Narooma Rotary Beacon 6 October 2016



No, it is not one of Peter’s deliberate mistakes, but with an Assembly next Thursday 6th I thought it would be an opportune time to reflect on what we have done so far this year and what we should be doing in the remainder of our Rotary year.

It seems for many of us that there is little time to consider where we are at and where as a Club we want to be. What with Whale, Race Day and Duck raffles, requests at the last moment to put on BBQ’s for Aqua Aerobics, Craft Fair and the significant commitments some members have with the Renewable Expo , Constitution/ By-Laws we should take the opportunity over the next few months to consider what we really want to do as a club.

Possibly a good place to start is the September issue of Rotary Down Under as it gives some useful tips on how other clubs have changed with very positive results.

Think for a moment, with a club of approximately 20 members paying approximately $1000 to $2000 per year to be an active member ( $20k to $40k per annum – approximately what we raise each year), do you think you are getting a happy and productive return on your investment.

Maybe just go OUTSIDE THE SQUARE FOR A MOMENT if you think you could get a better deal for yourself and reflect on how we as a Club we can do that for you.

This is what the Assembly is for and hopefully we can get a positive debate going.

Just one idea, and not one I am necessarily advocating, could be -: Do we really need to consider at a Club and Board level every expenditure for the Youth program, or should we look at what is the range of money we have spent on MUNA, RYPEN RYDA etc and unless the cost is going to be outside the parameters we set at the beginning of the year let the Youth team get on with it. I mention team as I feel our Youth Program is our great strength and what I am sure many of you would like us to be remembered by and not the demise ( however temporary) of donuts and maybe we should add members so the burden can be shared more evenly, such as one member doing MUNA, another RYPEN etc. Again there are other programs that could be treated the same way particularly in terms of expenditure.

Another thought that was raised with me, was why do we not select a project that might take 3 or 4 years to complete so that we can our teeth stuck into something substantial. Great idea.

As a Club we do a number of significant activities with major commitments from some members, such as the markets, and so we will need to be careful that we do not over extend ourselves which we seem to do at times. So are there some things we do that could be cut out or reduced? I simply don’t know so again suggestions discussion and positive options are the order of the day.

Now INSIDE THE SQUARE AGAIN, this last week was a fairly busy week.

Last weekend I attended a very intensive planning weekend for Friends of Rang’I at Lake Macquarie, conducted by the Chairperson of our Board , Rachel, who is an event and fundraiser for a large charity. It gave me a number of interesting takes on fund raising, and ideas for Narooma Rotary’s 1000km walk in April.

On Monday I went to Canberra to find out that I am seriously allergic to Red Meat ( that includes Pork and Whale meat – mammals) and gelatin . What I did not know was only 3% of allergies are to Red Meat and the reaction does not happen each time you eat red meat. What a LOTTERY to participate in.

On Tuesday Donna and I attended a volunteers Meals on Wheels lunch at the Fishing Club in Narooma and while I attended as a volunteer, Rotary obviously came up in the conversations we had over a long lunch.


Thursday saw Donna step-in as our speaker as our scheduled speaker had to suddenly go to Sydney. Donna spoke on The Official Visitors Program to mental health facilities and services in NSW. It appears not too many had heard of the program, even those who have had to deal with the providers of mental health services but it has been in existence since 1865. I suspect it came as a shock for some members to learn that resident psychiatrists in rural areas are a thing of past in many, even quite large, rural areas.

On Friday I attended the 40th anniversary of Probus commencing in Australia at Moruya. Moruya and Batemans Bay Rotary Clubs were also represented and our District Governor Steve Hill was also in attendance. A picture should appear shortly on our Facebook page. Not putting one here so to get you to have a look at the work Charmaine does for us on Facebook.

Saturday saw me at the Newsagency for over 4 hours selling Race Day Tickets. It was bitterly cold at times and believe it or not this time last year the temperature reached 37 degrees. See what useless information you get reading this column . I sold 177 tickets and met and chatted to a lot of people about what you all do for the community in Narooma.

Sunday nothing but composing this, which you no doubt think how he wastes a lot of time .

Next week looks quieter


Pres. Michael


Attendance: 11 members and 1 guest (Donna Anderson)

Wheel: Eggs – Mike Young (29); Fruit Platter of Irish Mandarins – Peter Bull (4) & Chris O’Brien (42); Chocolates – Sandra Doyle (1); Bread – Sandra Doyle (45); Port – Mike Young (29) & Wine – John Rungen (11)

International Toast: John Rungen proposed a toast to the Rotary Club of Grand Baie, one of five clubs in Mauritius District 9220 & Chartered in 1981.


Rotarians Abroad: Further correspondence by way of photographs has been received from editor-at-large, Bob Astin, on another gruelling leg of his World Rotary Fact Finding trip.

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PDG Jack Ings AM: Past President Narooma & Past District Governor and Honorary Member of Narooma Rotary Club has sent a note regarding his Rotary activities as he approaches his 91-st year (excerpt below):


Each year I send Narooma High School my cheque to enable them to make the Art prize in my late wife’s name and as I am now resident in Melbourne and handicapped I cannot accept their invitation to attend the ceremony and make the presentation. Therefore I ask each year, if you would be willing to nominate a Rotary member to make the presentation on my behalf. Joy and I worked in many roles to assist the children at the School and she was an artist who worked using the Chinese Brush painting technique and was a foundation member of the Narooma Art and Craft Society. Although she was a Quotarian while we lived in Narooma she was made a PHF by our club and later when we went to live in Shoalhaven Heads, became a Rotarian with me in Gerringong. I have informed the Principal of the High school of my request, as per attached. Please pass my good wishes on to all the club members. I am still in Rotary and will shortly be 91. I am able to do so through the miracle of the computer and am a member of the Eclub of Melbourne. I am still on the Board, write the bulletin and am Program Director. All the best. I hope to eventually be able to bequeath a sum to Narooma Rotary to make the award in perpetuity. I miss the rough and tumble of a conventional Rotary meeting but it is interesting to be working in with much younger, more savvy, techno members from all over. One member of our club is a resident of Mumbai in India and this week’s speaker will be talking to us from Cambodia and probably we’ll have at least one other overseas participant, probably from the U.S or France. I am their showpiece (old fogey!!!) that they trot out on a huge banner every time there is a Conference or Assembly.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 29 September 2016

Outside the Square:

What an effort from Lynn getting all the fruit bagged to make smoothies for the Aerobic healthy activity at the Narooma pool today. Chris Joan and myself helped out and they were consumed as soon as we made them.

