin air. The rules are now such that you can think outside the square, be positive and tailor your Club to suit what works for you and your community, this is the best way to increase membership and propel us into the future.

Bob Antill AG group 1.

The Week Ahead

This week we head off to Moruya to join with Moruya and Batemans Bay to celebrate Rotary’s 112th birthday as well to receive defibrillator kits from Joshua Clarke the Assistant Commissioner, Regional Operations for St John Ambulance. The kits were purchased using funds raised at last years combined Rotary Clubs’ race meeting, they will be deployed at various locations around the Eurobodalla Shire.

The meeting will be at the Moruya Golf Club from 6:30pm. Please note the bus is not running.

Don’t forget the markets this Sunday – see John Doyle to volunteer to assist.

Our meeting on 2 March will be a Club assembly and Board meeting and believe it or not it is time to start thinking about our directions for the 2017/18 Rotary year – it would be great to hear your suggestions and ideas.

Clean Up Australia

The Club as volunteered to assist with Clean Up Australia on Sunday 5 March.  The project has now been running for 26 years with volunteers having removed 331 thousand ute loads of rubbish at over 166 thousand locations across the country.

A great effort to clean up waterways, parklands and beaches in our beautiful corner of the world.

Our Club will be responsible for the section from Mill Bay to Apex Park. PP Ange is the coordinator for our Club. Please let Ange know if you can help out. Her contact details are or mob 0422103757.

The clean-up will commence at 9:00am at Mill Bay on the 5th.  Wear some sturdy shoes and bring along a pair of gloves.


If you are unable to do an allocated duty please arrange a swap and advise the Bulletin Editor.

Duty 4 July11 July18 July
ChairJulie HartleyJulie HartleyNA
CashierNALynn HastingsNA
(formerly Club Assembly)

Wildfire 6.30pm booking
Acknowl’tNAAnn HegertyNA
NADavid McInnesNA
Introduce Speaker/s NANANA
Thank Speaker/sNANANA
WheelNAGero MitchellNA

The Four Way Test of the things we think, say or do:

Is it the TRUTH?

Is it FAIR to all concerned?


Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Narooma Bonus extra : Will it be BENEFICIAL to the environment?


Position Phone
PresidentJulie Hartley
Vice PresidentDavid McInnes
SecretaryDavid McInnes
TreasurerLynn Hastings
NewsletterLaurelle Pacey
MarketsChris O’Brien0408 489 247

Postal Mail

The Secretary, Narooma Rotary Club,
PO Box 151, Narooma, NSW, 2546

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Simply enter your email on the Contacts page

Narooma Rotary Beacon 16 February 2017

The 1000km Walk.

Michael takes off for the 1000km walk in about three weeks time. Last week he spoke to the Cooma Rotary Club about the walk, this Thursday he will be at Batemans Bay drumming up support. Below is an article that appeared in some digital editions of the Narooma News about Michael’s presentation at Cooma.


Michael with Mark Cooper from the Cooma Club

 Last Wednesday (8 February) Narooma Rotarian Michael O’Connor attended the Cooma Rotary Club and received a great welcome from their President Mark Cooper and members. He and coach Murphy (his dachshund) travelled to Cooma on Wednesday to explain why he is walking 1000km, starting in about three weeks time.

Michael talked about why he is walking 1000km and how walking that distance with 22kg on your back takes some planning: preparing food; posting it to places along the Bibbulmun Track where he is walking and planning for all kinds of weather, snakes, ticks, spiders etc.

As one insightful Cooma Rotarian said to Michael, “You know there are easier ways to raise money.” His reply was “But I have the joy of knowing as I make my 1.5million steps over beaches, hills, forests and bush that I am walking for two causes I am passionate about, END POLIO and the kids in Rang’I Kenya.” He does admit that a bit of madness (in the nice sense) does help.

Cooma Rotarians passed his bucket around and raised $365 to go towards The Rotary Club of Narooma’s 1000km Epic Walk. What a sum of money from just 30 at the meeting giving that these Rotarians are constantly giving their time and money to worthy causes.

It got even better as he and Murphy went to have breakfast at, you won’t believe it, MURPHY’S CAFÉ in Cooma where Mark JN, the Sergeant at Arms for Cooma Rotary owns and runs it (Michael did not know this). He immediately offered if you have a collection box I will put it on the counter and we might get some more support for you.

It is experiences like that that makes being a Rotarian very rewarding according to Michael.

Michael said to Narooma News, I don’t mind if people think I am nuts at 68 years of age (closer to 69) to do this as long as they think “Wow if he is doing this for these causes they MUST BE WORTH SUPPORTING.”

You can donate to The Rotary Club of Narooma Inc PO Box 151 Narooma NSW 2546 or BSB 082-744 A/c 823614070 or on the Everyday hero website.

The Week that Was

Our newest member; John Morgan with partner Rob, Chris and Michael

The highlight of last Thursday’s meeting was the induction of Joan Morgan into our Club. Joan was introduced by Chris O’Brien and inducted by President Michael. Welcome to Joan and her partner Rob Wilson.

We were also fortunate to have Carl McEvoy our 2015 Tertiary Scholar with us. Carl gave a short presentation on his studies in Film and Writing at the University of Technology, Sydney. In the past year he has written a short screen play that was voted as outstanding by his peers as well as making a short film. This year he hopes to further develop his film making and writing skills.

Ang; with 2015 Scholar Carl McEvoy

President Michael gave the three minute talk, updating us on his preparations for his epic 1000km journey to raise funds to help end polio and to support Rang’I school in Kenya. Michael also passed around some samples of the food he will be eating along the way; all I can say is good luck Michael!Rang’I Kenya Rang’I Kenya Friends of Rang’I

Our guest speaker was Vic May. Vic told us about his struggles with drugs and alcohol and his determination to beat his addictions.  He also told us how he had turned things around and now works with others to help them beat their addictions. Vic proved to be a brave person with a passion to help others – a most inspiring speaker.

The Winners

Pudding!                                Laurelle (10)

Wine                                       Rod (28)

Port                                         Mike Young (13)

Maltesers                               Anthony (15)

The Week Ahead

At very short notice we were able to secure the premiere of ‘Lion’ at the Kinema as a fundraising event to support Michael’s walk. A big thank you to John and Jeanette from the Kinema for offering us the premiere. Please invite as many friends as possible to come along on Thursday to support Michael’s walk and to have a fun night out.

 Lion tells the story of five year old Saroo who gets lost on a train which takes him thousands of kilometres across India away from home and family. Saroo must learn to survive in Kolkata, before ultimately being adopted by an Australian couple. Twenty-five years later, armed with only a handful of memories, his unwavering determination, and a revolutionary technology known as Google Earth, he sets out to find his last family and finally return to his first home.

Lion has been adapted from the true story ‘A Long Way Home’ by Saroo Brierley. 

See the trailer below.

Clean Up Australia

The Club as volunteered to assist with Clean Up Australia on Sunday 5 March.  The project has now been running for 26 years with volunteers having removed 331 thousand ute loads of rubbish at over 166 thousand locations across the country.

A great effort to clean up waterways, parklands and beaches in our beautiful corner of the world.

Our Club will be responsible for the section from Mill Bay to Apex Park. PP Ang is the coordinator for our Club. Please let Ang know if you can help out. Her contact details are or mob 0422103757.

The clean-up will commence at 9:00am at Mill Bay on the 5th.  Wear some sturdy shoes and bring along a pair of gloves.

Next Week

There will be no meeting next Thursday, instead we will join with Moruya and Batemans Bay Clubs at Moruya next Wednesday. Please let Bob Antill know as soon as possible if you are attending.