Little to report this week as I will be away just after tonight’s meeting so the cupboard is empty.

Have a great week and for those who have grandchildren duty being school holidays have a great time

Last Week’s Meeting:


Our guest speaker was Suzanne Voytas, a well known Author, Geneologist and Family Historian, who spoke about the joys and pitfalls of delving into your family history.

Suzanne has been a compulsive and addicted family history researcher for too many years. She not only worked on her own family history but has helped many people to discover theirs.

She has completed the Society of Australian Genealogist’s Diploma in Historical Family Studies, was the president of the Blue Mountains Family History Society (NSW, Australia ) for five years, as well as holding other committee positions.

One of her many interesting ancestors is Eliza O’Brien per Elizabeth 1828 .

While on a trip to Ireland , she visited the Cork City Gaol and asked for further information about the riot that occurred in July 1827. She was met with blank stares, as there was no recorded information about it. Even President Michael was no help. From that conversation it was suggested that each of the women be researched and hopefully the centre might then be able to put on an exhibition about the first renovators of the gaol. This culminated in the publication of her book, Elizabeth 1828. Suzanne lives ar Ringlands with her husband, who will be our guest speaker next week.

Attendance: 11 members and 4 guests

Wheel: Fruit Baskets of Irish Mandarins – John Doyle (23) & Lynn Hastings (4), Wine – Chris O’Brien (41), Bread – Mike Young (1) & Chocolates – Sandra Doyle (28).

International Toast: President Michael proposed a toast to the RC of Kisumu Winam, Kenya. Michael will be trekking the wilderness of South-West WA next year to raise money for an orphanage in Kisumu Winam. The Rotaract Club of Kisumu Winam, sponsored by the RC of Kisumu Winam, has 325 members! 

30011000         1177426  New President Thomas K’Otieno & his wife Irene. The Rotary Club of Kisumu Winam Meets every Tuesday at Le Savanna Country Lodge from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm







This month’s Market: Gate-$851.60, Van-$550.50 & Wishing Well-$327.25; Total=$1729.35.


Sick-Bay: Lynda Ord is recovering well from her second of two spinal surgeries. It was great to see her in attendance at the Markets showing how to make an Aspen collar look stylish.

Rotarian-at-large: PP Bob Aston reports from Switzerland on yet another gruelling leg of around the world in “as long as I can take!”


Narooma Rotary Beacon 15 September 2016

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Outside the Square:

I will be very brief this week and next week as my Rotary experiences are limited due to limited involvement.

Donna left for Japan on Father’s day and our 23rd wedding anniversary and today, as I write is her birthday, hence my mind on other things.

Thanks Bob and Frank for taking over last Thursday as I was in Mogo trying to learn something about Village ( Narooma is classified as a village in the RFS) firefighting. WHAT HOPE DO YOU HAVE ?.

Ditto to Bob for the Whale Raffle last Saturday and again thanks to Norm from Narooma Charters for his generosity.

Sadly no sausage sizzel for the Council Elections, but alas the bureaucracy won once again to defeat community engagement. Thankfully it was raining so we might have had wet sausages.

This week we are meeting at Charmaine’s for a fun night, sadly I will be in Mogo again for some training and so I wish you all the best and have a great night.

President Michael

Last Week:

Attendance: 11 members

Visiting Rotarian: Jenny Lean (Port Moresby, PNG), Guest: Iris Domeier

International Toast: Rotary Club of Port Moresby, PNG

The Wheel: Eggs – Rolf (8), Port – Bob (43), Wine – Bob again (24)

Happy moments: Laurelle was happy to spend a penny to tell us about the new toilets for Kinema. Although not flushed for funds their committee were able to receive grants to enable this refurbishment to go ahead.

Acting President Bob Antill presented the Club with a Certificate of Appreciation from Dalmeny Rural Fire Brigade for donations made in Bob’s year as President.

PP Charmaine displayed the Rotary Solar Light, an initiative started by the RC of Sutherland, NSW which has the potential to change the lives of millions of people living in third world countries (

Frank & Sandra presented a draft set of By-Laws for the Club to consider, noting, that despite unworkable rules in the Constitution, only the By-Laws could be changes. Frank’s notes follow:

Constitution and Bylaws

Rotary International has some guidelines for how clubs should be run. It is published here:

Take a look at the Manual of Procedure which has Rotary’s policies and procedures. The manual is geared to Rotary club and district leaders and features information that’s most relevant to their roles. It is published every three years to reflect adopted legislation and decisions of the RI conventions, the Council on Legislation, the Rotary International Board of Directors, and the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation.

In that document, there is a standard club constitution which every club must adopt. It can be downloaded here on the same page

Standard Rotary Club Constitution (PDF) (Word)
Note that in the footer of that document, it says “each club admitted to membership in RI shall adopt this prescribed standard club constitution.”

District 9650 has produced a very slightly altered version of this constitution to conform to NSW legislation.

Flexibility is provided by allowing each club to have its own set of bylaws. The constitution and the bylaws together are often referred to as “the constitution”, which can be confusing at times. Again, District 9650 has produced a recommended set of by laws which conform to NSW Legislation and RI. The committee looking into this has made a copy of that and is using google docs to collaborate, alllowing ideas and suggestions together with draft replacements and additions to the bylaws to be added into the text, colour coded etc.