Narooma Rotary Beacon 9 February 2017

Outside the Square

Left to right
Luca Potts, Youth Directors Sandra Doyle and Lynda Ord, Elliott de Frenza, President Michael, Sabine Kildea, Keely Clark, Melanie Miller and Past President Bob Antill.

Last Thursday we had our first meeting of 2017. It is a special meeting as we had the young people attend who have participated in educational events in the past year or received awards from Rotary. We had 29 for dinner.

Sabine Kildea was the first student to address the meeting, as she was awarded our $9,000 Narooma Rotary’s scholarship for a student finishing year 12 at Narooma High School in 2016. Just listening to Sabine’s plans for her future made me feel tired and oh to be young again. She aims to study international relations and law, have a period in Geneva and then to undertake post graduate study in the USA.

Sabine was followed by Keely Clark who received a ‘special one off award’ of $1000 reflecting the determination and attitude she took to her studies and working numerous jobs so she could study paramedics and nursing.

Both Sabine and Keely noted it was their involvement in Rotary’s Model United Nations Assembly held in Canberra each year that had played a very significant part in their development and future plans.

Melanie Miller, our 2016 scholarship winner, then talked about her plans to study Clinical Exercise Physiology at the University of New England this year. She had a gap year following her completion of her HSC. Having lectured at UNE from 1980 to 1990 I had a good chat with her about the campus and the cold of Armidale.

Elliott de Frenza kept us entertained about his experience in December attending a number of Universities and factories organised by Engineers Australia. It was evident that the experience will be a significant benefit to him going into his ear 12 studies.

The last speaker was Luca Potts who went to the Conoco Phillips Science Experience at the University of Technology Sydney for 3 days earlier this year. For a year 9 student it was truly a mind expanding experience.

It was great to hear from these students as it showed that Rotary can make an impact on the lives of students from our community

All of the above was clearly INSIDE THE SQUARE for this week. Tomorrow I am off to Cooma to attend Rotary and tell them about our 1000km walk for END POLIO and a Library in Rang’I Kenya.

I am presently having an EMAIL seminar with a 73-year-old Western Australian who has walked the Bibbulmun Track 4 times. The more I learn the more I wonder what madness drives me.

I have booked my flights (one way as I don’t know where I will end up) and booked accommodation at points along the track so I can collect food supplies that I have to posted over to WA. The logistics of organising supplies when the distance from one small township to another is often more than 100km is quite fascinating and challenging. Being a forced vegetarian (a term I use due to allergy to meat even though I love it) it has also been a challenge to make appetising meals to cover more the more than 50 days I will be on the track.

I will be leaving for WA on the 4 March so you will shortly be all spared OUTSIDE THE SQUARE for some time.

The Week that Was

Last Thursday night was the Club’s first meeting for 2017 and it was at our new venue, the Narooma Golf Club.

Luca Potts and his dad chat to Sandra Doyle

Although there were some teething problems with numbers and table arrangements it was a great evening. As is tradition the Club’s first meeting each calendar is dedicated to our youth and last Thursday was no exception.

Michael’s article ‘Outside the Square’ provides an excellent summary of our 2017 Youth Night.

It is worth noting that two other current tertiary scholarship holders were unable to be at the meeting. Carl McEvoy, the 2015 winner, will be at this week’s meeting. Connor Ross, the 2014 winner, was otherwise engaged being sound designer and operator for Narooma Youth Theatre’s performance of ‘?Hamlet’ at Central Tilba.

Chis O’Brien gave a three-minute talk on her experiences in publishing Narooma’s local tourist magazine. Believe it or not Chris has been publishing the magazine since 1994 and is up to edition 90 (actually its more as Chris didn’t start counting for a few years!). Initially Chris starting out publishing a magazine that advertised cars for sale, unfortunately it was not a great success leading her to branch out to local tourism.

It was great to see Lynda Ord back at our meetings after some time away recovering from surgery.