If you want to help out or you are interested in progress, Frank, Sandra or Rod can send you a link.

When we have these bylaws in a state that we (and Michael) are not unhappy with, we will again invite everyone to have a read. Then we will have a special meeting to approve them. No-one should come to that special meeting and get a surprise about the content – it is your club and the by laws will from time to time restrict what we can do, so it is important to get them right.

If we do get them right, they should be documents we never have to worry about.

Frank Eden


Rolf showed us some wonderful slides from his recent trip home to Switzerland and particularly the train trip & views from Jungraujoch (3446m).

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Coming events: Monty’s Place upcoming Movie Night at the Narooma Kinema on Friday 16th September.

Monty’s Place upcoming Movie Night at the Narooma Kinema on Friday 16th September (the night before it is released to the public). Monty’s will be glad of any assistance that Rotarians can give on the night.

The movie is the new Beatles Documentary ‘Eight Days a Week’. 7pm for 7.30pm. $20 includes wine & nibbles. It will be fabulous journey back to the sixties. Guests can dig out their 60s and Beatles clothes and come and join the fun.

The film will raise funds for Monty’s Place which serves a scrumptious meal to some of the more needy and isolated people in our community every Wednesday from 12.00 to 1.30pm at the church hall under the Water Tower in Narooma. Everyone is welcome..

Next Week: FUN NIGHT – fine food, wine (BYO) and adult games.

Charmain’s home: 24 William St, Dalmeny 6.00-6.30 – until late

Be there or be square.

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Narooma Rotary Beacon 8 September 2016


A very small square this week, as I will be away from this weekend and missing the next few meetings due to firefighting training.

By the time this comes out, the winner of the Whale Raffle should be known. Many thanks to Norm of Narooma Charters for his generous support to our Club and Shelterbox.

We welcomed back Lyn and Rolf from their visits home to Seattle and Switzerland respectively. Next Thursday, after the suggestion from the Club member who comes up with these things, Peter B, they will regale you with the highlights of their visits.

This will be followed I hope by a lively discussion on our proposed new Constitution and By Laws as these documents are central to the functioning of our club. Please let Frank know during the week and before the meeting what changes etc., you think should be made to our present Constitution and Rules ( hopefully will be renamed By-Laws).

Our fun night, thanks to the generosity of Charmaine will be at her home on the 15th September and she and Bob have been given a few ideas to make it “fun”.

Finally, can members please contribute to the Beacon as Peter would love to have your contributions. – Pres. Michael


Narooma News article – Rotary Raffle winner.

As the plight of those who have been displaced from their homes unfolds on the nightly news, Government agencies and NGO (Non Government Organisations) rally with personnel to assist.

Watching we often think about how we can help, but helping can be as simple as buying a raffle ticket.

On Saturday the 3rd of September, just after noon at Narooma Town Wharf, Nick Ingersole of Narooma Charters plunged his hand into a large box of tickets stubs and drew out the winner of the Rotary Narooma Whale Watching Raffle.

The lucky winner was Mandy Wheatley of Narooma who can look forward to a magical Whale watching trip on one of Narooma Charters boats during the upcoming season, thanks to the generosity of Narooma Charters and all who bought tickets.

The money raised by Rotary Narooma will go toward ShelterBox and shelter kit Australia Disaster Relief.

“Rotary Narooma is a proud supporter of ShelterBox. We raise money to donate to this cause because it is tangible, we can see a positive result for the money donated. Each year we conduct the Whale Watching raffle in August and our Duck race on Australia Day for ShelterBox. “ President of Narooma Rotary Michael O’Connor said.

President Michael added “When we purchase a ShelterBox ($1,000 ea) we get a number and can track when it has been deployed anywhere in the World. Transparency for where the money we raise is spent is very important to Rotarians and the community of Narooma we serve”.

Thank you to all who bought a ticket in the raffle, you are winners who have played a small part in helping people in Australia and the World when a disaster strikes.

Congratulations Mandy Wheatley and Narooma Charters for your support.


Attendance: 14 members, 1 guest (Iris)

International Toast: Lynn Hastings proposed the International Toast to the Rotary Club of North Seattle.

3-Minute Talk: Mike Young spoke of the Rotary Club of Broome’s Dragon Boat Race. This annual event is a series of boat races by inexperienced paddlers against many obstacles, such as crocodiles and a killer 8.5 metre tide! As this event cannot be fully described in 3-minutes, Mike took 20-minutes!

Club Assembly: As Chris & Laurelle were away, the Club Assembly was quickly over with full consensus on all matters raised!

The Wheel: Eggs – won by Sandra (15), Chocolates – Angie (30), Chocolates – Peter B (14), Wine – Pres. Michael (29) and Port – Mike Y. (12)

Happy Moments: Were dominated by the return home of Rolf from Switzerland & Lynn from Seattle.

This Week’s Puzzle: Club members Rod Walker & Peter Bull  celebrate 50 years association with Rotary this month. Both were Foundation Members of the Interact Club of Sydney Boys High School 1966. The following photo contains both members. Can you identify them by sending an email correctly indicating where in the photo they are.

Interact 1967

The Minotaur.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 1 September 2016


What a great night on Thursday with Charmaine outlining the work she , Sharon and her RAWCS team accomplished in Cambodia.

It just shows that, with determination and grit, a lot can be achieved. It also demonstrates for us that, with a little effort from us in fundraising, we can support such tremendous work by such a dedicated and hard working member of our Club.

Whew, the whale tickets have been sold in record time. Hopefully members can attend on SATURDAY 3 rd SEPTEMBER at 12.30 at the Wharf to show Norm our appreciation for his generous donation. Unfortunately I can’t be there, but I hope many can show the flag for Rotary and Norm, and join in the excitement of finding out the winner of the prize.

Next week is our Club Assembly and it is your opportunity to show how THINKING OUTSIDE THE SQUARE can advance the work of our club and present your ideas for our fun night on 15th September. The crazier the idea the better.

I suspect a NIGHT TIME SWIM AT BAR BEACH is not on anyone’s list. PITY!

President Michael.

Last Week’s Meeting:

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Attendance: 12 Rotarians

Guests: Sharon White (pictured left), Julie Davis (pictured left) & Steve Benick (Narooma Dental), Roz Wood (Chris O’Brien), Merinda (Bob Antill), Iris (Frank Eden).

3-minute talk: Chris O’Brien on how to speak proper to try and improve your English for her and I. (Obviously I wasn’t paying attention!)

Wheel: Eggs – Rod Walker; Mars Bars – Steve Benick (but most eaten by Laurelle); Port – Sandra Doyle and Wine – Sharon White

Spot the Error: Last week’s intentional error was missed by Angie so jackpots for next week.





International Toast: Rotary Club of Pnom Penh, Cambodia

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A single glass at night could mean a peaceful, uninterrupted nights sleep.

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NEW Wine for Seniors – I kid you not…..Clare Valley vintners in South Australia, which primarily produce Pinot Blanc, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Grigio wines, have developed a new hybrid grape that acts as an anti-diuretic. It is expected to reduce the number of trips older people have to make to the bathroom during the night.

The new wine will be marketed as PINOT MORE!


The Minotaur



Duty Roster:

Duty 1 September 8 September 15 September 22 September 29 September
Cashier L Pacey A Ulrichsen P Hartley C White J Doyle
3 Minute Talk M Young L Pacey J Doyle J Rungen C White
Introduce Speaker F Eden B Antill P Hartley R Gimmel
Thank Speaker W Whittle C White R Gimmel R Walker
Wheel A Whittle E Holmes R Gimmel R Walker B Antill


The Four Way Test of the things we think, say or do:

Is it the TRUTH?

Is it FAIR to all concerned?


Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Narooma Bonus extra : Will it be BENEFICIAL to the environment?

President: Michael O’Connor 0419 254 212
Secretary: Rod Walker 0411 711 475
Treasurer: Bob Antill 0400 104 731
Newsletter: Bob Aston 0414527316
Markets: Chris O’Brien 0408 489 247

Renewables Expo:
Organiser Frank Eden 0434 197 110
Organiser John Doyle
Organiser Mike Young
Organiser Angie Ulrichsen

Postal Mail:

The Secretary, Narooma Rotary Club,
PO Box 151, Narooma, NSW, 2546

Sign up to the Beacon:

Want to receive a weekly copy of our Newsletter the “Beacon”?
Simply enter your email on the Contacts page

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Narooma Rotary Beacon 25 August 2016


What a meeting we had this week. Georgia Poyner, a 15 year old Narooma High School student, kept us spell bound for about an hour on her free diving, scuba diving, photography, triathlons, spearfishing, drawing and much more . Her pictures of the sharks, in particular, brought back memories of scuba diving at South West Rocks among the sharks and so I can well understand her love of what she sees metres below in our oceans. Just listening and seeing all that she did in the last 12 months was amazing and to top it off she is helping to research our marine environment as a volunteer.

Now wonder Rotary emphasises the need for more and more youth programs.

As I write Sandra Doyle is in Canberra at the Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) with students from Narooma High School – Paris Blessington, Lilly Burgess, Shaina Woodard and Cyann Vlatovic. They are representing the Phillipines and we know they will gain a great deal from the experience.

Last night (Friday) Donna & I attended the Quota Trivia night at the Narooma Club in support of So Art. Laurelle was also there but I did not see any other Rotarians, but, as I am woeful at Trivia, I was not looking too hard. However one piece of Rotary news was that we have two applicants for Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment. More work for Sandra who is doing a sterling job with our Youth program.

Today (Saturday), thanks to the efforts of Frank and Iris this morning, we sold all our Whale tickets.

While I hate selling tickets, it really is a good public relations exercise as you get a good chance to engage with the public and let them know what Rotarians are trying to do in and outside their community.

You might note I have not used an acronym . I sent an email today to Sandra with a misspelling of an acronym but, unlike Peter’s and Bob’s excuse last Thursday, it was not deliberate to catch out whether she actually noticed the mistake. I have an admission to make. I had to look up what the acronym for Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment actually meant to make sure I had it right.

For me at least it means I am definitely Outside the Square as all these acronyms baffle and annoy me.

President Michael.


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Last Week’s Meeting:

As President Michael has mentioned above, our guest speaker was Georgia Poyner. What an outstanding young person she is – enthusiastic, engaging, confident and obviously a dedicated hard worker. This year 10 student is an accomplished artist and photographer, swimmer, triathlete, scuba diver, angler, researcher and teenager, who, in her spare time, sits submerged in cold briny water at night to count rare tropical fish for university researchers. This activity involves the citizen scientist organisation, REDMAP, an initiative of the University of Tasmania & the Australian Government. Georgia was recently awarded a significant grant from the Aim for the Stars – The Layne Beachly Foundation to do work experience in Tasmania with IMAS (Institute for Marine & Antarctic Studies). As a result of this study she has been invited to go with an expedition to Macquarie Island, Antarctica. Georgia’s art & photography as been acknowledged with several top 20 finishes in the annual Moran Photo prize. (sorry Michael for the acronyms)

Attendance: 12 members in attendance

Guests: Georgia Poyner (guest speaker), Michelle Slavik (Georgia’s mother), Iris Domeier

Wheel: Port – Chris O’Brien, Chocalates – Angie Ulrichsen, Wine – Bob Antill

Birthday:Image 1Hon. member Pam Rayner PHF celebrates her 91st birthday on 1st September.

As Rotary is her only family in Narooma, any members who can drop into Estia, Dalmeny to wish her well would be great.


Joke of the week:

Returning a little early from an interstate trip to see his team play at the MCG, a bloke sees the car of his wife’s boss in the driveway. Suspecting an affair, he asks the cabby if he would be a witness. The cabby agrees, in return for $100. Together, they go through the back door, creep up the stairs, and into the bedroom. And … sure enough. Switching on the lights, the bloke yanks the blanket back and there they are, naked! The husband puts a gun to the naked man’s head.