The Winners

Chocolate biscuits               Iris

Wine                                       Gloria (guest of Chris O’Brien)

Port                                         Bob Aston

Rhubarb                                Luca Potts dad

Pen                                         Luca Potts

The Week Ahead

Our speaker tonight is Vic May, Vic is a support worker with SEWACS (South East Women’s and Children’s Services). Vic will tell us a little about himself as well as his work.

When he left school Vic worked in the construction industry for a number of years. In 2000 he undertook further study as well as working in a major detox unit in Brisbane for 2 years. He then went on to run a male only drug and alcohol rehabilitation clinic. In 2015 he changed pace and moved to the south coast to work with his brother as texture renderer. In July last year he started working with SEWACS as a male outreach worker.

South East Women and Children’s Services Incorporated (SEWACS) is an umbrella organisation for a range of programs providing safe and supportive options for women and children who have experienced or are experiencing domestic and family violence and are at risk of homelessness as a result of this violence.

More information about SEWACS can be found on their website. Click here to access the site.

A Board Meeting will take place at the conclusion of the normal meeting.

Busking Competition

Sandra and the crew have been doing a wonderful job promoting and organising the Busking Competition. Click here to see the latest Narooma News article.

Ducks from the air

Just in case you haven’t seen it yet below is a YouTube clip of our recent duck race.


Narooma Rotary Beacon 2 February 2017

Outside the Square

This is my first posting for 2017 and there are only a few more to go before I head off to WA – I can hear the sigh of relief from some quarters that there will be less of this guff to read.

I thought that after our Christmas Party on the 15th that I would have a break, that was wishful thinking.

On the 18 December we had the very successful fund raising meeting at Moruya races where THE GREAT NEWS is that we will have enough funds to purchase four YES four defibrillators for our area. So put your thinking caps on (aka Sean Bunny – see who can work that one out) and figure out where we should put them.

Michael in Tamworth

We then immediately went into selling duck race tickets; which was then followed by a hectic but great markets on the 28 December. Once again Rotary was working in Narooma right up to the end of December.

I was also in the throes of working out a detailed Risk Assessment for the 1000km walk (the family seemed a bit worried that I might fall off a cliff, get bitten by a red back spider or snake, or some1001 other things that might happen). We also developed a schedule making sure I could stop for resupplies etc.

After a very pleasant Christmas despite spending some of Christmas Eve and Day (to 3.00am and then all afternoon) at Moruya hospital with our youngest who was ill and needed intravenous antibiotics.

The first weeks of January were a bit hectic with call outs to a fatal accident and a house fire for RFS and bucket runs for our brigade. We also had more duck selling outside IGA’s, a Newsagency, and at the Caravan Parks.

By this stage I had my pack up to 21kg, and putting in some training so that I could last up to 1000km or if you like 1,5000,000 steps thereabouts.

The logistics of preparing some 150 meals was extreme: dehydrating all the ingredients and then vacuum packing each meal. It took about 2 – 3 days to get enough ingredients dehydrated to make about 6 dinners (breakfasts did not need dehydrating so was much quicker). Peter and Julie Hartley came up with another dehydrator for me, so I could do 6 dinners in 1 1/2 days. Amazing what you learn what to do when you take on a Rotary Project.

I could not believe it when I pulled a tendon in the back of my leg. Fortunately, I was going to Tamworth for the Country Music Festival so I was forced to rest it. Tamworth was an interesting experience, I received many positive responses to our 1000km walk.

The Winner!

Alas I was unable to attend the Markets on 22 January as I needed to be in Sydney, but by all reports it was a great market. This was followed by the Duck Race and I had the pleasure today (30 January) of presenting the cheque to the winner.

Rotary was at it again, serving the community at the Narooma Motors car event on 28 January. Unfortunately, I could only get back late that day and could not attend. By all accounts we were very successful in raising funds and helping to feed the attendees.