The wife shouts: “Don’t do it! I lied when I told you I inherited money. HE paid for the Porsche I gave you. HE paid for your new fishing boat. HE paid for your football season tickets.”HE paid for our house at the lake. HE paid for your golf trip to St Andrews. HE paid for our Australian Golf Club membership and HE even pays the monthly dues!”

Shaking his head from side-to-side, the husband lowers the gun. He looks over at the cabby and says, “What would you do?” The cabby replies, “I’d cover him with that blanket before he catches a cold.”

(courtesy Peter FitzSimons SMH 21 August)

The Minotaur.

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A beautiful but cool ( 15 degrees) swim this morning but sadly the only Rotarian to be outside the square this morning.

Taking up Peter Bull’s suggestion of toasting an overseas club as our International toast, last Thursday we toasted the Rotary Club of Dun Laoghaire , my hometown in Ireland. They appeared chuffed by the toast and they will toast us on the 8th September.

We had a great talk from Annette and Paul from Southcoast Health and Sustainability Alliance and it tied in beautifully with Frank’s idea of hosting a Solar Expo ably supported by his committee.

Whale ticket selling is going well as we have sold 23 books so far. Thanks to Ang for a remarkable 11 books sold. Hopefully those who have books of tickets to sell are well on the way to completion.

Please put on your thinking caps as we are hoping to have a fun night for our meeting on the 8th September so please let me know what you think we might try out.

President Michael.

The week that was

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Last Thursday 12 members were present, 5 guests also joined us for the meeting and fellowship, they included Chris’ guest Joan Morgan, Iris the partner of Frank, Annette Kennewell, our guest speaker and her partner and Paul Dolphin who was also a part of the Southcoast Health and Sustainability Alliance (SHaSA).

Peter Bull gave an interesting 3-minute talk about his grandfather, practically about his involvement in the First World War and the battle of the Somme. Peter’s grandfather wasn’t at the front line, his role was in the Pioneers, building roads, bridges and tunnels. Peter told a great yarn of a tunnelling exercise that just happened break ground near a Frenchman’s wine cellar! Peter also told the story of his visit to the Somme and the impact it had on him.

Our guest speakers were Annette Kennewell and Paul Dolphin from SHaSA. Annette told us how SHaSA came about – the initial idea was to investigate how power bills could be reduced for those on low incomes or renting a house by putting solar panels on their roofs. The Alliance received a $50 000.00 grant to carry out a feasibility study. SHaSA has now moved to trying to source solar panels for local homeowners through a bulk buy system. The idea is that the Alliance can get a better price through a bulk buy system and a tender process. To date the Alliance has received more than 270 expressions of interest. If you want more information visit the website ( or read the article by the mayor in last week’s Narooma News.

Paul spoke about other opportunities for renewable energy including solar farms and community renewal investment funds. He also spoke about the inevitability of climate change and the need to adapt to new forms of energy sooner, rather than later.

House Keeping

Don’t forget the Whale Watching raffle – Michael needs assistance to sell the tickets. To date Angie has sold 10 books! Well done Angie.

Volunteers are needed for the next market – please go online and fill out the roster.

Organisation for the Renewables Expo continues, Frank and the committee are doing a great job pulling it altogether – don’t forget help will be needed.

Dying to Know Expo – see attached flyer.

Pres Michael & PP Bob holding the Cinders Trophy - Sweet Victory!
Pres Michael & PP Bob holding the Cinders Trophy – Sweet Victory!

Happy Moments

Peter Bull fessed up to putting unleaded in the Mazda (yep it’s a diesel!) – the happy moment was that no damage was done to the motor.

Mike Young relayed his home renovation successes (?) and Bob told us about a nasty scare with his daughter (the happy moment is that all seems well) and Chris told us that her daughter was returning form an overseas holiday.

The Wheel  

Laurelle won the lemons, however, she knocked them back saying that she had too many already, Bob Antill ended up being the lucky winner. For her trouble Laurelle won the honour of serving the port. Peter Bull took home the wine.

Our Club sponsors Narooma’s MUNA team

Narooma High’s team for MUNA is Paris Blessington, left front, Lilly Burgess and Shania Woodard, with mentors Narooma Rotarian Sandra Doyle, back left and Narooma High teacher Lachlan Reilly. Cyann Vlatovic was not available for the photo.
Narooma High’s team for MUNA is Paris Blessington, left front, Lilly Burgess and Shania Woodard, with mentors Narooma Rotarian Sandra Doyle, back left and Narooma High teacher Lachlan Reilly. Cyann Vlatovic was not available for the photo.

Our Youth director Sandra Doyle is off to Canberra this weekend with the Narooma High team for the annual Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA), along with students from 27 other schools from the eastern states.

Go team!

MUNA provides students with the extraordinary experience of contributing to a United Nations General Assembly style debate in Old Parliament House.

The Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise organises it with support from the Australian National University (ANU), while our Club is sponsoring the Narooma team.

Sandra and teacher Lachlan Reilly have been helping Paris Blessington, Lilly Burgess, Shania Woodard and Cyann Vlatovic prepare for the weekend.

‘Our team will represent the Philippines so over recent weeks they’ve been busy gaining an understanding of the Philippines’ history, politics, economics and particular stance on world affairs,’ she said..

‘Each school team will represent a different nation and is expected to debate contemporary global issues from that country’s point of view.’

This is the third time Narooma High has fielded a team, thanks to the combined efforts of Angie, David and Rachel, Lynda and now Sandra.

The students’ experience last year led to a debating club being established at Narooma High.

Students will visit the ANU and also join diplomats from the countries they represent at a dinner on Saturday night.

Other south coast schools taking part in this year’s MUNA are Batemans Bay and Moruya High Schools, St Peters at Broulee, and Lumen Christi at Pambula Beach.

Some Humour

An out-of-towner drove his car into a ditch in a desolated area. Luckily, a local farmer came to help with his big strong horse named Buddy. He hitched Buddy up to the car and yelled, “Pull, Nellie, pull!” Buddy didn’t move. Then the farmer hollered, “Pull, Buster, pull!” Buddy didn’t respond. Once more the farmer commanded, “Pull, Coco, pull!” Nothing. Then the farmer nonchalantly said, “Pull, Buddy, pull!” And the horse easily dragged the car out of the ditch. The motorist was most appreciative and very curious. He asked the farmer why he called his horse by the wrong name three times. The farmer said, “Oh, Buddy is blind and if he thought he was the only one pulling, he wouldn’t even try!”

Why did God create man first?
Because he needed a rough working model before creating the perfect specimen of the species.

The Minataur.


Narooma Rotary Beacon 11 August 2016

Outside the Square

Remember the pieces of paper I distributed with a rectangle labelled the status quo and a heading Let the Ideas Flow? Only 3 members have returned them so far and after the Club Assembly last week there are lots of ideas out there, so please give me your ideas.

I felt that it was a productive meeting and special thanks to Peter Bull stepping into the shoes of Bob Aston when he is away as editor of the Beacon. It is inevitable that we will need members to take on roles at short notice and the way Bob organised Peter to step in was great and it left one less job for me to try and find someone to take on the task.

THIS IS DELEGATION AT ITS BEST, when I don’t have to delegate because if it comes suddenly into my lap then it is inevitable that I will be left holding the problem.

I loved Peter’s suggestion that we resurrect an old approach to International toasts, that is we toast an overseas Club then contact them to tell them that we have toasted their Club at our meeting. It will hopefully foster some interesting links/news.

Thinking outside the STATUS QUO does not necessarily mean something new, but it can be something old that can be brought back in.

It is your Beacon and so please contribute. One idea that did come up that we could have member profiles and Bob Antill has generously offered his professional skills in taking portraits of member sometime in the future to be with the profiles.

Members might also like to contribute to the Beacon why they volunteer, what got them into volunteering or even a Rotary moment. Jokes, obviously subject to the editor’s knife, can even be sent in.

Special Thanks should go to Frank and his committee who are doing sterling work organising the Renewable Energy Expo. It is a significant task and if good ideas are generated that increase the workload of the committee members should volunteer to help out to reduce the demands placed on individual committee members. This was well illustrated when Chris offered her assistance to help organise a more formal arrangement for dinner on the night of the expo.

Finally, an update on the recent Christmas in July fundraiser takings have now jumped to $1645.37. Wow! What an effort from one Narooma Rotary Meeting, I hope by April I will have plenty of dollar signs in my eyes when I set out on the Bibullmun track.



Want to know more about Rotary?

Check out this link

How can you make your Rotary club multi-dimensional?

The Week that Was

14 Members and 1 guest (Iris) were at last week’s meeting. As Michael has indicated it was Club Assembly and Board meeting night. Items for discussion at the Assembly ranged from the Beacon and International Toasts to the Renewals Expo and Rotary Park.

Bob Antill and Isis took away the raffle prizes

The Week Ahead

This week Annette Kennewell is our guest speaker. Annette is from the South Coast Health and Sustainability Alliance (SHaSA), a not-for-profit group based in Eurobodalla who help to make renewable energy more accessible and more affordable.

According to their Facebook page South Coast Health and Sustainability Alliance SHaSA are a group of volunteers born from the People’s Climate Picnic held in Sept 2013 in Moruya NSW. They are currently working on a project to install rooftop solar power to low incomes houses in the Eurobodalla. Please encourage friends and to come along to the meeting.

Charmaine White

All members know that Charmaine is an outstanding Rotarian contributing to our Club in many ways, such as helping Michael at our recent Christmas in July event. We also know that she contributes beyond our town and country as a volunteer assisting those less fortunate than us in her chosen vocation of dentistry. Below is a YouTube clip that Charmaine has sent me outlining the excellent work done by Rotarians and others in East Timor to ensure that young people get the best dental care possible. Let’s make sure we continue to support Charmaine in her efforts.

We also know that Charmaine is the very proud mother of Liz Cherry who is a singer and performer with the Australian Army Reserve. As most of you know Liz has performed at many sporting and cultural events representing the armed forces, most recently she had the honour of performing the French and Australian National Anthems at the centenary commemorations at Pozieres. Charmaine was there to witness this moving event. Below is a short clip of Liz’s performance.

When Insults Had Class. 

These glorious insults are from an era “before” the English language got boiled down to 4-letter words.

A member of Parliament to Disraeli: “Sir, you will either die on the gallows or of some unspeakable disease.” That depends, Sir,” said Disraeli, “whether I embrace your policies or your mistress.

“He had delusions of adequacy.” -Walter Kerr

“He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.”– Winston Churchill

“I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.”-Clarence Darrow “He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary.-William Faulkner (about Ernest Hemingway)

“Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I’ll waste no time reading it.”-Moses Hadas

“I didn’t attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.  -Mark Twain

“He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends.”-Oscar Wilde

“I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend, if you have one.”-George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill

“Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second… if there is one.” -Winston Churchill, in response to Shaw

“I feel so miserable without you; it’s almost like having you here.”-Stephen Bishop

He is a self-made man and worships his creator.”-John Bright “I’ve just learned about his illness. Let’s hope it’s nothing trivial.” -Irvin S. Cobb

“He is not only dull himself; he is the cause of dullness in others.”  -Samuel Johnson

“He is simply a shiver looking for a spine to run up.”– Paul Keating

“In order to avoid being called a flirt, she always yielded easily.”-Charles, Count Talleyrand “He loves nature in spite of what it did to  him.” -Forrest Tucker

“Why do you sit there looking like an envelope without any address on it?”-Mark Twain

“His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork.”-Mae West

“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go.”-Oscar Wilde “He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts… for support rather than illumination.”-Andrew Lang (1844-1912)

“He has Van Gogh’s ear for music.” -Billy Wilder

“I’ve had a perfectly wonderful evening. But I’m afraid this wasn’t it.”-Groucho Marks



Narooma Rotary Beacon 4 August 2016

Some of the crew at Christmas in July
Some of the crew at Christmas in July

Outside the Square

Last Tuesday Sandra Doyle, Chris O’Brien and myself attended Quota’s Student of the Year with our own Bob Antill being one of the judges of the competition. It was a difficult task as all students performed brilliantly and it was sad in one way that there had to be a winner.