Finally, Lynn Ange and myself spent many hours at the Surf Club Carnival serving food. It was a great PR exercise as the club was clearly impressed that ROTARY came out to help.

I know there was some disquiet among some members that informal social events were not organised over the break, but to be honest I simply did not have the time, as the above should illustrate. In saying that no one in the Club should feel that they need the President to organise a social event if they wish to have one.

Finally, this THURSDAY we have our YOUTH night and I hope you can all attend.

President Michael

Rotary and the Holiday Season

It has been a busy yet sad time for the Narooma Rotary Club this holiday season. We were saddened because of the deaths of Jeremy Ferguson, a former Club President and Paul Harris Fellow, and Jim Gibson the husband of Marilyn. Marilyn is also a former President of the Club.

Jeremy with hid mum Trudy at a Rotary meeting

Jeremy was president in 2000/2001, after kindly agreeing to take on the role at fairly short notice after the president elect originally nominated for the position resigned from the Club. Jeremy also held many Board positions over the years including stints as Vice President and International Service Director. Jeremy’s passion was Buckridge Lookout and he spent many hours as an individual Rotarian keeping it neat and tidy. It was also a major project in his Rotary year with members turning out with axes, shovels and chainsaws on at least two occasions to keep the lookout looking just right. Jeremy and Heather were also strong supporters of youth exchange and group study exchange. Jeremy and Heather hosted at least two exchange students and they hosted group study exchange team members when they visited our Club. Their son Scott also participated in a short term exchange to New Zealand. Scott also participated in the Honeywell Engineering Experience when a student at Narooma High.

Jeremy at Buckridge Lookout. Neville Gough is in the background

Jeremy was also a regular at the Narooma Rotary Markets (and other fundraising events requiring the food van). On market days Jeremy usually transported the van to NATA oval and helped set it up. Jeremy always liked to cook the first few rounds of bacon and eggs for sale, then once the barbeque plate was well and truly seasoned he would cook the best ever bacon and egg sandwich for himself and his assistant (usually the Editor!).

Jeremy of course loved his food and there never seemed to be enough for him on Thursday nights. He was often the recipient of unwanted desserts and other meals, Rolf’s bread was always greatly appreciated. Jeremy just wanted a good dinner that would fill him up after a day of physical work.

During the holiday period Jeremy and Heather often hosted the Club for a barbeque at Paradise Point. Therese and I have many fond memories of sitting under the trees in the garden as Jeremy and Heather served up a fine feast for us. The fellowship and fun was often a highlight of the Rotary year.

Our thoughts are with Heather, Rowan and Scott at this sad time. Jeremy’s funeral was held last Friday.

Marilyn and Jim at Marilyn’s induction in 2002

Although Jim Gibson had been ill for some time he was still a larger than life person, always keen to tell a yarn. He also loved an occasional drink as well as a game of golf or bowls. Jim believed that Rotary was Marilyn’s domain and his job was to get out of the way and let her enjoy her time in the Club. Having said that Jim always participated in our social events and helped out at Club events. Marilyn and Jim also hosted Club Members at their home during the holiday season, serving us some great food as we took in the view from their deck. For some reason Jim was always worried that there wasn’t enough food or the meat would not be cooked to perfection. He needent have worried as he and Marilyn were great hosts and the food plentiful.

Jim’s funeral will be held tomorrow, 3 February, commencing at 11:00am at the Presbyterian Church. Our thoughts are with Marilyn and her family at this difficult time.

And yes the Club has been busy since we last met

On 18 December the Club along with Moruya and Batemans Bay Clubs held a very successful race meeting at the Moruya racetrack. Funds from the day will go towards the purchase of defibrillators for placement in shops, clubs and other venues across the Shire.

On 28 December the Club held its Christmas Market at NATA oval, the crowd was huge with sales at the van being well above expectation. I think the stall holders were even happy! Our January Market was held on 22 January, once again crowds exceeded expectations.