On Sunday we had our Christmas in July fundraiser which raised a fantastic $1405.00 to start our Club’s fundraising for my 1000km walk next April.

Donna and I were delighted to have so many at our home and by all accounts the food went down a treat.

I was asked by a few to post my recipe for the turkey stuffing.

I will try but I really don’t have a recipe as I just go with the basics and then add what I feel like is right for that day.

I can’t give you quantities as I simply don’t measure anything!

  • Fresh breadcrumbs, I usually source them from a good quality multigrain bread. (Don’t use those breadcrumbs in a packet as it is like using wood shavings and just as tasteful)
  • Onion cut quite small
  • Bacon, rinds cut off, then cut into pieces
  • Some margarine to bind the ingredients
  • Herbs/spices, (I usually go to the cupboard and start looking at the containers and usually just pick what moves me at the time but it would usually have oregano, Tuscan seasoning, Italian herbs, cardamom, Garam masala, five spice, cracked pepper and some, very little, sea salt). I always vary what I use and sometimes I might put in a bit of chilli and Moroccan seasoning if I want to add some bite, this time I restrained myself and left them out of the mix.

Tip – When you make breadcrumbs you can always freeze what you don’t use. I usua2016-07-31 Christmas in July 021lly make too much and by freezing the leftovers there is no there is no need to throw away what hasn’t been used. I will make breadcrumbs when we have a loaf of bread that is going stale, putting them in the freezer for later use.

I hope that helps those who asked.

A number liked the ham sauce which was only Dijon mustard and maple syrup. Again the recipe I started with had far too much Dijon, so I had to keep adding maple syrup to make it a little less hot. (Not everyone is like me who likes hot English mustard on his ham). The great thing about this sauce there is no cooking.

Have a great week and I look forward to our Assembly this Thursday and hopefully you will have matters you want discussed or issues you are not happy with.



Want to know more about Rotary?

Please click HERE to view – download the ‘Rotary On The Move’ Newsletter for August 2016. There is a great article from the Woden Daybreak Club about attracting and keeping new members.

To learn a little about one Rotarian’s efforts to end Polio click here.

The Week that Was

27 Members and guests descended on Michael and Donna’s place on Sunday 31 July for a Christmas in July fundraising event. The weather was great and the food, wine and company outstanding. For main course we were treated to some expertly cooked ham and turkey with roast potatoes and pumpkin – we even had Brussel sprouts, some even put their hand up for seconds. Unfortunately, Therese and I had to leave before the plum putting was rolled out, however, I understand it scored a 10 out of 10.

As Michael indicated over $1400.00 was raised – A great effort.

The Week Ahead

This Thursday we are back at the Whale for a club assembly and board meeting. If members have items to raise at the assembly, please let Michael know well before the meeting.

Don’t forget Chris has organised an interesting speaker for 11 August. Annette Kennewell from the South Coast Health and Sustainability Alliance (SHASA), a not-for-profit group based in Eurobodalla who help to make renewable energy more accessible and more affordable. SHASA is coordinating a solar bulk buy for the Eurobodalla community. Please encourage friends and guests to come along to the meeting.

Some Humour

A little old man shuffled slowly into an ice cream parlour and pulled himself slowly, painfully, up onto a stool… After catching his breath, he ordered a banana split. The waitress asked kindly, ‘Crushed nuts?’ ‘No,’ he replied, ‘Arthritis.’


This collection of 20 newspaper headlines will have you giggling at the English language – and perhaps at the lost art of copyediting.

  1. Something Went Wrong In Jet Crash, Expert Says
  2. Police Begin Campaign To Run Down Jaywalkers
  3. Safety Experts Say School Bus Passengers Should Be Belted
  4. Drunk Gets Nine Months In Violin Case
  5. Survivor Of Siamese Twins Joins Parents
  6. Farmer Bill Dies In House
  7. Iraqi Head Seeks Arms
  8. Is There A Ring Of Debris Around Uranus?
  9. Stud Tires Out
  10. Prostitutes Appeal To Pope
  11. Panda Mating Fails: Veterinarian Takes Over
  12. Soviet Virgin Lands Short Of Goal Again
  13. British Left Waffles On Falkland Islands
  14. Lung Cancer In Women Mushrooms
  15. Eye Drops Off Shelf
  16. Teacher Strikes Idle Kids
  17. Reagan Wins On Budget, But More Lies Ahead
  18. Squad Helps Dog Bite Victim
  19. Plane Too Close To Ground, Crash Probe Told
  20. Miners Refuse to Work After Death

A Puzzle or two to Solve

Jennifer and Jose live in different sections of their town but go to the same school. Jennifer left for school ten minutes before Jose and they met in the park. When they met, who was closer to school?

What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, but never in a thousand years?


Narooma Rotary Beacon 28 July 2016

President Michael show off the 22kg backpack he will carry on his trek
President Michael show off the 22kg backpack he will carry on his trek

Outside the Square

We had good news this week that Linda Ord had her operation and is recovering well.

On Thursday we had a lively meeting with Bob Aston giving us a 3-minute talk on some of his experiences in Narooma Rotary Club in decades past. It seems they were fun times and I hope someone in decades hence will look back on their time this decade in Narooma Rotary with similar memories.

I gave an outline about the 1000km I walk will be doing next year and why I will be trying to raise funds for ‘End Polio’ and Friends of Rang’I between now and when the trek begins in 8 months time. Members who tried to lift the 22kg pack that I will be carrying brought home to all that the trek is not simply a walk in the park.

Donna was the saleslady for the jewellery and other items from Kenya, which seemed to be a hit and from the response at the meeting. We will definitely have a stall at our markets in the warmer months. It is a win win situation as we source all the items from Rang’I, we pay the going rate for them, not wholesale but from people trying to eek out a living making and selling the items and all the profit from the mark-up when we sell them here goes back to Friends of Rang’I.

A very successful markets were held on Sunday, though it was extremely cold at 6.00am, thankfully the sun came out and made it an enjoyable market. Members managed to organise the stall holders, sell more than 170 whale tickets feed the crowd our usual fare.

I was amused with the response of many of the stall holders as to “Why are you so happy” when it was obvious everyone was cold. I just felt that if you put on a happy face it can be like the flu, infectious. I also realise I was happy because I wasn’t swimming with the NUMNUTS and the Blue Balls at Bermagui where the water temperature was a bracing 130.

Finally, we wish Rolf a very happy and joyous visit to his homeland and parents in Switzerland.

Next week I hope to report on our Christmas in July fundraiser on the 31st at Donna’s and my home.

The Week that Was

12 Members were present was well as 2 guests, Donna Anderson and Iris Domeier.

Mike Young led the welcome and President Michael led us in a toast to the Rotary Clubs of Nice in recognition of the work these Clubs are doing to assist those in need after the terrorist attack of 14 July. Chris O’Brien asked us to toast the memory of Jack Whitman, Jack would have turned 89 on 21 July.

As President Michael has mentioned, Bob Aston gave a 3-minute talk on Rotary in Narooma back in the early 2000’s. He spoke about the movement of the markets from the Plaza to NATA Oval and the role Paul Cropper and Bill Phillips had in making it happen. He also spoke about the current food van and how any why it was purchased and fitted out in the 2002/3 Rotary year. The van replaced a much older one that didn’t meet health standards and has suffered some external damage when being towed by one Jack Wightman.

President Michael was our guest speaker. He told us that the reason he wanted to walk Bibbulmun Track in south west Western Australia was three fold:

  • To honour the memory of his sister
  • To raise money to help Rotary to end Polo, and
  • To assist the Friends of Rang’I raise funds for the Sr. Jennifer Hawthorne Samber Quality School in Kenya.

Michael told us that his desire to help raise funds to end polio was partly based on the fact that he had been diagnosed with a mild form of polio some many years ago. He also gave us a history of the Friends of Rang’I and its successes in supporting the school. Michael and Donna became involved through a young person by the name of Michael Hawthorne who I understand went to school with Michael and Donna’s children in Tamworth. Michael Hawthorne played a key role in forming the Friends of Rang’I group.

Michael expects that it will take him 6 to 8 weeks to walk the track.

To find out more about the Friends of Rang’I check out the website:

To find out more about the Bibbulmun Track check out their website:

And of course to find out more about Rotary’s effort to end polio check RI website.

Happy moments included Rolf telling us about his upcoming trip back to Switzerland and Bob Antill updated us on the new house – It was successfully transported from Wagga Wagga to Lake Conjola and in place on the block.

Sandra provided us with an update on MUNA, students have their resolutions and are working hard to be well prepared for the event when it takes place on 14 to 16 August.

Iris won the port and John Doyle the wine.

The Week Ahead

CiJThere is no meeting this Thursday 28 July instead we will meet at Michael and Donna’s place at 1:30pm on Sunday to celebrate ‘Christmas in July’ (just). Pay what you think the dinner is worth, all food and drinks are included. All funds raised will go to support President Michael raise funds to end polio and to support the Friends of Rang’I

Renewable Energy Expo

Publicity is well underway for the upcoming Renewable Energy Expo with an article in the Narooma News. Thanks to Laurelle for a copy of the article – see below.

Mike Young, John, Angie and Frank discuss planning for the expo. School of Arts Hall with solar cells purchased by Rotary in the background.
Mike Young, John, Angie and Frank discuss planning for the expo. School of Arts Hall with solar cells purchased by Rotary in the background.

A Renewable Energy Expo in Narooma on 26-27 November will be a must for householders and business owners on NSW’s south coast concerned about their future electricity costs.

 The Expo is a Narooma Rotary Club Community Service project.

‘Many people are trying to work out how to best minimise their power costs, and there’s a lot of information, products and suppliers out there who can help,’ said Expo coordinator Frank Eden.

‘We’re working to ensure the best and latest information on renewable energy will be available at the Expo and its associated forum, so people can prepare for the future, save money and also help protect the planet.

‘We want to provide people with the opportunity to meet manufacturers, suppliers and installers in the Renewable Energy sector, as well as showcase investment opportunities.’

The Climate Council says that coupling solar panels with battery storage could be the cheapest way to get electricity within three years.

‘That will certainly feature at the Expo, but we also want to include other forms of renewable energy where we can,’ Mr Eden said.

The Expo will be held in Narooma’s Sport & Leisure Centre with a Forum and Expo dinner in Club Narooma on the Saturday night.

The Expo webpage has more information.

Potential exhibitors or sponsors should ring Frank Eden (0434 197 110) or Mike Young (0409 894648) for more details.

Speaker 11 August

Chris has organised an interesting speaker for 11 August. Annette Kennewell from the South Coast Health and Sustainability Alliance (SHASA), a not-for-profit group based in Eurobodalla who help to make renewable energy more accessible and more affordable. SHASA is coordinating a solar bulk buy for the Eurobodalla community. Please encourage friends and guests to come along to the meeting.

Some Humour

Thanks to Chris O’Brien

A little boy goes to his father and asks ‘Daddy, how was I born?’ The father answers,

‘Well, son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway! Your Mum and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo.

Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mum and we met at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, and googled each other. There your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said: ‘You’ve got male’