Chris, Frank and Ang at the Australia Day Ceremony

The Club was well represented at the Australia Day Ceremony at Surf Beach. David McInnes was the MC and Laurelle announced Sabine Kildea as the Narooma Rotary Scholar for 2017.

Frank Eden and the Renewable Expo nominated for Narooma Australia Day Awards, both were highly commended.

Merinda Antill was awarded with a Local Hero Award in recognition of her work within the Narooma Community, especially for her leadership of the community choir.

At 12:00 noon the Great Narooma Rotary Duck Race for 2017 was underway. A large crowd of onlookers piled on to the bridge and walkway to cheer on the ducks as they sailed down the inlet at great speed. Thanks to organiser John Doyle who planned the event to perfection. Thanks also to the many Rotarians, friends and family and to the Narooma Surf Club who helped out on the day. Thank you also to our friends from Moruya Rotary who came to help out.

First place went to duck 117 with Peter McNoe of Narooma holding the corresponding ticket to win $1,000. The last duck was 421 held by Nick Jones of Croydon who wins $100.

Proceeds will purchase at least two ShelterBoxes to provide emergency shelter for families affected by natural or man-made disasters overseas.

The Surf Club to the rescue

Donations will also be made to Narooma Surf Club in appreciation of their assistance and to Bermagui CRABS (Cancer Research Advocate Bikers) who lent us the ducks.

Saturday 28 January saw Bob, Bob, Ang, Charmaine, John, John and Chris staff the food van at the Narooma Motors Car Show. Sales on the day were steady with gross takings of $780.00. Once again the Club was seen as being active in our community. As we were tidying up on Saturday Diane Riley who had the face painting stall at the Show approached Ang to donate her proceeds from the day to the Club. What a wonderful gesture – thank you Diane.

If that wasn’t enough on Sunday 29 January President Michael, Lyn and Ang answered a call from the Surf Club to help out at their Carnival. Once again Narooma Rotary played an active role helping out our community.

The Week Ahead

Laurelle with our 2017 Rotary Scholar

Yes folks the big move is on – from this Thursday we will be meeting at the Narooma Golf Club at 6:00 for 6:30pm. This week’s Club Assembly and Board meeting have been postponed, instead we will be meeting our 2017 Narooma Rotary Scholar and catching up with some of our past scholars. It should be a great night.

Some Humour


At dawn the telephone rings.

“Hello, Señor Bob?  This is Ernesto, the caretaker at your country house.”

“Ah yes, Ernesto.  What can I do for you?  Is there a problem?”

“Um, I am just calling to advise you, Señor Bob, that your parrot, he is dead.”

“My parrot?  Dead?  The one that won the International competition?”

“Si, Señor, that’s the one.”

“Damn!  That’s a pity!  I spent a small fortune on that bird.  What did he die from?”

“From eating the rotten meat, Señor Bob.”

“Rotten meat?  Who the hell fed him rotten meat?”

“Nobody, Señor.  He ate the meat of the dead horse.”

“Dead horse?  What dead horse?”

“The thoroughbred, Señor Bob.”

“My prize thoroughbred is dead?”

“Yes, Señor Bob, he died from all that work pulling the water cart.”

“Are you insane?  What water cart?”

“The one we used to put out the fire, Señor.”

“Good Lord! What fire are you talking about, man?”

“The one at your house, Señor!  A candle fell and the curtains caught on fire.”

“What the hell?  Are you saying that my mansion is destroyed because of a candle?!”

“Yes, Señor Bob.”

“But there’s electricity at the house!  What was the candle for?”

“For the funeral, Señor Bob.”


“Your wife’s, Señor Bob.  She showed up very late one night and I thought she was a thief, so I hit her with your new Ping G15 204g titanium head golf club with the TFC 149D graphite shaft.”

SILENCE . . . .



“Ernesto, if you broke that driver, you’re in deep xxxx”